All You Need to Know About the TikTok Creativity Program in 2024

TikTok Creativity Program
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Considering the number of creators who voiced dissatisfaction with the fund’s payouts, I was not shocked when the fund was almost closed. However, I was skeptical about this new pay structure, and I imagine that if you are a TikTok creator, you are, too.

So, before we go any further, here’s what you need to know about me. Amongst other skills, I have over a decade of experience in social media management with at least 2 dozen clients on my list. This means I have to stay current on the latest developments across different social media platforms.

Having said that, I have searched TikTok for reviews of the new program directly from the creators who participated, including some of the accounts I manage. So, I am ready to provide you with an in-depth analysis and assist you in determining whether or not you want to try the TikTok Creativity Program Beta.

Now, let us get started. 

Key Takeaways

  • The TikTok Creativity Program, launched in February 2023, is designed to compensate creators for high-quality, original content, offering significantly higher earnings potential than the previous Creator Fund.
  • To maximize benefits from the program, creators should analyze their data, focus on creating longer videos (at least one minute), and strictly adhere to TikTok’s Community Guidelines.
  • The program encourages the creation of longer-form content, with a shift towards landscape video format being noticed by some creators.
  • Payouts in the Creativity Program can range from $4 to $8 per 1,000 views, potentially 20 times higher than the Creator Fund, with some creators reporting earnings of $100 to $600 per million views.
  • The program has expanded geographical availability compared to the Creator Fund, including countries like Brazil, Japan, and Korea.
  • Eligibility criteria include being at least 18 years old, having a good standing account, meeting minimum follower and view requirements, and creating original content over one minute long.
  • While the program offers better compensation, creators should be aware that earnings can still fluctuate and that joining the program doesn’t automatically increase visibility or follower count.

What is the TikTok Creativity Program

The TikTok creativity program is designed to compensate creators of original, high-caliber content. TikTok introduced the Creator Rewards Program in February 2023, reacting to the TikTok Creator Fund’s drawbacks and detractors.

The initiative is part of TikTok’s larger strategy to improve revenue options, which also includes additional channels, including TikTok Pulse, LIVE Gifts and subscriptions, and TikTok Series. 

These problems are addressed by the TikTok Creator Rewards Program, which offers noticeably increased earning possibilities. It encourages the production of longer-form content and signals a shift toward sponsoring more meaningful and interesting content.

One factor stands out in all of these: creating original and valuable content. We have put together a template to help you achieve that without little or no stress. This all-inclusive template below offers a methodical structure for organizing, producing, and evaluating your TikTok content. It includes everything, from planning your posts and establishing themes and goals for your content to monitoring your progress.

TikTok Content Planning Template.pdf

With that out of the way, how do you maximize the TikTok Creator Rewards Program? Let’s find out…

Ways to Maximize the TikTok Creator Rewards Program

#1. Examine your data to make improvements to Your Content

By using TikTok’s analytics to analyze the performance of your videos, you can gain essential insights into what appeals to your audience and modify your content to improve engagement and growth. Here’s how I make the most of my analytics, and you should, too:

  • Recognize your audience: Analytics give you comprehensive viewer demographics, such as age ranges, gender distribution, and the most popular regions. When creating content that directly appeals to the interests and behaviors of your primary audience, this knowledge can be extremely helpful.
  • Monitor the performance of the video: Observe closely which videos have the most views, comments, and length of watch time. Videos that perform well might provide insights about the subjects, formats, and techniques of presenting that are most effective for your target audience.  
  • Examine engagement trends: Metrics such as shares and comments indicate how intriguing your material is. A high level of engagement implies that viewers think your videos are worthwhile to comment on and share with others, which is important for growing your audience on the platform.
  • Maximize your publishing schedule: Analytics can also reveal the periods when your TikTok audience is most engaged. You can boost their exposure and interaction by uploading your films during these busy periods. Improving the likelihood that more people will notice your work.

For creators, TikTok provides an extensive analytics dashboard with a wealth of information about measures like view counts, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), follower growth, and average time spent watching videos. Routinely analyzing these indicators can facilitate finding trends and patterns in the content your audience enjoys watching and interacting with.

#2. The Preferred Video Format is Landscape

The vertical video format, which TikTok popularized, is well-known. Since the platform’s launch, vertical video has dominated it, appealing to TikTok users’ tendency to discover content quickly through scrolling through it.

However, in 2024, several content producers noticed a shift toward YouTube-style landscape videos. Certain producers confirmed that the TikTok algorithm would give preference ranks to landscape content.

