20 Social Media Management Services to Boost Client Satisfaction: +Top Agencies & Real-Life Examples 

Social Media Management services
Image by Pixabay
Table of Contents Hide
    1. Key Points
  1. Understanding Social Media Management Services
  2. How Social Media Management Improves Client Satisfaction
    1. #1. Personalized Engagement
    2. #2. Consistent and Relevant Content
    3. #3. Using Analytics Wisely
  3. Social Media Management Services to Boost Client Satisfaction
    1. #1. Social Media Strategy Development
    2. #2. Account Setup and Optimization
    3. #3. Content Creation
    4. #4. Content Calendar Creation and Management
    5. #5. Community Management
    6. #6. Social Media Advertising
    7. #7. Influencer Marketing
    8. #8. Social Listening and Monitoring
    9. #9. Analytics and Reporting
    10. #10. Audience Research and Segmentation
    11. #11. Hashtag Research
    12. #12. Contest and Giveaway Management
    13. #13. Influencer Outreach and Management
    14. #14. Social Media Crisis Management
    15. #15. Social Media Training and Workshops
    16. #16. Social Media Account Audits
    17. #17. Employee Advocacy Programs
    18. #19. Integrating Social Media with Other Marketing Channels
    19. #20. Geotargeting and Local Marketing
  4. Top social media management agencies for your brand
    1. #1. Interlace Digital
    2. #2. Full Blast Creative  
    3. #3. Hoyden Creative Group
    4. #4. Drop & Hook
  5. Success Stories/Real-Life Examples 
    1. #1. Nike
    2. #2. Starbucks
    3. #3. Coca-Cola
    4. #4. Wendy’s
  6. Conclusion
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. How Can Brands Stand Out on Social Media?
    2. What Do Social Media Management Services Include?
    3. What are SMM Services?
    4. Which Businesses Can Improve by Using Social Media?
    5. How Do Brands Gain From Social Media?
    6. Which Social Media Platform Is the Most Popular in the World?
    7. Which Companies Spend the Most on Social Media?
  8. Similar Articles
  9. References

By offering your clients the right social media management services list, you’ll have the tools to grow your business while helping others succeed. 

Some time ago, in the early years of my career, I met Sarah, a small business owner who ran a bakery. Her online presence was almost zero despite having great products and loyal local customers, and I’m glad I was able to help. Sarah’s story is one of many where I’ve seen how effective social media management can boost client satisfaction and help a business grow.

As a marketing agency, you’re in a unique position to help these businesses grow while streamlining their operations so they can focus on growth and success. To help you get started, I’ve listed 20 social media ideas for businesses to keep your customers happy and your agency successful.

Key Points

  • Connecting personally with your audience builds loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Regular, high-quality content keeps your brand memorable and trusted.
  • Data-driven decisions help improve strategies and enhance customer experiences.
  • Offering a wide range of social media management services ensures businesses meet diverse client needs and improve overall customer experience.
  • Brands like Nike and Starbucks show how effective social media strategies increase visibility and loyalty.

Understanding Social Media Management Services

Social media management services are professional services that help businesses create, post, and manage content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Today, having a strong social media presence is crucial for any business. Social media management services include creating content, engaging with the community, analyzing performance, and developing strategies. The main goal is to connect with the audience, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

How Social Media Management Improves Client Satisfaction

Social media management helps improve client satisfaction by ensuring a company’s social media pages are active and engaging. When a business responds quickly to customer questions and comments, it shows it cares about its clients. Again, regular posts with helpful and engaging content keep clients informed and entertained, building stronger relationships. 

Other ways include:

#1. Personalized Engagement

One of the first things I did for Sarah’s bakery was to connect personally with her customers. By replying to comments, sharing content created by customers, and quickly answering their questions, we built a sense of community around her brand. Customers felt heard and valued, which significantly increased their satisfaction.

#2. Consistent and Relevant Content

Creating regular and relevant content is key to keeping an engaged audience. We made a content calendar for Sarah that showcased her bakery’s unique items, shared behind-the-scenes stories, and celebrated customer milestones. This consistent presence kept her bakery in the minds of her customers and built their trust in her brand.

