How to Get Verified on Twitter: What You Need to Know and Do

How to Get Verified on Twitter
Image by freepik

The idea must have crossed the mind of every single person on Twitter – how do I get verified on Twitter? 

There is something about that blue tick. Isn’t it?

The very thought of standing out as a celebrity on Twitter among 353 million monthly active users worldwide is natural. Getting a blue tick on Twitter is quite simple after you qualify for all the eligibility criteria. In this article, I will take you through the process of verifying your account on Twitter and also show you the benefits of having a verified account.

Key Points

  • Twitter verification is a special badge showing next to a person’s name, indicating they are who they claim to be.
  • Types of Twitter verification badges include blue check, gold check, grey check, state-affiliated and government labels, and automated account labels.
  • Twitter Blue subscription costs $8.00 per month.
  • The benefits of getting your Twitter account verified include enhanced authenticity and credibility, protection against impersonation and phishing, increased visibility and recognition, and better opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.

What Does Twitter Verification Mean?

Twitter is like a huge online crowd where everyone’s chatting and posting stuff. But sometimes, you might want to know if someone is really who they say they are, like a famous person or a well-known brand.

Twitter verification is like a special badge that shows up next to someone’s name. When you see this checkmark on Twitter, it means that the person or brand that bears it has been checked and confirmed by Twitter. They’re not pretending to be someone else–they’re the real deal.

Take a look at all these people using Barack Obama’s image and name.

A snapshot of Twitter search

To identify the real Barack Obama, all you need to do is check the blue checkmark next to his name and you’ll know for sure you’ve got the right person.

A snapshot of Twitter search

So, the verification badge is like a stamp of authenticity, differentiating you from the fakes and impersonators.

What Are the Different Types of Twitter Verification?

After sunsetting the legacy blue-check-only verification model, Twitter introduced new models for verification on Twitter.

While Twitter Blue is a paid subscription model that gives all eligible subscribers a blue badge, Twitter Verified Organizations uses colour-coding to indicate what kind of business or brand you are on Twitter.

The Verified Organization system is largely for corporate entities like non-profit organizations, businesses, and government bodies. To become a verified organization on Twitter, you must apply through Twitter.

#1. Blue Check on Twitter

The blue badge on Twitter used to mean an account was of public interest and was “authentic, notable, and active.” Twitter no longer uses the legacy criteria, so now, a blue check means an account has subscribed to Twitter Blue.

Once you subscribe to Twitter Blue, you’ll have immediate access to all its features.

However, your blue check will only appear after Twitter reviews your account and ensures it meets all eligibility criteria.

#2. Gold Check on Twitter

A gold checkmark means an account is registered as an official business through Twitter’s Verified Organizations program.

Gold checkmarks come with a square profile image.

Image Source: National Geographic on Twitter

#3. Grey Check on Twitter

The grey checkmark means your account is registered as a government or multilateral organization or official on Twitter.

Image Source: Justin Trudeau on Twitter

To be eligible for a grey check, government organizations at the national level may include:

  • Main executive office accounts,
  • Agency accounts overseeing specific areas of policy,
  • Main embassy and consulate accounts, and
  • Parliamentary or equivalent institutional and committee accounts.

Eligible government organizations at the state and local level may include main executive office accounts and main agency accounts overseeing areas like:

  • Crisis response,
  • Public safety,
  • Law enforcement, and
  • Regulatory issues.

Eligible government individuals may include:

  • Heads of state (presidents, monarchs, and prime ministers),
  • Deputy heads of state (vice presidents, deputy prime ministers),
  • National-level cabinet members or equivalent,
  • The main official spokesperson for the executive branch or equivalent,
  • Individual members of all chambers of the supranational or national congress, parliament, or their equivalent.

Multilateral organizations and individuals that are eligible may include:

  • Main headquarters level,
  • Regional-level, and
  • Country-level institutional accounts,
  • Head and deputy-head or equivalent of the multilateral organization.

FYI, people might also say a “white check” in Twitter terms when referring to verification. For the visually impaired folks out there, this is because the check inside all of the different colored badges is white.

#4. State-affiliated media Labels and Government Labels

State-affiliated profiles will now be labeled as such. This can aid in transparency for accounts controlled by certain state-affiliated media entities and the people associated with those entities.

Accounts that are significantly engaged in geopolitics and diplomacy from the countries where Twitter operates will receive a Government label.

#5. Automated Account Labels

For transparency, Twitter is testing automated account labels to indicate bots — accounts that generate automated content. 

This label helps users distinguish between human-generated content and automated systems, a step forward in the fight against misinformation.

