16 Compelling Brand Video Examples and 10 Tips for Creating One

16 Compelling Brand Video Examples and 10 Tips for Creating One

Have you ever watched one of those brand videos that immediately caught your attention, made you feel something, and inspired you to want to reach out to the company? Well, that’s magic, courtesy of a well-created brand video. In today’s digital world, a well-crafted brand video is a successful way to share information about your brand story, values, and offerings in a non-boring manner. In this post, we will look at 16 compelling brand video examples and 10 concrete tips for creating the one that resonates with your audience.

Key Points

  • Brand videos are effective tools for engagingly sharing a company’s story, values, and offerings fostering emotional connections with customers, and enhancing brand loyalty.
  • A well-crafted brand video simplifies complex ideas, boosts brand awareness, increases conversion rates, and differentiates the brand in a competitive market.
  • Companies can hire brand video agencies to produce high-quality videos, handling everything from scripting to editing, ensuring the final product aligns with marketing strategies.
  • Successful brand videos require creativity and expertise to resonate with audiences, making it essential for brands to focus on storytelling that emotionally engages viewers.

Brand Video 

The brand video is a medium through which one introduces or showcases a brand mission, its products, services, or story in a way that is visually pleasing. It is a way to connect with customers emotionally and state the brand’s identity. Be it a startup or an established business, brand videos help communicate one’s value proposition, foster brand loyalty, and reach a wider audience across various platforms such as websites, social media, and other video-sharing platforms.

A brand video is a promotional technique that incorporates videos in an organization as a way of marketing brands, products, services, organizational values, and mission statements. 

It is aimed at generating brand familiarity, proving the legitimacy and trustworthiness of a specific brand, interacting with the clients, and stimulating sales. 

Brand videos may be commercials, explainers, video animations, or documentaries. They can be employed in social networks, the official company’s page, the website, e-mail, or newsletters. 

The purpose of a brand video thus lies in the narration of a story associated with the organization or what it offers. Additionally, it is intended to appeal to viewers’ emotions to make a positive impact that helps in branding and creating customer loyalty. Overall, brand videos are an effective tool for promoting a business and achieving outcomes. Brands may successfully reach and engage with their target audience by providing interesting and captivating content.

Why are brand videos important?

A brand video is so much more than just a promotional tool. It’s about building trust and a deeper connection with potential customers. Here’s what a great brand video does:

  • Conveys complex ideas simply and quickly.
  • Creates emotional contact with the audience.
  • Strengthens brand awareness and drives engagement.
  • It increases conversion rates and sales.
  • Differentiates your brand from competitors.

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Recent studies have shown that the more consumers share and consume video content, the more value it possesses in a digital marketing strategy.

Brand Video Agency 

If creating a brand video feels daunting, you can outsource the task to a brand video agency. Such agencies provide professional-quality videos that aptly fit the needs of your brand. They deal with everything from scriptwriting and production to editing in posts. Working with the services of a marketing video agency can be of immense help while creating an impactful, well-crafted video that perfectly fits inside your overall marketing strategy. 

Creating a compelling brand video requires expertise, creativity, and precision. A brand video agency can help businesses craft engaging, high-quality videos that resonate with their audience. Here are some of the best agencies to consider:

#1. VeracityColab 

Location: Irvine, California 

Year Founded: 2008 

Team Size: 0-10 

Key Services: Video production, animation, and brand story.

Industries Served: Technology, healthcare, education.

Services: The central concept of the company VeracityColab is to create videos that emotionally engage people. They mostly deal with HD Animations and product explainer videos which makes them suitable for technology-based companies. 

#2. Sandwich Video 

Location: Los Angeles, California 

Year Founded: 2009 

Team Size: 50-70 

Key Services: Video animation, promotional videos, and campaign videos. 

Industries Served: Technology, startups 

Services: Known for their quirky, humorous approach, Sandwich Video works with tech companies and startups. It is often entertaining and unpretentious, which makes it perfect for explaining complicated topics related to a product. 

#3. Epipheo 

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio 

Year Founded: 2009 

Team Size: 100-150 

Key Services: Animated explainer videos, brand storytelling, content marketing

Industries Served: Several industries are consistent with this business approach, these are; B2B, SaaS, and healthcare. 

Services: Epipheo is a creative firm famous for easy-to-understand explainer videos, that also capture design aesthetics. They have established that they assist brands in presenting their purpose in the best way possible, in simple and clear form. Epipheo is derived from the words ‘epiphany’ and ‘video’. 

