Effective PR For Beauty Products: Expert Tips & Strategies

PR For Beauty Products
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PR for beauty products can be hard. Extremely hard. In a highly competitive industry inundated with countless brands and products vying for attention, it is often a daunting task for a brand to be noticed.

However, just because it is hard doesn’t mean it is impossible, and a well-executed public relations (PR) campaign can make all the difference. Because it is important – in today’s digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any beauty PR strategy. Whether you’re a beauty blogger, a skincare brand, or a makeup artist, mastering the art of online visibility can give you a competitive edge and help you connect with your target audience effectively.

Key Points

  • PR for beauty products focuses on promoting beauty products to the consumer through traditional print media and online media, TV, film, radio, etc.
  • To do effective PR for your beauty brand, you need to understand and adapt to changes in the beauty industry.
  • You also need to stay up to date about the latest trends so that you can get the best possible exposure.
  • PR challenges that beauty products face include individualized products, picky customers, and a saturated market, among others.
  • Public relations for beauty products and cosmetics should never be treated as a temporary activity, but rather as part of a long-term, strategic plan.
  • You can also do PR for beauty products without involving the media.

What is PR for Beauty Products?

PR for beauty products is just like every other form of public relations. However, it focuses on promoting beauty products to the consumer through traditional print media and online media, TV, film, radio, etc.

The landscape of public relations in the beauty industry has changed due to the Internet and social media. Gone are the days of traditional beauty ads with supermodels and Photoshop.
Instead, we’re witnessing the rise of audiences that are demanding more authentic, natural content. According to Statista, the beauty industry generates over $100 billion in revenue worldwide. However, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the industry, causing an 8% decrease in 2020.

The good news is that the industry is bouncing back, and 2021 was the best year ever for cosmetics. It’s projected that overall beauty industry revenue will exceed $120 billion by 2025.

Source: commonthreadco.com

To do effective PR for your beauty brand, you need to understand and adapt to changes in the beauty industry and stay up to date about the latest trends so that you can get the best possible exposure.

The Unique Challenges That PR For Beauty Products Face

Every PR niche has its difficulties. Food PR has the challenge of making the meals seem appealing and delicious. Pharmaceutical PR has the challenge of making its products seem safe. Tesla PR has Elon Musk to deal with.

But what about the beauty industry? What challenges do beauty PR professionals face, and what hurdles must be overcome to successfully market a beauty brand to the public?

Beauty PR is tricky for several reasons:

#1. Skincare and makeup are highly individualized

What works for one person’s skin will absolutely not work for another’s. This can make marketing to broad audiences quite complicated.

#2. Cosmetics consumers are picky about quality (and skeptical about sourcing)

Many celebrities, reality TV stars, and social media personalities are jumping on the makeup line bandwagon. Some celebrity makeup brands have become incredibly successful (like Fenty by Rihanna, Haus Labs by Lady Gaga, or Real Beauty by Selena Gomez). Others, unfortunately, are just cash grabs.

This means that most celebrities (and the celebrity-adjacent) are leveraging their 15 minutes of fame to market cheap quality makeup at ridiculous markups.

#3. The market is saturated

There are a lot of beauty brands out there. Even thinking about differentiating your brand in a sea of both conglomerate and indie brands can be daunting.

#4. Consumers have been burned by false promises

We all want the elixir of youth, and natural aging is obviously a sentence worse than death. The beauty industry has been terrorizing women (and to a lesser degree, men) into buying their products for hundreds of years to avoid a monstrous fate (wrinkles), but many “solutions” are just snake oil. In fact, one is literal snake oil.

Overhyped, underdelivering products have made the average internet-using consumer wary of trusting any bold claims made by beauty PR.

#5. Beauty consumers tend to be brand-loyal

Cosmetics and skincare consumers often find a brand they like and stick with it for the rest of their natural, wrinkly lives. This, combined with the steep price points of many makeup and skincare products, can be a big, beefy hurdle for beauty PR.

How To Do Effective PR For Beauty Products

With so many different beauty products and cosmetics on the market, PR is often an essential tool to help these beauty and makeup brands stand out from the competition. If done right, that is. 