Each type of checkmark and label serves a distinct purpose, creating a more nuanced verification ecosystem on Twitter. 

Understanding these can help users navigate the platform more effectively and trust the sources of the information they encounter.

Eligibility Criteria for Twitter Verification

In the year 2017, Twitter suspended the process of verification after it was widely criticized for verifying accounts to endorse people rather than using it for identity authentication.

But, recently, it came back with an overhauled verification system. Now, to get a Twitter blue badge next to your name, your account must be authentic, notable, active, and of public interest.

Twitter rolled out new verification criteria wherein to qualify for a Twitter-verified symbol, your account needs to fall into the following categories:

  • Government
  • Companies, brands, and organizations
  • News organizations and journalists
  • Entertainment
  • Sports and gaming
  • Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals.

Apart from the category-specific eligibility criteria, your account must have all the necessary information, such as a profile image, email address, or phone number, to prove its authenticity. 

Another thing that makes a difference in getting the verification badge is how active your account is. Your account must be active within the last six months. 

So, If you feel like you cut the eligibility criteria, then let’s move on to the step-by-step process of verifying your Twitter account.

How to Get Verified on Twitter: Step-By-Step Process

The Twitter verification process is quite easy. You can request verification from your desktop as well as your mobile phone application. We will look at the desktop process as the one with the mobile application is precisely the same.

Step 1

Log in to your Twitter account click on the “Settings and privacy” option from the left-hand side menu and then head to the “Account information.”

Step 2

Here, you can see if your account is verified or not and also request verification.

Step 3

Once you click on the “Request verification,” a new window will appear from where you can begin the verification request process.

Step 4

Choose which type of account you are from the list of categories. Right now, only the following categories are available to apply, but Twitter is planning to introduce more categories, such as scientists, academics, and religious leaders.

Step 5

Next, you will have to choose between a few methods to show that your account qualifies for verification based on your selected category.

For every category, the qualification criteria are different. For example, to verify that you belong to the “Professional sports or gaming entity,” you need to give evidence of an official website of a professional sports or esports organization that references you as a league, team, player, or coach.

Step 6

Now is the time to link to the evidence of the method you have selected in the previous step. 

However, if you have chosen the “News coverage” method, you will have to provide links to at least three links from reputable news organizations that have covered or referenced you within the last six months.

Step 7

Finally, you will have to provide an identity verification document to Twitter so they can verify it’s you and not an impersonator.

And it’s Done! 

Once you submit your request, folks at Twitter will manually look into your account and check if you adhere to all the eligibility criteria and verification rules. The approval process takes a few days to weeks, depending on the applications already in the queue.

If you don’t get the verification badge at first, then you can re-apply again in 30 days.

Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Getting Verified on Twitter

There are approximately 294,000 verified Twitter accounts, but that doesn’t mean that anyone who seeks verification gets it. Luckily, there are several strategies to increase your chances of getting verified on Twitter without being famous. They include:

#1.  Be Active on Twitter

Twitter loves to see real people engaging with the platform. Regularly share your thoughts, interests, and even a bit of your side. Don’t just tweet, but also respond to others, retweet interesting content, and be a part of conversations. Show Twitter that you’re not just a profile but an active member of the community.

Adding mentions of other verified Twitter accounts in your bio elevates your credibility in the eyes of people dropping on your profile. Similarly, it works as a plus point when requesting Twitter verification.

You can add the handle of your startup, current or ex-company, or any organizations for which you have worked.  It sends out a clear picture of your work and the community you are connected with.

Look how Janet Machuka mentioned her accomplishment as well as the other verified organizations on which she has been featured.

#3. Highlight Your Authenticity

Let your bio work as a conversation opener. Write a clear and concise bio that specifically tells what product/service your company provides and how it helps your audience.

Whereas an individual must describe their job title as long as possible. For example, if you write, then instead of putting “writer” in your bio, say you are a “Content writer @ company” name or “Featured @company.”

Look how Michael Brenner condensed the multiple roles he has played over time into his bio.

#4.  Highlight Your Achievements

What are you most proud of in your professional life? Think about it. It should be something that solidifies the credibility of your Twitter profile more. 

Once you do, share your significant accomplishments, such as awards, noteworthy articles, books, and events. You can either write them in your bio or make things more impactful by showcasing them on the cover image.

See how Neil Patel has condensed all his significant accomplishments into his Twitter bio.

#5. Position Your Account for Public Interest

Being a profile of public interest boils down to creating a space where people can learn, share, and engage. This also grows your followers and engagement, which is crucial enough in getting you the verification badge. 