It is a video production agency and services that cater to the requirements of the brand, marketers & thought leaders. Epipheo feels that people should understand their clients, what matters to them, and how to make them unique. That’s why they produce videos that provoke a thought process that ends with an “aha!” reaction. Epipheo gets you to prioritize what they think is important about your brand and then they help you to tell great stories. 

#4. Demo Duck 

Location: Chicago, Illinois 

Year Founded: 2011 

Team Size: 20-40 

Key Services: Brand videos, educational content, animated videos

Industries Served: Health care and medical industry, education and financial services 

Services: Demo Duck animates different types of videos; from animated videos explaining a concept, a product, or a service to branding live-action videos. Their work respects and goes deep to engage with the audience, thus these studios are ideal for healthcare and education-related brands. 

 #5. Ydraw 

Overall, Ydraw is an animation company specializing in strategic video marketing campaigns and animated videos to help brands tell their stories and convey their messages. The creative team creates excellent 2D animation videos, ranging from YouTube video advertisements to Disney-style cartoons. Small enterprises and well-known brands like Google, Amazon, and Disney are among their clientele.

Location: St. George, Utah 

Establishment Year: 2011

Staff Size: 20–30

Principal Services: Animation, and White Board Animation.

#6. LAI Video

Location: Washington, D.C.

Year Founded: 2013

Team Size: 20-30

Key Services: Video production, event videos, corporate branding

Industries Served: Government, non-profits, education, SaaS, DTC, and events

Services: LAI Video specializes in producing high-quality brand videos for nonprofits, government agencies, and educational institutions. Their videos often focus on advocacy, public awareness, and driving social change.

Brand Video Examples

In this section are some motivational brand video samples covering various industries. Each of these videos did an excellent job conveying its message, caught viewers’ attention, and was perfectly aligned with the core of the brand’s values.

#1. Apple – “The Whole Working-From-Home Thing

An amusing yet very realistic video by Apple shows how the company’s devices help people adjust to working conditions remotely. The ad is surprisingly enjoyable. I enjoyed how it captured a broad range of WHF varieties. A parent stuck with young children, a young adult staying with parents, a millennial living alone and certainly having her best life, and a guy who constantly has crazy things in his background.

But let’s be honest: no one uses FaceTime and iMessage for business communication and Pages/Keynote for collaboration. Congratulations to them for attempting to make it happen!

#2. Nike – “You Can’t Stop Us”

The “You Can’t Stop Us” campaign by Nike is a potent montage that honors human tenacity, solidarity, and endurance. Emphatically, the video shows sportsmen from various origins conquering challenges and setting new records in their particular sports in split-screen images.

Further, it combines images of well-known athletes with footage of regular people to convey a message of optimism and fortitude in the face of hardship, emphasizing the difficulties encountered during the COVID-19 epidemic in particular. Through sports, this motivational campaign upholds Nike’s “Just Do It” philosophy and encourages perseverance.

Nike “Empty Stadiums? Challenge accepted!” Who would have thought that a simple filter could transform a celebration of being quarantined into an interactive celebration of triumph in just one campaign? 

They are undoubtedly Nike for this reason!

#3. Dove – “Real Beauty” Campaign

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign redefined beauty standards by focusing on authenticity & inclusivity.

Key takeaways from this iconic campaign:

  • Use storytelling to connect on an emotional level
  • Challenge societal norms with purpose-driven marketing

Dove’s approach shows the power of being true to your values while creating a meaningful impact. Be bold, be real.

The famous brand video of Dove focused on real women and body positivity to change the conventional perception of beauty and create an emotional appeal.

Google’s Year in Review brand video summarizes global events and trends and visualizes how people turn to Google during the moments that matter.

Google produces a list of the most popular search phrases on the internet each year, but they never provide an explanation for their popularity.

#5. Dollar Shave Club – “Our Blades are F***ing Great”

Cheeky, funny viral video of Dollar Shave Club put on the map by mixing humor with value propositions.

Dollar Shave Club got huge popularity from its YouTube video, “Our Blades Are F*ing Great. ” It was hilarious and straightforward that it received 12,000 orders within 48 hours and over 23 million views making it one of the popular brands. 

Another aspect of the company was the subscription-based service which enabled the customers to get the razors monthly. It’s basic, inexpensive yet a great service that threatened companies such as Gillette and their overpriced shaving products. 