Here’s how TikTok producers can use several video formats coming forward:

  • Recognize the content you need: Select the video format that works best for your content. Landscape mode may provide a better view if your movie has bigger scenes or more individuals. However, keep in mind that the majority of TikTok users access the app vertically on their mobile devices.
  • Test and evaluate the performance of the content: Do not be afraid to try out various video formats to find what works best for your viewers. Utilize TikTok’s statistics to compare the effectiveness of vertical versus landscape videos and modify your content strategy as necessary.
  • Make sure your movie is suited for mobile viewing. Even if you decide to use a landscape format. To guarantee that details are not lost on smaller screens, this calls for readable text, clear images, and thoughtful use of the broader frame.
  • Observe platform patterns: Keep abreast of TikTok’s changing technological capabilities and content choices. Adapting to TikTok’s new features and trends, which may promote specific video formats, can help you keep your content relevant and visible.

Whatever the format, interaction is essential. Make sure your material, whether it is vertical or landscape formatted, is interesting enough to hold viewers’ attention. Use captivating images, on-screen text, and captions to keep your viewers interested.

#3. Videos Must Last at Least One Minute

Making films longer than a minute is not only necessary to be eligible for the TikTok Creator Rewards Program (TCRP), but it is also a chance to interact more deeply with your viewers.

Longer films facilitate better viewer involvement, in-depth education, and more thorough storytelling.

The following advice can help you make interesting videos longer than a minute:

  • Arrange the content you will write: Careful planning is necessary for longer videos to keep viewers interested. Organize your video with an engaging opening, an educational or entertaining middle segment, and a powerful ending that entices viewers to subscribe to your channel.
  • Preserve excellence: Maintaining excellent audio and video quality gets increasingly more important as the runtime increases. To keep the content dynamic, pay attention to editing and make investments in high-quality lighting and sound equipment to improve the viewing experience.
  • Interactive components: Promote audience interaction by posing queries, soliciting feedback, or including cues for action. Engagement creates a community around your content and increases the visibility of your video on TikTok.
  • Make use of images and transitions: Use appropriate images, on-screen text, and seamless transitions to make your movies visually engaging. These components can be used to break up extended discussion or teaching segments and highlight important themes.

You might not be able to use the TikTok Creator Rewards Program for a variety of reasons, but that does not mean you can still make money on the platform. See this article for suggestions on how to make money out of your TikTok.

#4. Observe the TikTok Community Guidelines

Strict adherence to TikTok’s Community Guidelines is necessary to promote a courteous and upbeat community on the platform as well as being a prerequisite for joining the TikTok Creator Rewards Program (TCRP). There are other rules. However, the following are the most crucial ones to be aware of:

  • Safety: Information should not encourage violence, self-harm, or risky behavior. It is critical to think about how your material might affect your audience’s well-being.
  • Intellectual Property: Respect copyright and trademark laws by only using content (music, images, etc.) that you are authorized to use or submit through TikTok’s library. 
  • Adult Content: Since TikTok is a platform used by people of various ages, it is critical to maintain content suitable for a wide range of viewers.
  • Hate Speech and Bullying: No content should incite hatred or prejudice, nor should it single out people or groups for abuse or intimidation.
  • Misinformation: Refrain from disseminating erroneous information about important health and safety topics that could endanger or mislead others.

Tactics that will Assist You in Adhering to the Rules

The following tactics will assist you in adhering to the rules:

  • Review the Guidelines frequently: TikTok’s Community Guidelines are subject to change, therefore it is critical to be informed of any updates. Maintaining compliance with the rules is ensured by routinely evaluating your content.
  • Learn about ambiguities: If you are not sure if the content you have created will comply with the rules, ask for more details or clarification. TikTok frequently offers materials and updates regarding changes to policies.
  • Make use of TikTok’s features: You may manage your interactions and content with TikTok’s many tools and settings. Make use of these tools to report infractions, manage who can see your material, and moderate comments. 

In addition to these initiatives, focus on your community and encourage civil discourse both among your audience and within your content. This can support the upkeep of a wholesome atmosphere that complies with TikTok’s community standards.

Meanwhile, the TikTok Content Quality Checklist below can help ensure that your videos are visually appealing, engaging, and aligned with your strategic objectives at every stage of the creation process.

TikTok Content Quality Checklist.pdf

What is the TikTok Creator Rewards Program’s Payment Structure for Creators?

The TikTok Creator Rewards Program is a major advancement in the platform’s compensation of creators. With the potential to earn up to 20 times more than the Creator Fund, it is a step toward a more equitable compensation system for creators.

The program’s rewards are determined by TikTok’s measures. Such as the platform’s revenue per 1,000 views over 5 minutes, as opposed to fixed ad revenue sharing schemes like YouTube’s. The program includes precise standards for qualifying views and acceptable videos, focusing on uniqueness, user interaction, and compliance with TikTok’s community norms. 

The TikTok Creator Rewards Program’s payment procedures are broken out as follows:

#1. The Payout Increases

The program offers a substantial payout increase, with possible earnings per 1,000 views ranging from $4.00 to $8.00. This represents a significant increase compared to the Creator Fund’s payments, which typically vary from $0.20 to $0.40 per 1,000 views.

#2. Variable Earnings

 According to the program, creators have made between $100 and $600 for every million views, with some even making more than $1,000. This range illustrates the program’s potential for increased revenue. However, the precise payout may vary based on several variables, including audience demographics, content engagement, and the type of material.

