How to Write a Press Release for Company Crisis: 10 Examples to Help You Get Started (+Templates)

Crisis Press Release Example
Photo by cottonbro studio

Press releases can be used to announce product launches, changes in leadership, or other interesting news. Knowing how to write a press release is essential for gaining media attention. When done properly, press releases should convey accurate information while also controlling the brand’s narrative. If done incorrectly, you may be ignored, appear unprofessional, or, worst-case scenario, become an inadvertent source of laughter. So, what is a good company crisis press release example? I’ve compiled a list of the best ones I’ve seen, covering various topics across different industries. 

Key Takeaways 

  • A crisis press release is an official statement issued by a company during a significant event that could negatively impact its reputation, operations, or financial health. Its primary goal is to provide clear, concise, and accurate information to manage the narrative and mitigate damage.
  • Timely and transparent communication during a crisis is crucial for controlling the narrative, maintaining trust with stakeholders, and mitigating legal risks. Effective crisis communication helps limit the spread of misinformation, demonstrates accountability, and aids faster recovery from the crisis.
  • Essential components include a brief and clear headline, a concise subheader summarizing the crisis, a dateline, a detailed body explaining the crisis and steps being taken, a reassuring quote from a key figure, and relevant contact information. Transparency and promptness are vital to ensure effective communication with stakeholders.
  • Common scenarios requiring crisis press releases include product recalls, data breaches, natural disasters, executive misconduct, public scandals, and legal issues. Each scenario demands a tailored approach, focusing on transparency, empathy, and a clear action plan to address the crisis.

What is a Crisis Press Release?

A crisis press release is an official statement issued by a company to the public and the media during a significant, often unexpected event that could negatively impact the company’s reputation, operations, or financial health. The goal is to provide clear, concise, and accurate information to manage the narrative and mitigate damage.

From my years in PR, I’ve learned that a well-crafted crisis press release can be the difference between controlling the situation or letting it spiral. It’s a tool that, when used correctly, can maintain or even rebuild trust. 

The Importance of a Crisis Press Release

Here’s the thing: in today’s hyper-connected world, news travels fast, often fueled by speculation and misinformation. A well-timed and transparent press release can be the difference between regaining trust and watching your brand reputation go up in flames.

Studies by Cision show that companies that proactively address crises through effective communication experience less brand damage and recover faster. In my experience, a clear and concise press release can also help to:

  • Limit the spread of misinformation: By setting the record straight with the facts, you can prevent rumors and speculation from taking root.
  • Demonstrate transparency and accountability: Owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility shows the public you care and are actively working to resolve the situation.
  • Maintain trust with stakeholders: A timely and honest press release shows your customers, employees, and partners that you value their trust and are committed to open communication.
  • Mitigate legal risks: A well-documented press release can serve as a record of your response to a crisis, potentially helping to minimize legal ramifications.

How to Write a Crisis Press Release

Although crisis press releases follow a format comparable to other press releases, they only differ in content and messaging.

These distinguishing features make crisis press releases a specialized tool for crisis management, necessitating considerable study and strategic planning.

 Elements of a Crisis Communication Press Release

A crisis communication press release consists of the following:

  • Headline: Your headline should be brief and express the essence of the crisis. It is critical to structure it in such a way that the reader understands the nature of the situation immediately.
  • Subheader/Lead: This summarizes the crisis. It should include crucial details and be written in a news-style format so that the reader can rapidly learn the basic facts.
  • Dateline: The dateline shows when the press release was issued. This is critical in a crisis because it provides the reader with a timeline of events.
  • Body: The main section of the press release should include a thorough description of the crisis. It should explain what happened, its impact, and the steps being taken to address the situation.
  • Quote: Including a quote from an important figure in the organization, such as the CEO, gives a personal touch and allows you to convey empathy, take responsibility, and reassure stakeholders.
  • Logo and Media Contact Information: Including your logo personalizes the press release and strengthens your brand identity. During a crisis, media contact information is crucial since journalists may need to contact someone for more information or updates.

