How to Create an Effective Trade Character for Your Brand

Trade character

Developing a successful trade character can have a significant impact on your brand. A well-designed trade character not only increases brand awareness but also creates an emotional connection with your target audience. In this article, I’ll explain how to establish a trade character that connects with your target market.

What is a Trade Character?

A trade character is a personified brand mascot that appears in advertising and marketing to represent a firm or product. Consider iconic characters such as the Michelin Man or Tony the Tiger. These characters do more than just promote; they also represent the brand’s ideals and personality.

According to research published in the Journal of Marketing, firms with mascots experience a 41% rise in brand awareness. Advertising Age found that mascots can boost brand equity by up to 37%.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating an Effective Trade Character

Developing an effective trade character requires a planned strategy that is consistent with your brand’s identity and appealing to your target audience. A well-crafted trade character may serve as the face of your brand, making it more memorable and engaging. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to assist you with the process:

Step #1: Define your brand’s personality

Before you can design a trade character, you need to identify your brand’s personality. Is your brand humorous or serious? Innovative or traditional? These features will influence the style and appearance of your trade character.

When we were creating our company’s trade character, we hosted brainstorming meetings with team members from all divisions. This guaranteed that our character reflected a comprehensive understanding of our brand’s personality. We discovered that having multiple perspectives helped us uncover the crucial characteristics that actually reflected our brand. For example, we wanted our character to be both trustworthy and approachable, reflecting our dedication to customer service while remaining nice and relatable.

Step #2: Research Your Target Audience.

Understanding your target audience is key. Conduct market research to understand your target audience’s demographics, tastes, and behaviors. This knowledge will help you create a character that will appeal to them.

To learn more about our target audience, we conducted surveys and focus groups. We discovered that our clients valued dependability and a sense of humor, which we incorporated into our character design. Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights supplied us with extra information on age, gender, and interests, allowing us to personalize our character to our target audience.

Step #3: Create Your Character

Consider many options for your trade character. Sketch numerous variants and investigate different styles. Consider how your character will convey your brand’s ideals and connect with your audience.

Tip: Involve a broad team in the brainstorming process to generate a variety of ideas and viewpoints. This diversity might result in a more innovative and inclusive character concept.

Step #4: Design and Development

Once you’ve developed a clear concept, it’s time to bring your character to life. Collaborate with a professional illustrator or designer to develop a high-quality, visually attractive character. Pay close attention to aspects including color, dress, and facial expressions.

We collaborated with a great designer who understood our brand’s goal and could turn it into a captivating character. We iterated on the design several times to ensure that every aspect was consistent with our brand’s identity.

Step #5: Test and iterate

Before launching your trade character, test it on a subset of your target audience. Collect comments and make the necessary improvements. This stage ensures that your character resonates with your audience and is consistent with your brand’s identity.

We ran A/B tests with several variations of our character and solicited feedback via surveys and focus groups. This technique allowed us to fine-tune the character’s design and personality qualities.

Step #6: Integrate Your Character Across Marketing Channels

Your trade character should be employed consistently throughout all marketing media. Ensure that your character is prominently represented on social media, websites, packaging, and marketing.

We ensured that our character appeared in all of our marketing materials, resulting in a coherent and identifiable brand presence. This consistency strengthened our brand identification and made our character an important component of our brand story.

Use our Trade Character Development Template to expedite the process and guarantee that all important components are included.

Trade Character Development Template

How Do Trade Characters Increase Brand Recognition?

Trade characteristics help brands become memorable and easily recognizable. They serve as a visual and emotional anchor, allowing consumers to recall and recognize the brand more rapidly. According to a survey conducted by the Association for Consumer Research, consumers are 20% more likely to recall a brand with a mascot.

What are the Essential Elements of a Successful Trade Character?

A successful trade character should be

  • Unique: Distinguishable from other brand characters.
  • Relatable: Capable of establishing an emotional connection with the intended audience.
  • Versatile: Can be used on a variety of marketing channels.
  • Consistent: Representing the brand’s values and personality consistently.

How Do You Determine the Effectiveness of a Trade Character?

Measuring the effectiveness of a trade character is critical for understanding its impact on your brand’s marketing efforts. Here are some thorough approaches for determining how well your trade character is performing:

#1. Brand Awareness Surveys

Conduct brand awareness surveys to gauge customer recognition and recall. These polls can help you determine whether your target audience is familiar with your trade character. Ask queries such as,

  • Have you seen our trade character?
  • Could you please name our trade character?
  • Which product or brand would you connect with this character?

