Podcast PR Strategies: How I Booked Top-Tier Shows (My Secret Outreach Template Inside)

Podcast PR

Booking 50 top-tier podcast shows in 30 days may seem unattainable, but with the appropriate podcast PR strategy, it is doable. I recently traveled on this journey and was successful thanks to a well-planned itinerary. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, author, or specialist, podcast public relations may help you gain attention and reputation. Let me discuss how I accomplished it, expose my secret outreach template, and give you with the top 10 podcast public relations examples that can help you achieve the same.

What is Podcast PR?

Podcast public relations is the strategy of getting guest interviews on podcasts that your customers listen to regularly. This may alternatively be known as “podcast guesting” or a “podcast tour”.

As a podcast guest, you will have 30+ minutes of concentrated attention to create awareness of yourself and your business, build trust with your ideal customers, and motivate them to take action. It’s not like a feature on Bloomberg or Forbes. While those advertisements reach a broad audience, those readers/followers represent a diverse range of demographics, which means your placement may be wasted on an audience that isn’t right for your brand.

Podcast PR helps you select the ideal shows for your brand, ensuring that you don’t waste time talking to the wrong audience. It is significantly more focused, thus the effort you put into a 30-minute interview has a better PR of attaining your awareness objectives.

The more interviews you land in a short period, the more probable it is that your ideal listeners will see your name in their podcast feed. And the more they see your name, the more they will think of you and your business as industry leaders.

This is why so many firms are leveraging the benefits of a podcast tour.

Understanding the Importance of Podcast PR

Podcasts have grown in popularity over the last few years, with millions of listeners tuning in every week for insights, entertainment, and education. Being a guest on a podcast provides a unique chance for experts in a variety of fields to share their expertise, create brand authority, and interact with a large and interested audience.

  • As of 2023, there are over 2 million active podcasts with over 48 million episodes.
  • Approximately 75% of the US public is familiar with podcasting, with 55% having listened to one.
  • Podcast listeners are extremely engaged, with 80% listening to the entire or most of each episode.

My Secret Podcast PR Outreach Template

To meet my objective of booking 50 top-tier gigs in 30 days, I created a complete outreach template to guarantee that each message was unique and impactful. Here’s a look at my secret template:

Subject: [Your Topic] – Possible Podcast Collaboration

Hello, [Host’s Name].

I hope you’re well. My name is [Your Name], and I work in [Your Profession] and am passionate about [Your Expertise/Topic]. I’ve been a regular listener of [Podcast Name], and I especially loved your recent episode on [Episode Topic].

Given my background in [Relevant Experience], I believe I can contribute a fresh viewpoint to your show’s talks about [Related Topic]. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss how [Your Expertise/Story] can assist your audience.

Would you be open to a quick conversation to discuss this partnership further?

Best Regards,
[Your Contact Details]
[Your Website/Social Media Links]

Creating the Best Podcast PR Outreach Emails

While the template provided a solid base, personalization was critical to its success. Here are some strategies to make your outreach stand out:

  1. Research the Podcast and Host: Before contacting out, listen to a few episodes to get a sense of the show’s format, target audience, and style. Mention specific episodes or insights to show genuine interest.
  2. Highlight Your Unique Value: Explain how your expertise matches with the podcast’s themes and how you can bring value to their audience.
  3. Keep It Concise and Professional: Respect the host’s time by sending an email that is brief, to the point, and free of jargon.
  4. Follow-Up: If you do not receive a response within a week, write a courteous follow-up email to reinforce your interest.

Top 10 Podcast PR Examples with Effective Strategies

Whether you’re an experienced public relations professional or just getting started, these podcasts provide a wealth of information. So grab your headphones, settle in, and get ready for five must-listen public relations podcasts.

