Find Journalists: Expert Tip for Locating Trusted Professionals

Find Journalists
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Getting the interest of the press to write your story to a wide audience to help grow your business is important. Finding journalists who will ensure that your message is effectively and accurately communicated to your audience can be achieved more easily when you hire a PR agency to pitch stories about your small business. You can still find journalists who will report your story, but you must make sure your story is worth it. Also, it is important for you to know how to find good media contacts for your story. In this article, you will learn the best way to find journalists and how to approach them, including their emails.


  • Finding a journalist who has a genuine interest in your topic and a significant beat can effectively push your story to the right audience and increase publication opportunities.
  • Do some research on publication websites for staff directories and contact information to craft pitches that align with the journalist’s interests and recent work
  • Use Twitter and other relevant social media channels to find and engage with journalists, following their posts and engaging with their content to establish connections and find contact information.
  • Even though press lists can identify possible contacts to find a journalist, they often contain outdated information. Always verify the journalist’s current position and personalize your pitch accordingly.
  • Research and read publications before pitching to ensure your story aligns with their content. Identify relevant columns or features and focus on writers who cover your field to make connections.

Find Journalists 

Finding a journalist to cover your story is important because it helps to communicate your story easily. However, the ability to find a journalist and media contact that will push your brand or story to the right audience depends on whether you find a journalist with a genuine interest in your topic, combined with a significant beat. All these will help increase your chances of being published in many publications.

Some time ago, I met the owner of TechInnovate, a newly established tech company that had just developed a new app that can help people save money on energy bills. The owner, who happened to be a schoolmate in the past, was excited about this breakthrough because he knew how much it was going to positively affect many people. But he has no idea how to get this word out to the right audience.

After sharing his concerns with me, I recall a similar situation I handled in my experience as a business writer with Ecowaves, who was my client. They created a device that could cut household energy use by 30%, but their challenge was to find journalists or media attention to spread the word. Like Ecowaves, I gave TechInnovate the appropriate guide to finding journalists to help them gain media attention and get the product out there to reach the right audience. Moreover, in this guide, I will show you how to find journalists who will help get you the required media attention.

Read Also: The Top Political Journalists in 2024: Our Comprehensive List

How to Find Journalists  

Read the following to learn the vast ways to find journalists and get what your business deserves.

#1. Publication Websites

Many publications provide useful sections with information about their staff and contact information. So, if you are searching for a journalist to connect to, publication websites might be a good place to start. You can find these pages by visiting the publisher’s website. When you explore these websites, look out for links like “Contact Us”, “ About us,” or “Our Team,” or you can simply search in Google for the publication name alongside keywords like “staff directory “or “editorial team.”

I remember a few years back, I was trying to find a journalist for a major publication; he was well-known in the technology sector. Despite my efforts to connect with this journalist, I could only find her email address for basic media inquiries. I felt a bit discouraged, but I decided to dig deeper and used Google to search for the publication’s name. Surprisingly, I came across a page that listed the editorial staff with their specific beats and contact details. With that information, I was able to craft a pitch and send it directly to the Tech reporter. 

So I suggest that you always check sections like “Contact Us,” “About Us,” or “Our Team,” and once you have the contact information, you will be able to craft your pitch that aligns with the journalist’s interests and recent work.

#2. Look For Writers on Twitter 

Twitter is another social media platform that journalists often use for breaking news and identifying trends. So, writers should search for expert sources on Twitter. If you want people to find you for an interview, make sure you have a story that interests you. Also, include what you do and your area of expertise in your bio, as well as your contact information. Twitter has rescued me many times; I remember one time I was trying to reach a well-known journalist for a collaboration opportunity.

.I tried to find his emails, but I couldn’t. Already in frustration, I reluctantly checked the Twitter bio and was surprised to find a link to the journalist’s personal website, which had all the contacts I needed. Afterward, I learned to follow writers, editors, and publications that cover my industry in social media. This experience also helped me see how to look for posts on Twitter that say when journalists need experts. How to engage with their content, which may be replying to their post but showcase your expertise in the process. Ultimately, looking for journalists on Twitter is a good opportunity to help you find journalists just by engaging with their content on social media.

#3. Consider a Press List

A press list is another useful way to find journalists, but it should be considered a last resort. I know it is very important to avoid purchasing a press list, but if you buy and use it, you still need to do some research. I have once considered buying a press list to save time and effort, even though I am aware of its limitations. After buying it, I noticed the press list had outdated, irrelevant contacts. However, it did help me to identify potential contacts and key journalists to find. In this case, ensure that the journalist is still working for the publication listed and make extra effort to relate with them personally by sending them your pitch which they might find relevant to their beat.