Analyzing the responses allows you to determine the level of awareness and recognition your trade character has gained.

#2. Engagement Metrics

Monitor social media engagements, likes, shares, and comments to determine how your target audience is interacting with your trade character. High engagement numbers suggest that your character connects with your audience. Monitor:

  • The number of mentions and tags relating to your trade character.
  • User-generated material with your character
  • Sentiment analysis to determine the general view and emotional response to the character.
  • Engagement numbers reveal how successfully your trade character interacts with your audience on a personal level.

#3. Sales Statistics

Analyze changes in sales and customer acquisition after launch to see if there is a link between the introduction of your trade character and sales results.

Look for:

  • Increased sales volume or revenue from marketing efforts showcasing the trade character.
  • Increased new client acquisition rates compared to before the character was introduced.

Customer retention and repeat buy rates can show long-term loyalty as influenced by the trade character.
This information enables you to understand the immediate financial impact of your trade character on your firm.

#4. Marketing research and focus groups

Conduct market research and focus groups to get qualitative input on your trade character. This might help you gain a better understanding of how your character is regarded and identify areas for growth. Focus groups can show:

  • Customers’ emotional ties and associations with the character.
  • Preferences for specific character characteristics or attributes.
  • Ideas for how the character could be better used or developed.

#5. Website Analytics

Track website traffic and behavior changes when your trade character appears prominently. Analyze analytics including page views and time spent on pages featuring your trade character.

  • Click-through rates for links and banners featuring the character.
  • Conversion rates on landing pages with the trade character highlighted.

These stats enable you to evaluate the success of your character in increasing online engagement and conversions.

Using a combination of these methods, you can fully assess the success of your trade character and make data-driven decisions to improve its impact on your brand and marketing plan.

How Does Storytelling Affect Trade Character Development?

Storytelling deepens your trade character. Giving your character a background, personality qualities, and a tale enriches the brand experience. This makes your character more believable and memorable.

Example: Consider the Geico Gecko, who has a background and a personality that captivates viewers beyond insurance facts.

Example of Trade Characters

Here are some real-life instances of trade characters:

#1. Geico Gecko

The Geico Gecko, a friendly green gecko, has become synonymous with the insurance business GEICO. The character, created in 1999, is noted for its lovely British accent and funny approach to promote insurance services.

#2. Pillsbury Doughboy

The Pillsbury Doughboy, often known as “Poppin’ Fresh,” is a fun and friendly character created by Pillsbury to market its baked goods. When he is probed in the stomach, he giggles.

#3. Tony the Tiger

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes cereal’s mascot is Tony the Tiger, who is both enthusiastic and athletic. Tony, best known for his slogan “They’re Gr-r-reat!”, encourages both children and adults to eat a healthy breakfast.

#4. M&M’s Spokescandies

The M&M’s Spokescandies are a collection of colorful, animated figures that each symbolize a particular type of M&M’s candy. They’re known for their individual personalities and funny advertising.

#5. Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald is the renowned clown character employed by McDonald’s to attract children and families. He regularly participates in philanthropic initiatives through Ronald McDonald House Charities.

These trade figures have effectively established strong brand associations and are instantly recognizable, helping their individual brands’ marketing and branding initiatives.

Can Trade Characters Evolve?

Yes, trade characters can evolve. As your brand expands and market trends shift, you may need to tweak your character’s design or tale. However, any adjustments must adhere to the character’s essential characteristics that made him effective in the first place.

Key takeaways

  1. Before establishing a trade character, thoroughly grasp your brand’s characteristics to guarantee that the character appropriately reflects your brand’s beliefs and tone.
  2. Conduct extensive market research to create a character that reflects your target audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors.
  3. Collaborate with a varied team to generate numerous ideas for a character that represents a variety of opinions and thoughts.
  4. Collaborate with experienced illustrators to create a high-quality character that is consistent with your brand’s identity in terms of color, attire, and emotion.
  5. Test your character with your target audience and iterate based on feedback to verify it resonates and is consistent with your brand’s identity before implementing it fully.


Developing an effective trade character needs careful strategy and execution. By defining your brand’s personality, understanding your audience, and utilizing storytelling, you can create a character that resonates and increases brand recognition. With the correct plan, your trade character may be a valuable tool in your marketing efforts. What steps will you take now to begin developing your brand’s next famous trade character?



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