How to Create Engaging Snapchat Ads: Best Practices and Examples

Snapchat Ad
Image by Pixabay

Snapchat has many ad options to help you connect with your audience in unique ways, from fun filters and eye-catching story ads to interactive AR experiences. As of 2024, more than 75% of Millennials and Gen Z in Nigeria and beyond use Snapchat, creating over 5 billion Snaps daily. With its huge popularity among young people and creative ad options, businesses love using Snapchat to reach their customers.

The first time I tried Snapchat advertising, I felt lost. I have been used to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, but Snapchat’s fast and disappearing nature confused me. But later, I saw that Snapchat’s unique features offered fantastic opportunities for creative ads.

In this article, we’ll explore the exciting world of Snapchat ads, looking at great examples and tips to help you succeed on this lively platform. Get ready to learn the secrets of Snapchat advertising and boost your business’s success.

Key Points

  • Snapchat is extremely popular among Millennials and Gen Z, with over 75% of these demographics in the US using the platform. 
  • Snapchat offers a variety of advertising formats that cater to different marketing needs. 
  • The platform provides advanced targeting options, such as demographic filters, interests, and behaviors, helping businesses reach users most likely interested in their products.
  • With the strategies in this article, you can create Snapchat ads that are not just noticeable but also enjoyable, encouraging user interaction and brand connection.
  • Before launching ads, it’s crucial to set clear marketing goals—increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales. 

Understanding Snapchat Ads

Since its release in 2011, Snapchat has become one of the most used social apps worldwide. By January 2022, it ranked as the 12th most popular social media platform, with about 557 million monthly users.

Snapchat was one of the first apps to popularize short-form videos, even before Vine, Instagram, and TikTok. Though Instagram and TikTok are now more popular, Snapchat’s user base continues to grow rapidly, making it an attractive option for marketers.

Data from Hootsuite shows that interest in using Snapchat for business is rising yearly. For example, searches for ‘Snapchat ads’ have increased by nearly 50% each year and continue to grow.

Snapchat offers robust advertising options suitable for businesses of all sizes. Its advanced targeting helps businesses reach users who are interested in their products and services. Snapchat provides various ad formats, including single-image and video ads, commercials, filters, and even AR experiences.

In short, Snapchat is a social media app where people share pictures and videos that vanish after a while. It has become a great tool for businesses to reach young people. Companies can make different ads that appear in users’ feeds between their friends’ stories. These ads can be pictures, videos, or even special lenses or filters. 

Unlike regular ads, Snapchat ads are more engaging and fun, making them stand out and grab users’ attention.

The Importance of Snapchat Advertising

Snapchat isn’t just for sending funny selfies anymore. It’s now a key advertising tool for businesses, helping them reach millions of active users daily. 

Marketers everywhere know that Snapchat is great for reaching Gen Z and millennials. If you want to connect with these groups, Snapchat Advertising is a great tool. With over 238 million daily users, Snapchat gives you access to a large audience that you can direct to your website or physical store. Advertising on Snapchat also helps brands increase brand awareness and create engaging ads that lead to sales.

One unique feature of Snapchat advertising is that it lets brands make ads that match the platform’s fun and playful vibe. Brands can make ads that connect with their audience and encourage them to interact with the brand in a fun way.

Another advantage of advertising on Snapchat is reaching users more personally. On Snapchat, users share personal moments with their friends and family. This makes users more likely to engage with ads that feel personal and real, thereby bringing traffic to your business. 

Types of Snapchat Ads and Targeting Options 

Snapchat offers different ads that businesses can use to reach their audience. Each type of ad has unique features and can be used in different ways to achieve your marketing goals. Here is an explanation of the various types of Snapchat ads:

#1. Snap Ads

Snap Ads are full-screen ads that appear between users’ stories. They can be up to 10 seconds long and can include a swipe-up feature that lets users visit a website, watch a longer video, or download an app. These ads are great for grabbing attention quickly.

#2. Story Ads

Story Ads appear in Snapchat’s Discover section. They appear as a branded tile among other stories and content. Users can watch a series of 3 to 20 images or videos when they tap on the tile. Story Ads are ideal for telling a longer story or showcasing multiple products.

#3. Collection Ads

Collection Ads feature a series of product images that users can tap on for more details. These ads are designed to make it easy for users to browse and shop. Each image can link to a different product page, making Collection Ads perfect for retail and e-commerce businesses.

#4. Lenses

Lenses are interactive ads that let users add branded filters or effects to their photos and videos. These ads are fun and engaging, allowing users to play with your brand creatively. Lenses are excellent for increasing brand awareness and encouraging user-generated content.

