How to Earn Money on Twitter: 12 Strategies to Monetize X

What comes to mind when you hear ‘Twitter monetization’? If you think earning money on Twitter is only for big influencers or businesses, you need to think again! 

Sure, other social media platforms are good, but Twitter is amazing. I have seen people earning about $50,000 or more weekly just from Twitter. Yes, that’s fifty thousand dollars a week. 

Now let me ask: Do you want to make money from tweeting or find ways to earn on X? 

Whether you’re a regular user or a brand looking to grow, Twitter offers countless ways to turn your activity into income. From sponsored tweets to ad revenue sharing, there are plenty of ways to monetize your Twitter account.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 different strategies to try, with examples to help you get started.

But let’s start with the basics.

Key Points

  • You don’t need to be a big influencer—regular users can earn by using the right strategies.
  • From sponsored tweets to selling products or offering paid subscriptions, there are many ways to turn your tweets into income.
  • Subscribing to Twitter Blue unlocks special features that can boost your chances of making money.
  • Regularly posting useful content, using hashtags, and sharing visuals can grow your income over time.
  • Even with just 500 followers, you can qualify for monetization and start making money through subscriptions and affiliate marketing.

What Is the Twitter Monetization Program?

Image by jorono from Pixabay

Twitter’s monetization program lets users earn money from their tweets. If you join the program, you can get paid based on how much attention your tweets get. There’s also a special group called Twitter Blue subscribers who get extra perks, like special features that others don’t have.

Twitter Blue is a paid subscription, and it can give you an advantage if you want to make money on Twitter. However, not everyone can start earning right away. You need to meet certain requirements to apply, such as how active you are, how many followers you have, and if your content follows Twitter’s guidelines. Think of it like a club with benefits, but you need to qualify to get in!

When I first joined Twitter, now called X, I didn’t know you could make money from it. I just saw it as a fun way to share my thoughts and follow interesting people. But I soon found out that you can actually earn money on this platform. Over time, I learned how to turn tweets into profit, and I’m going to share the strategies and how you can apply them.

This paid subscription gives you extra tools that can help you grow your followers and increase your earnings. The table below shows the main benefits of Twitter Blue and how they can help you earn money. Take a look!

Before we go on, let me ask you this:

How Much Can You Make From Twitter?

Your earnings depend on a few things:

Audience size: Generally, the more followers you have, the more you can earn. A larger audience can bring more chances for subscribers, affiliate sales, or tips.

Audience engagement: Having many followers doesn’t matter if they don’t interact with your content. The more engaged your followers are, the more likely they are to comment on your posts, click your affiliate links, or subscribe to your exclusive content.

Monetization tools: You must meet certain requirements (explained below) to use Twitter’s monetization tools. Once you qualify, you’ll have more ways to earn money.

If you want to grow your Twitter audience and start making money, keep reading this post.

How to Qualify for Twitter X Monetization

Twitter’s Monetization isn’t available to everyone. To make money from your tweets, you need to meet these basic requirements:

1. Subscribe to Twitter Blue: While not every monetization option needs Twitter Blue, having this subscription can boost your chances and unlock extra features.

2. Follow the Rules: You must follow Twitter’s community guidelines. This means no hateful content, harassment, or copyright violations. It is important to keep your tweets clean and respectful.

3. Be Active and Genuine: You must be actively using Twitter and engaging in real interactions over time. Fake followers or spammy behavior won’t work. You also need to create original content and have at least 5 million tweet views over the past three months.

4. Have Enough Followers and Engagement: Some features may require a certain number of followers or engagement. To qualify, you need at least 500 followers.

5. Meet Legal Requirements: Depending on your location, there may be extra legal rules. For example, you need to be old enough to participate and follow your country’s tax laws.

Before you can start making money on Twitter, there are a few things you need to check off. Don’t worry, I’ve made it easy for you! Use the Monetization Eligibility Checklist below to see if your account meets the basic requirements for earning money on Twitter.

