Become a LinkedIn Influencer with Creator Mode: A Step-by-Step Guide for Enhanced Personal Branding

LinkedIn Creator Mode
Image by ijeab on freepik

I remember when I first discovered LinkedIn Creator Mode. It was a usual Tuesday morning, and I was sipping my coffee while going through my LinkedIn feed. Suddenly I noticed that a couple of my engagements were receiving significantly more interaction than usual. Their profiles had a fresh, vivid appeal that drew my attention. Intrigued, I did further research and discovered it was the power of LinkedIn Creator Mode.

Now, to change the idea that LinkedIn is simply a platform for professionals to network and hunt for opportunities, it developed Creator Mode.  In turn, a way for members to become content creators on the platform and help LinkedIn become a destination for engaging and inspiring content other than just industry news and job postings. 

In today’s professional world, personal branding isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding freelancer, or climbing the corporate ladder, how you present yourself online can significantly impact your career. This guide is designed to help you unlock the full potential of LinkedIn Creator Mode, transforming your profile into a dynamic platform for your personal brand.

Key Takeaways

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile, click on the “Me” icon, and go to “View Profile.” Toggle the Creator Mode switch on to access features designed to boost your content visibility and audience engagement.
  • Select up to five topics relevant to your expertise. These hashtags appear prominently on your profile, helping visitors quickly understand your content focus and making your profile more discoverable.
  • Use tools like LinkedIn Live, newsletters, and in-depth analytics. These features can enhance your content’s reach and engagement, allowing you to interact with your audience in real-time and provide valuable insights through regular updates.
  • Create a content calendar outlining what you will post, the frequency, and engagement strategies. Aim to post two to five times a week, sharing a mix of industry insights, personal stories, and interactive content like polls and Q&A sessions.
  • Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and engage with other users’ content. Consistent interaction not only keeps your current audience engaged but also attracts new followers, enhancing your professional presence on LinkedIn.

What Is LinkedIn Creator Mode?

LinkedIn has been operating for nearly two decades, having launched in May 2003, long before Facebook. However, it didn’t gain mainstream until closer to 2011, when it reached the 100 million user mark. LinkedIn now has over a billion users and drives twice as many conversions as other social sites. This is why many professionals enjoy sharing workplace anecdotes on the site, whether through LinkedIn postings or articles.

According to LinkedIn, creator mode is “a profile setting on your dashboard that can help you grow your reach and influence on LinkedIn.” Users can turn this on to gain access to additional tools that can help them create and promote their LinkedIn content. Key features include:

  • The option for users to “Follow” your profile makes it easier to grow your audience.
  • A designated section to highlight the topics you frequently discuss.
  • A rearranged profile layout that prominently displays your “Featured” content and activities.
  • The opportunity to add a link to your introduction, guiding visitors to your website or other platforms.
  • Potential features on LinkedIn’s suggested creator list increase your visibility to new users.
  • Exclusive access to tools like LinkedIn Live, newsletters, and in-depth analytics.

In addition, Creator Mode is an optimal option for professionals and content creators who want to grow their influence and audience on LinkedIn. In other words, when you choose creator mode, LinkedIn optimizes your profile for posting content. This means that your articles and postings will become more visible to LinkedIn users. You’ll also be able to discover insights on your readership, such as who’s reading your material and how frequently they interact with it. 

Why You Should Switch On LinkedIn Creator Mode

Personal branding and thought leadership are pivotal in establishing professional credibility in today’s digital age. For those eager to elevate their presence on LinkedIn, the platform’s Creator Mode comes as a boon. Here’s a clear breakdown of why activating this feature can be an invaluable tool for your profile:

#1. Establish Your Expertise

Creator Mode allows you to choose five primary subjects or hashtags that reflect your professional interests and expertise. They are clearly displayed beneath your headline and provide visitors with immediate information about your niche and focus.

#2. Effortlessly Expand Your Audience

With a “Follow” button replacing the conventional “Connect,” professionals can easily follow your content. Those seeking a deeper connection can still do so via an expanded menu option.

#3. Highlight Your Best Work

Your top content pieces can be shown just below your profile information, ensuring that your greatest work is seen first by viewers. Whether it’s an outstanding article, a client testimonial, or any other notable post, it needs to be highlighted. 

#4. Access Exclusive Publishing Tools

Unlock features such as LinkedIn Live and newsletters. Engage your audience with real-time video sessions or offer thought-provoking written pieces via newsletters. You will also be able to live-stream directly from the LinkedIn app, eliminating the need for third-party integrations.

