The Best 17 PR Agencies in NYC 2024 (Updated)

PR Agencies in NYC
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This article contains a list of the best PR Agencies in NYC to help you choose the right one for increasing awareness and achieving your marketing goals. New York City is one of the best places to find top public relations agencies. These firms have a lot of experience in media relations, managing reputations, handling crises, and creating PR strategies for businesses of all sizes around the world.

Public Relations (PR) Agencies are great at making your brand more visible to the right people by using smart PR plans and media connections. They can turn a small, unknown brand into a very popular one by building strong and effective relationships between the brand and media professionals in their field.

When I first started my business, I quickly learned that having a great product wasn’t enough; people needed to know about it. Living in a small town in the Midwest, working with a top PR agency in New York City seemed impossible. However, thanks to the internet, I connected with some of the best PR experts without ever going to New York. Through virtual meetings, many emails, and lots of research, I found the PR agencies that could elevate my brand. 

Based on my research, here are the top 17 PR agencies in NYC that have helped businesses, including mine, in 2024. These agencies can help you raise awareness and reach your marketing goals.

Key Points

  • Public Relations (PR) Agencies are great at making your brand more visible to the right people by using smart PR plans and media connections. They can turn a small, unknown brand into a very popular one by building strong and effective relationships between the brand and media professionals in their field.
  • When selecting a PR firm for your company, it’s crucial to consider several key factors that align with your business goals and values. Factors like industry experience, reputation, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Choosing the right PR agency in New York can help your business. By setting clear goals, researching thoroughly, evaluating what the agency can do, checking their communication practices, and considering your budget, you can pick an agency that will help your business succeed and build a positive reputation.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Business PR Agency 

When selecting a PR firm for your company, it’s crucial to consider several key factors that align with your business goals and values. Focus on these important elements to help boost your brand’s reputation, build strong relationships with your target audience, and successfully manage media interactions.

#1. Understanding Your Needs

When looking for a PR agency, clearly understand what you want to achieve and identify the specific support you need, such as media relations, crisis management, or enhancing your brand’s image. Knowing your needs helps you choose a firm with the right experience and skills. This makes the selection process easier and helps you find firms that have successfully managed similar situations. Aligning your goals with the firm’s abilities ensures they tailor their strategy to your needs, enhancing your brand’s visibility and success.

#2. Evaluating Reputation and Credibility

The reputation and trustworthiness of a PR firm are critical. Research their track record thoroughly. Look for testimonials, case studies, and client feedback to gauge their past performance and customer satisfaction. Consider their awards and recognitions as proof of their expertise.

For instance, if you’re in New York City, choose a top PR firm that has strong local connections and understands the city’s media environment. This local expertise allows for effective communication and tailored media placements that can boost your visibility in New York’s dynamic market.

#3. Assessing Industry Experience

Choose firms with a proven track record in your industry. A firm that knows your sector’s specific challenges and trends can create strategies that speak effectively to your audience and media. Their deep industry knowledge and network can enhance your messaging and set you apart from competitors, driving success in your market.

#4. Compatibility and Communication

A successful partnership with a PR firm depends on good compatibility and open communication. Clear and honest conversations build trust and ensure both parties understand the goals, expectations, and timelines. This foundation leads to a productive relationship where ideas and feedback flow freely, maximizing the effectiveness of your PR efforts.

#5. Budget and ROI

While cost is important, focus also on the potential return on investment (ROI). Request detailed proposals from each firm outlining their services, costs, and expected outcomes. Assess how each firm’s offerings stack up against your budget and goals to make an informed decision.

Choosing the right PR agency is important for your business’s reputation and success. Consider their industry experience, reputation, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness. Taking the time to make an informed decision can lead to a beneficial partnership that enhances your brand’s influence and presence in the market.

Read Also: PR Business Meaning & How to Start!!! (Detailed Guide)

5 Steps to Choosing the Right PR Agency in New York

In New York City, companies know how important it is to work with a good PR agency to keep a strong public image. The city’s business scene is very competitive, so a good PR strategy can make a difference. However, with so many PR agencies available, picking the right one can seem overwhelming. Here are five simple steps to help you choose the best PR agency in New York.

Step 1: Set Your PR Goals

Before you start looking for a PR agency, you need to be clear about what you want to achieve. Figure out what help you need, like handling media, managing a crisis, improving your brand’s image, or managing social media. Knowing your goals helps you find an agency that has the right skills for your needs.

Step 2: Research and Make a Shortlist

After you know what you want, research agencies that might fit your needs. Look for ones that have worked with similar businesses or in your industry. Check their successes, customer reviews, and examples of past work. Make a list of three to five agencies that stand out.