Make sure you go through each point, and if you’re all set, you’re ready to start turning your tweets into cash!

Once you’ve met these conditions, Twitter will review your account. If approved, you can start earning money from ads shown in replies to your tweets.

Also, There Are Additional Eligibility Criteria You Must Meet:

To further improve your chances of getting monetized, make sure to meet the following:

  • Live in a country eligible for Twitter’s monetization program.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have an active Twitter account for at least three months.
  • Maintain a complete Twitter profile, including a valid name, bio, profile picture, and header photo.
  • Verify your email address.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Avoid being linked to state-sponsored media accounts.
  • Keep your account in good standing by not consistently violating Twitter’s rules or content standards.

By following these conditions, you’ll be on the right track to monetizing your presence on Twitter X.

Some time ago, I managed a client’s Twitter account. The client had a decent number of followers but only used it for casual interactions. The client had a small online business, and their Twitter posts weren’t very focused. They asked me, “How can I start making money with this?

At first, it seemed like a challenge, but once I applied some proven strategies, we saw consistent growth in both engagement and income.

Now, there are different ways you can earn on Twitter. Let’s see how.

How to Earn Money On X (Twitter)

With many ways to make money on Twitter, lots of creators can earn real income from their tweets. It’s better to focus on a few methods rather than trying them all, so you can stay focused and get better results. 

The best way to make money will depend on each creator, so it’s a good idea to try different options to see which works best for you.

#1. Promote Products or Services

The first thing we did was shift the focus to the client’s products. I created visually appealing tweets that showcased their products with compelling descriptions and direct links to purchase pages. 

If you own a business, Twitter is an excellent platform for promoting products or services. Regularly tweeting about your offerings and providing engaging visuals can drive traffic to your website or online store.

An example is Everlane, a small clothing brand. This brand frequently promotes new collections on Twitter, using professional images and engaging copy. This helps increase visibility and directs followers to make purchases.

The key was consistency and making sure each tweet provided value to followers. By strategically using hashtags and engaging with customers, sales began to pick up quickly.

#2.  Twitter Affiliate Marketing

To add another revenue stream, I introduced affiliate marketing into their Twitter strategy. We partnered with companies that offered complementary products and shared affiliate links through thoughtful, authentic recommendations. 

By leveraging their audience, we earned commissions every time someone made a purchase using our links. It was a great way to make money without overwhelming the feed with promotional content.

Affiliate marketing on Twitter means sharing product links and earning a commission when people buy through your link. You can join affiliate programs through networks like Amazon Associates or directly with companies. It’s free to join these programs, and they usually offer 5-30% commission on sales made from your link. 

To make money, you’ll need to tweet regularly and create engaging content to drive traffic. Your earnings will depend on how much commission you get and how many sales you make, making it a good way to earn money with steady effort.”

#3. Sponsored Tweet.

This is one of the most common ways for content creators to make money. It usually means working with brands to promote their products or services through your tweets.

Once you have built a following, brands may approach you to tweet about their products. Sponsored tweets are posts where companies pay you to promote their services or products to your audience.

You can sign up for influencer marketing platforms or contact brands directly to get started. You don’t need to pay anything upfront. Your job is to create and share content that meets the brand’s needs. How much you earn depends on how many followers you have and how much they engage with your content. Influencers with lots of followers and high engagement can earn good money per sponsored tweet.

#4. Twitter Influencer Marketing

Do you already have an active group of followers on Twitter? Do they buy products you recommend? If yes, you can partner with brands you like and get paid to promote their products.

Influencer Marketing involves brands paying or collaborating with Twitter users (influencers) to promote their products. The influencer is typically compensated through a fee, free products, or other perks. The influencer’s goal is to raise awareness or encourage their followers to engage with the brand.

For example, if a clothing brand wants to reach more people, they might ask a fashion influencer to tweet about their new collection. The influencer’s followers trust their opinions, making it a powerful way for brands to advertise through trusted voices.