Company Crisis Press Release Example

A crisis can take many different forms, ranging from product recalls and data breaches to disasters like the COVID-19 pandemic, flooding, and fires. Regardless of the particular situation, your announcement should include transparent facts, a mitigation plan, and an empathic tone that does not shift blame (if the organization was at fault).

Here are crisis press release examples that small firms can learn from.

#1. Shenandoah Telecommunications crisis communication press release example

Problems can occur at any time. This is why it’s essential to respond quickly to any crisis. Solving the issue may not be enough. Depending on the situation, you may require a press release to specify how you will resolve it. The idea is to tell your intended audience about the situation and explain how you plan to respond. It can also bring people together, as we’ll see.

Source: prlab

Shenandoah Telecommunications provided an excellent example of a crisis press release. This paper examines the crisis from the perspectives of many stakeholders, including parents, business owners, and employees, all of who face specific challenges while quarantined for COVID-19. A free service upgrade was also offered to alleviate stakeholders’ concerns.

By highlighting their commitment to continuous service, they reassure customers and employees who depend on them for business and family needs.

Source: prlab

Here’s another example of an effective crisis communications press release. When Volkswagen created computer software to conceal the true level of emissions from its vehicles, it needed to find an approach to calm its shareholders, admit its mistakes, and reassure the public of its resolve amid a crisis.

#2. Natural Disaster or Emergency Press Release

Wine To Water’s emergency relief effort in Jackson, Mississippi

Source: Fitsmallbusiness

Crisis press releases are not only used to address company crises or mistakes. In this example, Wine To Water published a crisis press release to announce its response to flooding in Jackson, Mississippi, which was a natural disaster or emergency. The celebrity status of the company’s owner, actor Jason Mamoa, adds to the release’s impact.

In addition to providing clean, safe drinking water, Mamoa’s company (Mananalu) provided the water in resealable, reusable cans, giving them another way to appeal to certain audiences. It also includes a quote from Mananalu’s CEO.

#3. Product Recall Press Release Example

An example crisis press release is a Johnson & Johnson sunscreen product recall.

Source: Fitsmallbusiness

This is a fantastic example of a proactive crisis press release issued by a company in conjunction with a voluntary product recall. Rather than waiting and hoping nothing bad happened, they took the products from the market when internal testing showed small amounts of a carcinogenic chemical in their aerosol sunscreen.

Along with the immediate product recall, the business has declared that an investigation is ongoing to discover the cause. Readers are informed of the chemical’s potential side effects and to discard the products. The company also gives an 800 number to call and request a refund, as well as an invitation to contact its Consumer Care Center 24/7 with any inquiries. Additionally, forms are provided if someone needs to report an adverse effect from the product.

#4. Data Breach Press Release Example

JBS USA cybersecurity attack press release example

Source: Fitsmallbusiness

This is yet another outstanding example of a crisis communication press release published proactively to prevent speculation on the part of customers, investors, or the media. JBS USA faced a cybersecurity attack and issued a press release outlining its cybersecurity response. It includes immediately suspending affected systems, notifying authorities, and deploying all available resources to remedy the situation.

To address audience concerns, the PR crisis management communique states that no data was compromised. It also warns that while they work to remedy the issue, some customers and suppliers may experience slowdowns. The release efficiently addresses numerous stakeholders’ concerns, including describing the reason for any ongoing impacts and providing a media contact.

#5. Business Donation to Natural Disaster Relief Press Release Example

Source: Fitsmallbusiness

Press releases can be issued in response to external factors that are beyond the control of any company. In this example, Panda Express shows understanding, compassion, and support for individuals affected by the Hawaii wildfires. It also encourages additional charitable giving by promising to match donations made through the Panda Cares Foundation.

#6. Nike crisis communication press release example

Source: Prowly

Crisis Communication Press Release Template Example

After I  discussed press release examples for crisis management, it’s time to give some practical tips. The templates provided below can help you create your crisis press release more quickly. With this guidance, you can create your crisis management press release template to use anytime an issue arises. Hopefully not too often.