Step 3: Check Agency Capabilities

With your shortlist ready, take a closer look at what each agency can do. Meet with them to talk about your goals and see if they understand your business. Ask about their PR strategy, tools, and who will handle your account. Look for creativity, connections in the industry, and how well they keep up with media changes.

Step 4: Look at Communication and Reports

Good communication is key when working with a PR agency. Ask how they will keep you updated and how often. A good agency will regularly share updates and value your input. Make sure their reporting meets your needs and that they can tailor their approach for you.

Step 5: Think About Budget and ROI

Budget is important in any business decision. Discuss how much the agency charges and make sure it fits your budget. Remember, the cheapest option might not always be the best. Think about the long-term value each agency could bring, even if it costs more at first.

Choosing the right PR agency in New York can help your business. By setting clear goals, researching thoroughly, evaluating what the agency can do, checking their communication practices, and considering your budget, you can pick an agency that will help your business succeed and build a positive reputation.

The Best 17 PR Agencies in NYC

Based on my research, here are the top 17 PR agencies in NYC that have helped businesses, including mine, in 2024. These agencies can help you raise awareness and reach your marketing goals.

#1. 5W Public Relations

Founded in 2003 by Ronn Torossian, 5W Public Relations is a well-known PR agency in New York City. They are famous for their quick and flexible services, which is great for businesses that need to adapt fast. 5WPR helps companies get noticed by creating exciting and engaging campaigns. They work with all kinds of clients, from startups to big companies, making sure each gets the attention it needs. 

Their team knows how to use both traditional media and social media to spread the word about a brand. They focus on building strong relationships with journalists and influencers to get the best results. Overall, 5WPR is dedicated to helping businesses grow by getting their stories out to the world. Over the years, 5W has earned a reputation for being effective, reliable, and creative.

Their PR services cover corporate communications, reputation management, CSR, sustainability communications, influencer marketing, public affairs, government relations, and crisis communications.

5WPR played a key role in getting our first media coverage. Their flexible approach allowed us to quickly adjust our strategy to meet market needs. They are recognized for their effective campaigns and strong connections with the media, and they handle a wide range of services from corporate communications to crisis management.

#2. Reputation Rhino

Founded in 2011, Reputation Rhino is a top PR agency in New York City with a skilled team of public relations experts who help both small and large businesses keep a good image.

The company is great at building a positive reputation for your business with your target audience through effective PR and marketing strategies. They provide suitable solutions for businesses and individuals to attract more customers and increase customer loyalty.

Reputation Rhino specializes in managing and improving the online reputation of businesses and individuals. They help clients get positive reviews and remove negative content from the internet. The team at Reputation Rhino also works on boosting their clients’ presence on social media. They provide personalized services to fit the unique needs of each client. Their goal is to help people and companies look their best online.

This agency guided us through the complex world of managing our online reputation. Their methods improved how the public sees us and made our customers more loyal. They are great at removing negative stuff from the internet and promoting positive comments and our presence on social media.

#3. Goldman McCormick PR

Founded in 2010, Goldman McCormick is a reliable public relations agency in New York City, focusing on both traditional and social media PR services. The company is skilled in organizing press conferences, building connections with traditional media, getting media attention, handling legal PR, creating press releases, managing PR crises, and taking care of reputation management.

They are known for their expertise in media relations and getting their clients featured in the news. The agency works with a variety of clients, including businesses, authors, and experts in different fields. They help their clients gain more visibility and improve their public image. Goldman McCormick PR is skilled at creating strong and effective PR campaigns. They focus on making sure their clients’ messages reach the right audience. The agency’s goal is to help clients grow by increasing their media presence and credibility.

Goldman McCormick organized our press conferences and handled crisis management for us. They are excellent at getting us media coverage, making them a very valuable partner in public relations.

#4. FischTank PR

Founded in 2016, FischTank PR is a reliable PR agency based in New York City, known for running effective PR campaigns that help businesses improve their reputation and become more visible to the right people.

The agency is known for its creative and effective communication strategies. They help businesses improve their public image and connect with their audiences. FischTank PR works with various industries, including technology, finance, real estate, construction, government, healthcare, life sciences, sports, and entertainment. Their team is experienced in media relations, content creation, and digital marketing. Overall, they are dedicated to helping clients achieve their PR and marketing goals.

FischTank PR helped us improve our public image and reach our target audience through creative and engaging PR campaigns in different areas.

#5. Ketchum

Founded in 1923, Ketchum is a well-known PR agency in New York City. They are experts in managing public relations and are very good at telling compelling stories about brands. Ketchum helps companies deal with crises and tricky situations, making sure their public image stays positive. 

They have a strong track record of creating successful PR campaigns that capture people’s attention. The team at Ketchum is known for being professional and skilled in handling various media channels. They work closely with their clients to understand their needs and goals. Over the years, Ketchum has built a reputation for being reliable and effective in the PR industry.