#5. Increase Your Discoverability

Your content has an opportunity to shine beyond your current network. LinkedIn’s Creator Mode increases your content’s visibility, making it discoverable by others interested in your chosen themes, even if they aren’t in your immediate circle.

The digital environment is full of opportunities, and technologies like LinkedIn’s Creator Mode make it easy to take advantage of them. Whether you’re a new professional or an industry veteran, this feature is a step toward a more active, expansive, and enriched professional network. It’s time to turn on and shine! 

Turning On LinkedIn Creator Mode: A Step-by-Step Guide

LinkedIn’s Creator Mode has been a buzzword among professionals eager to boost their content visibility. This feature, easily toggled on or off as needed, offers users exclusive tools and optimized profile features to enhance their LinkedIn experience. If you’re considering diving into this mode, here’s a concise guide to get you started:

Step 1. Start by going to your LinkedIn profile and clicking on the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Then click View Profile.

Step 2. Scroll down to Resources and click on the button that says Creator mode: Off. Toggle this button to activate creator mode.

LinkedIn Resources section on a personal profile showing the creator mode toggle off.

Step 3. You’ll see a preview of what LinkedIn creator mode will look like on your profile. Click Next.

Preview of what the LinkedIn creator mode would look like before you confirm to your profile.

Step 4. On the next screen, you’ll add hashtags to indicate the topics you post about the most. Choose up to five topics and click Done.

If you want to change your topics, you can unselect one of the topics in green and then add another topic to replace it.

Screenshot of LinkedIn creator mode settings and the optional ability to select topics or hashtags to add to your profile.

Step 5. From there, simply follow the prompts to finish setting up LinkedIn creator mode. And you’re done!

Screenshot of confirmation that LinkedIn creator mode is on.

Maximizing LinkedIn Creator Mode: Essential Tips For Success

LinkedIn’s Creator Mode offers users a new way to showcase their expertise and grow their audience. But like any tool, its effectiveness depends on how you use it. I’ve already walked you through how to turn it on—but let’s cover a few tactics you can use to make the most of this new profile mode.

#1. Develop a Content Plan

Having a roadmap is essential. Determine what type of material you’ll develop, how frequently you’ll post, and how you’ll increase interaction. Tailoring your plan to your target audience’s demands and preferences might boost its effectiveness.

#2. Use All Five Accessible Subjects

When you enable creator mode, you can post up to five topics that you discuss on the site. While this is entirely optional, we strongly encourage you to make use of it.

These subjects appear as hashtags at the top of your LinkedIn profile, allowing visitors to quickly understand the types of content you post. 

#3. Select Relevant Hashtags

By following this checklist below, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging hashtags effectively on LinkedIn. Remember, the key is to stay informed, be strategic, and engage authentically with your community.

Pick five hashtags: three popular ones to increase visibility, and two that truly represent your professional essence. This combination ensures you capture wider attention while staying authentic to your expertise.

#4. Produce Engaging Content

To make the most of your newfound creator status, devise a strategy for publishing a large amount of original content to your LinkedIn profile. The recommended LinkedIn posting frequency is two to five times per week. With creative tools, you’ll want to lean on the side of posting more frequently, around five times per week or every business day. But why should you post two to five times every week? I’ve compiled a list of content ideas (and examples!) to assist you get inspired for your content strategy. 

  • Share industry statistics—but make sure they’re recent and properly sourced
  • Share a success story—but include actionable steps to help your viewers try to replicate your results
  • Post an anecdote from work
  • Share a post from your business—it’s a win-win, helping both your profile and your company profile get more reach
  • Conduct a poll—LinkedIn has its poll feature to make this easy and interactive
  • Be educational/informational

#5. Add a Cover Story Video To Your Profile

With creator mode, you can now post a 30-second video to your profile. If you have a video, users can watch it by clicking on your profile photo. If someone has a video that you haven’t watched yet, you’ll notice that their profile photo is outlined by this blue-purple gradient circle:

To do this, record a professional 30-second video introducing yourself, sharing what you do, how people can contact you, and what it would be like to work with you. This may be a wonderful conversion, so make an effort with your profile video. 

#6. Make Use Of Available Features

Make the most of the tools Creator Mode offers: like

  • Newsletters: Share varied content with your followers, ensuring they remain updated even when they’re not active on LinkedIn.
  • Video Content: It’s a dynamic way to display your skills and personality, fostering deeper connections with your audience.

