How to Set up Linktree on Instagram: The Ultimate Guide 

Linktree Instagram
Image by freepik

Tired of being limited to just one link in your Instagram bio? Frustrated by having to choose between your website, portfolio, and latest YouTube video?

There’s a solution! Linktree lets you create a landing page with all your important links in one place. This way, you can drive traffic to everything you do, all from a single link in your Instagram bio.

Intrigued? Setting up Linktree for Instagram is a breeze.  In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, on how to set up Linktree Instagram. We’ll cover everything on how to fix your Linktree Instagram account not working. By the end, you’ll have a sleek, informative Linktree ready to supercharge your Instagram profile and connect with your audience in a whole new way. Let’s get started!

key Points

  • Think of Linktree as your all-in-one toolbox for directing traffic to the places that matter most for your business.
  • You can create a Linktree for free! Linktree offers two options: a free plan and a paid plan with some extras.
  • To track how your Linktree is performing, you’ll get basic analytics that shows you the total number of views and clicks your links are getting.
  • Linktree works across tons of platforms, not just Instagram. You can use it on TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube, basically anywhere you want to connect with your audience.
  • Think of Linktree as your all-in-one toolbox for directing traffic to the places that matter most for your business. It’s free, easy to use, and makes your life (and your audience’s experience) a whole lot easier.

Linktree Instagram

I’m here to show you the ropes of Linktree, a game-changer for anyone using Instagram for business. You know that struggle—Instagram only lets you have one Medium link in your bio. That’s where Linktree comes in. It’s like a magic box for all your important links, turning that single bio link into a beautiful landing page.

Take for example, all your essential online resources—your website, store, blog, events, videos, you name it—are neatly displayed on one user-friendly page. That’s the power of Linktree. It makes it super easy for your audience to find everything they need in one place. Plus, it’s free!

Setting up Linktree is a breeze. We’ll start on your desktop first. Head over to the Linktree website and create your account. Here’s the cool part: you can also download the Linktree app on your phone, making managing your links on the go a snap (it’s perfect since most people use Instagram on their phones anyway).

Now, let’s get down to customizing your Linktree profile. The free version offers plenty of options to make it visually appealing and match your brand. Don’t worry, it’s all super intuitive.

Here’s the magic trick: once you’ve built your dream Linktree landing page, simply add that single Linktree link to your bio on Instagram (and any other social media profiles you use). Now, whenever someone clicks that link, they’ll be whisked away to your one-stop shop for everything you do online. They can check out your products, services, blog posts, or anything else you want to showcase. It’s like having a mini website accessible with just one link!

Think of Linktree as your all-in-one toolbox for directing traffic to the places that matter most for your business. It’s free, easy to use, and makes your life (and your audience’s experience) a whole lot easier. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s go build your Linktree and watch your online presence soar!

Lamphills How to Set up Linktree Instagram Template

Linktree Instagram Not Working

Tech problems are the worst! Especially when it messes with something that’s supposed to make life easier, like my Linktree on Instagram.

You see, with a Linktree, I can ditch the whole “one-link-in-bio” rule and send people to all my important stuff—my portfolio, blog, or even my online store, depending on what I do. So having my Instagram Linktree not working is a major problem.

Why is Linktree not working on Instagram?

Before we go into the fix, let’s talk about why this might be happening. It could be a glitch with Instagram itself, Linktree might be down for maintenance (don’t panic, it’ll be back!), my phone’s running low on juice, or maybe I accidentally used a shortened URL (which Instagram isn’t a huge fan of).

How to fix the “Linktree Instagram not working”

First things first, sometimes these apps just need a little refresh. So, if Instagram or Linktree are having a hiccup, waiting it out might be the best option. But if you’re pretty sure it’s something else, like a low battery or a weird app issue, here are some troubleshooting tricks I recommend:

  • Update Instagram: Using an outdated app can lead to all sorts of problems, including a non-clickable Linktree. Head to your app store and grab the latest version—bonus points for getting access to new editing features!
  • Clear the cache: Your phone stores bits of information (called cache) to make things run smoothly. But sometimes this information gets old and messes with apps. Android users can clear the cache by going to settings > app management > Instagram > clear cache. iPhone users might need to delete and reinstall the app altogether.
  • Reinstall the app: Feeling like a tech whiz? Try deleting and reinstalling Instagram, whether you’re on Android or iPhone. This clears the cache and ensures you’re running the latest version.
  • Restart your phone: It’s a classic for a reason! If your phone’s feeling sluggish or an app isn’t working right, try a good old reboot and charge. Just give it a few seconds to power back up before you dive back in.
  • Ditch the shortened URL: Instagram can be picky about shortened URLs, so stick to the full Linktree address in your bio. However, if you’re still having trouble adding any links at all, it could be because you recently updated your Instagram information. Try waiting 24 hours and adding the link again.
  • Call for assistance: Still stuck? If you’ve waited out any app meltdowns and tried all the tricks above, you can always reach out to Instagram or Linktree support. For Instagram, go to your profile, tap the three lines in the corner, hit Settings, and then report a problem. Follow the prompts to tell them about your Linktree woes. For Linktree, you can find their support options on their website.