#3. Using Analytics Wisely

Analytics help us understand what works and what doesn’t. By closely watching the performance of Sarah’s social media campaigns, we found out which content her audience liked the most. This data-driven approach allowed us to continuously improve our strategies, consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Lastly, by monitoring social media activity, businesses can gather feedback and address any issues promptly, leading to happier and more satisfied clients.

Now let’s see the basic services social media managers can offer to their clients.

Social Media Management Services to Boost Client Satisfaction

In simple terms, social media management services help businesses keep their customers happy by being active, responsive, and engaging on social media.

#1. Social Media Strategy Development

Social media is more than just creating a post and waiting for comments, likes, and new followers. It requires a carefully planned and well-executed strategy that meets the needs of a brand’s audience and goals.

As a social media manager, you must research your primary audience and understand how they use social media. For example, knowing that 93% of brands have gained new customers through video content (Animoto) should motivate you to include many videos in your strategy.

What You Need to Know

If you want to offer strategy development as part of your social media services, you need to know how to manage resources like time and budget. You should also decide how much to charge your clients. Start by setting an hourly rate and keeping track of the hours you and your team spend on the work.

Here is a Social Media Strategy Template. This template is a simple guide to help you plan and manage your social media efforts effectively. It covers everything from setting goals and understanding your audience to choosing the right platforms and creating content.

Using this template, you can build a strong online presence, connect with your audience, and achieve your business goals on social media.

#2. Account Setup and Optimization

Setting up and optimizing social media accounts is more than just posting content and waiting for likes and comments. It involves strategic planning right from the start. You should consider adding this service to your social media management offerings.

First, understand your client’s target audience and choose the platforms that best match their brand. Optimize their profiles by writing a clear, concise bio with important keywords. Use eye-catching visuals, like emojis, a great profile photo, and a strong cover image. When posting, use platform-specific features like hashtags, location tags, and relevant keywords to increase visibility.

What You Need to Know

When offering account setup as a service, decide if you will charge a flat rate or bill hourly. Make sure your most knowledgeable social media team members handle this task to ensure the best results for your clients.

#3. Content Creation

Creating good content is key to a successful social media strategy. The content should be interesting, engaging, and easy to share. This involves using high-quality graphics or videos along with persuasive writing and good hashtag/keyword research. The right content can boost engagement, attract new followers, and greatly expand the brand’s reach.

However, making content takes a lot of time, and most business owners and managers don’t have enough time in their busy schedules. That’s where you come in. Offering content creation services can be an easy sell for you and a big help for those who need it.

What You Need to Know

Good content needs strong writing. If your writing skills aren’t strong enough, hire a copywriter to help. The same goes for graphic design. If you need help with both writing and design, consider using a white-label social media management service that you can offer to clients without doing all the work yourself.

#4. Content Calendar Creation and Management

To improve client satisfaction, offer content calendar creation and management as part of your social media services. Businesses need a well-planned content calendar to keep their posts consistent and strategically spread out across different social media platforms.

Your service should include regular analysis of your client’s brand, target audience, and industry trends. This helps you pick the right themes, topics, and dates to add to their calendar each month.

What You Need to Know

Content calendars should include a mix of industry events, holidays, trending topics, and company news. Using a tool like Hootsuite can help you create and manage content calendars for multiple clients, schedule posts in advance, and analyze how each post performs.

#5. Community Management

Keeping up with social media engagement can be tough, especially for busy business owners and managers. By offering community management as part of your social media services, you can keep your clients happy and free up their time for other important tasks.

What You Need to Know

Community management is a big job, especially if you’re working with several brands. It involves monitoring social media platforms for follower activity (known as social listening) and engaging with your clients’ audiences by responding to comments, messages and mentions in a positive manner. When offering this service, it’s important to follow your clients’ social media guidelines to ensure their reputation and image stay intact.

#6. Social Media Advertising

Paid campaigns on social media are a great way to help your clients get attention from a bigger audience and reach goals like sales, email sign-ups, and more followers.

What You Need to Know

To set up an ad account on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads, you need to provide details about your target audience and set spending limits. Make sure to get this information from your client before starting their ads.

You’ll also need ad copy that works well. If writing ads isn’t your strength, think about hiring a copywriter. Additionally, use a variety of keywords to make sure your ad reaches the right audience.

