How To Get More Views on Instagram: 12 Proven Strategies in 2024

How To Get More Views on Instagram: 12 Proven Strategies in 2024
Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

How do I get more views on Instagram? This is the question every Instagram user asks. I can tell you now that it’s not as hard as it seems. So, if you’re struggling to get traction on your post, you just need to learn some tricks on how to do that, and I’m glad to inform you that you’re in the right place for that process.

This article will cover 12 proven strategies that worked for me and will work for you. Read on to uncover these tips and finally get the engagement your posts deserve.

Key Points

  • Short content, especially in formats like Stories and Reels, holds viewers’ attention better and encourages more views.
  • Reel trends are also an opportunity to show your creativity while leveraging a format that Instagram is pushing heavily.
  • Attending live events and streaming them on Instagram can attract viewers who are interested in the event but might not be familiar with your account.
  • Joint live sessions can draw in viewers from both audiences, providing mutual benefits and expanding your reach.
  • When viewers can easily identify your brand, they’re more likely to remember you and tune in for future live sessions.

How to Get More Views on Instagram

Getting more views on Instagram means increasing the number of people who see your posts, stories, and videos on the platform. This can boost your profile, increase engagement, and expand your reach.

When I first tried to get more views on Instagram, I found that using stories was very effective, as well as posting behind-the-scenes content and daily updates equally kept my audience engaged. I also experimented with different types of content like videos, polls, and questions to see what resounded most with my followers. Keeping track of which posts got the most views helped me understand what my audience liked.

Here are the other effective ways you can use to achieve that:

#1. Produce Short Content


Short content, especially in formats like Stories and Reels, holds the viewer’s attention better and encourages more views. Brief, impactful videos or posts are more likely to be consumed and shared, which can help boost your visibility on Instagram.

  • Why It Works: Attention spans are short. Short videos and posts are more likely to be watched entirely, increasing the chances of engagement.
  • How to Implement: Focus on creating concise, impactful content. Use Instagram’s 15-second video format for quick, eye-catching clips. Keep your message clear and engaging.

Using trending hashtags and participating in reel trends helps you tap into broader conversations on Instagram. When you use popular hashtags, your posts appear in more searches, increasing visibility. Reel trends are also an opportunity to show your creativity while leveraging a format that Instagram is pushing heavily. This approach helps attract users who are actively engaging with trending content, boosting your views.

  • Why It Works: Trending hashtags and Reels are highlighted by Instagram’s algorithm, making them more visible to users who follow or search those trends.
  • How to Implement: Research current trends and incorporate relevant hashtags into your posts. Create Reels that align with trending topics or challenges to capture more views.

#3. Utilize Instagram Stories Stickers

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Instagram Stories stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes can increase interaction with your content. These interactive elements keep viewers engaged and make them more likely to return to your Stories. Stickers also encourage users to participate, share their opinions, or get involved with your content, which can drive higher view counts.

  • Why It Works: Stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes drive interaction and engagement, keeping your content at the forefront of followers’ feeds.
  • How to Implement: Use interactive stickers in your Stories to encourage responses. Polls and quizzes can prompt followers to engage directly, while countdowns can build anticipation for upcoming posts or events.

#4. Make Shareable Content

Creating content that resonates and is easy to share helps extend your reach. Shareable content often includes valuable information, entertaining visuals, or inspirational messages. When users find content worth sharing, it reaches their followers, leading to more views and potentially gaining new followers.

  • Why It Works: Shareable content spreads beyond your immediate followers, reaching new audiences as users share posts with their own followers.
  • How to Implement: Create content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to share. Infographics, inspirational quotes, and humorous content often perform well.

#5. Write Engaging Captions


Captions are a crucial part of your posts. They should be engaging and provoke a reaction, whether it’s laughter, thought, or curiosity. Well-crafted captions can prompt followers to comment or share, leading to increased engagement and more views. A strong caption can also encourage users to spend more time interacting with your post.

  • Why It Works: Captions provide context and can engage viewers by prompting them to interact with your post.
  • How to Implement: Craft captions inviting followers to comment, ask questions, or share opinions. Use compelling language and storytelling to make your captions stand out.

#6. Focus on the Instagram Reels


Instagram Reels are a powerful tool for increasing visibility. This format allows you to create short, engaging videos that can go viral if they strike the right chord with viewers. Reels appear in dedicated sections and have their own set of discoverability features, making them a prime opportunity to boost views if your content is engaging and aligns with current trends.

  • Why It Works: Reels are prominently featured on Instagram’s Explore page, giving your content higher visibility.
  • How to Implement: Create engaging and creative Reels that leverage popular music, effects, and trends. Focus on producing high-quality, entertaining videos that capture viewers’ attention quickly.

#7. Arrange Giveaways


Giveaways can attract a large number of participants and increase views. By offering something of value, you encourage users to engage with your content, follow your account, and share your posts. This increased activity can lead to higher visibility in feeds and explore pages, resulting in more views for your content.

  • Why It Works: Giveaways incentivize engagement and sharing, often resulting in a spike in views as followers participate and spread the word.
  • How to Implement: Host giveaways that require participants to follow your account, like the post, and tag friends. Ensure the prize is relevant to your audience to attract genuine engagement.