#4. Read the Publication Before you Pitch it

It is important to read your stories before you send a writer or publication a pitch. Doing this will show you what you should pitch to them. It also lets you know you have your eyes on the right people. I always visit local libraries or bookstores to go through newspapers and magazines that are in line with my niche. It helps me identify a publication deemed fit for my pitch. I even borrow or purchase them sometimes. Moreover, if you decide to visit bookstores or libraries like I did, you may find the masthead valuable and located at the front of the publication. It contains a list of editors, writers, and photographers, including their names and contact information you need to personalize your pitch effectively. 

Also, note that when you follow this step to find journalists and find a recurring column or feature in the publication that your story fits, ensure you note it for your pitch. In addition, I suggest you pay attention to the writers who cover your field; they are people you need to connect with. 

Read Also: Building A Strong Relationship with Journalists: Mastering Media Relations

How to Find Journalists Emails

I noticed that most sites don’t make it easy for people to find their writers’ contact information. If not, reporters would be loaded with pitches, spam, and unusual reader feedback compared to the ones they get. Sometimes, it gets intentionally hidden to get rid of less determined people and automated spam.

Finding a journalist’s email address is something I am very good at. I recall one time I was trying to connect with a journalist for a story I was working on, only to find out their email was not listed on their website. I did some extra investigations by following him on Twitter and engaging him with their posts for a few weeks by commenting positively on their articles. They followed me back when they noticed how I engaged with their articles. This gave me the access I needed, leading to a successful connection. So, I suggest that you try these procedures on how to find journalists email address. I also added a video for better understanding.

#1. Check the Top and Button of the Article Page. 

Some of these articles mention their writers’ emails in these positions, especially for guests who are not regular contributors. You may easily overlook it, but these details can present you with direct contact information or email addresses that will help you find the journalist. I remember a time when I was trying to get media coverage for a new product launch.

I had already crafted a good press release and was eager to share it with a journalist who would be interested in giving it the attention it deserved. After researching to find the right person’s email, I noticed in an industry blog that the author’s email was nearly tucked away in italics at the bottom of the page. I could have missed it, but my determination led to that successful connection. The journalist was interested in my story, and it definitely got featured in a major publication. So I advise you to observe thoroughly when searching for journalist contact because the information you seek might be hidden in plain sight.

#2. Figure Out the Email Pattern

I have also noticed that some companies, especially news sites, follow a pattern for their employee emails. For instance, it might be first.last@company. So, to figure out the email of the journalist you desire, try to find the address of another in the same publication and apply this rule to your desired person. It worked for me when I was trying to reach a journalist, Kenneth Johnson, at the Daily Gazette; I applied this simple and effective method to find his email. After some research online, I discovered that most of the company’s emails follow the format I used the same format to guess that if John Smith’s email was jsmith@ daily, then Kenneth Johnson’s will likely be I applied these assumptions by searching for on Google, and many articles authorized by Kenneth Johnson appeared. So I suggest you employ these methods to find journalists and their correct emails. 

#3. Search Other Social Media Platforms

Have you noticed that some journalist share some of their information on Google+, Linkedin, and many other sites? This can help you find journalists and their emails by Googling them in the links on their personal websites. Also, if you have a Google+ profile, you can email these journalists; however, it functions as a contact form rather than an actual email address. As a writer, this has helped me once to contact a journalist for an interview. When I was researching their work, I realized that they often share their contact information on their LinkedIn profile. So, I sent a connection request and a brief message that explained my purpose. Afterward, I got their email address and successfully scheduled the interview.

Here is a checklist that will help you systematically engage with journalists on social media platforms.

Social Media Engagement Checklist for Journalists

How to Get PR Contacts?

If a company’s website does not include a media page, use Google to search for “(For Immediate Release)” and the company’s name. If there are any press releases, they will appear, and the PR contact information is normally included at the bottom of the release. Instagram is an excellent resource for getting press contacts.

Can You Hire a Journalist?

Yes, you can. provides access to a comprehensive directory that can help you find the ideal journalist for your needs. You have to specify your conditions, and the rest will be handled for you.

How Do You Get a Newspaper to Write About You?

  • Select the media outlets you want to use. Look for contact information for local newspapers, radio, and television stations on the internet several weeks before your service project or good story.
  • Preparation is important. Make a creative and appealing proposal to ensure that your message is not lost.
  • Write a press release.
  • Follow up.

How Do You Get a Journalist to Write About You?

  • Create a clear, personalized topic line.
  • Keep your introduction brief and straightforward.
  • Include a maximum of three suggestions.
  • Instead of advertising, pitch a story.
  • Explain why your pitch is essential right now.
  • Give them contact information.


  1. Optimal Timing: Finding the Best Time to Send Your Press Release
  3. The Top 2024 Tech Journalists & All You Need.
  4. Top Art Journalists & How to Become One (Beginners Guide)
  5. Top 10 Journalists in the World: Our Reserached List 2024 (Updated)
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