Ketchum’s skill in managing emergencies stood out to me. In a city where news moves quickly and can be harsh, their ability to deal with delicate issues was extremely helpful. They supported us during a tough time, leading us with skill and care.

#6. Team Lewis

Founded in 1995, Team Lewis is a leading public relations agency in New York City. They focus on helping businesses manage how they communicate and market themselves to protect their unique brand and public image.

Since its creation, the agency has grown to become one of the top PR firms in the city. They specialize in helping brands increase their visibility and connect with their audiences. The agency has a group of skilled writers and media experts who create personalized public relations services. They use a mix of traditional media and digital marketing to achieve this. 

Team Lewis is known for its strong storytelling skills and innovative campaigns. They have worked with a variety of clients from different industries, making them versatile and experienced. The various services offered by Team Lewis include helping business leaders build their profiles, managing how stories are told in the media, working with analysts, organizing speaking opportunities, and handling overall company communications.

Their goal is to help businesses reach their marketing objectives and build solid connections with journalists and other influential people in the industry while building a strong brand presence.

The agency’s commitment to real stories and brand trust matched our values well. They helped us create strong and sincere relationships with our audience, building loyalty and trust that have lasted.

#7. JMG Public Relations

Founded in 2015, JMG Public Relations is a well-known PR agency in New York City. They help both small and large businesses get noticed by their potential customers with personalized PR services. In addition, they track how well your brand is doing and make improvements to help you meet your business goals.

With JMG Public Relations brands can tell their stories to the public clearly and engagingly. The team at JMG works with clients from various industries, including technology, healthcare, and lifestyle. They focus on creating strong relationships with the media to get their clients featured in top publications. 

JMG is known for its personalized approach, tailoring strategies to fit each client’s unique needs. Their services include media relations, social media management, and event planning. Over the years, JMG Public Relations has built a reputation for delivering effective and creative PR solutions.

The agency stood out to me because they knew a lot about the industry and had a clear, thoughtful plan. They used solid facts and figures to help us get a better understanding of our market and adjust our messages to connect well with the people we want to reach.

#8. KMR Communications

founded in 1998, KMR Communications is a public relations agency in New York City that specializes in helping beauty, health, and wellness brands get noticed. KMR Communications is known for creating strong connections with the media to promote their clients. They use a mix of traditional and digital PR strategies to reach a wide audience. 

Their team is dedicated to understanding each client’s unique needs and crafting personalized PR campaigns. Over the years, they have built a reputation for being reliable and effective in increasing brand visibility. KMR Communications works closely with clients to ensure their message is heard and remembered.

KMR has been helping beauty, health, and wellness brands stand out. Their deep knowledge of these industries and strong media connections have made them a top choice for brands wanting to make an impact.

#9. Weber Shandwick

Weber Shandwick is a well-known PR agency in New York City. It was founded in 2001 and has grown to be one of the top agencies in the industry. The company is famous for its creative approach to storytelling, which helps brands connect with their audiences in unique ways. 

They have a strong team that works on various aspects of public relations, including media relations, digital marketing, and crisis management. Their innovative campaigns have helped many businesses increase their visibility and reputation. Weber Shandwick’s dedication to understanding client needs and delivering effective solutions sets them apart. They continue to be a trusted partner for many companies looking to enhance their public image.

#10. Prosek Partners

I reached out to Prosek Partners for help with my brand’s fundraising. Their expertise in financial communications and investor relations was a big part of our success. They helped us gain the trust of investors and secure the funding we needed to expand.

Prosek Partners is a PR agency in New York City that started in 1990. They are known for their work in financial communications and investor relations. This means they help companies talk to investors and manage their financial image. Prosek Partners is good at building trust and credibility with investors. 

They use clear and effective communication strategies to help businesses grow and succeed. The team at Prosek Partners is experienced and dedicated to their client’s needs. Prosek Partners’ deep understanding of financial communications and investor relations was crucial in securing the investments we needed to grow.

#11. RLM PR

Founded in 1991, RLM PR is a leading public relations agency in New York City, well-versed in both traditional and new types of media connections. They create the latest PR trends to market your products and services and to build a strong reputation with your target audience. Their team includes strategists and media experts who specialize in handling your media, working with traditional media, social media, influencer marketing, and building media relationships.

RLM PR is known for creating effective communication strategies that make brands stand out. They have worked with a wide range of clients, from startups to large corporations. In addition, the team at RLM PR is experienced and skilled in handling both traditional and digital media. Their goal is to build positive relationships between their clients and the public. Over the years, RLM PR has helped many businesses succeed through smart and innovative PR campaigns.