#7. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become an essential tool for brands. It allows them to connect with the established audiences and credibility of popular online figures who appeal to their target customers. When brands work with the right influencers, they can quickly expand their reach, increase brand awareness, and boost engagement.

What You Need to Know

If you want to include influencer marketing in your social media management services, you’ll need to budget for collaborations. Think about the size of the influencer’s audience, their specific area of focus, and your client’s desired partnership level when deciding how much to spend. Some influencers are willing to promote a brand in exchange for free or discounted products, while others require payment.

#8. Social Listening and Monitoring

Social listening is an important service that can greatly improve client satisfaction. It involves watching online for brand mentions, industry trends, and competitor activities. This helps gather insights and find areas for improvement or inspiration for new advertising and social media campaigns.

What You Need to Know

Doing social listening manually can take a lot of time and might not always work well. Use a tool like Social Marketing to automate social listening. This way, you won’t miss anything important.

#9. Analytics and Reporting

There are several key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help you and your client understand their social media performance and success. Important KPIs to watch include comments, likes, total reach, total impressions, and share of voice. These metrics show which types of posts perform best and how well the profile is doing overall.

What You Need to Know

Most social media platforms offer built-in reporting that provides important data about your client’s account. Combine this data with information from your social media management tools to quickly gather everything you need. This will help you create the most effective social media campaigns for your clients.

#10. Audience Research and Segmentation

Clients aiming to reach a wider audience can benefit from adding audience research and segmentation to your social media management services. This involves studying the target audience (ages, locations, preferences, etc.) and creating smaller groups to tailor content more effectively.

What You Need to Know

Audience research and segmentation are not one-time tasks. They require ongoing analysis to see which customers are engaging, which ones aren’t, and how to keep their interest.

#11. Hashtag Research

Hashtags are always changing, and business owners often don’t have time to keep up with them. Offering hashtag research in your social media management services ensures you have consistent work from your clients while making their lives easier.

What You Need to Know

Using the right hashtags is essential when offering social media packages. To get the most exposure, make sure every post on your client’s page includes a mix of local, industry, and trending hashtags. Use a scheduling tool and manual research to find the best hashtags for each post.

#12. Contest and Giveaway Management

Contests can significantly boost your clients’ engagement on social media. On platforms like Instagram and Facebook, giveaways often involve followers liking or saving a post and sharing it with friends by posting to their Stories or tagging them in the comments.

What You Need to Know

Running a contest on Instagram or Facebook requires some planning. You need time to arrange prizes, seek collaborations if needed, and create an eye-catching graphic and post. You also need a method for picking the winner, whether it’s drawing names from a bowl or using an online random name picker.

#13. Influencer Outreach and Management

If your client works with influencers, they’ll need someone to be the main contact. If they don’t, they might want to hire someone popular on Instagram to promote their brand, products, or services to a bigger audience. Sometimes, you’ll work with influencers who already know the brand and other times, you’ll need to find new ones.

What You Need to Know

Influencer marketing varies a lot based on the influencer and their audience. Decide on their payment based on these factors. Also, consider the time it takes to find and manage influencers when setting your budget.

#14. Social Media Crisis Management

When it comes to handling social media and protecting a brand’s reputation, having a PR specialist to manage negative reviews and feedback is crucial. Social media crisis management services are also valuable if your client faces a major PR issue, whether online or offline.

What You Need to Know

It’s important to know how to communicate with people during stressful situations when providing crisis management. Think about offering this service if you or someone on your team has PR and communication skills.

#15. Social Media Training and Workshops

Sometimes, your clients might want to manage their social media on their own but don’t feel confident about doing it effectively. As a social media expert, you can offer hands-on training to give them the skills they need to handle their profiles with minimal help from outside marketing teams.

What You Need to Know

A good social media workshop can last from a few hours to several days. Before offering workshops and training as part of your services, make sure to carefully plan and practice your sessions. This will ensure you have enough material and are confident in providing value for your client’s investment.

#16. Social Media Account Audits

Sometimes, clients need a fresh perspective to improve their social media success. For those not getting the engagement or reach they want, a social media audit can help. Audits show businesses how to optimize their profiles for their target audience and improve their posting strategy.

What You Need to Kno*

Social media audits can take a lot of time, especially if you’re reviewing multiple platforms. It can take several hours or even a full day to complete. Make sure to plan your time, or your team’s time, accordingly.