#8. Post Consistently on Your Best Times

Consistency and timing are key for maximizing views. Analyze when your audience is most active and schedule your posts accordingly. Consistent posting keeps your account active and relevant while posting at peak times ensures your content reaches more users when they’re most likely to engage.

  • Why It Works: Posting consistently at times when your audience is most active increases the likelihood of your content being seen and engaged with.
  • How to Implement: Use Instagram Insights to determine when your followers are most active. Schedule your posts for these peak times to maximize visibility.

#9. Collaborate with Influencers


Influencers have established audiences that can boost your content’s visibility. Collaborating with influencers helps you reach their followers, who may not have discovered your content otherwise. The influencer’s endorsement can lend credibility and attract more views to your posts.

  • Why It Works: Influencers have established audiences that you can tap into, potentially driving more views and engagement to your account.
  • How to Implement: Partner with influencers whose followers align with your target audience. Create collaborative content or have influencers promote your posts to reach their audience.

#10. Encourage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) involves your followers creating content related to your brand. Encouraging UGC can enhance authenticity and build a sense of community. When users create content for you, it expands your reach as their followers see your brand in their posts, leading to more views and engagement.

  • Why It Works: User-generated content builds trust and expands your reach as followers share their own content featuring your brand.
  • How to Implement: Encourage followers to create content around your brand by hosting contests or creating branded hashtags. Share this content on your profile to show appreciation and increase visibility.

#11. Engage With Your Followers


Active engagement with your followers builds relationships and fosters loyalty. Responding to comments and messages encourages more interaction, making users more likely to view and engage with your future posts. Building a community through engagement also increases the likelihood of users sharing your content, leading to more views.

  • Why It Works: Direct engagement with your followers fosters a sense of community and encourages them to interact more with your content.
  • How to Implement: Regularly respond to comments and messages. Engage with followers’ content by liking and commenting on their posts to build stronger relationships.

#12. Go Live on Big Events


Live streaming during significant events or launches creates excitement and urgency. Also, live videos tend to attract more attention and can engage users in real time. By broadcasting during important moments, you capitalize on heightened interest and drive more views to your live content.

  • Why It Works: Live videos draw real-time engagement and attract viewers who are interested in live content, increasing visibility and interaction.
  • How to Implement: Schedule live sessions around significant events or milestones relevant to your audience. Promote these events in advance to build anticipation and encourage participation.

Here is an effective infographic of how to get more views on your Instagram Story. It involves several key steps.

How to Get More Views on Instagram Story

Getting more views on Instagram Stories requires strategic steps. Here’s how to do it:

#1. Post High-Quality, Relevant, Engaging Content

Content is key so you need to share stories that are visually appealing and offer value. High-quality images or videos catch attention and keep viewers engaged. Make sure your content is relevant to your audience’s interests to increase the likelihood of more views.

How to Do It:

  • Visual Appeal: Use high-resolution images and well-edited videos. Avoid grainy or poorly lit content.
  • Relevance: Tailor your content to your audience’s interests. Conduct surveys or check analytics to understand what resonates with your followers.
  • Engagement: Add interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and questions. Encourage responses and participation to increase engagement and visibility.

#2. Include an Extra Story at the End

Add an extra story at the end of your series to grab attention. People often stay engaged for a bit longer when they expect something additional. This strategy helps to boost the total number of views on your Instagram Story.

How to Do It:

  • Surprise Element: Add a teaser at the end of your story series to encourage viewers to stay until the last frame.
  • Additional Value: Provide a bonus tip, behind-the-scenes content, or a special announcement as the final story.

#3. Share Exclusive Content

Offer something unique, and share behind-the-scenes footage, exclusive announcements, or special discounts only available through your Stories. Exclusive content encourages more people to watch and re-watch your Instagram Stories.

How to Do It:

  • Special Offers: Share discounts, promotions, or early access to new products. Make these offers exclusive to your Instagram Stories.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Post content that gives followers an inside look at your brand or process. This could include sneak peeks, team activities, or day-in-the-life snippets.

#4. Boost Your Stories in the Instagram App

Use Instagram’s promotion tools to boost your Stories. Paid promotions can increase visibility, reaching a broader audience who might not have seen your stories otherwise. This method helps to significantly raise the number of views on your Instagram Story.

How to Do It:

  • Promote Stories: Use Instagram’s paid promotion features to reach a larger audience. Choose your target demographics and set your budget for maximum impact.
  • Track Performance: Monitor how your promoted Stories perform through Instagram Insights. Adjust your strategy based on engagement metrics and audience feedback.

#5. Add Stories to Highlights

Save your best stories as Highlights on your profile. Highlights are always visible to your followers, making it easier for them to see and re-watch your top content. This keeps your stories accessible and increases overall views.

How to Do It:

  • Create Highlights: Organize your best Stories into Highlights on your profile. Choose categories that align with your content themes, like “Tips,” “Behind the Scenes,” or “Events.”
  • Update Regularly: Keep your Highlights fresh by regularly updating them with new, relevant Stories.

