Real Estate Social Media Marketing 101: All You Need to Know

Real Estate Social Media Marketing
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When I first started working with real estate agents, I saw how overwhelming it could be to manage social media accounts. Many didn’t know where to begin with a Real Estate Social Media Marketing plan, how to develop Real Estate Social Media Marketing ideas, or how to make the most of Real Estate Social Media Marketing templates. However, initial stress quickly faded once they saw more leads, better engagement, and stronger client relationships. In this guide, I’ll walk you through Real Estate Social Media Marketing and share the best strategies to help you boost your online presence.

Key Points

  • Social media platforms effectively promote properties, reach a broader audience, and build stronger relationships between buyers and sellers.
  • A well-structured social media marketing plan, including a calendar, ensures consistent and organized efforts.
  • Engaging content like polls, quizzes, client milestones, videos, and contests is a great way to keep followers interacting.
  • Social media ads allow real estate agents to target specific demographics, geographic locations, and interests, making marketing efforts more efficient and focused on relevant audiences.
  • Engaging with followers, responding to comments, and sharing personal milestones help real estate agents foster trust and build meaningful relationships, which leads to stronger client connections.

Real Estate Social Media Marketing

Marketing real estate on social media platforms is a great way to promote properties, increase visibility, and boost sales. Social media is as effective in real estate as in other industries, helping realtors connect with buyers and build their brands.

Many real estate businesses struggle because they don’t reach the right people. But with a strong social media marketing plan, it’s easier to stand out and get noticed.

Social media platforms make it simple to reach potential buyers and attract new clients interested in real estate. This kind of marketing helps real estate professionals and businesses get more attention and build stronger relationships between buyers and sellers.

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Plan 

Credit: prostooleh

To get the best results, planning your real estate social media marketing is important. One helpful way to do this is by creating a marketing calendar. A marketing calendar lets you organize your social media strategy step by step. It helps you decide what content to post when to post it, and what advertisements to run. This way, you can stay on track and ensure your campaigns are well-planned, keeping everything organized and ensuring consistent marketing efforts.       

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Ideas        

If you’re ready to up your social media game for real estate, there are countless ideas, but I want to share 15 of my favorite ones. These are real estate post ideas you can use immediately on your social networks. Let’s dive in:

#1. Create a Poll or Quiz

Polls and quizzes are incredibly popular on social media. Think about all those fun quizzes you see like “Which city should you live in?” or “What kind of home suits your personality?” People love them! They’re a great way to get engagement and keep people interacting with your content. Plus, you can use them to collect contact details by offering the results in exchange for an email. It’s a win-win because it also helps you understand your audience better.

#2. Share Your Personal Real Estate Milestones

Whether you’re celebrating your 5th year as a real estate agent or you’ve just hit 100 home sales, sharing personal milestones lets your audience see your journey. It’s a great way to build trust and connect with your followers personally.

#3. Share Your Clients’ Milestones

Your clients’ life moments, like getting married, welcoming a new baby, or buying their first home, are worth sharing (with their permission). It makes your audience feel like they’re part of these exciting moments, and it builds a sense of community around your brand.

#4. Share a Video You’ve Created

If you’re creating videos (and you definitely should), share them! This could be a property walkthrough, a vlog answering a real estate question, or even highlights from a training session you attended. Videos grab attention and help you stand out from the crowd.

#5. Organize Regular Giveaways

Who doesn’t love a good giveaway? You can make it a regular thing—monthly or bi-monthly. It could be as simple as a gift card, branded items, or tickets to a local event. You could even team up with a local business to expand your reach and benefit both of your networks.

#6. Retweet Real Estate News

Keep your followers informed by sharing local or national real estate news. You can find articles from Google News or your local newspaper and tweet them out. This is also a great way to show you’re on top of the latest trends and care about your community.

#7. Ask Questions

Want to get a conversation going? Ask your audience about a recent development or real estate trend in your area. Not only does this engage your followers, but it positions you as a local expert.

#8. Share Virtual Home Tours

With virtual open houses becoming more common, why not share a recap video? It’s an easy way to showcase properties and let people experience them from the comfort of their homes.

#9. Ask for Feedback on Staging

Post photos of a recently staged home and ask your audience for their opinions. It’s a great way to get feedback and show off your staging skills while engaging with your followers.

#10. Answer Common Buyer and Seller Questions

One of the best ways to show off your expertise is by answering common questions about buying or selling homes. Invite your followers to ask questions, then respond with helpful advice.

#11. Share Someone Else’s Videos

Sometimes, you don’t have to create your own content. Share a fun or informative video from someone else in the industry. It could be from a real estate coach, a home stager, or even a lighthearted news story.

#12. Share Charitable Causes You Support

Let your audience see your charitable side by sharing the causes you support. Some platforms even allow you to add a “Donate Now” button, so it’s a great way to raise awareness and help a good cause.

#13. Share Price Reductions

If your listing just had a price cut, let everyone know on social media. This can get more eyes on the property and generate new interest.

#14. Run a Contest

Contests are another fun way to engage your followers. You can run a contest for the best DIY home renovation or even the most adorable pet photo. The prize could be a gift card or something simple. Contests build excitement and keep people coming back to your page.