#17. Employee Advocacy Programs

Employee advocacy programs are like influencer marketing, but instead, your client’s employees promote the brand. This adds trust to the brand and helps it reach more people online.

What You Need to Know

Employee advocacy programs are ongoing efforts that need multiple services. These include training employees on social media, managing their accounts, creating content, and analyzing results. Before offering this service, make sure you have enough time and resources to handle it.

#19. Integrating Social Media with Other Marketing Channels

Marketing for most brands involves more than just social media. Some brands might use websites and social media, while others add pay-per-click ads, traditional marketing, or guest blogging to promote their brand. Connecting all these marketing efforts through social media can help improve brand recognition.

What You Need to Know

The size of this project depends on the company’s size and the marketing channels they use. It also depends on how consistent their branding already is. Before you start or give a quote, do a quick check to see if you have the time and budget to handle the project.

#20. Geotargeting and Local Marketing

For businesses with a physical location, reaching a local audience is often a priority, and that’s where geotargeting helps. This involves creating a social media plan to attract local shoppers and consumers using hashtags, keywords, paid ads, and collaborations with local brands or influencers.

What You Need to Know

Geotargeting can vary for each business. For some, it might involve advertising to a local audience, while others might focus on using popular local hashtags or location tags on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. It’s important to discuss your client’s goals and budget before developing a local marketing strategy.

By using social media management services, businesses can make sure their customers are happy and satisfied. When customers see that a business is active online, responds quickly to their questions, and shares interesting content, they feel valued. This leads to stronger relationships between the business and its customers, which can result in higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Top social media management agencies for your brand

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Many social media management services are available, and choosing the right ones for you, your team, and your brand can take time and effort. This is why we’ve simplified the process by compiling a list of top social media management agencies that can boost your strategy. 

Keep reading to learn about the industries, their focus, and the services they offer, and hear about them in their own words.

#1. Interlace Digital

Key Services: Social Media Management, Paid Social Advertising, Consulting and Strategy, Lead Generation, Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Web Design.

Industries Served: Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Wellness, Marketing, Professional Services, Travel & Hospitality.

Location: Manhattan Beach, California, USA.

About Them: Interlace Digital is a marketing partner for modern brands, offering high-quality digital marketing services. They work closely with your business to enhance your marketing efforts and provide custom analytics to show the results of their work. Their team is spread across the U.S., with main offices on the West Coast in Manhattan Beach, CA, and on the East Coast in Buffalo, NY.

If you want to boost your Instagram followers by 10,000 or increase your eCommerce revenue by six figures, consider talking to Interlace Digital before taking your next step.

#2. Full Blast Creative  

Key Services: Social Media Management, Branding, Consulting/Strategy, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Paid Social Ads, PPC/SEM, SEO, Web Design  

Industries Served: Software, Consumer Goods & Services, Education, Finance, Food & Beverage, Government, Healthcare, Wellness, Marketing, Professional Services, Real Estate, Sports, Travel & Hospitality  

Location: Canada  

About Us: Full Blast Creative is a top-rated marketing agency in Canada. We offer a wide range of digital and traditional services like web design, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, and print campaigns. We provide creative solutions for industries including legal cannabis, real estate, tourism, retail, finance, and oil and gas.

#3. Hoyden Creative Group

Key Services: Social Media Management, Paid Social Media, Branding, Consulting/Strategy, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, PPC/SEM, Public Relations (PR), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Video Production, Web Design

Industries served: Software, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, Government, Healthcare, Wellness, Internet, Information Technology, Nonprofits, Professional Services, Real Estate, Travel & Hospitality

Headquarters: Adrian, Michigan, US

In their own words:  We don’t just talk about your brand; we live it. Strategy is central to everything we do. We’re a brand and marketing agency focused on your best interests. We don’t just sell marketing services; we help you find the right choices for your business and brand. This means we genuinely become part of your team, offering fresh perspectives and expert advice that helps your organization grow.

#4. Drop & Hook

Key Services: Social Media Management, Paid Social, Consulting/Strategy, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Recruitment Marketing

Industries Served: Marketing & Advertising, Nonprofits, Transportation

Headquarters: Maplewood, New Jersey, US

About Them: Drop & Hook has over ten years of experience. They specialize in building employer brands, setting trends in trucking, engaging niche communities, and improving email open rates. Most importantly, they listen carefully to understand your business and audience, helping you develop your brand’s voice. They create solutions so you don’t have to worry about social media and content marketing.