Public relations for beauty products and cosmetics should never be treated as a temporary activity, but rather as part of a long-term, strategic plan. Before you start experimenting with different ways to get publicity in the beauty industry, make sure to ask yourself the following questions – as advised by Debra Locker Griffin, President & Owner @ Debra Locker Group: : 

  • What makes the beauty brand stand out? 
  • Is the brand and/or spokesperson interesting and engaging? 
  • Can the spokesperson provide credible commentary on various topics related to beauty? A dynamic spokesperson and/or unique brand story is often the difference between being included in a story or not. 

Once you’ve got that covered, it’s time to get creative (and persistent!) to get the media attention that your beauty brand deserves. 

Effective PR For Beauty Products

How To Launch Effective PR For Beauty Products Without Press

There are many ways to entice the general public and get them hooked on your brand outside of the traditional publicity approach. Yes, the media industry is changing and fashion magazines are going out of… well, fashion. However, just because print is waning doesn’t mean that beauty publicists don’t have any options for growing brand awareness for clients in their roster

Below are some of my favorite ways to boost a beauty product’s profile and brand without involving media relations.

#1. Secure a brand partnership

Teaming up with like-minded brands that aren’t direct competitors and pooling your resources can be a win-win situation for everyone. For example, if you work with a natural skincare brand, look into partnering up with non-beauty brands in the wellness space, such as yoga or meditation brands.

There are endless ways you can partner up. One popular technique is doing a joint giveaway where you each give something from your brand to the winner and promote it on social media, through your email marketing list, and on your website. Other partnerships might include hosting an editor/influencer event together or even creating a co-branded item. You’ll reach a far bigger audience and the ROI can be great – everyone wins!

#2. Execute a brand activation or local event

Following up on the point above, depending on your city and demographic, events can be a great way to build buzz and draw brand awareness. You can create a fun theme for your guests – whether it’s a media or consumer event – without breaking the bank.

As mentioned above, partnering with like-minded brands can be helpful for events. You can split costs for venues, food/drink, and other expenses. You can also partner up with a brand that can provide you their services/products for a lower cost or even at no cost if you promote them and invite key media/influencers.

Create hashtags and fun activations (e.g. create your own makeup shade or match your lip gloss to your favorite cocktail) for guests. You can also consider a giveaway of products/services for guests who have the most creative photos or use the hashtag to entice them to post on their social media platforms.

#3. Explore a new social media platform

If you make beauty products, then chances are, your demographic is on social media. From mainstays like Facebook and Instagram to new kids on the block including TikTok, social media’s reach is huge. So, make sure you take advantage of it with your account!

Ensure that your accounts are places your consumers want to go and that all accounts truly reflect the brand and your messaging. Follow hashtags that align with your brand and engage with posts that make sense for your brand. And be sure to post beautiful, on-brand imagery – the visuals draw people in.

#4. Celebrity endorsements/ambassadors

If you have clients that are more visual in nature (think makeup and nail polish as opposed to supplements or perfume) and they have a budget, consider sponsoring a celebrity beauty expert for an appearance for their talent. While not inexpensive, this is a great way to get your brand aligned with celebrities and create a presence at these appearances.

However, costs vary greatly, and you must be prepared to negotiate a bit – sponsoring an A-lister at the Oscars will vary greatly from an up-and-comer at the Teen Choice Awards, but ensure whomever you choose makes sense for your brand’s demographic. You’ll also be signing a contract with the artist’s agency/management company for deliverables – standard asks include:

  • The artist posting 1-2x on social media and tagging the brand
  • Getting quotes from the artist
  • A full look breakdown that you can use in press outreach
  • Making the artist available for a certain number of interviews with key media.

Top Beauty PR Agencies to Fuel Your Product’s Growth

One of the reasons that PR is so important in the beauty industry is that the market is incredibly competitive. With new brands and products popping up all the time, it can be difficult to get noticed. That’s where a skilled PR team can come in. By crafting compelling messages and building relationships with key influencers and media outlets, a good PR agency can help you cut through the noise and make a name for yourself.

Of course, not all PR agencies are created equal. Some specialize in certain areas of the beauty industry, while others are more generalists. Some are better equipped to handle large-scale campaigns, while others may be a better fit for smaller brands or startups.

That’s why it’s important to do your research and choose an agency that’s a good fit for your specific needs. By working with an agency that has experience in your area of the beauty industry and a track record of success with similar brands, you can increase your chances of achieving your goals.