Source: Prowly
Download Lamphill’s Template Here

When to Write a Crisis Press Release

In the area of crisis management, time is essential. The decision of when to write and release a crisis press release can have a significant impact on the outcome of a challenging situation. It’s a strategic move that demands careful thought and precise timing. After what type of event should you prioritize a crisis communication press release?

#1. Accusations

These are regular scenarios in the industry. Companies frequently face scrutiny and charges in various situations. These include dealing with defective products that evaded quality control or dealing with management mistakes that had serious implications.

#2. Public scandals

You may immediately think of celebrity scandals, but businesses can also encounter situations that damage their reputation. Corporate scandals can take many forms, such as contentious financial decisions or abuse of authority by the leadership team, resulting in ethical and legal concerns.

#3. Lawsuits

Legal trials can hurt a company’s public relations, whether the company is the plaintiff or the defendant. Even in the absence of extensive media coverage, being involved in a legal dispute can damage a company’s reputation with stakeholders. Situations like this tarnish a company’s reputation, weaken confidence, and raise concerns about its ethics and operations.

#4. Disasters

The pandemic has been a real eye-opener, reminding us that the world is unpredictable and can shake up the market. When disaster hits, it can throw a curveball into your company’s operations in several unexpected ways. Consider production hiccups, supply chain roller coasters, and the occasional product shortage.

#5. Failures

Everyone makes mistakes; it’s simply part of being human. However, minor errors can occasionally result in major issues, such as product contamination or using wrong labels. These mistakes can damage a company’s reputation and, in some situations, put customers at risk.

All of the situations described above necessitate clear and timely communication from a company. As proof of such situations, you could read pieces of example crisis press releases referring to the above events.

What is an example of a crisis communication press statement? 

What is an example of a PR crisis? 

A PR crisis refers to a situation where an organization’s reputation or credibility is threatened by a negative event, issue, or statement. Here are some examples of PR crises:

  • Product Recall such as Takata airbags, Samsung Galaxy Note 7
  • Data Breach such as Yahoo, Equifax
  • Executive Misconduct such as Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Holmes
  • Environmental Disasters such as BP Deepwater Horizon, Exxon Valdez
  • Social Media Controversies such as Dove’s racist ad, Pepsi’s protest commercial
  • Crisis Management Failures such as United Airlines’ passenger removal, Facebook’s data privacy issues
  • Natural Disaster such as Puerto Rico’s hurricane response, Thailand’s flood response
  • Reputation Crisis such as Volkswagen’s emissions scandal, Wells Fargo’s account fraud
  • Crisis of Leadership such as Tesla’s Elon Musk, Uber’s Travis Kalanick

How do I create a PR crisis plan? 

Creating a PR crisis plan involves several steps that help you prepare for and respond to a crisis effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Identify potential crises
  • Establish a crisis management team
  • Define crisis communication objectives
  • Develop a crisis communication strategy
  • Create a crisis response process
  • Prepare crisis communication tools
  • Train and exercise the plan
  • Review and update the plan

How do you identify a PR crisis?

Identifying a PR crisis requires a combination of monitoring, analysis, and judgment. Here are some signs that may indicate a PR crisis:

  • Social media alerts
  • Media Inquiries
  • Online reviews and ratings
  •  Employee concerns
  • Customer complaints
  • Regulatory or legal issues
  • Reputation monitoring tools
Download Lamphill’s Template Here

What is the difference between an issue and a crisis in PR?

In PR, an issue is a situation that may harm a company’s reputation, but it can be managed and resolved promptly. On the other hand, a crisis is an emergency that can have critical consequences for a company’s reputation and may damage its stakeholders in some way.


A well-crafted press release can be a lifeline in times of crisis. By being transparent, accountable, and empathetic, organizations can mitigate damage and restore trust. Remember, a crisis press release is not just a statement – it’s a commitment to your stakeholders. 

Now, I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever had to write a crisis press release? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Share your stories in the comments section.


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