Are you worried that your audience is too small? Brands work with influencers of all sizes. Even nano-influencers with 1,000 to 10,000 followers can be great brand ambassadors and make money on Twitter.

#5. Become a Twitter Ads Expert

If you have experience running ads on Twitter, you can offer consulting services to businesses looking to improve their ad campaigns. Running successful Twitter ads involves knowing how to target the right audience, set bids, and choose the best ad formats, making this skill highly valuable to companies.

For example, big brands like Coca-Cola use Twitter Ads to promote new products. Businesses are willing to pay to understand how to get the most out of their ad budget and reach the right people.

When I managed a client’s account, I learned how to use Twitter Ads effectively. I helped them reach new audiences and increase conversions through targeted ads. If you’re familiar with advertising, you can offer your expertise to help others run successful Twitter ad campaigns and make money from them.

#6. Share Exclusive Content with Subscriptions  

One way to earn money on Twitter is by offering exclusive content to your followers through a subscription service. Twitter allows creators to charge a monthly fee for premium content, which could include behind-the-scenes insights, expert advice, or detailed tutorials that regular followers can’t access for free. This is perfect for building a loyal community willing to pay for extra value.

If you’re a creator with an active audience, you can make money using this startegy, (X Subscriptions, previously called Super Follows). This lets you charge a monthly fee for people to access special content. 

Most creators charge between $2 and $5 a month. The content you share depends on what you want to offer.

For instance, A fitness coach on Twitter could offer exclusive workout plans, meal guides, or live Q&A sessions only available to paying subscribers. Followers who want more personalized advice would sign up for the subscription, providing a steady income for the coach.

#7. Create a membership community  

You can use your X followers to start a paid membership community on platforms like Slack, Circle, or Podia.  

These communities are flexible and can include things like private forums or learning spaces. You can charge a monthly fee based on the content you provide.  

For example, Creators like Nathan Barry, who founded ConvertKit, use subscription models to provide exclusive content for a monthly fee. This is a great option if you have a loyal audience willing to pay for more detailed insights or special perks.

#8. Guide your followers to your email list

Some creators can try out Twitter’s Subscriptions and Ticketed Spaces to make money. But what if you don’t qualify for those? Don’t worry, you can still earn money.

Use your Twitter followers to build an audience on another platform, like an email list. For example, encourage your Twitter followers to join your email list.

Give them a good reason to subscribe, like Justin Welsh’s showing that over 215,000 people already follow him.

Newsletters can be free or paid. If you have special content, think about offering a paid option.

Even if your newsletter is free, you can still make money from it. You could link to products or services for sale or get sponsors to advertise in your newsletter.”

#9. Receive tips on Twitter  

When your followers appreciate your content, they might want to show their thanks with a one-time payment. This way, you don’t have to charge for events or subscriptions.

With Twitter Tips, anyone can send you money whenever they want. They just need to tap the Tips button, pick a payment method, and send the money.

For example, Egline Samoei’s profile has a Tips button next to the profile photo. The creator uses Patreon for payments, but Twitter also offers other payment options (details below).”

#10. Host Paid Events on Twitter

Twitter Spaces is a live audio feature where you can host discussions, interviews, or Q&A sessions. You can charge for entry into exclusive Spaces where you provide expert knowledge or bring in special guests.

Want to charge for single events instead of a monthly fee? With Ticketed Spaces, you can hold paid events for your followers.

You decide the price for the tickets, which can be anywhere from $1 for a short chat to $999 for a big event.

For instance,  Influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk often use Twitter Spaces to engage with their followers on entrepreneurship topics. Hosting paid Spaces on niche topics can create an additional revenue stream, especially if you’re an expert in a specific field.

#11. Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products such as e-books, online courses, or templates is another effective way to generate income through Twitter. You can promote these products to your followers by sharing valuable snippets and using relevant hashtags.

