PR for Startups: PR Hacks Every Startup Must Try (Pro Guide)

PR for Startups
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Have you ever considered how complex investing in PR for startups can be? It’s definitely not as straightforward as it seems. Crafting the right public relations strategy is crucial for generating brand awareness and building credibility. However, attracting press coverage can be challenging for a smaller company with a limited budget. When one of my friends tried to get her startup noticed, she had to work extra hard to convince journalists and publications that her story was worth their attention.

She even hired a PR consultant to help her craft the perfect pitch and spent countless hours researching and reaching out to specific journalists who she thought might be interested in her news. It was a lot of work, but the results were absolutely worth it. Here’s your complete pro guide on PR hacks every startup must try, taking your startup to the next level. 

Key Points

  • PR for startups generates awareness and establishes trust with potential customers, investors, and partners. 
  • Digital PR for startups manages their online presence, boosts brand awareness, and connects with their target audience.
  • A successful PR campaign includes identifying the audience and objectives, crafting a simple pitch, thinking like a journalist, carefully targeting publications and journalists, building relationships with journalists, exploring different coverage opportunities, and increasing visibility.
  • PR tactics commonly used by startups include press releases, media outreach, social media engagement, content marketing, event participation, influenced partnerships, community building, customer testimonials, award submissions, and thought leadership.
  •  Good PR for a company focuses on honesty, regular communication with the media and consumers, respectful treatment of customers and feedback, proactive idea generation and crisis handling, measurability, utilization of relationships with influential people, and storytelling to the right audience.

PR for Startups

Credit: Freepik

So, what exactly is PR for startups? 

Public relations for startups operate much like PR for any business, organization, or celebrity. It uses earned media coverage from various publications, journalists, and other companies to shape public perception of your brand.

PR involves creating and sharing compelling stories about your startup to attract attention and build credibility.

For startups, PR is crucial because it helps generate awareness and establish trust with potential customers, investors, and partners. Unlike marketing, which focuses on directly promoting products or services, PR aims to shape your business’s overall image and reputation. This can be achieved through press releases, media coverage, interviews, and engaging content highlighting your startup’s unique value and achievements.

Good PR can elevate your startup’s profile, making it easier to attract customers, secure funding, and stand out in a crowded market. It’s about getting people to talk positively about your brand and building a solid foundation for long-term success.

Digital PR for Startups

Digital PR is an essential and rapidly growing field for startups aiming to build a strong online presence. In today’s digital world, startups must utilize online platforms and digital channels to manage their reputation, boost brand awareness, and connect with their target audience. Digital PR encompasses various strategies like content creation, social media management, influencer partnerships, and search engine optimization (SEO).

A key component of digital PR is content creation. Startups need to produce high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their audience. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more. By offering valuable content, startups can establish themselves as industry experts and thought leaders, enhancing their credibility and building trust with potential customers and investors.

Why Is Public Relations Important for Startups?

Have you ever wondered why startups should bother with a PR strategy? It’s simple: earned media builds trust. PR is way more effective at gaining trust than paid ads or organic content. In fact, 92% of customers trust earned media more than traditional ads.

This trust is crucial for startups that don’t have the history or background of bigger companies. You can use digital marketing to tell customers about your products directly, but they’re more likely to trust opinions from thought leaders and journalists.

Plus, investing in a PR strategy has some great benefits:

  • Boosts visibility: Startups often struggle with getting website visitors or social media followers at first. Promoting your brand on other channels where your customers already look for information can boost your reach and traffic. More visibility means more sales opportunities.
  • Builds credibility: It’s one thing for a company to say its product is great, but it’s much more convincing when a respected influencer or outlet says it. This is especially true if the publication is known for covering other respected companies in your field.
  • Saves on marketing costs: While getting attention from journalists and publications takes effort, earned media is usually cheaper than a full-scale digital marketing strategy. It can save you money on influencer promotions and complex social media campaigns.

So, if you’re wondering whether PR is worth it for your startup, the answer is a resounding yes!


How to Do PR for a Startup

Crafting PR strategies for startups differs from those for larger companies. With a smaller budget, startups need to make every dollar count. Here are the PR hacks every startup must try, to take your startup to the next level. 

Step 1: Identify Your Audience and Objectives

Before diving into PR, know your audience and goals. Understanding your audience helps you share stories that resonate with their interests. Think about what they would find valuable about your brand. Then, set clear goals for your PR campaign. Are you looking to improve your reputation, highlight a product launch, attract new employees, find investors, or increase visibility?

For example, Subway wanted to refresh its image and appeal to a younger audience. To this end, it launched a PR campaign with the “Eat Fresh Refresh” tagline and featured well-known celebrities.

Step 2: Perfect Your Simple Pitch

Once you know your audience and goals, it’s time to pitch your story to journalists. Keep your pitch short and sweet. Journalists get tons of emails daily, and long messages might get ignored. Focus on these three points:

  • Product: What is it, and why is it unique?
  • Purpose: Why is your story important?
  • Passion: How will you convey your enthusiasm?