#1. The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich hosts the weekly podcast The Spin Sucks. It covers a wide range of issues in public relations, marketing, and communications. The podcast’s host, Gini Dietrich, is also the founder and CEO of Spin Sucks, a marketing and communications blog. The podcast contains conversations with leading public relations professionals and experts who share their thoughts and best practices for creating effective PR campaigns and strategies. Each episode of the podcast provides essential insights and ideas for public relations professionals looking to create measurable results for their customers.

#2. PR Week with Steve and Frank

PRWeek hosts interesting weekly debates with significant personalities in the PR and communications industries, covering a wide range of themes and subjects. While there is a large library of previous episodes to peruse, keeping up with the most recent episodes is highly recommended because they frequently discuss current events.

The PR Week website states: “Tune in each week as PRWeek editorial director Steve Barrett and executive editor Frank Washkuch conduct in-depth interviews with notable guests and run down the week’s top news stories.” Keeping up with new episodes provides invaluable insights and perspectives on the most recent advancements in public relations and communications.

#3. Stories and Strategies for Public Relations with Doug Downs

Stories & Strategies for Public Relations with Doug Downs is a podcast that delves into the realm of public relations and provides useful insights and guidance for PR practitioners. Doug Downs, a PR consultant with over 20 years of experience, hosts the podcast, which offers conversations with industry leaders who discuss their tales and strategies for creating effective public relations campaigns. The podcast also discusses current trends and news in the public relations sector, making it an invaluable resource for anybody looking to stay informed and up to date on the newest developments.

#4. Indestructible PR Podcast with Molly McPherson

Molly McPherson, APR, has decades of expertise as a crisis communications expert. Her show is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their crisis communication skills and learn from real-life examples.

Molly’s podcast seeks to teach communicators how to efficiently manage crises and establish an indestructible reputation. She provides real-life examples, case studies, and practical advice on all elements of public relations and crisis communications, making her podcast an invaluable resource for PR professionals and everyone interested in the industry.

Molly has over two decades of expertise in public relations and corporate communications, and she has built a reputation for guiding individuals and businesses through difficult situations and emerging stronger. She also frequently speaks and writes about crisis communications, reputation management, and social media.

#5. The PRovoke Podcast featuring Arun Sudhaman

PRovoke, originally The Holmes Report, features intriguing programs that dive into the wide world of public relations. Their podcast includes interesting interviews and conversations about current and forthcoming trends, making it an ideal resource for all of your podcasting requirements.

“The PRovoke Podcast” is hosted by Arun Sudhaman, the CEO and editor-in-chief of PRovoke Media. Arun is a well-known journalist and pundit in the public relations field, with over 20 years of expertise. He has reported from several nations and interviewed some of the industry’s most significant personalities.

Under Arun’s direction, PRovoke Media has established itself as a trusted source of information and analysis for the public relations business. With “The PRovoke Podcast,” Arun shares his extensive expertise and experience with listeners, providing useful insights into the most recent trends and concerns affecting the PR profession.

#6. Ben Smith on the PRmoment Podcast

The PRmoment Podcast is a podcast series on the public relations sector in the UK. It covers a variety of issues, including crisis management, influencer marketing, internal communications, and social media. The podcast offers conversations with leading public relations professionals, journalists, and media specialists. So, the podcast attempts to provide insights and opinions on the UK’s growing public relations landscape.

The podcast is hosted by Ben Smith, the founder and CEO of PRmoment.com, a UK-based public relations news and commentary website. Ben has more than 20 years of experience in the public relations sector and is well-known in the UK PR world. In addition, he delivers webinars and events for the UK public relations business.

#7. The Hanson and Hunt Podcast with Arik and Kevin

The Talking Points Podcast is a prominent podcast that covers public relations, marketing, and communications. It provides important news, trends, and recommendations for industry professionals, with each episode focusing on a different topic. This podcast is hosted by Arik Hanson and Kevin Hunt, two seasoned public relations and communications professionals.

