10 Best SEO Reporting Tools I Have Used for Analytics and Performance Insights

SEO Reporting Tools
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SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of increasing a website’s exposure and organic rankings on search engine results pages to increase traffic and draw in relevant consumers. SEO reporting tools hold significance for clients or C-suites as they provide concrete evidence of your advancement in establishing your brand and attracting attention. For instance, it’s critical to monitor the links you have acquired so you may be aware when you are cited as an authority on a given topic.

In this article, I’ll showcase some top SEO reporting tools to help you navigate marketing reporting dashboard systems and access the best data. I’ll also address some common questions concerning the top SEO reports and briefly analyze a few of my preferred tools.

Key Takeaways

  • SEO reporting tools can monitor hundreds of pertinent, focused keywords for your company
  • Google is the primary source for most people worldwide when looking for businesses and services
  • Users can be guaranteed access to the most recent and correct SEO data for reporting needs
  • Even if you rank well on Google but have bad online reviews, people won’t click
  • Businesses can monitor crucial metrics about search engine success, customer acquisition, and product visibility through the platform’s

What Reporting Tools for SEO 

SEO reporting tools Software programs or internet platforms are made to gather, process, and display information about search engine optimization activities. These tools provide extensive features and functionality to assist users in tracking and monitoring various SEO data, including keyword rankings, website traffic, backlinks, site audits, competitor analysis, and more. They offer thorough dashboards, data, and visualizations. That lets consumers see how well their SEO strategies are performing, pinpoint areas for development, and monitor advancement over time.

What Does SEO Reporting Software Include?

SEO reporting software offers tools for assessing a website’s ranking for significant keywords and phrases in Google search results. A website on the first page of a relevant search can bring impressive business and traffic for much less money than traditional advertising, as Google is the primary source for most people worldwide when looking for businesses and services.

More significantly, SEO software does more than just gauge where your website is now ranked in search results. Additionally, it offers suggestions and chances to enhance the positioning of your website through content production and opposition. Data regarding your rivals’ rankings for related keywords. The top SEO reporting software provides users with the following features and capabilities, which are some of the most helpful ones:

#1. Keyword Data

As previously said, a solid SEO reporting tool can monitor hundreds of pertinent, focused keywords for your company. This information can be updated daily or even more often to provide you with an ongoing view of your website’s performance in Google search results.

#2. Keyword Research Tool

SEO reporting tools can also help with keyword research, allowing your team to find positions or growth prospects they may not have previously pursued. By providing information such as search volume and anticipated competition. Keyword research tools take the guesswork out of targeting your content or SEO strategy.

#3. Site Architecture Examination and Audits 

The hierarchy of your website and the pages that reside underneath one another are important aspects of SEO that are frequently overlooked. To better guide continuing website development. SEO reporting tools can also assess the architecture of your current website and offer advice and helpful data regarding how to organize your landing pages, internal links between pages, and user experience components like load time.

The best SEO reporting tools also include backlink tracking algorithms that help you find websites. With links pointing to yours and those that could be dangerous or from unreliable sources that you might want to unlink.

Competitor Analysis Template.pdf

10 Best SEO Reporting Tools I Have Used for Analytics and Performance Insights

Which SEO reporting tool is the best? Below are brief descriptions of the top SEO reporting tools and tool summaries, salient features, and advantages and disadvantages.

#1. Klipfolio

Klipfolio allows you to import, edit, analyze, and present data. Your SEO measurements, data, and KPIs are visible to you through its website analytics dashboard. Klipfolio can monitor website traffic from newsletters, social media, blogs, landing pages, and advertisements.

Why did I pick Klipfolio?

Klipfolio is a flexible business intelligence and dashboarding application that can be used for SEO data, Aggregation and reporting. Because of its strong data integration capabilities. Klipfolio can manage massive amounts of SEO data, such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, backlink data, and other SEO indicators. Using the tool’s data transformation features, users may combine, clean, and modify data to get insightful results. Users can be guaranteed access to the most recent and correct SEO data. Thanks to Klipfolio’s data ingestion features for reporting needs, which include data blending, automated refresh, and real-time data updates. 

 Unique Features & Integrations of Klipfolio

One of the product’s primary strengths is its capacity to extract data from almost any location. Including data warehouses, Google Drive, FTP servers, hard drives, SQL databases, and other SaaS tools. Then, they make it really simple to add people, publish links, send emails, or use Slack to share reports. Additionally, you may get extremely specific about how you wish to present data by using the Klipfolio editor.

#2. DashThis

DashThis is an all-inclusive marketing reporting solution that makes creating, modifying, and distributing eye-catching marketing dashboards easier. It aids companies in monitoring and showcasing their most important performance indicators.