RLM’s unique strategy of using humor and creative ideas made them stand out. They helped us give our brand its character and form a closer connection with our audience.

#12. Bella Public Relations 

Founded in 2002, Bella Public Relations is a top-notch PR agency in New York City with a great team of media experts and influencers who can help businesses get noticed and build a good reputation in the area.

They focus on the fashion, healthcare, beauty, entertainment, and lifestyle sectors. The company creatively shares your brand’s message to draw in the right people and help you meet your marketing and PR objectives.

Over the years, Bella PR has built a strong reputation for creating effective and engaging campaigns. Their team is known for their creativity and personal approach to each client’s needs. They use various media platforms to get their clients’ stories out to the public. Bella PR is also skilled at organizing events and getting media coverage for their clients. Their creative campaigns and event management skills have significantly boosted brand visibility for their clients.

#13. Gotham PR

It was founded in 2002 and has since become known for its creative and strategic approach to PR. Gotham PR is a creative PR agency in New York City that does a great job of helping businesses strengthen their brand and reputation and get noticed by the right people. The agency works with a variety of clients, including those in the architecture, design, and lifestyle industries. Gotham PR helps businesses get noticed by crafting compelling stories and building strong media relationships. 

They focus on increasing brand visibility and managing reputations effectively. The team at Gotham PR is skilled in handling both traditional and digital media campaigns. Their goal is to help clients achieve their marketing and communication goals through tailored PR strategies. The company is very good at making unique PR campaigns and strategies to make your brand, products, and services well-known. They boost sales and profits for businesses by getting a lot of media attention, checking how well the campaigns are doing, and giving reports to achieve the best results.

#14. Pace Public Relations

Founded Year in 2010, Pace Public Relations is a special PR agency in New York City that focuses on helping businesses communicate effectively to make a big impression on the people they want to reach.

They assist businesses in building good connections with important people like influencers, journalists, and media experts by increasing their presence in the media.

This agency can support businesses in reaching their PR objectives by advertising their brand, services, and products through newspapers, radio, TV, online, and social media platforms. They are experts at connecting businesses with influential media figures and platforms.

#15. MST Creative PR

Founded in 2002, MST Creative PR is an experienced public relations agency based in New York City. They assist both small and large businesses get media attention with their successful PR strategies.

They are known for their creative approach to helping brands tell their stories. MST Creative PR works with various clients, from small businesses to large corporations. They specialize in media relations, social media strategy, and event planning. In addition, MST Creative PR works together with leading journalists, marketing experts, and social media influencers to help brands build trust and promote their products and services to the right people.

MST Creative PR is dedicated to understanding each client’s unique needs and creating personalized strategies. They have been the creative force behind numerous successful PR campaigns, specializing in media relations and event planning that help brands tell compelling stories.

#16. Apples & Oranges PR

Founded in 2011, Apples & Oranges PR is a well-respected public relations agency based in New York City. They help brands get noticed by top media experts through strong PR campaigns and innovative messaging services.

They provide PR services for sectors like health and wellness, lifestyle, technology, food and drink, and non-profit organizations.

The company is skilled at figuring out what customers want and crafting the best PR plans to market your products and services to the right people.

#17. AMW PR

AMW PR is a well-known PR agency in New York City that helps brands communicate effectively to make a lasting impact on their audience.

They can increase your brand’s visibility by promoting your products and services across top traditional and digital media channels.

Their PR services cover reaching out to the media, keeping track of media coverage, managing crises, training for media interactions, maintaining a good reputation, marketing with influencers, and establishing your expertise in the industry.

AMW PR’s skills in strategic communications and public affairs made a difference for us. Their ability to handle tough regulations and shape public opinion was key in our field.”


In summary, working with a PR agency can help both new and established businesses draw investors and also improve their public image by increasing media exposure and promoting your products and services across various media channels.

A skilled PR agency will pave the way for your brand to make a strong, lasting impact on customers by forming effective collaborations with media experts, journalists, and influencers in your field.

Check out our list to find a comprehensive PR agency that can help you expand your network of influencers, manage crises well, and take your brand to higher levels. 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

What is a PR Agency?

A PR (public relations) agency is a company that helps businesses improve their relationships and communication with the public, media, and other organizations in their industry. These agencies enhance a brand’s visibility and trust by promoting their products and services across various media outlets.

How do you hire a PR agency for your business?

Start with clear goals, a set budget, and research potential agencies. Arrange meetings to ensure they align with your objectives.

What are the benefits of working with a PR agency?

They provide industry contacts, media relationships, and crisis management, vital for enhancing your marketing and public image.

How much do PR agencies charge?

Fees vary based on many factors, including the scope of work and the agency’s expertise. Discuss budgets upfront to find the best fit for your needs.

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