Hopefully, these tips get your Linktree back up and running so you can get back to directing your Instagram followers to all your awesome stuff!

How to Set up Linktree Instagram 

First things first, head over to and create an account. Fill out the information, then check your email and verify it. Boom! Now you’re in your Linktree dashboard.

It’s time to add some links! Click the bright purple “Add New Link” button. Here’s where the magic happens: give your link a catchy title, paste in the website address (URL), and even add a thumbnail image. They have a library, or you can upload your own. Don’t worry, it’s easy! Just repeat this for all the links you want to showcase.

Want to keep things organized? Click the purple lightning bolt to add headers. These act like titles, grouping your links by theme, making it easier for visitors to navigate. You can even drag and drop links and headers around to get the perfect layout.

Ready to personalize your Linktree? Head to the “Appearance” tab. Here’s where you can add a background image, write a short bio about yourself, and even pick a theme! There are free options, but Pro users can get fancy and create custom themes.

Once you’re happy with your masterpiece, it’s time to connect it to your Instagram. In the top right corner, you’ll see your Linktree URL Just copy the URL. We’ll paste it into your Instagram bio later

Instagram Linktree Tips

I’ve been using Linktree to drive traffic to different parts of my online presence, and here are some tricks I’ve learned to make it super effective.

First, ditch the boring link names! Instead, use clear titles that instantly tell people where they’re going. Think “Shop my latest collection” or “sign up for my newsletter”—clearly, right?

Speaking of clarity, the title of your Linktree itself needs to be a winner. Craft a concise description that entices people to click. Tease exclusive content, highlight your most popular offerings, or simply state your purpose—just make it irresistible!

Now, let’s talk about keeping things focused. It’s tempting to cram every link you have under the sun into your Linktree, but resist the urge! Too many options overwhelm viewers. Instead, curate a selection of the most relevant links that support your current goals. Running a new promotion? Feature just that link. Simple and effective.

To take things a step further, consider using Linktree’s paid features to make your page shine. These tools let you customize the look and feel of your brand with your brand colors and icons. When your Linktree seamlessly blends with your existing brand identity, it fosters trust and recognition.

Finally, don’t set your Linktree and forget it! Regularly check in to make sure the links reflect your current offerings. Remove anything outdated that might confuse visitors. You can even use analytics to see what’s working and what’s not, so you can keep optimizing your Linktree strategy for maximum impact.

First, I head over to my Linktree admin dashboard. There’s a big, friendly button that says “+ Add link,” so I can’t miss it. I clicked that, and now I have two options. I can either paste the web address (URL) of the link I want to add, like my portfolio website or my latest YouTube video. Or, if I’m feeling fancy, I can click “View all” to explore Linktree’s Link Apps. These are cool pre-built options for things like social media profiles or music streaming services.

Next, I give my link a catchy title. This will be the button people see on my Linktree, so I want it to be clear and descriptive. For example, if I’m adding my Instagram profile, I might title it “Follow me on Instagram!”

Finally, sometimes when I add a link, a little image thumbnail pops up below the URL. This is awesome because it adds some visual flair to my Linktree. If that happens, I can customize the settings for that specific link. But that’s it! Once I’ve gone through these steps, my shiny new link is live and ready for visitors on my Linktree.

What Is Linktree Used For? 

It’s like having a personal assistant for your links. Imagine having all the important ones you want to share with your audience – your website, portfolio, social media profiles, and anything else—collected in one, neat place. That’s Linktree. It lets you create a custom landing page where you can organize these links with buttons and icons. No more constantly updating your bio link or directing people to different places.

But the best part? Linktree works across tons of platforms, not just Instagram. You can use it on TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube, basically anywhere you want to connect with your audience. It’s a one-stop shop for all your web destinations, keeping everything organized and easily accessible for your followers. So, let go of the frustration of limited bio links and say hello to a streamlined way to connect with your audience.

Can You Create a Linktree for Free?

You can create a Linktree for free! Linktree offers two options: a free plan and a paid plan with some extras. Here’s the breakdown of what you get with the free plan:

First off, you won’t be limited to the number of links you can add, which is fantastic for keeping everything organized. Sharing your Linktree offline is a breeze too, because they provide QR codes you can print out or display. Love using videos? No problem! The free plan lets you embed videos with autoplay right on your Linktree. Plus, you can add thumbnails to your links for a more visually appealing look.

While you can’t get super fancy with the free plan in terms of customization, you do have some control over the look and feel. You can add a bio and title to personalize your Linktree, and they offer a variety of themes to choose from. To track how your Linktree is performing, you’ll get basic analytics that shows you the total number of views and clicks your links are getting. This is a great way to see what’s resonating with your audience.

So, if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to manage all your important links in one place, Linktree’s free plan is a solid option to get you started.

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