Where To Hire The Best Social Media Experts In 2024

Social Media Experts
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You definitely already know what social media experts bring to the table. An integral part of any modern-day company, they are responsible for creating and publishing content on all social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to grow an audience, build brand awareness, and ultimately, boost sales.

Social media experts may also oversee site metrics, interact with readers, and be responsible for creative design.

The most defining trait of a social media expert is the ability to understand the targeted audience for each social channel. If you want to hire, you should get one who can create persuasive content that strikes a chord with the intended audience.

Key Points

  • The duties of a social media expert can be broken down into strategizing, engaging, creating, scheduling, listening, measuring, and experimenting.
  • A creative social media expert is also responsible for devising strategy, community management, creative directing, customer service, copywriting, and analyzing data.
  • Some social media experts will also be responsible for paid strategies.
  • There are different types of social media experts, so you must get the one that best fits your goals.
  • The difference between social media experts and social media managers is that social media experts are more focused on daily operations.

Overview Of A Social Media Expert’s Role

The duties of a social media expert can be broken down into strategizing, engaging, creating, scheduling, listening, measuring, and experimenting.

However, first, you’ll need to establish a specific goal and align your social media tactics to meet that goal. For example, if you’re looking to build awareness amongst young shoppers, you might decide to build an influencer program on Instagram.

From there, you’ll need to engage with your audience on social, build a brand voice, and create content that resonates with your audience. Each channel has its own algorithm and tactics for optimization; in this way, scheduling is also a big part of what social media experts do. They ensure that posts are scheduled regularly and at optimal days and times on specific channels.

As you establish those elements, the social media expert also needs to measure results by tracking metrics and insights on each platform. There are social media marketing tools that help consolidate these results so that it’s easy to see which channels are most effective and what content elicits the most engagement. With this data, social media experts can experiment with new content and optimize high-performing social media posts.

Social media experts are responsible for planning a brand’s social media strategy. This involves building out a cohesive plan that suits overarching company goals and strategizing tactics to achieve those goals. They also explore, test, and optimize different social media channels to suit a brand’s audience.

Some social media experts will also be responsible for paid strategies. This means they must be adept at using tools such as Facebook Ads Manager or other paid options on channels like LinkedIn or Quora.

How to become a social media expert

Types Of Social Media Experts

Are you thinking of hiring a social media expert to manage your social media marketing campaign? If so, make sure you are working with the right kind of social media expert who is a good fit for your business. Not every type of “social media” expert will have the same set of skills, which means that there is a lot to choose from when deciding whom to hire.

Below are the different types of social media experts:

#1. Traditional Offline Marketer

These members of the Old Guard of marketing were the last to get on the social media marketing wagon and may not be as comfortable with the fast-paced growth and development of the industry. The traditional offline marketer probably decided to become a social media expert because it’s what you’re “supposed” to do to stay relevant and valuable to your company.

While traditional offline marketing is still incredibly valuable, having a traditional marketer as your social media expert is a bit like bringing a refurbished Model T to the 2013 Detroit Auto Show. It may look great and work just fine, but it’s a little out of its element.

Hence, while they may be okay with embracing a “new style” of marketing, many traditional marketers have a difficult time truly letting go of their former sensibilities.

#2. Social SEO People

Social SEO people recognize that social media is becoming an integral part of SEO, and of course, I will put myself in this category. Search engines are looking at social signals as a valuable ranking factor, so incorporating social media into your existing SEO and content marketing campaign seems like the next reasonable step.

A social SEO person looks at social media as a long-term process. They aren’t going to get your Facebook Fan page 1,000 Likes in 2 days because those numbers don’t really mean anything; quality engagement is more important than quantity. Social SEO people are effective at encouraging long-term growth, helping their clients build a solid brand, and building a list of followers who are eager to engage with their brand.

#3. True Social Media People

These social media experts live and breathe their industry. It’s what they love to do and they are very, very good at it. They’ve worked with big brands, little brands, and everything in between and have a proven track record of social media marketing success. They understand that social media marketing is not a one-size-fits-all campaign. Hence, they customize each campaign based on the needs, wants, and strengths of each company they work with.