DashThis is a powerful marketing reporting platform that works well for SEO reporting and other marketing reporting requirements. It makes it easier to create visually appealing reports that highlight important points.

SEO data like organic traffic, keyword rankings, and backlink research by offering a large selection of pre-built widgets and layouts. You may quickly share the reports with clients or team members. Personalize them with your branding, and add notes or remarks. It has features like scheduled email reports, multi-channel reporting, and automated data refreshes. DashThis is a useful tool for effectively and professionally tracking and presenting extensive SEO and marketing performance indicators.

Unique Features & Integrations of DashThis

One of the main characteristics is the large selection of widgets and visualizations. Which includes gauges, tables, graphs, charts, and graphs. To efficiently present essential metrics and performance indicators, users can choose and personalise widgets that work best for their data. Additionally, DashThis provides white-label reporting features that let users display reports with their branding instead of the DashThis branding. Agencies and companies who wish to share information with clients or stakeholders while maintaining a consistent and polished brand image will find this feature especially helpful.

#3. Whatagraph

With the reporting tool Whatagraph, you can watch several channels and campaigns simultaneously. To prevent missing deadlines, you can utilize it to deliver reports at a predetermined frequency automatically. Additionally, it includes a collaboration function that enables you and your team to produce and update reports simultaneously.

Why I Selected Whatagraph. CallRail, Salesforce, and Call Tracking Metrics are just a few platforms. Whatgraph links to for customer service interactions. It is also a great website, keyword, and SEO reporting tool. Because service companies can link their PPC and SEO campaigns to their customer service data in a single, comprehensive platform, this makes it the perfect answer for them.

Unique Features & Integrations of Whatagraph

One of the key benefits is that you may link numerous reports to a single template, which means that if you alter the data once, it will update all the reports to which it is attached. This might be helpful if you have an external dashboard for stakeholders and an internal dashboard for staff that use the same data but restrict access to different data based on the audience. They are simultaneously publishable and updateable.

More than forty apps are integrated, including BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, BigQuery, Hubspot, Salesforce, CallRail, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Ahrefs, Semrush, Google Analytics, Google My Business, and Call Tracking Metrics. For sources not listed, a custom API and GoogleSheets integration are available. 

#4. Salient

Businesses can create visually attractive and interactive dashboards using Salient, a sophisticated tool for data visualization and reporting. Salient’s user-friendly interface and wide range of customization choices enable users to show their data in a meaningful and aesthetically pleasing manner, which promotes data-driven decision-making.

Why I Selected Salient: With Salient’s data visualization features, users can build dynamic charts, graphs, and visual representations of backlink profiles, keyword rankings, organic traffic, and other SEO performance indicators. By simply integrating the platform with SEO tools and data sources, users can integrate and aggregate SEO data for thorough reporting. Users may customize their SEO reports using Salient by adding interactive components, colour schemes, and layouts to highlight the most pertinent information and target certain audiences.

Important Notable Features and Integrations

One of the main advantages is the ability for users to build tales and walkthroughs within their reports through interactive storytelling. This function helps users lead their audience through the data, emphasizing important discoveries and giving the information displayed meaning. Salient improves the impact and comprehension of the data by adding narrative components, which makes the information more interesting and useful for users and their stakeholders.

#5. SE Ranking

An all-in-one SEO reporting tool called SE Ranking gives consumers comprehensive information about how well their website performs in search engine rankings.

Why I Selected SE Ranking: Users may better grasp their competitive landscape by utilizing SE Ranking’s keyword monitoring, competition research, and website audit features. The audit tool from SE Ranking looks for indexability problems, duplicate content, broken links, and page performance optimization. Large businesses should take note of this since they could oversee several websites and lack the time to check every website status item manually each day. Users can assess how their SEO KPIs stack up against other websites in their field using SE Ranking’s competition analysis tool.  

With the help of this function, agencies may assess where their website may need development by seeing how well it performs in comparison to others in terms of organic traffic, keyword rankings, and backlinks.

Outstanding Features & Integrations for SE Ranking

Important capabilities include the capacity to track and report on online customer reviews and interfaces with systems such as Google My Business. The unsaid equivalents of SEO optimization are reputation management and review management. Even if you rank well on Google but have bad online reviews, people won’t click. SEO Ranking offers social media management solutions for individuals seeking a comprehensive marketing bundle that encompasses more than SEO tools.

Just in case you cannot access backlink audits on any of these platforms, here is a Backlink Audit Template that will assist you in reviewing your backlink profile. It offers a thorough methodology for tracking and analyzing important indicators, identifying poisonous links, and developing an actionable strategy to enhance your SEO.

