Top 7 SEO Outsourcing Nightmares to Avoid in 2024

SEO Outsourcing

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by SEO tasks that you contemplated outsourcing? I know I did. When you’re overwhelmed, SEO outsourcing may appear to be the ideal solution, but if you’re not careful, it can rapidly become a nightmare. In the early days of handling SEO for our company, I believed that outsourcing would free up my time and improve our results. Instead, it nearly destroyed our rankings and cost us a lot of money. Let’s look at the top 7 SEO outsourcing nightmares to avoid in 2024, supported by statistics and insightful insights to help you traverse this difficult terrain and avoid typical traps. But first, let’s look at the definition and benefits of SEO outsourcing.

What is SEO Outsourcing?

SEO outsourcing entails hiring a specialized firm or freelancer to help you implement (and even build) your SEO strategy to drive more organic traffic from search engines.

Outsourcing your SEO efforts is advantageous if your marketing staff lacks the bandwidth, resources, or technologies required to conduct a successful SEO plan.
If you are thinking about outsourcing SEO, examine which parts you want to outsource.

Types of SEO Services to Outsource

Depending on your company’s requirements and budget, you can outsource some or all of your SEO services.
Here are the key SEO tasks you may outsource:

  • On-page SEO: Optimizing your web pages to boost exposure on search engine results pages (SERPs) by altering items like title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and internal links.
  • Off-Page SEO: Activities you undertake outside of your website to boost your domain authority and visibility in the SERPs, such as link building and guest blogging.
  • Technical SEO: This is the process of optimizing your website’s performance and visibility, including its general structure.
  • International SEO: This entails optimizing your website for other countries and languages by translating country-specific content, integrating language tags, and optimizing for various search engines.
  • Local SEO: This refers to increasing your website’s exposure in local search results. This includes optimizing your Google Business Profile, providing local content, and receiving local reviews.
  • Content SEO: This is the process of creating optimized content to increase your presence in search engine results pages. This frequently includes keyword research, subject cluster creation, and content optimization.

You can also concentrate on outsourcing certain tasks like SEO planning, SEO audits, link building, UX design, and sitemap optimization.

Benefits of SEO Outsourcing

Outsourcing your SEO can provide various advantages, ranging from accessing expert expertise to freeing up internal resources.
If you’re concerned about the expense of SEO, outsourcing can be a more cost-effective, scalable, and efficient solution.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing manager, or a decision-maker in a huge firm, working with an SEO partner can provide various benefits.
Here are some advantages of outsourcing SEO for your organization.

#1. Access to experience and expertise

When you outsource SEO duties, you effectively gain a wealth of information, abilities, and expertise.
SEO organizations and specialists have spent years honing their talents, keeping up with the latest SEO trends, and understanding the nuances of various sectors.
They’ve most likely worked with a variety of clients and created efficient SEO tactics to boost their internet presence.
You can access a wide range of skills and knowledge through outsourcing.
Various individuals or companies may specialize in different aspects of SEO, such as technical SEO, content optimization, and link development.

A strong external SEO partner understands what works and what doesn’t, and they can adjust their techniques to meet your company’s current requirements.

#2. Improved efficiency

SEO is undoubtedly a time-consuming procedure. It requires continual monitoring, modifying, and upgrading.
When you start outsourcing SEO services, you free up your time to concentrate on running your business.
You can focus on product development, customer service, or strategic future planning while your outsourced provider works to improve your web presence.
It’s a win-win situation in which you can maximize your resources and time.

#3. Cost-effective

Some individuals connect hiring external parties with high costs. The truth is that with the appropriate SEO outsourcing partner, you may reduce your SEO expenditures significantly.

Hiring an in-house SEO staff can be costly, including pay, perks, and training fees.
In comparison, outsourcing SEO services allow you to gain access to SEO knowledge without incurring all of the administrative expenditures.