#6. Be Consistent

Post stories regularly to keep your audience engaged. Consistency helps maintain interest and encourages viewers to keep coming back for more. Regular updates ensure that your Instagram Stories stay in front of your audience’s eyes.

How to Do It:

  • Posting Schedule: Develop a regular posting schedule for your Stories. Consistency helps maintain follower interest and engagement.
  • Content Calendar: Plan your content in advance to ensure a steady flow of engaging Stories. This can include daily updates, weekly themes, or special events.

Below is a downloadable hashtag checklist that guides users through selecting the most relevant and trending hashtags for their posts, ensuring they maximize visibility and engagement.

How to Get More Views on Instagram Live

Instagram Live is a powerful tool for engaging with your audience in real-time. If you want to boost your visibility and get more views on Instagram Live, these strategies can make a huge difference.

#1. Invoke a Feeling of Urgency 

Creating a sense of urgency can significantly boost your views on Instagram Live. When people feel they might miss out on something important, they’re more likely to tune in. You can do this by announcing exclusive content or limited-time offers.

For example, you could tease a special guest appearance, reveal a new product, or offer time-sensitive discounts. By highlighting that this content won’t be available later, you’ll encourage more viewers to join your live session.

#2. Host a Q&A Session 

One of the most effective ways to get more views on Instagram Live is to host a Q&A session. This allows your audience to interact with you directly, making the experience more personal and engaging. People love having their questions answered in real-time. It not only provides value to your viewers but also helps build a stronger connection with them.

Announce your Q&A session in advance, and encourage your followers to submit questions beforehand. During the live session, make sure to address as many questions as possible, and acknowledge the people asking them to make them feel appreciated.

#3. Use UseViral 

Leveraging services like UseViral can help boost your Instagram Live views. UseViral promotes your live sessions to a broader audience, increasing your visibility. This service can help you reach potential viewers who might not have discovered your account on their own. By expanding your reach, you can attract more people to your live sessions, thereby increasing your overall engagement.

#4. Go to a Live Event 

Attending live events and streaming them on Instagram can attract viewers who are interested in the event but might not be familiar with your account. This strategy not only increases your views but also associates your brand with exciting and relevant happenings.

Whether it’s a concert, conference, or community event, sharing the live experience with your audience can draw in new viewers and keep your existing followers engaged. Make sure to announce your live coverage of the event ahead of time, so your audience knows to tune in.

#5. Make Your Brand Clear 

Consistency in branding is crucial for recognition and recall. Always make your brand clear during your live sessions. This includes using branded overlays, wearing branded clothing, or simply mentioning your brand name frequently. When viewers can easily identify your brand, they’re more likely to remember you and tune in for future live sessions. A clear and consistent brand presence helps build trust and loyalty among your audience.

#6. Ask for Audience Feedback 

Engaging directly with your audience by asking for their feedback during your live sessions can significantly increase your views. When viewers feel that their opinions are valued, they’re more likely to stay engaged and return for future sessions. Ask for feedback on your content, products, or the live session itself. This interaction not only keeps viewers interested but also provides valuable insights that can help you improve your future content.

#7. Offer Something of Value 

Offering something of value to your viewers can be a great incentive for them to join your live sessions. This could be in the form of exclusive information, special discounts, or giveaways. When people know they’ll gain something beneficial from watching your live session, they’re more likely to tune in. Make sure to promote these incentives in advance to attract more viewers. The more valuable the offer, the higher the likelihood of increased viewership.

#8. Collaborate with a Partner 

Co-operating with a partner can enable you to reach a broader audience and gain more views on Instagram Live. When you partner with someone else, you not only gain exposure to their followers but also add a new dimension to your content.

This can be a co-host, an influencer, or a brand that complements yours. Joint live sessions can draw in viewers from both audiences, providing mutual benefits and expanding your reach. Promote the collaboration ahead of time to build anticipation and attract more viewers.

What Is Instagram Live?

Instagram Live is a feature that lets users stream live videos to their followers in real-time. Found within Instagram Stories, users can start a live broadcast by swiping right from the main feed and choosing the “Live” option.

Followers can engage with the live stream through comments and likes, and the broadcaster can respond during the session. After the broadcast concludes, the video can be saved and shared in Stories for 24 hours or saved to the user’s device.

Why are my Instagram views so low?

If the views on your Instagram are low, it could be because of one or more of the following:

  • Content Quality: People swipe past boring or repetitive posts. Keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • Inconsistent Posting: If you don’t post regularly, people forget about you. Consistency keeps you in followers’ feeds.
  • Poor Timing: Posting when your audience isn’t online means fewer views. Check when your followers are most active and post them.
  • Lack of Engagement: If you’re not interacting with followers, they won’t interact with you. Respond to comments and messages.
  • Hashtags: Using irrelevant or too many hashtags can hurt your reach. Use specific, popular ones that match your content.
  • Algorithm Changes: Instagram’s algorithm can shift, affecting visibility. Stay updated on changes and adjust your strategy.
  • Competition: High competition in your niche can lower views. Find ways to stand out.


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