This method of paying producers demonstrates TikTok’s efforts to improve the caliber of content on the platform and give its creators a more lucrative and long-lasting source of income.

What Distinguishes the Creator Fund from the TikTok Creator Rewards Program?

Though there are some parallels between the two crucial monetization tactics TikTok developed to pay its content creators, the Creator Fund and the TikTok Creator Rewards Program are not the same. This is a thorough comparison: Take a look at the infographics below.

#1. Increased Payouts 

The payment structure is arguably the biggest distinction. With the launch of the TikTok Creator Rewards Program, creators stand to earn significantly more money. With rates ranging from $0.02 to $0.04 per 1,000 views, the Creator Fund’s payouts were frequently criticized for being insufficient. However, the Creator Rewards Program seeks to address this by providing increased compensation, with the highest-performing videos potentially earning up to $8.00 per 1,000 views.

#2. Geographic Availability

 In comparison to the Creator Fund, the TikTok Creator Rewards Program is accessible in more areas. At first, only creators from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain were eligible for the Creator Fund. On the other hand, since its launch, the TikTok Creator Rewards Program has expanded to include more nations, including Brazil, Japan, and Korea, indicating TikTok’s goal to assist and monetize producers from a wider range of geographical areas.

#3. Compensation Comparison 

There is a noticeable discrepancy in compensation between the two programs. Creators reported receiving meager payments under the Creator Fund, which did not match the money or effort put into the material. The TikTok Creator Rewards Program, on the other hand, offers a more lucrative structure. According to creators’ experiences, they can get anywhere from $100 to $600 for every million views, and some have even reported greater rates. For creators looking to optimize their revenue on the site, the Creator Rewards Program is a more enticing alternative due to its notable payment rate rise over the Creator Fund.

#4. Video Length Restriction

 One unique condition of the Creator Rewards Program is that videos must be longer than one minute. This emphasizes TikTok’s deliberate shift toward longer-form material, potentially to rival YouTube. Because there was no minimum video length requirement set by the Creator Fund, shorter pieces may be made profitable.

Earnings for TikTok Creativity Program

The TikTok Creator Fund is criticized most for the amount—or lack thereof—that creators receive in compensation. This breakdown, for instance, shows how a video that went viral and received over 21 million views brought in $340.33. That is a very small amount for each view.

Considering how much some influencers charge on the Creator Marketplace ($1,000+) for each post, this is outrageous. That also applies to far lower engagement.

It would be unfair to compare viral material exclusively with branded content. This compensation is still meager compared to rival video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

Low compensation is not a phenomenon exclusive to smaller creators.

Benefits and Drawbacks of the TikTok Creator Fund

The brief answer to whether you should join the Fund is, “It depends.” Let us examine the benefits and drawbacks to help you make your decision.


  • You are compensated! Getting paid for content you would have created anyhow is a great bonus, even if the pay is not the best.
  • The Creator Fund does not affect your content or engagement. TikTok clearly states that signing up for the Fund does not automatically expand or contract your reach. In contrast, posts using the hashtags #gifts or #ad typically receive less interaction. Stated differently, you are not required to modify your content.
  • You are not bound by a contract or forced to end partnerships with other parties by the fund. It is only another source of income, at most. 


  • Payments are not very good. Once more, independent brand alliances or the Marketplace offer creators much higher earnings.
  • Income fluctuates. Do any creators make a living only from the Fund? Most likely not. Nevertheless, TikTok’s ambiguous remuneration structure leaves creators wondering how much they should budget for.
  • You do not gain more TikTok followers or see any other kind of visibility increase via the Creator Fund. 

What is the creativity program on TikTok?

TikTok’s monetization program, the TikTok Creator Rewards Program, formerly known as the Creativity Program, pays creators for providing unique, excellent content. In response to complaints about the shortcomings and restrictions of the previous TikTok Creator Fund, the program was introduced in February 2023. It is intended to support creators in developing their creativity, expanding their income potential, and obtaining new prospects.

How much does the TikTok creativity program pay?

The TikTok Creativity Program pays artists $4–$8 for every 1,000 views, contingent on the quantity of views and ad income their films bring in for the site. This is a substantial increase compared to the former Creator Fund, which paid out between $0.20 and $0.40 for every 1,000 views. A few creators claim to make between $100 and $600 for every million views, while a few even make more than $1,000. The precise payment, however, may vary depending on several variables, including audience demographics, content engagement, and the type of material. TikTok also distinguishes between real and false views using a sophisticated algorithm.

d watching through the Facebook extension, you can access Facebook Stories anonymously.


TikTok aims to provide financial support to creators. Try the Creativity Program if you fit the geographical and qualifying requirements. While it is early, some producers claim that the Creativity Program is paying them more for their longer videos. We believe that this outline of what to expect if you join the Creator Fund will be helpful to you if you are headquartered in Spain or Italy.


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