Elevate Your Brand’s Marketing Strategies With PR Boxes

pr box

If you have ever watched an “unbox this with me” video, then you already have an idea of what a PR box is. Now, you must have trivialised the video because you thought maybe it wasn’t relevant to you, or you’re simply not a fan. Well, the truth is, as a brand owner, you need to leverage PR boxes if you really want to grow your brand. I’ll tell you what, I never liked the idea of following influencers at all, but seeing how important it is to liaise with them to promote our brand, I gave it my best shot. Here, I’ll show you some simple but actionable steps to curate an effective PR box and drive the engagement that your brand needs. But just in case you’re still confused about what a PR box is, I’ll give you a simple definition.

Key Points

  • A PR box is a carefully curated package of products and promotional materials sent to influencers, journalists, and other key figures to generate buzz and build relationships.
  • An effective PR box campaign can help raise brand awareness, drive engagement, and product promotion, and improve credibility and trust.
  • To drive results, your PR box should be personalised, well-packaged, and have useful content and a compelling message.

What Is A PR Box?

A PR box, short for a Public Relations box, is a carefully curated package of products and promotional materials sent to influencers, journalists, and other key figures to generate buzz and build relationships. PR boxes started as a simple way to introduce products to the media, but they have now become a sophisticated marketing tool that can drive engagement, brand awareness, and loyalty. Today, PR boxes are not just about the products they contain; they are about creating an experience that resonates with the recipient and leaves a lasting impression.

If you’re wondering what it’s like to unbox a PR package, here’s an example:

How Will A PR Box Benefit Your Business?

#1. Brand Awareness

PR boxes can significantly boost your brand’s visibility. When influencers and media personalities unbox your products and share their experiences on social media, they reach a broad audience, extending your brand’s reach far beyond its immediate followers.

#2. Engagement

The personalized nature of PR boxes fosters a deeper connection with recipients. When someone receives a box tailored to their interests and preferences, it shows that the brand values them as individuals, not just as potential customers.

#3. Product Promotion

A PR box is an excellent way to showcase your new products. By allowing influencers and journalists to try your products firsthand, you give them a tangible reason to talk about your brand and share their genuine experiences.

#4. Credibility and Trust

High-quality PR boxes demonstrate a brand’s commitment to excellence. When recipients see the effort and thought you put into the packaging and contents, it builds trust and credibility, making them more likely to speak positively about your brand.

Types of PR Boxes

There are several types of PR boxes you could use for your campaign, the most common being custom mailer boxes. These come with the added benefit of being easy to assemble because the self-locking lid is built right into the box. 

You can print your designs inside and outside the box. Specify the dimensions you want and order as few or as many as you need. 

Use shipping boxes if you need to send items in bulk or if you’re going to transport a big product. As with mailer boxes, you can adjust the dimensions of your box and specify exact order quantities. You can also use shoe boxes, as they make perfect PR packaging.

What Makes Up a PR Box?

There’s only so much you can do to the product in a PR box to customize it for influencers. However, here are some things to consider when customizing a PR box for your campaign:

#1. Personalization

It always helps to give a personal touch. Almost everybody likes stuff with a touch of personalization. One of our campaigns involved sending PR boxes to top fashion influencers, and we tailored each item in the box to fit with each influencer’s style and preferences. You can guess the outcome; Their posts reflected how special and appreciated they felt, leading to a wave of positive social media posts. 

#2. Packaging

The first impression counts, always. Using attractive, high-quality packaging can make a significant difference in the unboxing experience. It should be aesthetically pleasing and practical, ensuring the contents arrive in perfect condition.

Also, your boxes need to be durable enough to handle shipping. There are box types that are built for that purpose. It would be best if you use those

#3. Content Selection

The products and materials included in the box should be carefully chosen to align with your brand and the message you want to convey. A mix of new products, best-sellers, and exclusive items works well.

#4. Messaging

A PR box is usually accompanied by compelling messaging. This can be a note that explains the contents, highlights key features, and invites the recipient to share their thoughts. A clear call to action can encourage social media engagement and feedback.

Creating an Effective PR Box

Your PR box can be said to have achieved its aim if it manages to deliver on branding, aesthetic appeal, and unboxing experience. Your audience should clearly understand what your branding is all about from the unboxing of your PR box, especially since most of them have not heard of your brand before. 

If people can remember your brand based on what they saw on your packaging, that’s mission accomplished. So, how do you achieve this? Follow these best practices below:

#1. Identify Your Target Audience

Remember, all that work is useless if you’re marketing to the wrong audience. Start by researching and understanding who your PR box is for—influencers, journalists, industry experts, or loyal customers. Knowing their interests and preferences will help you create a box that matches their interest. For instance, when we targeted eco-conscious consumers, we made sure our PR boxes contained sustainable and environmentally friendly products, which aligned perfectly with their values

#2. Set Clear Objectives

Define what you want to achieve with your PR box. Whether it’s raising awareness, driving sales, or launching a new product, having clear goals will guide your planning and execution. If you want to increase your online visibility, for instance, you can include call-to-action cards encouraging recipients to share their unboxing experiences with specific hashtags. This will go a long way to boost your social media presence.

