Sports Press Release: Best 2024 Practices & How to Write Guide

Sports Press Release
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In this present day, journalists are bombarded with countless pitches daily, and crafting a standout release can be the difference between getting your story told or getting lost on the way. The sports world is more dynamic, digitally driven, and competitive than ever before. For one to stand out in this crowded arena, your sports press release needs to be more than just a dry recitation of facts. They need to be engaging, memorable, and designed with the finesse of a championship-winning coach.

In this detailed guide, I will be showing you the best practices for writing sports press releases in 2024 and beyond. Also, I will cover everything from determining newsworthiness to constructing captivating headlines, and give some insider tips. So, whether you’re a seasoned PR pro or just starting up. Get ready to learn how to write sports press releases that will have journalists requesting more.

Key Takeaways

  • A sports press release serves as a means for athletes, teams, and organizations to interact and engage with their audience, attract media attention and generate publicity.
  • Sports press releases are crucial for building anticipation, securing media attention, telling stories, increasing brand awareness, and keeping lines of communication open and honest with all parties involved.
  • Studying successful sports press release examples can offer significant perspectives and motivation for developing impactful releases that highlight accomplishments, collaborations, and activities.

What a is Sports Press Release?

Today, press releases have become a powerful tool for athletes, teams, and organizations to share their stories, announce game-changing news, and captivate their audiences. A sports press release is a written communication that provides information about a sporting event, team, athlete, or related news to the media and the public. The document is informative and clear, intending to draw the interest of media outlets such as blogs and journalists and result in publicity.

Structure and Content of a Sports Press Release

From my experience, a well-written sports press release follows a specific structure and includes the following elements:

  • Headline: A catchy and informative headline that grabs attention and summarizes the main news or event.
  • Introduction: My press release has a concise opening paragraph. This provides an overview of the event or news, including the who, what, when, where, and why.
  • Body: The main body of my press release expands on the key details, such as the event schedule, participants, notable achievements, or any other relevant information. It is important to keep the information concise and organized.
  • Quotes: I include quotes from athletes, coaches, or organizers that can add credibility and human interest to my press release. These quotes are short, twittable, and written in a conversational tone.
  • Contact Information: My press release also includes my contact information for media inquiries, such as my name, phone number, and email address.
  • Call to Action. I always include a call to action at the end of my press release, encouraging readers to take specific action, such as purchasing tickets or visiting an online event calendar.

It is worthy of note that a sports press release should be written in a concise, factual, and engaging manner providing all the necessary information while maintaining a professional tone.

Benefits of a Sports Press Release

As a writer who has had the opportunity to work closely with sports teams and organizations. I can confidently talk about the importance and benefits of a sports press release. Let me share some points based on my personal experiences:

 #1. Building Anticipation

 A well-crafted sports press release creates excitement and anticipation among fans, media outlets, and the general public. By sharing key information about upcoming events, competitions, or team announcements, a press release helps generate buzz and build anticipation.

 #2. Media Coverage

Source: Image by Pixabay

A sports press release serves as a valuable tool to garner media attention. Journalists and reporters rely on press releases to stay informed about the latest happenings in the sports industry. By providing them with timely and relevant information, you increase the chances of your story being picked up and featured in newspapers, magazines, and online publications.

#3. Storytelling and Engagement

Well-written sports press releases employ storytelling techniques to captivate readers and engage them with passion and excitement. By incorporating dynamic visuals, insider perspectives, and social media-friendly content, press releases can create a sense of connection between fans and their beloved teams or athletes.

#4. Brand Exposure

A sports press release is an excellent opportunity to promote a team, organization, or brand. By sharing accomplishments, milestones, or new initiatives, you can enhance brand visibility and create a positive image.

#5. Communication and Transparency

A sports press release plays a vital role in keeping stakeholders informed and maintaining transparent communication. Whether it’s announcing changes in coaching staff, player transfers, or addressing controversies, a press release allows teams and organizations to control the narrative and provide accurate information directly to the public.