You can use interactive content to engage with your followers and deploy cross-promotion campaigns with other verified accounts to solidify your credibility.

#6.  Ensure Your Tweets Are Public

On Twitter, you have the option to hide your tweets from the accounts that don’t follow you.

However, having a private account can badly impact your engagement and follower growth on the platform. Also, you won’t be considered an account of public interest that should get a Twitter blue badge.

So make sure that your tweets are available to see for all the users coming to your profile. If not already, you can turn your tweets public from the “Setting and privacy” section.

Download our comprehensive Twitter Profile Optimization Template to make sure your profile meets all the necessary criteria. This template includes detailed steps and tips to enhance your profile’s appearance and credibility, ensuring you present yourself in the best possible light for verification.

Lamphills Twitter Profile Optimization Template

How Much Does It Cost to Get Verified on Twitter?

Previously, the monthly Twitter Blue subscription cost $4.99. However, with the new feature of paying for your verification badge, the cost increased to $8.00 per month.

In addition to having your account verified, Twitter Blue also offers the ability to correct your tweets up to 60 seconds after they’ve been launched, format them, access hundreds of news sites to read articles without ads, create NFTs to customize your profile, priority in replies, mentions and searches, and access reading mode to eliminate visual noise to make text stand out.

What Are the Benefits of Being Verified on Twitter?

You’re probably wondering why this little blue badge is coveted like the last slice of pizza at a party. Well, there are several reasons why verifying your Twitter account should feature on your social media marketing priority list.

Here’s why it’s important to verify your Twitter account:

#1. Authenticity and Credibility

Having your Twitter account verified provides more authenticity and credibility. It can ultimately lead to increased trustworthiness among followers. Therefore, your existing and prospective followers will take you more seriously. After all, everyone loves to hear from credible sources, right?

#2. Cut Back From the Fear of Impersonation and Phishing

If your account is verified, then there is less chance of someone impersonating you. The reason behind it is users can find your official account easily as it will show up on top in search results.

Besides, verified accounts also help in cutting back on phishing. When your followers know that you have a verified account, then they can easily tell anyone who is trying to contact you that it is not you.

#3. Visibility and Recognition

Imagine Twitter is having a huge party, and everyone’s chatting. Having the blue checkmark is like wearing a sparkly hat that makes you stand out. People notice you more, and your tweets get more attention. It’s your way of saying, “Hey, I’m here, and I’ve got something cool to share.”

So, a Twitter verification badge serves as a visual cue that sets the brand apart from other accounts. It becomes an integral part of the brand’s identity on the platform, contributing to its distinctiveness.

Having a verification badge can increase your brand’s visibility by ensuring your tweets are more likely to appear prominently in your followers’ timelines. This enhanced visibility helps your brand reach a larger audience and ensures that its messaging doesn’t get lost in the noise of social media.

Additionally, in trending topics and discussions, tweets from verified accounts are prominently featured. This can ensure that your brand is not only seen by your existing followers but also by those exploring relevant topics or trends.

#4. Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in the success and growth of brands across various industries. These collaborative efforts can bring a multitude of benefits, fostering brand expansion, reaching new audiences, and enhancing overall brand credibility.

In the collaborative space, where the reputation of each party involved is at stake, having a verified account ensures that the brand is the real deal. Verified accounts are more likely to be viewed as authoritative and trustworthy, making potential collaborators more confident in entering into partnerships with the brand.

Best Practices to Stay Verified on Twitter

Beware! Twitter can remove the blue badge from your account without giving you any prior notice if you are not following its rules and regulations.

Here are a few pointers to know if you want to keep flaunting that precious blue badge on your profile:

  • Don’t change your username: Twitter may take back your blue badge if you change your username. So make sure you don’t change your Twitter username for unnecessary reasons.
  • Don’t impersonate: If your account is misleading people by posing as another brand or person by changing the display name or bio, then Twitter can not only take your badge but also suspend your account.
  • Don’t lose your civility: Remember, you are the page of public interest. So don’t make content that is offensive, hateful, gruesome, or glorifies violence unless you want your badge taken and your account suspended.

Getting a Twitter verified badge is already a challenging feat, and losing it over misconduct on Twitter is something you wouldn’t want. So maintain your Twitter profile in the public interest.

Bottom Line

Getting verified on Twitter is an important step in building your credibility on the platform. The blue checkmark is a symbol of authenticity and notable status, and it can help you gain more followers and engagement. To be eligible for verification, you need to meet the requirements I outlined in this guide and submit an application. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of getting verified and building your brand on Twitter. Good luck!

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