#5. Filters

Filters are overlays that users can add to their snaps. They can be location-based or event-based, making them great for promoting special events or local businesses. Filters are simple yet effective in spreading your brand message as users share their snaps with friends.

#6. Commercials

These are non-skippable ads that play within premium content on Snapchat. They can be up to 6 seconds long and guarantee that users will see your entire message. Commercials are suitable for delivering strong, clear messages quickly.

Understanding the different types of Snapchat ads helps you choose the right format for your marketing needs. With the appropriate ad type, you can effectively reach your target audience and make the most of your Snapchat Ad campaigns.

Targeting Options on Snapchat

Getting your ads in front of the right people on Snapchat is key to success. Here’s how you can target your ads:

Demographics: You can target people by age, gender, location, language, and device type. This helps you reach users who are most likely interested in your products or services.

Lifestyle and Interests: Target users based on what they like to do and buy. This helps you connect with people likely to engage with your ads.

Lookalike Audience: This lets you target users similar to your current followers. It helps you find new users interested in your products or services.

Lastly, Snapchat is an excellent tool for businesses that want to reach younger audiences. With its unique ad formats and targeting options, you can increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and boost sales. By creating fun, interactive, and personal ads, you can build strong relationships with your audience.

Setting Clear Goals for Your Snapchat Ad Campaign

Before you create your first Snapchat ad, it’s important to know what you want to achieve. Your goals can be:

  • Brand Awareness: Making more people aware of your brand.
  • Lead Generation: Getting contact information from potential customers.
  • Sales and Conversions: Encouraging people to buy your product or service.

Each of these goals needs a different plan for your ad campaign. Let’s look at each goal more closely:

#1. Brand Awareness

Brand awareness means making sure as many people as possible know about your brand. To do this, create eye-catching ads that are short and simple. Make your ads fun and relatable to your target audience. Use interesting hooks to grab and keep their attention. 

Consider teaming up with influencers or celebrities to get your ads seen by more people and to build trust with your audience. 

For example, if your fashion brand targets millennials, you could partner with a popular fashion blogger or influencer. They can showcase your products in their Snapchat stories, increasing your brand’s visibility and reaching new potential customers.

#2. Lead Generation

If you want new customers, try creating unique content or offering deals. Direct Snapchat users to a landing page where they can share their information or interact more with your brand. Make sure your ads have a clear call to action.

For example, if you have a fitness brand, you could offer a free workout guide or meal plan in exchange for users’ email addresses. This will help you get leads and give something valuable to your audience.

#3. Sales and Conversions

To boost sales and attract more customers, make sure your ads have clear and strong messages that connect with your audience. Show off product features, share user reviews, and highlight special deals to encourage purchases.

For example, if you’re a beauty brand wanting to increase sales, use before-and-after photos of customers who have used your product. This shows how well your product works and gives potential buyers proof from real users.

No matter what your campaign goals are, always track and analyze how your ads are doing. This helps you get the best results from your ad budget. By setting clear goals and regularly checking your ad performance, you can ensure your Snapchat ad campaign is successful.

The success of your Snapchat Ad campaign depends on how well you make and design your ads. Here are some of the best tips to help you create attention-grabbing ads for your business. 

How to Create Engaging Snapchat Ads

One cold morning, my team and I sat down to plan our first Snapchat ad campaign for a local clothing brand. We had just done a successful Instagram campaign and wanted to do the same on Snapchat. Our first tries could have been better, but we quickly learned from our mistakes. By experimenting, we figured out what worked and what didn’t. This experience taught me a lot about Snapchat advertising. Here’s how I learned to make engaging Snapchat ads to get results

#1. Understanding Snapchat’s Unique Audience

The first thing I learned was to understand Snapchat’s audience. Teens and young adults mainly use Snapchat, so the content needs to be fresh, fun, and fast. Unlike other platforms where users may spend time on a post, Snapchat users quickly swipe through content.

To connect with this audience, I started thinking like them. I spent more time on the app, watched trends, and understood what content users liked. It became clear that being authentic and creative was key.

#2. Ad Formats and Best Practices

When creating your Snapchat ads, it’s important to use the right ad format and ensure everything looks good and matches your brand. Use high-quality images or videos that are interesting to your target audience. Catchy headlines and clear, simple text can help get people interested in your ad. Avoid ads that are too busy or have too much information. Keep it simple and ensure your message matches your campaign goals.