#15. Post New Listings (But Don’t Overdo It)

While sharing all your listings on social media is tempting, keep it to 10-15% of your total posts. Social media is about building relationships, not just posting listings. Focus on sharing your best deals or unique properties.

These are just a few ideas to help you take your real estate social media marketing to the next level. Start with a few, and you’ll see how much more engagement you get!

Download this comprehensive Real Estate Social Media Marketing Checklist
to help you effectively manage your real estate social media marketing strategy. This will guide you step by step, ensuring you engage your audience, build relationships, and track your results for success:

Real Estate Social Media Marketing Templates     


Credit: pikisuperstar

If you want to take your real estate social media marketing to the next level, knowing which platforms are best for reaching your audience is important. Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, so let’s break down the top options and how to use them effectively.

#1. Facebook

Facebook remains the go-to platform if you’re trying to reach buyers or sellers ready to move. With 70% of U.S. adults using Facebook, and over half of those being above 35, it’s perfect for targeting first-time homebuyers. Also, a good chunk of users (20%) are over 60, making it great for connecting with potential sellers.
Best strategies: Promote your listings, engage with the community, nurture leads, and use targeted ads to reach empty nesters and first-time buyers.
Drawbacks: Facebook’s popularity is declining, so it might not always be the top platform for the future.

#2. Instagram

Instagram is ideal for younger buyers and sellers. While it’s not as effective for reaching homeowners over 60, it has a strong audience in the 35-44 age range, similar to Facebook. If you want to build your personal brand, showcase listings, or educate your audience, Instagram is a great platform to use.
Best strategies: Share educational content, promote listings, and build your personal brand through targeted ads.
Drawbacks: You’re less likely to reach older homeowners here.

#3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a bit different, but it’s one of the best places to find high-income professionals, especially those relocating for work. Because fewer agents are using LinkedIn, it gives you a great chance to stand out.
Best strategies: Network with relocation leads, share market updates, and educate buyers and sellers.
Drawbacks: LinkedIn has fewer users than other platforms, and the targeting options aren’t as flexible.

#4. YouTube

YouTube is more of a search engine than a social media platform, but it’s excellent for reaching first-time buyers. Because YouTube’s algorithm works similarly to Google’s, local content, like neighborhood guides and home tours, is more likely to be shown to people searching for homes in your area.
Best strategies: Create hyper-local content like neighborhood tours, restaurant reviews, and first-time buyer guides.
Drawbacks: Engagement on YouTube is lower than on Facebook or Instagram.

#5. TikTok

TikTok is a platform that many agents are curious about, and while it’s not the easiest place to connect with leads ready to buy or sell, it’s growing in popularity among younger audiences. The key is creating entertaining content that still educates your audience.
Best strategies: Share behind-the-scenes videos, fun skits, or educational tips for first-time buyers.
Drawbacks: Turning views into actual leads can be tough, as the platform focuses more on entertainment.

#6. X (formerly Twitter)

X (formerly known as Twitter) isn’t the most useful for local real estate marketing. However, it’s great for finding breaking real estate news and influencer trends that you can share on other platforms like Facebook or Instagram.
Best strategies: Use X to curate content and network with influencers in the real estate industry.
Drawbacks: Local targeting is almost non-existent.

Benefits of Social Media for Real Estate

When it comes to real estate, social media is a game-changer. Entire courses and books have been dedicated to showing just how powerful it can be for your business. If you’re not already using social media, it’s time to add it to your to-do list. Let’s dive into why it’s worth the effort.

#1. Awareness

One of the best things about social media is that it keeps you on people’s radar. You can remind your friends, family, and followers that you’re the go-to person for their real estate needs. Plus, by sharing valuable market insights, home tips, or even updates about the local area, you position yourself as an expert in the field.

#2. Wider Reach

Social media lets you reach a much broader audience than traditional methods. Whether you’re posting new listings, hosting a virtual tour, or sharing a success story, you’re putting your content in front of a bigger group of people who might not have heard of you otherwise. It’s an easy way to boost your visibility and engage with potential clients.

#3. Lead Generation

Let’s be honest, every real estate agent wants more leads. Social media can help with that, too. You can generate steady leads and keep your sales pipeline healthy by consistently sharing valuable content and using tools like ads or direct messaging.

#4. Networking

Social media isn’t just about connecting with buyers and sellers. It’s also great for networking with other professionals in the industry. You can easily connect with mortgage brokers, home inspectors, and other agents. Plus, it’s a great way to build relationships with local business owners and community leaders who can refer potential clients to you.

#5. Targeted Advertising

One of the coolest features of social media is the ability to target specific audiences. You can run ads that are tailored to certain demographics, interests, or locations, ensuring that your marketing is hitting the right people. This means your ads are more effective, and your efforts are focused on the most relevant audience.

#6. Building Relationships

Engagement is key on social media. You start building relationships and trust by actively responding to comments and messages and interacting with followers. People want to work with someone they feel connected to, and social media gives you that platform to foster those connections.

Using social media for your real estate business can make a huge difference in reaching more people, generating leads, and building lasting relationships. It’s worth the time and effort!


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