Best Time to Upload YouTube Videos for Massive Views in 2024

Best Time to Upload to YouTube
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Why do some YouTube videos skyrocket to fame while others fade into the background? It might all come down to timing. I’ve looked into the best times to post on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn, but YouTube stands out with a single time slot that performs significantly better than the rest of the week. The best time to upload to YouTube, YouTube Shorts, and regular YouTube videos can make a difference. I spent weeks crafting a video I was sure would go viral. I hit “publish” at midnight. No views, no comments. But everything changed when I changed my strategy and posted at a different time. When is the magic hour to hit that upload button? When will your potential viewers most likely be online, ready to watch, like, and share?

This article will examine the Best Times to Upload YouTube shorts and Videos for each day of the week.


  • The best time to upload YouTube videos is in the afternoon, especially after 3 PM. Engagement peaks between 3 PM to 6 PM and 6 PM to 9 PM.
  • The optimal times to upload YouTube Shorts are 12 PM to 3 PM and 7 PM to 10 PM, particularly on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Views increase during midmorning, lunch breaks, late afternoons, and evenings. Posting videos at these times, especially on Fridays from 3 PM to 4 PM, can increase visibility.
  • While these guidelines provide a starting point, it’s essential to experiment and analyze your specific audience’s behavior using YouTube analytics to refine the best posting times for your content.

Best Time to Upload to YouTube

Credit: rawpixel

Uploading your YouTube videos in the afternoon, especially after 3 PM, is ideal. Most people see the best engagement on YouTube between 3 PM to 6 PM and 6 PM to 9 PM. However, these are just starting points; you must experiment to find the best times for your specific audience. Here’s a closer look at the optimal times to post on YouTube for each day of the week:


Monday is the second-worst day to post. People are busy returning to their weekly routines, juggling work and home commitments. If you must post on Monday, try between 2 PM and 4 PM to catch people during school pickups or that afternoon work slump.


Tuesday is the worst day to post, with only 10% of people reporting high engagement. If you must post on Tuesday, aim for 2 PM to 4 PM.


Wednesday could be better for posting, too. The first half of the week keeps people busy. If you must post on Wednesday, late afternoon to early evening is your best bet to catch viewers winding down.


Thursday is a good day for engagement as people start looking forward to the weekend—post between 12 PM and 3 PM to catch people later in the day.


Friday is one of the best days to post since people are ready to relax and watch videos. Aim for 12 PM to 3 PM, like Thursday, to maximize visibility.


Unlike other social media platforms, YouTube sees high engagement on weekends. Post between 3 PM and 6 PM on Saturdays to take advantage of viewers with more free time.


On Sundays, people tend to watch videos in the early evening. Posting between 1 and 4 PM will give you the best chance to reach your audience.

Best Time to Upload YouTube Shorts

The optimal time to share your YouTube Shorts is during peak hours, precisely 12 PM to 3 PM and 7 PM to 10 PM. This recommendation is especially relevant for Mondays and Tuesdays. My findings are based on analyzing the engagement of over 50,000 accounts from various industries and locations.

Posting during these times can significantly increase the chances of your content being seen and engaged. The midday slot, from 12 PM to 3 PM, captures viewers during their lunch breaks or early afternoon downtime. The evening slot, from 7 to 10 PM, targets those winding down after dinner and relaxing before bed.

Best Time to Upload YouTube Videos

The best time to upload YouTube videos is Friday from 3 PM to 4 PM. I’ve noticed that videos shared during this timeframe get the highest number of views. Other prime times include Tuesday at 2 PM and Thursday at 6 PM.

Generally speaking, views are lower earlier on weekdays, picking up during midmorning, lunch breaks, and late afternoon and evening. There are also a few late-night hot zones, like 11 PM on Monday and Thursday. YouTube video views increase as the week goes on, peaking on Fridays before dropping off over the weekend.

Analyzing your YouTube analytics is crucial for optimizing your content and maximizing engagement. Download this YouTube Analytics Checklist to guide you through the critical aspects of your YouTube analytics.