#6. TapClicks

One of the top marketing analytics and reporting platforms is TapClicks, which provides complete reporting and data visualization tools. Businesses may gather and analyze marketing data from various sources, such as those for PPC ads, SEO strategy, keyword tracking, and website status alerts, thanks to TapClicks’ extensive capabilities and connectors.

I chose TapClicks because it provides flexibility for reports, with many options to support visual changes. To maintain a consistent brand identity, users can apply custom themes, add logos, and completely alter the reports’ layout, branding, and colour palette. Additionally, TapClicks offers adjustable widget placement, enabling users to rearrange and resize graphic components as required. Reports can be enhanced with photos, rich media, and custom HTML, and users can take advantage of sophisticated data visualizations, such as gauges, tables, charts, and graphs. TapClicks provides interactive drill-down features, conditional formatting, and dynamic filtering choices for improved data exploration and visualization.

Unique Features & Integrations of TapClicks

Advanced data computations, such as the capacity to construct new fields from pre-existing data and then perform calculations on that data, are important characteristics. To discover a sentiment % in either direction, you could, for instance, pull data for Facebook reactions and add positive reactions (ha-ha, love, like) and negative reactions (sad, angry). You’ll be able to perform calculations using formulas similar to those found in Excel, such as AVG(volume), COUNT(value), and DAY(date).

#7. Geckoboard

A real-time data dashboard solution called Geckoboard assists companies in tracking and visualizing their most important indicators in one convenient location. Geckoboard facilitates speedy and informed decision-making by enabling teams to track and show data from several sources with its numerous integration possibilities and user-friendly interface.

Why I Selected Geckoboard: Geckoboard is an extremely user-friendly tool that can be used for SEO reporting, providing streamlined data visualization and ease of use. Users can easily connect their SEO data sources, such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or SEO ranking tools, thanks to Geckoboard’s user-friendly interface and easy setup process.

Users can also create visually appealing dashboards to track key SEO metrics in real time with the drag-and-drop dashboard builder’s help, making it simple to customize the layout and design. This enables users to highlight the most pertinent SEO metrics for their reporting requirements. Geckoboard’s intuitive interface and seamless integration capabilities make it a useful tool for SEO reporting, saving time and simplifying the process.

Unique Features & Integrations of Geckoboard

One of the key features is dashboard loops, which allow you to link your smart device to a TV for presentations by allowing many dashboards to cycle one after another on the screen.

Amazon Redshift, Asana, ClickUp, Facebook, Freshdesk, Github, Help Scout, Jira Software, Instagram, Mailchimp, MySQL, Pipedrive, Shopify, TikTok, Twilio, Zendesk, and more apps are among the available integrations. Additional connections can also be made using Zapier; however, additional fees can be involved. 

#8. Botify: The Best Platform for Enterprise SEO

Botify is a cutting-edge SEO tool that helps companies enhance the functionality of their websites and increase their organic search engine presence. Businesses may increase their search engine visibility and drive organic traffic by utilizing Botify’s extensive toolkit, which offers deep insights into technical SEO concerns, content optimization, website crawlability, and search engine rankings.

Why I Selected Botify: With its distinctive characteristics that differentiate it from rivals, Botify may be utilized for efficient SEO reporting. The tool helps customers find and fix search engine visibility problems by offering in-depth technical SEO analysis, including crawlability, indexability, and website performance data. The content analysis features of Botify assist users in improving overall relevancy and optimising their website content for specific keywords. Furthermore, Botify provides sophisticated data visualization and reporting tools that let users watch key performance metrics over time and provide personalized SEO reports.

Outstanding Features & Integrations of Botify

One of the main features is a list of recommended SEO actions that are automatically prioritized. After searching your website for SEO enhancements, Botify will rank them according to their possible impact. After that, it provides you with this data in an easily navigable list so you can complete the tasks that need to be done. I haven’t encountered this tool in the SEO reporting space before.

#9. Octoboard: The Best Option for online retailers

A comprehensive corporate performance reporting platform, Octoboard provides many data integration and display options. It allows companies to quickly and simply compile and present important metrics from several sources in aesthetically pleasing dashboards, giving them real-time insights for data-driven decision-making.

Why I Selected Octoboard: Octoboard has features explicitly designed to help e-commerce companies track and improve their online performance, which may be used for efficient SEO reporting. Octoboard allows e-commerce companies to see important SEO indicators like organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates by integrating data from SEO tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Businesses can monitor crucial metrics about search engine success, customer acquisition, and product visibility through the platform’s configurable dashboards, which can be customized especially for e-commerce SEO reporting.