Sports Press Releases Examples 

When drafting a sports press release, it’s always a good idea to study the best examples and templates available. This can provide you with valuable insights, inspiration, and a starting point for your creative process. A few examples include:

  • USA Basketball Team’s Silver Medal Win: The press release by the USA Basketball team celebrating their silver medal win at the 2023 FIBA Women’s AmeriCup is a prime example of capturing the team’s performance and achievements. By including engaging accounts of the game, highlights, and quotes from the coach, the release brings readers closer to the team’s journey and success.
  • Yuengling and Philadelphia Phillies All-Star Aaron Nola Announce Official Partnership: This press release announces a partnership between Yuengling beer and Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Aaron Nola. It highlights the shared values and passion for the city of Philadelphia that brought the two parties together.
  • Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team Victory: Another compelling example is the press release highlighting the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team’s first-place victory at the 2023 Australian Grand Prix with Lewis Hamilton. This release emphasizes the significance of the win, marking Hamilton’s 100th Grand Prix victory and showcasing the team’s dominance in the championship race.
  • CFL Takes Home Canadian Event of the Year Award: The Canadian Football League (CFL) issued this press release to announce that the 106th Grey Cup presented by Shaw was named the Canadian Event of the Year. It celebrates the success of the event and the league’s commitment to delivering an unforgettable experience for fans.

These examples showcase the diverse ways sports organizations can use press releases to announce achievements, partnerships, events, and more. 

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How to Write an Effective Sports Press Release 

When it comes to writing a sports press release, I try to capture the attention of your target audience and convey the excitement and significance of the event. 

These are some tips I’ve drafted out to help you craft an effective sports press release:

#1. Determining Newsworthiness

Before you even put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), it’s crucial to assess the newsworthiness of your story. After all, if your press release doesn’t capture the attention of journalists and their readers, it’s unlikely to get the coverage you’re hoping for.

#2. Identify Unique and Interesting Angles

To make your sports press release stand out, highlight any unique or interesting aspects of the event. This could include human-interest stories, records being broken, rivalries, or the impact of the event on the community.

#3. Crafting Captivating Headlines

Your headline is the first thing journalists will see, and it can make or break your chances of getting your story covered. Based on my research journalists consider the headline to be the most important factor when deciding whether to read a press release.

#4. Mastering the Art of Storytelling

Drawing from my own experiences working with professional sports teams, I’ve found that the most impactful press releases are those that tap into the emotions of the reader. They make them feel the exhilaration of a last-second victory, the heartbreak of a devastating defeat, or the triumph of overcoming adversity. To achieve this, you need to hone your storytelling skills. Cultivate a keen eye for detail, and a deep understanding of your subject matter.  Use vivid language, sensory descriptions, and genuine quotes to bring your sports stories to life.

#5. Follow Standard Press Release Elements

Include the standard elements of a press release. This includes a catchy headline, a concise and informative lead paragraph, relevant details about the event, quotes from key individuals, and contact information for media inquiries.

#6. Tailor to Your Target Audience

Consider the publications your target audience reads and tailor your press release to their interests. Highlight why your event is worth discussing and generating excitement among their readership. Consider: Will my story resonate with the audience of the media outlet I’m pitching to? Will it provide value or solve a problem for their readers?

#7. Use Multimedia as The Key to Engagement

In today’s visual world, it’s not enough to just write a great press release. You also need to include multimedia elements that will help engage your audience and make your story stand out. Including images or videos in your press release can increase engagement by up to 45%.  So, consider adding high-quality photos or videos that illustrate your story and help bring it to life.

#8. Showcase the Impact on the Community

If your sports event has a positive impact on the community, be sure to emphasize this in your press release. Highlight any community involvement, charitable initiatives, or partnerships that make your event more meaningful.

#9. Use a Press Release Distribution Service

To ensure your sports press release reaches a wide audience, consider using a press release distribution service. This can help you get the news out there and increase the visibility of your event.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Sports Press Release

When writing a sports press release, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that can hinder the effectiveness of your communication. Here are some key mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Excessive Jargon: Avoid using overly technical or sports-specific terminology that may confuse or alienate readers who are not familiar with the sport.
  2. Fluff and Filler: Refrain from including irrelevant or excessive details that do not contribute to the main message of the press release. Keep it concise and to the point.
  3. Errors and Inaccuracies: Avoid factual errors, inaccuracies, and typos in your press release. Double-check all information for correctness.
  4. Lack of Timelines: Ensure you don’t issue press releases too late, miss the opportunity for media coverage, or too early, causing readers to lose interest before the event takes place.
  5. Neglecting Contact Information: Don’t forget to include clear and easily accessible contact information for media inquiries. Lack of contact details can hinder follow-up and coverage.
Download Lamphills Sports Press Release Template for Free


As I reflect on my personal experiences working with sports teams and organizations, I can’t help but emphasize the importance of mastering the art of writing a sports press release in the year 2024. In today’s digital age, it’s essential to optimize your sports press release for online platforms.  Now, as you embark on your journey of writing sports press releases in 2024, I leave you with a question: How can you leverage emerging technologies and platforms to take your sports press releases to the next level and create a lasting impact? Keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of creativity, and you’ll find new and exciting ways to captivate your audience in this ever-evolving media landscape.


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