Drop & Hook’s expertise in the transportation and logistics industry sets them apart. Founder and CEO Michelle LeBlanc says, “We focus on the transportation and logistics industry. Along with our social media and content marketing skills, we know much about trucking, warehousing, and the entire supply chain. This helps us quickly understand and address the challenges our clients face.”

Success Stories/Real-Life Examples 

Many famous brands have successfully used social media management to boost their presence and achieve impressive results. Let’s look at how Nike, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, and Wendy’s used social media to their advantage.

#1. Nike

Nike uses social media to inspire people. They created the “Just Do It” campaign, encouraging people to set and achieve their fitness goals. They share motivational stories, videos, and images that connect with their audience emotionally.

By sharing these powerful messages, Nike built a strong connection with people. This not only made the brand more popular but also increased its sales as more people felt inspired to buy Nike products to support their fitness journeys.

#2. Starbucks

Starbucks uses social media to interact directly with its customers. It shares pictures of its coffee, asks for customer feedback, and runs special promotions, like limited-time seasonal drinks.

This brand created a community of loyal followers by engaging with customers on social media. This engagement keeps customers excited about their products and drives more people to visit their stores, especially during special promotions.

#3. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola launched the “Share a Coke” campaign on social media, putting people’s names on Coke bottles and encouraging customers to find and share their personalized bottles.

This campaign made people feel special and connected to the brand. It also encouraged people to share photos of their personalized Coke bottles online, which spread the campaign worldwide and increased brand awareness.

#4. Wendy’s

Wendy’s uses humor and wit on social media to stand out. They playfully interact with customers, often making jokes and engaging in fun “roasts” with other brands and followers.

Wendy’s became known for its clever and entertaining posts, which made it one of the most talked-about brands on social media. This boosted its visibility and attracted new customers who enjoyed its fun online presence.

These examples show that with the right social media strategy, brands can do more than just promote products; they can create meaningful connections with their audience. By inspiring, engaging, personalizing, and entertaining their followers, these brands enhanced their visibility and strengthened customer loyalty, proving the actual value of effective social media management.


In conclusion, investing in social media management services can greatly improve client satisfaction. Businesses can create strong connections with their customers by engaging personally, keeping a consistent content strategy, and using analytics. The success stories I’ve shared are just a few examples of how these services can transform a business’s relationship with its clients. 

By inspiring, engaging, personalizing, and entertaining their followers, these brands enhanced their visibility and strengthened customer loyalty, proving the actual value of effective social media management.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Brands Stand Out on Social Media?

Brands can shine on social media by sharing customer feedback and offering new experiences.

Customer stories show what makes your brand special, help build your brand’s personality, and allow your audience to connect with your product on a personal level. Studies show that people trust real customer reviews more than what brands say about themselves.

What Do Social Media Management Services Include?

Social media management involves creating, planning, checking, and interacting with content on social media platforms. It’s about managing and improving a brand’s online presence across social media channels to reach specific marketing and communication goals.

What are SMM Services?

Social Media Marketing (SMM), also called digital marketing or e-marketing, involves using social media platforms where people connect and share information. Companies use these platforms to promote their brand, boost sales, and attract more visitors to their websites.

Which Businesses Can Improve by Using Social Media?

Retail stores, restaurants, entertainment companies, and real estate businesses are just a few that can gain a lot from being active on social media.

How Do Brands Gain From Social Media?

Social media provides a simple and low-pressure way for people to show interest in your business and products. Getting new customers is such a key benefit of social media for businesses that many platforms have special ad formats just for gathering leads.

Here are the top 4 social media platforms based on the number of users:

1. Facebook: 3.06 billion monthly active users

2. YouTube: 2.70 billion monthly active users

3. WhatsApp: 2.40 billion monthly active users

4. Instagram: 2.35 billion monthly active users

Which Companies Spend the Most on Social Media?

In 2020, Disney was the biggest spender on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the United States, spending about 311 million dollars. Procter & Gamble came next with 284.2 million, and Amazon was third with 235.2 million.

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