Arik Hanson is the founder and principal of ACH Communications, a PR consulting firm based in Minneapolis. He has over 20 years of expertise in the public relations sector and is a well-known thought leader and speaker. He also writes the blog Communications Conversations, which covers public relations and social media subjects.

Kevin Hunt is a professional communications strategist with over 25 years of expertise in his business. He is currently the vice president of corporate communications for General Mills, a leading food company. He formerly worked for various Fortune 500 firms, including Target, Best Buy, and Cargill.

Arik and Kevin provide a lot of knowledge and skills to the PR and communications sector. As a result, The Talking Points Podcast is an absolute must-listen for anyone looking to keep informed.

#8. On Top of PR with Jason Mudd

Jason Mudd hosts the podcast “On Top of PR”. It discusses public relations, marketing, social media, and other relevant subjects. The podcast includes interviews with PR and marketing specialists, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs who give their perspectives, experiences, and advice on many facets of the industry.

Jason Mudd is the CEO and managing partner at Axia Public Relations. Forbes named this public relations agency one of the best in America for 2021. He has over 25 years of expertise in the public relations profession. Several organizations recognized him as a public relations and marketing expert. This includes the International Association of Business Communicators, the Public Relations Society of America, and the American Marketing Association.

#9. Marketing over Coffee with John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn

“Marketing Over Coffee” is a prominent marketing podcast that discusses a variety of topics such as digital marketing, social media, SEO, and more. This podcast is hosted by John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn, two seasoned marketing experts with vast industry expertise.

Christopher S. Penn is the co-founder and chief data scientist of Trust Insights, a marketing analytics consultancy. He has more than 20 years of expertise in marketing. His professional experience includes positions with major corporations such as McDonald’s and the United States Air Force. John J. Wall is the vice president of marketing for EventHero, a cloud-based event management software. He has more than 20 years of expertise in marketing. He’s worked for multiple Fortune 500 businesses, including AT&T, General Motors, and UPS.

John and Christopher provide a unique viewpoint on marketing. Their podcast combines industry news, interviews, and practical marketing suggestions. Their informal banter and down-to-earth approach to marketing make “Marketing Over Coffee” a fun and instructive podcast that is well-known in the business.

#10. Today in Focus by The Guardian

“The Guardian Today in Focus” is a popular news podcast created by The Guardian, a prominent UK-based daily. The hosts are Nosheen Iqbal and Michael Safi. The podcast features in-depth analysis and opinion on today’s most critical issues. It discusses a variety of themes, including politics, society, and culture.

Each episode of “The Guardian Today in Focus” includes interviews with experts, journalists, and other individuals who share insights and opinions on the topic at hand. The podcast is renowned for its high-quality reporting and entertaining narrative. It’s a must-listen for everyone who wants to keep up with the latest news and events.

The most popular episodes of “The Guardian Today in Focus” have been about climate change, the pandemic, and the US presidential election. The podcast received numerous honors, including Best Daily News Podcast at the British Podcast honors in 2019.

These top ten PR podcasts should not be missed. They provide useful insights and suggestions. They will assist you raise your public relations game, whether you’re seasoned or just getting started.

Key takeaways

  1. Customize each outreach email for the unique podcast and host to demonstrate genuine interest and relevance.
  2. Establish your knowledge, authority, and trustworthiness to gain credibility with podcast hosts.
  3. Utilize a structured outreach template to ensure consistency and professionalism in your communication.
  4. Be proactive in your follow-ups and interactions to demonstrate your dedication and excitement.
  5. Monitor your outreach results, learn from feedback, and always improve your strategy for better results.


Booking high-quality podcasts necessitates a planned and targeted approach, but the results are well worth the effort. Following my outreach plan and highlighting EEAT will dramatically boost your chances of being featured on influential shows. Are you ready to take your podcast PR to the next level? Start adopting these strategies today and watch your brand’s visibility skyrocket.

What hurdles did you have when booking podcast appearances, and how did you overcome them?


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