The upside of the Dollar Shave Club was heavily connected with social media specifically YouTube where people could form a connection with the brand. The lack of a big budget dedicated to advertising allowed them to create unique, humorous, and funny content that attracted the customer community.  Using such rhetoric concerning early product deficiencies as a sign of its popularity, the demands went higher. The scarcity aspect combined with affordability was a key driver that secured a 10% market share within two years. Find out what is behind the success of Dollar Shave Club now! Watch the viral video of the performers.

#6. Always- “Like a Girl”

In 2014, Always started the #LikeAGirl campaign to address societal norms that could undermine a young girl’s self-esteem during puberty.

This emotionally charged video explicitly focuses on female empowerment, addressing gender stereotypes in a manner that appeals to the viewer.

#7. Coca-Cola – “Share a Coke

Remember the “Share a Coke” campaign? It was iconic, yet so simple!

They put names on a can and boosted sales by $2 Billion in just one summer. 

The takeaway? 

Personalization works. Creativity works. Simple works.

This was an online campaign video by Coca-Cola, personalized, encouraging users to search for bottles labeled with their names to connect with the brand in personalized ways.

#8. GoPro – “Fireman Saves Kitten”

GoPro focuses on real-life footage of heroic acts to appeal to its adventurous brand persona by showing real moments where its product has evidently, managed to capture impactful moments.

The real story!

A dead kitten was discovered by Fresno, California firefighter Cory Kalanick in June 2013 while he was investigating a burned-out house for salvage. After grabbing the cat, Cory covered its fur with water and fitted it with an oxygen mask. The kitten moved and meowed once more in fifteen minutes. Kalanick recorded the rescue with his GoPro, which the company published as a video.

#9. Airbnb – “We Accept”

Airbnb’s inclusive brand video puts forward diversity and acceptance, a combination with the core mission of creating belonging. Airbnb’s “We Accept” campaign was launched during the 2017 Super Bowl, promoting diversity, inclusion, and acceptance.

The video highlighted the brand’s mission of creating a sense of belonging by showcasing people of different ethnicities, backgrounds, and cultures. It emphasized that, regardless of who you are or where you’re from, Airbnb’s platform is a welcoming space for everyone. The campaign resonated with audiences worldwide, aligning with social movements advocating equality and acceptance, reinforcing Airbnb’s commitment to inclusivity.

#10. GE – “What If Millie Dresselhaus, Female Scientist, Was Treated Like a Celebrity?”

This is a creative video by GE dealing with female representation in the STEM industry and associating the brand with innovation.

How should women scientists be handled if they were treated in the same way as famous actors, TV personalities, and models? 

That’s the question for a new General Electric (GE) ad that fights for women in the science field. The video released on a Wednesday morning depicted the first female National Medal of Science in Engineering awardee, Millie Dresselhaus, well-known as the “queen of carbon science”, as a star. 

Children dressed up as Millie for Halloween, parents are equally naming their kids Millie and there is Millie emoji for it as well. 

The ad is part of GE’s new announcement that the international giant corporation is on the part of diversifying its female technical workforce. The company aimed to provide more STEM opportunities to 20,000 women at GE by 2020 and achieve a 50:50 ratio for ALL technical entry-level leadership development programs. 

The company in its press release noted that they are coming up with a comprehensive solution on how to get more women into GE as well as how to retain those already there.

#11. IKEA – “Start Something New”

This video showcases IKEA inspiring people to reshape their living space and make their homes a better place for new beginnings. 

Indeed, the IKEA advert deliberately omits the use of any spoken or written words as it tries to make its point across in a good manner. This advert, in particular, is titled ‘Start Something New’ and focuses on an old man who lives a monotonous daily life. The man gets up and goes to the park, carrying a park bench where he sets food for the birds. The bench was filled one day, and then the following day he returned with a brand-new fold-up chair that he bought from IKEA.

Because he is no longer confined as to where he needs to go, this could be considered the beginning of the new life.

This commercial tells a story on how much one decision in one’s life can affect them, for instance when buying a piece of furniture.

#12. Heineken – “Worlds Apart

Heineken’s social experiment video brings together people holding opposing views over a beer and finds common ground in the middle.

#13. Red Bull – “Stratos”

The jaw-dropping video by Red Bull, featuring a skydiver jumping off from the stratosphere, fitted the brand with its “Gives You Wings” note. 

Red Bull is not just a beverage; it’s a cultural phenomenon that has transcended its origins as an energy drink to become a symbol of vitality, adventure, and innovation. Here’s something cool about Red Bull:

Red Bull’s marketing strategy is as bold and daring as the brand itself, epitomizing the spirit of “gives you wings” by sponsoring extreme sports events, music festivals, and adrenaline-fueled stunts worldwide. From the iconic Red Bull Stratos space jump to the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Red Bull consistently pushes the limits of what’s possible, inspiring millions to embrace their passions and chase their dreams.