Below are some of my top PR agency picks that can help your product gain visibility:

#1. NinjaPromo

NinjaPromo leads the way in Beauty PR, with a strong focus on enhancing brand reputation and visibility. Its mastery extends to cultivating robust relationships within the field, underpinned by its adeptness in building enduring connections with key players. It brings a unique finesse to its approach, customizing campaigns with meticulous attention to detail to seamlessly align with the specific objectives of each client.

The agency’s services encompass PR for products, celebrity endorsements, innovative beauty events, brand ambassadors, and partnerships with spas. In the digital sphere, NinjaPromo shines through influencer, blogger, and vlogger collaborations, along with coveted placements in popular beauty boxes.

NinjaPromo’s standout feature is its specialization in promoting diversity within the beauty market, making it a unique player in the industry. Its expertise in the beauty industry is exemplified by its partnership with Rageism, a prominent brand within the niche.

#2. Beach House

Beach House is an award-winning, woman-owned, strategic beauty and lifestyle communications agency that specializes in building beauty and wellness lifestyle brands. They have a deep understanding of millennial and Gen X women and their unique communication needs, thanks to their creative agency comprised entirely of them.

With their passion for all things beauty, they take their excitement and obsessively translate it into great stories, compelling content, and community.

Beach House’s intentionally small agency works with the best and brightest emerging and established brands in the industry. They approach each client with a holistic communications perspective as a partnership, integrating their team with theirs to create results that matter.

Over the years, Beach House has worked with some of the best and brightest in the industry, including Revlon, Aquis, Voluspa, Alterna, and Sacheu Beauty, building strong relationships that last for over a decade. With their passion for luxury, style, and an elevated eye, Beach House is headquartered on the West Coast with a talented team across Los Angeles, Newport Beach, and New York City, offering a holistic, creative point of view that spans coast to coast.

#3. Channel V Media

Channel V Media, a New York-based agency, excels in beauty PR with a global reach, forging industry connections and delivering tangible results. At its core, Channel V Media’s strength lies in nurturing relationships with top-tier beauty media outlets. It deeply understands the industry’s nuances and crafts compelling press releases, generating buzz and capturing your brand’s essence. Its skill in positioning your brand as a thought leader enhances visibility.

Channel V Media’s portfolio showcases success with brands like Meatless Farm Company, Bluecore, Everseen, Bold, Bitrise, and many others. Notably, their partnership with Shapermint, a DTC intimates marketplace, turned the brand from an unknown to a leading growth brand in the retail industry. This resulted in over $250 million in sales and 4.5 million customers in just over two years.

#4. 5W PR

5W PR is an award-winning beauty PR firm that understands the changing face of beauty PR. They specialize in creating digital-first programming and strategies, including social media campaigns via TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, online media, influencer strategies, and affiliate marketing campaigns.

With extensive experience promoting beauty brands across a range of categories, they have a proven track record of delivering effective and fresh strategies that engage beauty consumers.

5W PR’s beauty PR services include media relations, influencer marketing, social campaigns, events, retail integration, cause marketing, social media, guerilla marketing, and brand partnerships. Their boutique team consists of a team of beauty insiders, bloggers, PR veterans, and other industry-focused professionals. They have the specialization, media contacts, and creativity to create outstanding marketing campaigns that generate millions of media impressions and drive enormous buzz.

#5. BPM-PR Firm

BPM-PR is a leading beauty PR firm with a team of beauty-obsessed professionals who consistently drive exceptional results in the beauty PR sector. They specialize in promoting haircare, skincare, makeup, and vitamins. Their standout quality is their ability to build strong relationships and connections with key players in the industry.

Through their personalized approach to PR, they create customized campaigns that fit each client’s unique needs and goals.

BPM-PR’s beauty PR services include general PR pushes for products and services, celebrity endorsements, creative and newsworthy beauty events, brand ambassador development, event sponsorships, partnerships with spas, influencer and blogger campaigns, vlogger and YouTube influencer campaigns, and popular beauty box inclusions. They have expertise in promoting ethnic and multicultural beauty, which is a growing trend in today’s diverse beauty market.

PR For Beauty Products: In Conclusion

Public relations can be used in many different ways, but in the beauty industry, it is a way for brands to test out a product they want to sell through various platforms. Brands will branch out to celebrities, influencers, and makeup gurus to promote their products. Why? Because consumers tend to listen to experts in the industry and the people who endorse them.

By implementing these expert beauty PR tips, you can build a credible and influential online presence that attracts potential customers, engages with your audience, and ultimately drives conversions.


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