Outstanding Features & Integrations of Octoboard

Connectivity to Open AI and CHatGPT for insights powered by artificial intelligence are important characteristics. ‘Positive news’ gathering and presentation, automated trend reports, and machine learning to find previously overlooked opportunities are examples of insights. The latter is often quite beneficial for conversations with clients.

#10. For Technical People, Google Data Studio is the Best Option

An online application called Google Data Studio (formerly Google Looker) can transform data into insightful reports and dashboards. Gathering data from spreadsheets and other sources, such as Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Google BigQuery, and combining it in one place is possible with Google Data Studio.

Why I Selected Google Looker: Technical users can utilize Google Looker as a potent tool for SEO reporting. Looker’s strong data integration features enable customers to link and combine information from various sources, such as databases, online analytics software, and SEO platforms. Technical users can extract and alter SEO data, perform intricate computations, and develop custom metrics tailored to their SEO reporting requirements using Looker’s sophisticated querying and transformation capabilities. Technical users may create visually appealing SEO reports, dashboards, and interactive data visualizations with Looker’s user-friendly visualization tools, effectively and concisely displaying important SEO KPIs.

Outstanding Features & Integrations of Google Looker

Websites, search engine result pages, and keyword analytics, all taken from Google, are important elements. Google Looker will certainly need to be a part of your tech stack, regardless of the other SEO reporting tools you utilize. You may use Looker to input data into other platforms for more flexible computations, quicker manipulation, and visually appealing results. You can also connect Looker straight to your website.

Top Best SEO Reporting Tools

Choosing the correct SEO reporting tools is crucial for accurately measuring and optimizing your search engine optimization activities. The tools mentioned in this article include various features and capabilities that can help you monitor critical metrics, analyze performance, and make data-driven decisions. From broad dashboards like Klipfolio and DashThis to specialized platforms like Botify and SE Ranking, each tool provides distinct features that cater to different needs and tastes. Check out these infographics.

What are the top SEO reporting tools available for your use case? These are the top five SEO reporting tools available for selection:

#1. The Key Word Finder

KWFinder is another tool that concentrates mostly on SEO keyword strategy. It offers users a range of tools to assess chances to enhance keyword placement and produce content that is beneficial for SEO. Similar to other solutions on this list, various subscription plans and levels make access to the precise degree of tools you would need for your goals possible.

#2. Semrush

To help customers understand their SEO positions, Semrush My Reports provides an SEO reporting platform with about two dozen helpful features. The Semrush SEO reporting platform offers a range of tools to inform business strategy, including link-building opportunities, content creation recommendation tools, and real-time tracking and reporting of SEO data. The Semrush SEO reporting tools can handle any size SEO project and meet your company’s or clientele’s needs. 

#3. Watching the Night

For those with more constrained demands for SEO research, Nightwatch is a comparable SEO reporting software with a more limited feature set. With a strong emphasis on the keyword aspect of SEO, Nightwatch is a fantastic option for people who are just beginning to learn about SEO strategy and require a program that covers the fundamentals of those fields.

#4. Ahrefs

Another well-liked SEO reporting tool is Ahrefs, which provides a feature set akin to Semrush’s for informing continuing content and targeting tactics. Ahrefs can handle anything from keyword research to strategy demands and offers several subscriptions that let users choose different feature levels or account managers.

#5. AdWords

Always go straight to the source for people who are primarily interested in monitoring their current SEO rankings and positions. For small-scale SEO requirements, Google Analytics provides a free version that may be used to analyze site interaction, assess which keywords are bringing visitors to your website, and perform some basic SEO research and strategy functions.

What is the best-automated SEO report tool?

Your needs and money will determine which automated SEO report tool is best for you. Certain tools work well for certain tasks; these include content audits, keyword recommendations, and SERP rankings. Some are one-stop shops that can assist with multiple chores. 

 How long does an SEO report take?

An SEO report can take a few days to many months to compile, but it should take no set amount of time. Numerous variables affect how long it takes, such as the kind of website and the difficulty of the task:

  • Type of website

New websites could take longer to rank than well-established ones with a strong SEO base.

  • Intricacy

A smaller to medium-sized website can complete its basic on-page SEO setup in a few days to a few weeks, but a larger or more sophisticated website might require many weeks or months. 

 How do I monitor SEO results?

You can use the following metrics to track the effectiveness of your SEO campaign:

  • Keyword rankings

The position of your website for keywords related to your area, issue, and audience

  • Organic traffic

Search engines may value your material more if you see a rise in organic traffic, which could result in a higher ranking.

  • Rate of bounces

This can assist you in finding discrepancies between your landing page and marketing, enhancing organic search results and helping your site rank higher. 


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