For instance, personalize each pitch by referencing a similar story the journalist has covered, showing why your story is relevant to their audience.

Step 3: Think Like a Journalist

Getting journalists to notice your startup can be challenging. They prefer covering big brands but will consider startups with interesting stories. Think about what makes your story timely, relevant, and novel. Add quotes, images, and videos to make your pitch more engaging.

For example, Dove’s #TheSelfieTalk campaign used an emotional video to tackle a complex topic from a fresh angle, gaining significant media attention.

Step 4: Target Publications and Journalists Carefully

Focus your efforts on publications and journalists relevant to your industry. Use tools like BuzzSumo to find out which publications cover similar stories. Directories like JustReachOut and Cision can help you identify the right contacts.

Step 5: Build Relationships with Journalists

Building a rapport with journalists before pitching can make it easier to get coverage. Follow them on social media, comment on their posts, and engage with their content. Personalize your messages, get the timing right, and experiment with different approaches to see what works best.

Step 6: Explore Different Coverage Opportunities

Beyond pitching, look for other ways to gain visibility. Consider writing guest blogs or case studies for industry experts. Try reverse pitching on platforms like HARO, where journalists seek sources for their stories. You can also use newsjacking to link your story to trending topics in your industry.

Step 7: Increase Your Visibility

Don’t rely solely on the publication to share your story. Promote it on your social media channels, website, and newsletters. The more you share, the more visibility you gain, and it shows your PR partners that you’re proactive and worth working with again.

By following these steps, you can tailor your PR strategy to fit your startup’s needs and make a significant impact with limited resources.

Comprehensive Checklist for Every PR Startup

Types of PR Tactics for Startups

Here are some types of PR tactics that startups often use:

  • Press Releases: Sending announcements about new products, partnerships, funding rounds, or other significant events to media outlets.
  • Media Outreach: Proactively contacting journalists, bloggers, and influencers to pitch story ideas or offer expert commentary.
  • Social Media Engagement: Engaging with followers on social media platforms to build brand awareness and foster community.
  • Content Marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, or videos, to establish thought leadership and attract attention.
  • Event Participation: Attending or hosting events, such as industry conferences, trade shows, or webinars, to network and showcase products or expertise.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with social media influencers or industry experts to reach their followers and gain credibility.
  • Community Building: Engaging with and supporting relevant communities, such as forums, online groups, or local meetups, to build relationships and brand loyalty.
  • Customer Testimonials: Showcasing positive feedback or success stories from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.
  • Award Submissions: Submit applications for industry awards or recognition programs to gain visibility and credibility within the industry.
  • Thought Leadership: Position company executives or experts as thought leaders by sharing insights, opinions, or expertise through articles, interviews, or speaking engagements.

What is PR in Launch?

Planning to launch a new product or business? You’ll need a solid PR strategy to get the word out. These days, you have a ton of options for powerful PR tactics. You can use traditional offline methods or online marketing strategies. Both can be super effective!

PR in a launch is all about strategically promoting your new product, service, or business to the public. The goal is to generate buzz, attract attention, and build excitement before, during, and after the launch. This involves using various media channels, such as press releases, social media, influencer partnerships, and media events, to get your message out. Effective PR helps create a positive image, build credibility, and ultimately drive interest and sales for your new offering.

What Is a Good PR for a Company?

Credit: Freepik

Good PR means telling people what they need to know, not just what they want to hear. It understands that having a good product or service is crucial; otherwise, all the PR efforts will be pointless and damaging.

  • Good PR isn’t just about flashy launches. It’s about steadily building and maintaining support for a brand by communicating honestly and regularly with the media and consumers.
  • Good PR treats customers respectfully and welcomes feedback, even from critics, using it to adjust strategies.
  • Good PR is proactive in generating ideas and handling crises, finding a balance between the two.
  • Good PR can be measured, although it’s tricky because different businesses want to measure different things.
  • Good PR uses relationships with influential people that have been built on trust and credibility over time.
  • Good PR doesn’t necessarily require knowing famous people in the media. Instead, it focuses on telling a good story to the right audience.
  • While PR tactics may change, the basics of good PR stay the same.

How Can a Startup Get Free PR?

Here are some strategies and tips to help you get free PR for your startup:

  • Utilize social media. 
  • Network with journalists and bloggers. 
  • Tap into industry events. 
  • Offer exclusive content.
  • Leverage influencer marketing. 
  • Utilize press release distribution services. 
  • Create a strong press kit.
  • Reach out to local media outlets.
  • Utilize customer testimonials.
  • Participate in industry awards.

Getting free PR for your startup can be a powerful tool in helping you reach a larger audience, establish credibility, and build brand recognition. By utilizing the strategies and tips outlined in this article, you can get your company’s story out there and reach the people who matter most. Remember, the key to success is persistence, creativity, and building strong relationships with journalists, bloggers, and other industry professionals. Good luck!

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