#7. Stay Consistent

Consistency is key. You need a more consistent posting schedule to maintain momentum. Regular content keeps your current audience engaged and attracts new followers.

While LinkedIn’s Creator Mode presents a plethora of opportunities, your success hinges on strategic planning and execution. These tips can guide you toward establishing a robust presence and forging meaningful connections on the platform.

The Benefits Of LinkedIn Creator Mode

LinkedIn has launched its “Creator Mode,” aiming to offer more tools and capabilities for content creators. Understanding its potential benefits is crucial if you’re considering leveraging this mode. Here’s a breakdown of what you can gain from this feature:

#1. Enhanced Visibility

A major perk of creator mode is personal branding. By showcasing chosen content at the top of your profile, you can make a lasting impact on visitors and leave them with a clear sense of your expertise and achievements. You can also establish yourself as a respected authority in your field and better position yourself to influence industry discussions and provide valuable insights.

Activating the creator mode can broaden your content’s reach. Your account becomes eligible for the Discover Hub, allowing potential followers in your industry to discover and connect with you. You could be featured as a suggested profile through this mode, exposing your content to a larger audience.

#2. In-Depth Analytics

Gain a better understanding of your content’s performance through combined post analytics, which reveals impressions, engagements, and top-performing posts.  Audience analytics show follower growth and demographic details, ensuring your content reaches the desired audience.

#3. Expanded Profile Features

The creator mode offers a richer profile display, allowing you to add topics and a direct website link.  This provides a snapshot of your professional expertise and directs potential clients to your business page or portfolio.

#4. Growth in Followers

The traditional “Connect” button transitions to a “Follow” button, encouraging more users to follow your updates.  Even if someone sends a connection request, they automatically become your follower. Your profile will display connection and follower counts, offering solid social proof to prospective followers.

#5. Access to Exclusive Features

Creator mode users get unique tools, such as the capability to craft LinkedIn newsletters, host live sessions, organize audio events, and integrate follow buttons on external web pages.  These exclusive features offer diverse avenues to showcase your expertise and grow your follower base.

#6. Increase Your Engagement Rates

With creator mode, you can highlight specific types of content like posts, articles, and featured links. This focused approach encourages more interaction, including comments, likes, and shares, which spreads your content far and wide.

The LinkedIn Creator Mode is designed to amplify your presence, offer detailed insights, and provide a platform for comprehensive professional storytelling. By understanding and utilizing its features, you can ensure a more dynamic and engaging LinkedIn experience.

Should you turn on LinkedIn creator mode?

If you’re a content creator who consistently posts thought-provoking stuff on LinkedIn, you should test this new style. It can help you reach a larger audience and increase your bottom line.

Is creator mode available to everyone on LinkedIn?

Everyone has access to creator mode; however, not everyone has equal access to all creator tools. Tools such as LinkedIn Live and LinkedIn Newsletter have extra requirements that users must complete.

Are LinkedIn creators paid?

LinkedIn does not have a creator fund, as Instagram and TikTok do. However, becoming a creator can be useful in several other ways, providing you even greater reach so that individuals interested in your products or services can find you and become new customers.  

Do creator accounts get more followers?

One major benefit of creator mode is the ability to reach even more potential followers. While there’s not enough data to say for sure that creator accounts get more followers, the purpose of the account makes it seem like this would be a logical conclusion.

Do creator accounts get more engagement?

Yes, creator accounts do tend to see more engagement as long as the creator is consistently posting new content.


At first glance, converting your profile to Creator mode may appear to be a terrific idea, but it’s not so great for people who don’t post consistently (at least twice a week) and have no motivation to develop material beyond the ordinary updates.

If the “About” section moves lower down in your profile, you will lose important real estate. Remember, most individuals who visit a profile will just scan for a few seconds, so if your summary converts prospects into clients, why move it?

I’m not against LinkedIn Creator mode, but it should only be available to those who are committed to providing information regularly and in a variety of formats. Most significantly, if your goal is to grow an audience, not mindfully build connections, one qualified connection at a time. By following this guide, you can transform your LinkedIn profile into a dynamic platform that showcases your expertise, engages your audience, and helps you achieve your professional goals. So, what are you waiting for? Activate Creator Mode today and start your journey to becoming a LinkedIn influencer.


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