What is YouTube’s Algorithm, and How Does it Work?

YouTube’s algorithm is like the site’s search engine. It helps you find the videos you’re interested in among the billions available. When you search for something, it picks out the videos that match best with what you’re looking for.

To get more views on YouTube, understanding the algorithm is key:

  • Relevance: If you search for “easy hairstyles,” you expect to find videos about hairstyles, not cars. YouTube looks at how well a video’s title and description match your search to decide what to show you.
  • Quality: YouTube likes to keep people watching. Better-quality videos keep viewers interested, so ensuring yours meets that standard is worth it. If viewers enjoy your content, they’re more likely to stick around.
  • User Interaction: It’s not just about how long people watch. YouTube also looks at how many views, shares, and comments your video gets. The more engagement, the more YouTube will promote your video because it shows people like it.

How to Make YouTube Video Go Viral?

Now that we understand how YouTube’s algorithm works let’s dive into what makes a video go viral:

Unique and Captivating Content

Viral videos often showcase something unusual or highly engaging. Take the “It’s corn!” video from 2022, for instance. It featured an adorable kid, funny and absurd content, and a catchy song, grabbing attention from all angles. Your video doesn’t need to fit a specific mold. Whether it’s educational, entertaining, or inspiring, uniqueness is critical. As YouTube says, “Our algorithm doesn’t pay attention to videos; it pays attention to viewers. So, rather than making videos that’ll make an algorithm happy, focus on making videos that make your viewers happy.”

Read Top 10 Tips for Crafting Captivating Content That Keeps Readers Hooked!

High Production Quality

Good video and audio quality can significantly increase your chances of going viral. YouTube wants to keep users engaged; poor-quality videos can turn viewers away. Tools like Descript can help you easily enhance your video’s resolution and sound quality, ensuring your content meets high standards.

Optimized Video Thumbnails and Titles

Your video’s title and thumbnail are crucial for catching viewers’ eyes and aligning with their search. By optimizing these elements with relevant keywords, you improve your chances of going viral. This is known as search engine optimization (SEO), which involves using terms your audience searches for in your video title, description, and thumbnail.

Virality often depends on current trends. Posting timely content can give you an edge. For example, a “What’s in my bag?” video was trendy in the early 2010s, but not so much now. Posting when your audience is most active, typically between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. (ET), can also boost early views and catch the algorithm’s attention.

Community and Engagement

Building a community around your content helps with virality. When viewers like, comment, and subscribe, it signals to YouTube that your content is engaging and worth promoting. A solid fan base watching and interacting with your videos right after you upload them can boost your video’s visibility.


YouTube values content that drives traffic to the platform. Videos that are easily shareable can attract more viewers, leading to greater visibility. Creating content that people want to share can significantly increase your chances of going viral.

How to Get 1000 Views on YouTube?

Here are the top tips to help you get 1,000 views on your YouTube videos and boost your channel’s growth:

Buy 1K YouTube Views

Buying views from Media Mister can be a good option if you want a quick boost. They offer genuine views from real accounts with a high retention rate, secure payment methods, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Use YouTube SEO Strategy

To get your videos noticed, invest in a robust YouTube SEO strategy. Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to rank higher in search results and attract more viewers.

#1. Create High-Quality Content

Focus on producing visually engaging and informative content. Invest in a good camera, lighting, and an external microphone to improve the quality. High-quality content keeps viewers entertained and encourages them to share your videos.

#2. Upload Consistently

Maintain a consistent upload schedule to keep your audience engaged. Plan your content calendar and use scheduling tools to automate releases, ensuring your viewers know when to expect new videos.

#3. Create Eye-Catching Thumbnails

Use clear, high-resolution images, vibrant colors, and engaging text in your thumbnails. A compelling thumbnail can grab viewers’ attention and entice them to watch your video.

#4. Utilize YouTube Cards

YouTube cards can promote related content and encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. Place them strategically in your videos to direct viewers to other content without disrupting the viewing experience.