You just pay for the services you use, and you can scale up or down according to your needs and budget.
It’s a versatile option that can accommodate a variety of budgets.

#4. Offloading personnel management

Outsourcing your SEO might alleviate the load of managing an SEO team.
When you choose an agency to outsource SEO services to, you won’t have to deal with hiring, training, and managing an in-house SEO team.

You do not have to deal with absenteeism, turnover, or performance difficulties.
Your SEO company handles all of these issues, allowing you to concentrate on your main business operations. It is a simple approach that can save you a significant amount of time and frustration.

7 SEO Outsourcing Nightmares to Avoid in 2024

Outsourcing your SEO can seem like the perfect solution to save time and leverage expert knowledge. But if you’re not careful, it can quickly turn into a series of nightmares that can damage your business. Here are the top 7 SEO outsourcing nightmares to avoid in 2024, based on real experiences and supported by hard facts. Let’s dive into these pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

Nightmare #1: Selecting the Cheapest Option

When money is tight, it is tempting to go with the cheapest SEO firm. However, as the old phrase goes, “You get what you pay for.” In 2023, Ahrefs discovered that low-cost SEO providers frequently use outdated or black-hat practices that can cause more harm than benefit. I learned the hard way when we hired a low-cost SEO firm that promised the moon. Within months, Google penalized our site, and our organic traffic dropped by 50%.

Key Takeaway: Invest in professional SEO services. Cheaper choices can come with hidden expenses and hazards that can harm your site in the long term.

Nightmare #2: Lack of Transparency

Transparency is essential when outsourcing SEO. If your service cannot explain their techniques and demonstrate clear, measurable results, you should be suspicious. According to a Search Engine Journal poll, 70% of firms cited a lack of transparency as their main complaint with SEO agencies. I briefly worked for an organization that produced hazy monthly reports laden with jargon. It was hard to know what they were doing or whether their efforts were successful. This lack of explanation left us confused and upset.

Key Takeaway: Select an SEO service that is open about its approaches and provides regular, clear, intelligible reports.

Nightmare #3: Disregarding Local SEO

Many organizations make the mistake of focusing primarily on wide, national SEO while overlooking local SEO. This can be a big omission, particularly for small and medium-sized firms. Google claims that 46% of all queries have local intent. When we first outsourced our SEO, the firm neglected our local market, causing us to lose out on a large number of potential consumers.

Key Takeaways: Ensure that your SEO plan places a heavy emphasis on local SEO, especially if you operate in specific geographic locations.

Nightmare #4: Poor Communication

Effective communication is the foundation of any successful outsourcing relationship. Without it, misunderstandings and misplaced aims can cause chaos. According to Clutch’s report, 33% of organizations listed poor communication as a major difficulty when outsourcing SEO. I recall one case in which our outsourced staff made changes to our website without consulting us. The adjustments had a negative influence on our user experience, resulting in a decline in engagement.

Key Takeaway: Create clear communication channels and schedule regular check-ins to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Nightmare #5: Ignoring Technical SEO

Many SEO companies prioritize content and backlinks over technical SEO, which is crucial for a site’s health and performance. In 2023, SEMrush claimed that 50% of websites had technical SEO difficulties that impacted their rankings. We saw a big reduction in our search engine results because our outsourced team overlooked crucial technical SEO issues such as site speed and mobile optimization.

Key Takeaways: Make sure your SEO company addresses technical SEO issues like site performance, mobile friendliness, and crawlability.

Nightmare #6: Failing to Customize SEO Strategies

A one-size-fits-all approach is rarely effective in SEO. Every organization has unique requirements and issues that necessitate customized methods. According to a Moz analysis, customized SEO methods perform 30% better than generic approaches. We initially outsourced our SEO to a business that used the same technique for all of their clients, resulting in average results and missed potential for development.

Key Takeaway: Make sure your SEO provider tailors their techniques to your individual business requirements and goals.