For instance, Creators like Gumroad have used Twitter to promote and sell digital products like e-books and guides. These products often align with their niche audience, making them easy to market.

#12. Sell Physical Products

Aside from digital products, selling physical items like apparel, accessories, or merchandise is another way to monetize your Twitter presence. You can use Twitter to promote these products, share customer reviews, and offer exclusive discounts to followers.

For example, Nike regularly promotes new product drops on Twitter, engaging followers with contests, videos, and sneak peeks to drive traffic to their online store.

Also, you can use tools like Super Follows, Twitter Ads, Ticketed Spaces, Twitter Tips, and the Amplify Publisher Program to monetize your content and grow your earnings directly on the platform. Let’s see how.

Twitter Monetization Tools

These tools are designed to assist content creators, businesses, and influencers make money directly on the platform. Here’s a breakdown of some key Twitter monetization tools:

1. Super Follows: Super Follows allows users to charge followers for access to exclusive content. Creators can provide additional insights, special posts, or behind-the-scenes content to paying subscribers, adding a stream of revenue.

2. Twitter Ads: Twitter Ads let businesses promote their products or services by paying for advertisements. These ads can appear as promoted tweets, trends, or accounts, helping brands reach a larger audience.

3. Ticketed Spaces: Ticketed Spaces allow users to charge entry fees for live audio discussions. This tool is great for hosting events, workshops, or talks where participants pay to listen and interact.

4. Twitter Tips: Twitter Tips is a feature that lets followers send money to their favorite creators directly through their profiles. It’s a quick way for followers to show support by sending small amounts of money.

5. Amplify Publisher Program: This program allows content creators to earn ad revenue from the videos they post on Twitter. When ads are shown before or during their videos, they get a share of the earnings.

These tools make it easier for users to turn their Twitter accounts into income sources while sharing content they love.

Bottom Line.

In conclusion, Twitter offers many opportunities to turn your content into income. Whether you’re promoting products, sharing affiliate links, offering paid subscriptions, or even consulting services, there’s a strategy for everyone.

With Elon Musk now owning X (Twitter), the platform is changing, but many creators can still make money. To earn the most, pick strategies that suit your brand and keep your audience interested.

The key is to engage with your audience, provide value, and be consistent. With the right approach, you can turn your Twitter presence into a reliable source of income over time

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can you earn from Twitter?

Earning money on Twitter can be different for everyone. For example, with the revenue-sharing program, users get paid based on how many people see their tweets. On average, it’s about $8.5 for every 1 million views. With services like Super Follow, creators can make between $2.99 and $9.99 per subscriber each month.

How can you make money on Twitter?  

Twitter has two ways to earn money from videos: Amplify Pre-Roll and Amplify Sponsorships. With Amplify Pre-Roll, you can join an ad program that shows short ads before your premium videos on Twitter.

Does Twitter pay for 500 followers?  

No, Twitter doesn’t pay you just for having followers. But, if you have 500 followers on your X account, you can start a Creator Subscription. This allows you to make money if your followers choose to subscribe to you.

Who can make money on Twitter?  

To earn money from your tweets, you need to meet these requirements:  

– Your account must be verified, or you must subscribe to Twitter Blue.  

– You need at least 5 million tweet views in the last 3 months.  

– You must have 500 or more active followers.

Which platform pays the most?

Even though Facebook and Instagram earn the most overall, users are making more money on TikTok and YouTube. For big earnings, YouTube is the main source of income for creators who make over $200,000.

How do I quickly gain Twitter followers?

To attract new followers, start by making your profile look appealing. Then, interact with influencers, post tweets, retweet others, tag people, and use the right hashtags. Include images and videos in your posts and promote yourself or your brand regularly.

Which social media is easiest to make money from?

Right now, Instagram and YouTube are some of the best platforms for earning money. Instagram is perfect for sharing pictures and videos, helping you build a strong personal brand. You can work with companies, promote products, and even become an influencer.

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