#3. Curate the Contents

Choose products that tell a story. Include a mix of items that showcase your brand’s range and highlight new or special products. If you’re a travel brand, you can include items like travel journals, compact accessories, and sample-size products. With this, you can create a narrative that will excite the recipients about their next adventure. 

#4. Design and Packaging

Invest in high-quality, visually appealing packaging. The unboxing experience should be enjoyable and memorable, encouraging recipients to share it on social media.

#5. Include a Personal Touch

Handwritten notes or personalized messages can make a significant impact. They show that you’ve taken the time to consider the recipient as an individual.

#6. Plan the Distribution

Timing and method of delivery are crucial. Coordinate your PR box campaign with relevant events or seasons to maximize impact. Ensure that the boxes arrive in perfect condition and on time.

Leveraging Influencers and Media with PR Boxes

Selecting the Right Influencers

Choose influencers who align with your brand values and have an engaged audience. Look for those who have a genuine interest in your industry or products. During a campaign for a fitness brand, we selected influencers who were genuinely passionate about health and wellness. Their original enthusiasm helped to create more impactful promotions.

Building Relationships

Approach influencers and media with a genuine desire to build relationships, not just to get coverage. Engage with their content, show appreciation for their work, and personalize your outreach. When I reached out to influencers for a lifestyle brand, I made sure to engage with their content and understand their interests before pitching our PR box, which helped in building a more authentic relationship


After sending out the PR boxes, follow up with the recipients. Thank them for their time, ask for feedback, and encourage them to share their experiences. Building a two-way relationship can lead to more authentic and sustained engagement.

Measuring the Success of Your PR Box Campaign

KPIs to Track

Measure the success of your PR box campaign by tracking key performance indicators such as social media mentions, engagement rates, website traffic, and direct feedback from recipients.

Monitor mentions and engagement

Monitor the volume and sentiment of mentions related to your selected influencers and the PR boxes they received. Track engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares and retweets on their social media posts and blog content featuring the PR packages.

Track reach and impressions

Keep track of the reach and impressions generated by the influencers’ content featuring the PR boxes. Measure the number of views, impressions, and potential reach of their social media posts and blog posts.

Read Also: How To Measure Reach: Effective Tools and Strategies

Analyze audience sentiment

Analyze audience sentiment towards the influencers’ content featuring the PR boxes. Monitor positive, negative, and neutral sentiments to understand overall audience perceptions and reactions to the PR campaign.

Assess content performance

Assess the performance of the influencers’ content featuring the PR boxes. Look for trends in the content formats, messaging, and visual elements that resonate most with your audience.

You can also ask your influencers for exact numbers from their social media stats.

Provide feedback and support

Use the insights gathered from social listening to provide feedback and support to your influencers. Acknowledge their efforts, share positive feedback with them, and offer assistance or additional resources as needed to optimize their content performance.

Analyzing Feedback

Collect and analyze feedback from the recipients to understand what worked well and what could be improved. This insight is invaluable for refining future campaigns.

Adjusting Strategies

Use the insights gained from your analysis to adjust your strategy. Continuously improving your approach will help you achieve better results with each campaign.

What Is A PR Book Box?

A PR book box is a curated package sent to influencers, journalists, or key figures containing a book and related promotional materials. Designed to generate buzz, it often includes personalized touches like notes, exclusive merchandise, and thematic items to enhance the recipient’s experience.

What To Put In A PR Box?

A PR box should include:

  • Personalized products
  • A handwritten note
  • High-quality packaging
  • Branded materials
  • Exclusive items or samples
  • Informational brochures or cards
  • Social media call-to-actions
  • Discount codes or special offers
  • Relevant accessories or themed items

How Do I Ask A Company For A PR Box?

To request a PR box, email the company’s PR or marketing department. Introduce yourself, explain your audience and why they align with the brand, and specify how you’ll feature their products (e.g., blog, social media). Provide examples of past successful collaborations and include your contact details.

Why Is PR Packaging Important?

PR packaging is important because it creates a memorable first impression, improves brand perception, and strengthens emotional connections. High-quality, visually appealing packaging can boost brand visibility, engage recipients, and encourage social media sharing, amplifying marketing reach and impact.

How Do I Get New PR Clients?

To get new PR clients, network extensively, attend industry events, and leverage social media to showcase your expertise. Offer free initial consultations, share success stories and case studies, and ask for referrals from satisfied clients. Additionally, optimize your online presence with targeted SEO and engaging content.

In Conclusion

PR boxes, when done properly, can be a game-changer for your brand. They create memorable experiences, drive engagement, and foster a deeper connection with your audience. By following a structured approach and leveraging creativity, you can craft PR boxes that not only capture attention but also deliver tangible results. So, are you ready to design your next big marketing spectacle? What bold idea will you bring to life?

  1. 15 Best PR Agencies in Chicago 2024 (Updated)
  2. 27 Top PR Firms in London (+ Detailed Analysis)
  3. Publicity Stunts: How To Create Buzz and Drive Engagement
  4. Choosing the Right Public Relations Specialist: What I Look For


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