Nightmare #7: Ignoring Data and Analysis

Data-driven decisions are critical to good SEO. If your provider is not using data and analytics to guide their strategy, they are probably missing the mark. HubSpot discovered that organizations that use data-driven SEO saw a 20% increase in ROI. Our first outsourcing experience was a team that made judgments based on intuition rather than data. This technique produced inconsistent outcomes and wasted effort.

Key Takeaways: Work with an SEO company that uses data and analytics to guide its methods and track results.

How To Outsource SEO To The Right Company?

Finding the ideal business for your SEO needs is critical to achieving the best results. Here are a few considerations to consider while selecting an SEO company:

  • In-house tools: Does the organization have tools to implement, track, and update your SEO? Do their solutions work with your existing corporate software, or will you have to pay for more options?
  • How they measure progress: SEO is an ongoing process; how does each business plan to track your campaign? Do they have a means to share such information with your company?
  • How they communicate: Does this company respond to you quickly? Are they simple to talk to on the phone or via video call? Do they respond to your questions and provide enough detail?
  • Prior experience: How long has this organization worked on SEO? Are they a new company or a major corporation?
  • Reviews and testimonials: What are others saying about this SEO company? Is the overall impression good, neutral, or negative?

Understanding what to look for in an SEO business will help you avoid hiring the wrong person and having to switch later.

Steps for Outsourcing SEO

So, if you’ve concluded that your in-house team needs some SEO assistance, how do you go about outsourcing your SEO campaigns?

Here are the most critical stages for outsourcing your SEO:

  • Determine which marketing services you wish to outsource.
  • Outline the goals you want to achieve.
  • To get the best marketing agency for your needs, research their offerings and confirm your strategy with them.
  • Track progress and stay up to date on your campaign.

#1. Decide which marketing services you wish to outsource

As a firm looking to outsource SEO services, you’ve probably experimented with other marketing tactics as well. For example, you may put a paid advertising campaign and an email marketing campaign on hold.

Before moving further with SEO outsourcing, you should consider whether you want to outsource any other marketing initiatives. If you want to outsource your entire marketing campaign, look for an agency that provides all of the services you require.

Choosing what you want to outsource can help you decide whether you should engage a full-service agency for SEO outsourcing or if freelance SEO is a better option.

#2. Outline the goals you intend to achieve

Consider the precise goals you want to achieve with your SEO operations, such as increasing metrics and making site improvements. This will assist you in finding the ideal outsourcing solution.
If your organization can afford to hire a respectable agency, we encourage doing so because it will most likely be well worth the money.

#3. Research top agencies that provide the services you’re looking for

Whether you’re outsourcing all of your marketing or just SEO, look for a company that provides the services you need. Consider several possibilities before reducing it down to a few companies, and then begin asking for offers.

#4. Confirm your plan with the agency you’ve chosen

After you’ve signed on with your preferred agency or freelancer, you should validate your plan. This stage ensures that you can communicate with your strategist about your objectives and expectations.

#5. Monitor progress and stay up to current on your campaign

Make sure you are aware of a reporting schedule so that you always have a clear picture of the results your supplier achieves. Inquire about the outcomes your campaign produces, and make sure to address any concerns with your provider.

The Use of Templates in SEO Outsourcing

Using an SEO Strategy Template can help you streamline your efforts and guarantee that all important areas are addressed. This template was quite useful when we overhauled our SEO strategy, allowing us to track progress and verify alignment with our company goals. It can help you avoid many of the dangers of outsourcing by outlining a clear roadmap and objectives.


Outsourcing SEO can have both advantages and disadvantages. While technology might save you time and provide professional information, it can also cause serious problems if not handled properly. Being aware of these seven frequent outsourcing nightmares and making efforts to prevent them can help you have a smoother and more profitable SEO journey. Have you encountered any of the following obstacles in your SEO efforts? What techniques did you employ to overcome them? Let us debate in the comments section below.


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