Keep in mind that social media marketing is a very new medium. It’s hard to have true “experts” in a field that is so new and constantly evolving. Social media is really only a few years old and it looks completely different now than it did four or five years ago. You want to work with a social media expert who can adapt to the shifting environment and go with the flow.

#4. Reformed PR Person

The reformed PR social media expert recognizes that traditional PR is on its way out and is being replaced by/morphed into social media. Publishing online press releases (while great from an SEO link-building perspective is great) on social networks isn’t enough; companies and individuals can connect with journalists directly via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

While they may not be the most tech-savvy, the great thing about a reformed PR social media expert is that they are used to connecting with an audience and talking to the public, which is exactly what social media marketing is all about. They have great writing and communication skills and know how to spin a story to get people talking about your brand.

#5. Right Out of College

Expertise can only come with time. And while recent college grads may have had a personal Facebook page from when Facebook was only open to college students, that doesn’t mean they know how to leverage social media for a business. Yes, they are more likely to be comfortable with the rapidly changing environment that is social media and be on the cutting edge of the latest developments, but they might not have the skills to turn that into real value for your business.

A recent college grad can undoubtedly manage all your social profiles with ease, but can they take your social media marketing to the next level?

Where To Find The Best Social Media Experts

#1. Facebook

Facebook is the biggest social media platform worldwide. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of the platform, reported that as of the first quarter of 2019, the social channel had over 2.7 billion active users monthly.

Due to its volume of users as well as its ability to reach a wide audience, this social media platform has become a haven for recruiting. Through Facebook, you are guaranteed to find leading social media experts for effective social media content creation, both full-time or part-time.

Apart from Facebook, you can also find social media experts on its sister platforms Instagram and Twitter.

#2. LinkedIn

It comes as no surprise that LinkedIn ranks as one of the best sites to find social media experts. After all, it is one of the largest social media platforms that one can find. What’s more, many consider it to be the prime social media marketing channel for professionals looking to grow their careers.

There, you can find the leading experts in social media management and content marketing.

At present, the social channel boasts over 250 million active member users, so you’re bound to get a social media expert.

#3. Upwork

Upwork is the host of the largest freelance marketplace on the internet. At present, according to a fact sheet they released, there are over 12 million users on the platform. There, remote freelancers across various niches connect with clients to accomplish specific projects. From copywriters to web developers, you can find a freelancer for the job you need.

What’s more, Upwork allows you to filter freelancers by their Job Success Score, meaning that you can select a top-performing expert to assist you with growing your social media presence.

#4. Acadium

Formerly known as GenM, Acadium is a marketing company that specializes in honing and mentoring digital marketers. Through a series of apprenticeship programs and online courses, the company equips marketers with the right skill set so that they can enter the professional market on the right foot.

They also have a pool of top performers in their Acadium Plus program. This is an intensive job preparedness program in which enrollees gain core and intermediate digital marketing skills.

With Acadium, you’ll get a priority selection of the next set of leading digital marketers so you can stay ahead of the game.

#5. Freelancer

Freelancer is yet another freelance marketplace that connects companies with remote professional freelancers. The platform remains one of the most popular resources that clients use when it comes to outsourcing employees to complete a specific project. There, you can browse the list of freelancers available by skill.

After doing so, you should weigh your options based on the specific profile descriptions that crop up.

#6. Guru

Similar to Upwork, Guru is one of the leading platforms that unite remote freelancers and their potential clients in a simple yet effective way. There, you can find a host of freelancers who offer personalized services to help you complete your specific project.

Thanks to its popularity, the platform is not at a loss for social media experts. Their search tool allows you to discover professionals who will help you get your business’s brand and visibility where it needs to be on social media.

#7. Fiverr

To remain unique in a marketplace where more and more freelance platforms are springing up, Fiverr features a service that takes job recruitment one step further. “Fiverr Pro” puts you in touch with verified, reputable, and talented professionals who will get the job done for you.

Selecting a freelancer who appears under this heading guarantees that you will be working with someone who has the know-how when it comes to social media posts and marketing strategies.