One way to make your ads stand out is by using vertical video. Since Snapchat is used on phones, vertical video fills the whole screen and is more engaging for users. You can also add interactive features like swipe-up links to direct people to your website or app.

#3. Creative Tips for Snapchat Ads

To make your ads more engaging, you can use fun elements like emojis, GIFs, and humor while keeping your message in line with your brand. Use bright colors if needed, grab users’ attention immediately, and ensure your ad matches your brand’s style and personality.

Another way to make your ads more creative is to use content made by your followers. You can ask your followers to create snaps showing your product or service and then use those snaps in your ads. This not only makes your ads more natural but also encourages people to interact with your brand and stay loyal.

#4. Using Snapchat’s Creative Tools

Snapchat has many fun tools to help you make strong ads. For example, you can create special lenses or filters to boost brand awareness and get users to make their content. These lenses and filters are enjoyable and interactive, and users love to share them with friends, which can help them reach more people and get more engagement.

You can also use the ads manager to control your ad spending, check the performance of your ads, and improve your ad campaign. The ads manager lets you see your ad performance in real-time, so you can make changes to get better results.

In summary, to craft the Perfect Ad: 

  • Keep it Short and Sweet -Snapchat ads are usually 5 to 10 seconds short. The best ads get the message across quickly and clearly. There’s no time for extra stuff; every second counts.
  • Use Vertical Video– Snapchat is made for vertical viewing, so all ads should be vertical.
  • Make the First Few Seconds Count – The ad’s first 2-3 seconds are crucial. If you don’t grab attention right away, users will swipe away.
  • Include a Strong Call to Action -Every ad needs a clear call to action (CTA). Whether swiping up to visit a website, installing an app, or viewing more content, the CTA should be simple and robust.
  • Use Augmented Reality (AR)– Snapchat’s AR features offer unique ad opportunities, like lenses and filters.
  • Use User-Generated Content- Encouraging users to create content with our products and then using that content in our ads made our ads feel more real.

Lastly, engaging Snapchat ads requires a mix of creativity, planning, and data analysis. By following these tips and using Snapchat’s creative tools, you can create ads that catch your audience’s attention and yield positive results for your business.

Creating Snapchat ads can be challenging, but with the right steps, you can make ads that really connect with your audience. Whether you’re new to Snapchat or just looking to improve your ad campaigns, here’s a checklist to guide you through each stage of making a Snapchat ad. From planning your goals to launching your ads and checking how they perform, these steps will help make sure you don’t miss anything important.

By following this checklist, you’ve taken a thorough approach to creating your Snapchat ads. This process helps ensure that every aspect of your campaign is thoughtfully considered, making your ads more likely to succeed.

Optimizing Your Snapchat Ad Budget

Creating a budget for your Snapchat Ad campaign is key to its success. However, figuring out the right budget and getting the best return on your investment can be tough. Here are some simple tips to help you optimize your ad budget:

#1. Determining Your Budget

When setting your budget, consider your campaign goals, the size of your target audience, how long your campaign will run, and other factors. It’s a good idea to start with a small budget and increase it as your campaign goes on. This way, you can test different ad types, targeting options, and bidding strategies before spending more money.

Another thing to keep in mind is the competition. If you’re targeting a highly competitive audience, you should spend more to ensure your ads are seen.

#2. Bidding Strategies

Snapchat uses an auction system to set ad prices, and brands bid based on how relevant their ad is to the target audience. Start by setting a bid lower than your maximum budget to make the most of your bidding strategy. This lets you test different ad types and targeting options without spending too much.

As your campaign runs, keep an eye on how your ads are doing and adjust your bids as needed. If your ads are doing well, you should increase your bids to reach more people. If they’re not doing well, consider lowering bids or changing your targeting options.

#3. Maximizing ROI

To get the best return on your investment, you need to optimize your ad campaign regularly. This means keeping track of your ad spend, click-through rates, and return on investment (ROI). By monitoring these metrics, you can see which ad types, targeting options, and bidding strategies work best and adjust your campaign accordingly.

Another way to boost your ROI is to test different ad types and targeting options. By trying different approaches, you can find out what works best for your audience and make changes to your campaign to get better results.

By following these tips, you can maximize your Snapchat Ad budget and get the most return on your investment.

Examples of Successful Snapchat Ad Campaigns

A good Snapchat ad should mainly support your campaign goals. We have picked a few examples of Snapchat ads from global brands that were very popular with users and very successful for the companies.

#1. Domino’s Campaign

Image by CUInsight

Domino’s successfully used Snapchat Ads and Filters to launch their “New Bigger Better” campaign in Europe.