#14. Chipotle – “Back to the Start”

Chipotle’s “Back to the Start” campaign is indeed a heartwarming, animated video about a farmer who moved from industrial farming to sustainable practices. The video highlights Chipotle’s commitment to using ethically sourced, high-quality ingredients

To rephrase, this is an animated video showcasing Chipotle’s commitment to ethical farming.

The story of returning to older, greener practices resonated with their audience.

#15. Tiffany & Co. – “Believe in Love” 

This beautiful and touching video features each type of couple and shows love in all its different forms, as the brand promise from Tiffany promises.

#16. LEGO – “Rebuild the World

The LEGO brand video is meant to inspire creativity. It introduces the audience to a world made of LEGO bricks and encourages them to build their imagination.

10 Tips to Create a Brand Video

It doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but creating a powerful brand video requires real planning and execution. The following are ten practical tips to help you create a video that resonates with your audience.

#1. Know Your Audience

Before making a video, find out about your audience’s interests and who they are. What pain points are they feeling, and how is your brand going to take those away?

#2. Define Your Message

This will ensure that your video has one clear, focused message. Whether it is to introduce a product or to share your mission, the message should be concise and easily understood.

#3. Focus on the Story

Great brand videos aren’t all about promotion; they tell stories. Craft a narrative that reflects your brand values, tugs at the heart, and keeps viewers engaged.

#4. Keep it Short and Engaging

Remember that today, with the fast pace of the digital environment, attention is short. Keep your brand video between 30 seconds and 2 minutes; let every second count with engaging content.

#5. Inject Your Brand Personality

Keep the tone, style, and brand’s voice consistent throughout the video. To put it differently, you can be serious, funny, or inspirational. Just be consistent.

#6. Use High-Quality Visuals and Sound

Use high-quality visuals and sound.

Remember, your video production quality is reflective of your brand. Your visuals, sound, and editing must be professional and high in quality. 

#7. Add a Call to Action (CTA) 

A brand video should have a call to action; otherwise, it may feel incomplete. To point out, always guide your viewers in the next steps they take by either showing them to your website, subscribing to your newsletter, or by making a sale. 

#8. Make Use of Social Proof. 

Establish trust with your viewers by featuring customer testimonials or success stories within the content of your video. Social proof, on the other hand, builds trust in your brand and allows other customers to see how others have benefited from your brand. 

#9. Optimization for Various Platforms 

Your brand video should fit the platform it’s being shared. Be it YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, the video format, length, and style should be customized to fit the channel. 

#10. Test and Refine 

Once your brand video is live, track its performance. Use insights and analytics to understand how it’s resonating with your audience, and make improvements for future videos.

What Is a Brand Video? 

A brand video is a marketing strategy that employs video material to promote a brand, its products or services, as well as its values and goals. It is intended to raise brand awareness, establish trust, engage customers, and increase sales.

What to Say in a Brand Video? 

Write a story that draws readers in and stirs feelings. A compelling story typically has a sympathetic lead character, a problem they must overcome, and a resolution that supports the point your marketing film is trying to make. They are real: Sincerity fosters trust.

What Is the Difference Between Brand Video and Corporate Video? 

The main difference between brand and corporate videos is their emphasis and intention.

  • Brand videos aim to establish a brand’s identity and values while provoking an emotional response from the audience.
  • A corporate video is mostly informational, conveying information about a firm, its products, or services.

Why Do I Need a Brand Video?

A brand video is an effective and adaptable tool for spreading your message and company identity. It leaves a lasting impression and can effectively convey your brand’s beliefs, personality, and USP. It can also help set your business apart from competition.

A Detailed Template of Why Brands Need a Brand Video.


A brand video is critical to the success of your business operation since it is an effective tool for establishing brand recognition, creating passionate customer feelings of attachment, as well as encouraging clients to make purchases from your business. Analyzing all the successful brand video samples and using the tips presented in this article will help you create a stunning video with a strong impact on the audience’s awareness of your brand. This applies regardless of whether you produce your own brand video or remit the production to a brand video agency; the most important things in the brand video are authenticity, storytelling, and brand values.

  1. Video Storytelling: Its Benefits to Your Brand  
  2. Best AI Video Editing Tools to Improve Your Video Quality ( Free + Paid )
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Effective Marketing Videos in 2024


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