Best Social Media Experts For You To Follow

#1. Jasmine Star

Jasmine left law school to become a photographer. A decade later, with a thriving business behind her, she decided to share her content marketing knowledge and skills as a business strategist. Her positive approach to life and work is the reason why she’s so popular with entrepreneurs. She’s carved out her place in the digital marketing space by offering great social-selling and business-building tips with bucket-loads of motivation.

Jasmine combines her life as a successful businesswoman, mother, and wife and shows us all how we can have a life that is productive, successful and balanced.

One of the reasons I follow Jasmine is because she always has such supportive digital marketing advice when I need that extra motivational nudge. Follow her on Instagram @jasminestar.

#2. Vanessa Lau

Vanessa Lau is a social media marketing expert and multiple 7-figure online business owner who helps creators and CEOs supercharge their income, influence, and impact.

After a career with a Fortune 500 company and a stint as a barista, Vanessa became a recognized YouTube master for her amazing content marketing tips and strategies. She now offers a full range of online services, webinars, and digital marketing courses.

I really enjoy delving through her playlists on her YouTube channel. She’s a treasure trove of the latest social media resources and campaign strategies.

Vanessa Lau is active on multiple social platforms. You can catch up with her videos on YouTube or follow her expert threads on Twitter. You can also find her on Instagram and TikTok for more bite-sized valuable information.

#3. Matt Navarra

Matt Navarra is one of Europe’s most in-demand social media industry commentator experts. He has advised all the big hitters – including Meta, Google, BBC, the United Nations, and the British government, among a host of others.

Matt has 15+ years of industry experience and is regularly sought as a social media thought leader by top international news channels.

Social media managers from huge worldwide brands hang out in Matt’s Facebook group “The Social Media Geekout”. His newsletter, “Geekout with Matt Navarra”, is one of the very best with over 25,000+ subscribers.

If you’re a social media manager, catch up with Matt for all the latest social media news on Twitter @MattNavarra, in The Social Media Geekout Facebook Group, or on LinkedIn.

#4. Pretty Little Marketer

Social media expert and founder Sophie Miller is one smart cookie you’ll definitely want to follow. Her digital marketing advice is in such demand that she’s been appointed as a Virgin Startup Mentor!

With over 1.5 million people seeing PLM’s content every month, you can expect to learn step-by-step social media marketing content pillars and post strategies to boost your brand’s growth. I follow PLM for their weekly round-up publications every Friday for trending social media, personal branding, and marketing strategy tips.

The best place to find Pretty Little Marketer is on her Instagram account @prettylittlemarketer. However, there’s also an amazingly supportive Pretty Little Marketer Facebook Group and online community for lots of in-depth group advice and help.

#5. Brock Johnson

If your goal as a content creator is to create and post Instagram Reels every day, Brock Johnson is your guy. He has an incredible output rate & is known for creating multiple Reels, posts, and stories every day for his followers.

Brock’s IG profile is basically a huge library of posts about the Instagram algorithm and how to master social media growth hacks for your business. His down-to-earth content marketing tips have helped me get past the occasional creative block.

You can follow Brock on Instagram @brock11johnsonAnd, as you’d expect from a guy who’s an expert in short-form video, you’ll also find him on TikTok.

Difference Between A Social Media Expert And A Social Media Manager

The difference between social media experts and social media managers is that, in larger companies with more developed social media teams, social media experts are more focused on daily operations. They are mostly concerned with implementation, writing social copies, communicating with the public through comments, and always keeping an eye on what’s trending.

They also need to have an awareness of key influencers in their industry to spread their brand message and make valuable connections.

Social media experts also track and analyze social media KPIs and check up on ROI. And don’t forget: they also publish and promote content on social media, usually by scheduling it in advance with the help of an editorial calendar.

While social media experts usually have a social strategy as an important part of their role, social media managers, in contrast, might have more control over guiding the process, setting budgets, and evaluating performance. Generally speaking, the latter plan an organization’s strategy around marketing, advertising, and finding new leads. They also likely are involved with performing audits to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategy.


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