They made a funny short commercial with a Snap Ad and created an interactive filter letting users decorate their Snaps and share them with friends. In Norway alone, the campaign reached over 800,000 unique Snapchat users. The Snap Ad boosted website visits and orders by linking to the company’s website.

#2. Bacardi

Bacardi wanted to increase brand awareness among millennials in Germany. To this end, its campaign used both Lenses and Snap Ads.

They created two lens designs: one that could be used worldwide with the campaign slogan and Bacardi logo and another that picked up the user’s location to allow them to send personalized Bacardi-branded snaps to their friends.

The Snap Ad was a short six-second video with a modern edit, prominently featuring the key campaign tagline. This approach helped them effectively connect with their target audience.

#3. Game of Thrones

Image by IGN

For the final season of the popular HBO show Game of Thrones, a particular advertising campaign used AR Lenses to create unique and shareable content. The ad used Snapchat’s World Lens Augmented Reality to let users take a video, showing a dragon from the show landing in nearby places.

Users shared this ad campaign worldwide, and it is still one of the most impressive examples of how Snapchat’s versatile ad formats can be used effectively.

#4. Netflix

Netflix, a well-known streaming service, used a smart strategy to promote the return of the popular TV show ‘Gilmore Girls.’ They gave out a limited number of coffee cups with a unique design. Each cup had a QR code that users could scan to take a photo with a ‘Gilmore Girls’ filter. 

This idea played on the existing fan base and turned into a viral ad shared widely by fans of the show.

#5. Sephora

Like Game of Thrones, the beauty brand Sephora used AR to create a fun game campaign. AR versions of their products fell from the top of the screen to the bottom, and users could choose which products to put into a ‘shopping bag’. After finishing the game, users received a discount code and a button that linked directly to Sephora’s website.

The user’s natural shopping basket was filled with the products they selected in the game, and the discount code was automatically applied.

Using Snapchat’s AR Lens, Sephora created an interactive experience that led to high engagement and a high click-through rate to their website.

#6. e.l.f Cosmetics

Image by Byrdie

The American cosmetics brand e.l.f Cosmetics aimed this campaign at Snapchat’s main users: Millennials and Gen Z. This six-second ad was very effective, with loud, upbeat music, bright colors, and a catchy tagline that used words familiar to the audience.

The ad led to a 20% increase in site visits for e.l.f, showing that short, engaging content works well on Snapchat without needing long, detailed ads.

Final Thoughts

Snapchat Ads are an excellent way for businesses to connect with millennials and Gen Z. By learning about different ad formats, targeting options, and creative tools, you can make ads that speak to your audience. Setting clear goals, making engaging ads, and smartly using your budget will help you maximize your ad spend and see actual results. Follow these simple tips to make your Snapchat Ad campaign a success.

Have you tried Snapchat advertising yet? What strategies have worked for you? Let’s share our experiences and learn from each other!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What types of ads work best on Snapchat?

Most people on Snapchat watch their friends’ Snaps with sound. So, your ads should have sound too. Make ads where your customers talk to the camera and share their experiences. Use the sound to share more information, but remember you only have about six seconds.

How do you do Snapchat ads? 

Want to know how to create Snapchat ads? Here’s a simple way to do it in 5 easy steps:

1: Create a Business Account- First, sign up for a Snapchat account, then log in to Snapchat Business Manager.

2: Choose Your Ad Type—Go to Snapchat Ads Manager and select the type of ad you want to create.

3: Choose a Goal—Decide what you want your ad to achieve, such as more views or clicks.

4: Set Your Budget – Decide how much money you want to spend on your ad.

5: Try Advanced Mode- You can try the Advanced Mode in Snapchat Ads Manager for more options.

Do Snapchat ads work in Nigeria?

Reach Snapchat Users in Africa- You can advertise on Snapchat in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria.

What is one ad type that is unique to Snapchat?

AR Lenses. Increase engagement and captivate your audience with Snapchat’s unique AR format. Snapchat Lenses lets users interact with your AR ad using their camera. Boost awareness and involve your audience with this special Snapchat feature.

Do you make money from Snapchat ads?

Creators who often share stories on Snapchat might qualify for the Stories revenue share program. In this program, Snapchat places ads between the creators’ Snaps, and the creators get a part of the money from those ads.

Are Snapchat ads expensive?

You can start your daily budget at just $5 per day, making Snap Ads an excellent option for businesses of any size and budget. You can change your budget and campaign spending limit anytime in Ads Manager to fit your business needs. Learn more about Snapchat Ad Pricing.

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