#5. Use YouTube End Screens

End screens are a great way to promote additional content in the last few seconds of your video. They can recommend related videos and playlists or encourage subscriptions, keeping your audience engaged.

#6. Add Timestamps

Timestamps make your video more discoverable and user-friendly by allowing viewers to jump to specific sections. They help viewers find relevant content quickly, boosting engagement and views.

#7. Grow Your Subscriber Base

Your subscribers are crucial for getting views. Encourage viewers to subscribe and turn on notifications so they get alerts when you upload new content, increasing your video’s immediate visibility.

#8. Promote on Other Social Media

Share your videos on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to reach a broader audience. Use behind-the-scenes clips or teasers to build anticipation and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

#9. Collaborate with Other Influencers

Team up with other content creators to enhance your credibility and reach a wider audience. Collaborations can introduce your channel to new viewers, helping you gain more views.

#10. Run YouTube Ads

Ad campaigns can quickly attract more viewers to your channel. Paid ads can boost your videos, signaling to the algorithm that your content is engaging and worth promoting.

#11. Use YouTube Analytics

YouTube analytics provides valuable insights into your audience and video performance. Use this data to refine your content strategy, focusing on what engages viewers the most to increase watch time and views.

Also read: Google Ads for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Success

How to Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube?

Here are ways to get 1000 YouTube subscribers:

#1 Create Evergreen Content

Make videos that stay fresh and relevant, like how-to guides, tutorials, or informational videos. These kinds of videos continue to attract viewers long after they’ve been posted. For example, a video on “how to get a six-pack” or “makeup tips for beginners” will always be in demand. We created a video about how the YouTube algorithm works, and even six months later, it’s still bringing in 700 new subscribers each month. That’s the power of evergreen content!

#2 Focus on What Works

Dive into your video analytics to see what’s performing well. Some videos might get many views, while others bring in more subscribers. Concentrate on the videos that drive subscriptions if you aim to hit 1000 subscribers. Don’t just go by view counts; sometimes, less popular videos can bring in more subscribers. Understanding which videos perform best in different areas allows you to create more content that meets your goals.

#3 Optimize Your Channel Page

Your channel page is often the first impression for new viewers. A well-organized channel page can be a significant source of new subscribers. For us, our channel page brings in more subscribers than our videos. Ensure your banner and About section clearly explain your channel and use featured videos and playlists to showcase your best content. A well-optimized channel page can quickly boost your subscriber count.

#4 Strengthen Existing Content

Instead of constantly creating new videos, examine your existing content. You might have great videos that just need a better title or thumbnail to increase their click-through rate. Improving these elements can lead to more views and subscribers without producing new content. This strategy saves time and maximizes the potential of your current videos.

#5 Make Subscribing Rewarding

Rather than just asking viewers to subscribe, offer them something special. You could promise a particular video or collaboration once you hit a certain number of subscribers. This makes subscribing more engaging and rewarding for your audience.

#6 Use the Community Tab

If your channel has the Community tab, use it! It’s a great way to engage with both subscribers and non-subscribers. Post polls, ask questions, and share behind-the-scenes content to attract new subscribers. You can track how many subscribers you gain from community posts in YouTube Analytics, so give it a try and see how it works for you.

#7 Time Your Call to Action

The timing of when you ask viewers to subscribe can make a big difference. Instead of asking right at the beginning, wait until you’ve shown them the value of your content. Viewers who watch until the end are more likely to subscribe because they’ve already seen what you offer. This strategy has worked well for my friend, leading her to have more engaged subscribers.

Ready to hit that 1000 subscriber milestone? Try these tips and watch your numbers grow!

Does YouTube Pay for Shorts?

To make money from YouTube Shorts, you don’t need 1,000 subscribers. With YouTube’s Shorts Fund, creators can earn money from their Shorts without worrying about their subscriber count. However, to get the full benefits of the YouTube Partner Program, you need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours.

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