How Many Backlinks Do I Need to Rank High on Google? Expert Answer

Building links is one of the most significant SEO strategies. When Google’s bots crawl websites, they prioritize inbound links to determine a site’s authority. High-quality backlinks generate traffic to your website and frequently result in greater revenue. Despite this, more than 55% of websites have no backlinks at all. Nearly 30% have less than three links. Backlinks are those magical links that direct website visitors to your site and help you rank higher in the ever-competitive search engine jungle. We’ve all been there, staring at our website analytics with a sinking feeling – “Am I getting enough backlinks? How many backlinks do I REALLY need to climb the SERP ladder?”

Today, I’ll be sharing with you what backlinks are, answer the question of “how many?”, and equip you with strategies to build, and challenges you might encounter while building a backlink fortress that Google will love.

Key Points

  • Backlinks are crucial for SEO. They signal website authority to search engines and can increase your organic traffic and website ranking.
  • Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable and authoritative websites rather than amassing a large number of low-quality links. Quality backlinks significantly boost your site’s authority and search engine rankings.
  • Implement proven strategies like guest blogging, broken link building, resource link building, and creating high-quality, shareable content such as infographics. Each of these methods can help you attract valuable backlinks organically.
  • The number of backlinks needed can vary based on your industry and competition. Use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles and set realistic goals for your own website.
  • Beware of Black-Hat SEO tactics such as buying backlinks or over-optimizing anchor text. These practices can lead to penalties from search engines. Instead, focus on organic, ethical link-building strategies that provide long-term benefits.

Imagine you’re at a networking event, chatting with someone about your amazing new restaurant. They’re impressed and tell everyone they know about your delicious food and great service. That personal recommendation? That’s a backlink in a nutshell!

Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are links from one website to a page on another website. Think of them as votes of confidence. When a website links to your page, it’s like saying, “Hey, this content is valuable and credible.” Backlinks are crucial in determining the ranking and visibility of your website on search engines like Google.

Let me tell you a little story. In the early days of my SEO journey, I poured my heart and soul into writing fantastic blog posts. But my website remained buried in the search pit. Why? Because I wasn’t actively building backlinks. It was like having a Michelin-starred restaurant hidden in a deserted alley – amazing food, no customers!

Building backlinks is an investment in your website’s future. Here’s why backlinks are crucial and need them on your website:

  • Search Engine Love: Backlinks are a major ranking factor for Google. Studies by Moz and Backlinko consistently show that backlinks are one of the top three signals search engines use to determine a website’s authority and relevance. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher you’ll climb in search results, making you more visible to your target audience.
  • Organic Traffic Bonanza: High rankings translate into more organic traffic – people genuinely interested in your content. It’s not just about vanity clicks; it’s about attracting potential customers who are ready to explore your offerings. Remember that time I guest-posted on a high-authority website in my niche? My website traffic skyrocketed, and I even landed a few new clients from that exposure. It was a game-changer!
  • Credibility and Trust: Backlinks act as a digital stamp of approval. When other respected websites link to you, it shows visitors that you’re a reliable source of information in your field. This builds trust and establishes you as an authority, making people more likely to engage with your content and potentially convert into paying customers.

A backlink is a link from another website that points to a page on your own website. They are regarded as the most effective “referral” you can get online, especially if they originate from websites that already rank high in Google’s search engine results pages.

So, how many backlinks will I need? A good website has 40-50 backlinks to its homepage and 0-100 for each subpage. If your pages have too few backlinks, Google’s robot crawlers will not rank them higher in search results. However, receiving too many backlinks can seem unethical, thus they will not be counted. Having high-quality websites link back to your own is essential.

This is the million-dollar question. The number of backlinks you need depends on various factors, including your industry, competition, and the quality of the backlinks. Here are some key considerations:

  • Industry and Competition: Different industries have different standards for what constitutes a competitive backlink profile. For instance, in highly competitive niches like finance or health, you might need hundreds or even thousands of backlinks to compete with top-ranking sites.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Not all backlinks are created equal. A few high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites are far more valuable than numerous low-quality links. Google places more weight on links from sites with high domain authority and relevant content.
  • Domain Authority (DA): The domain authority of your site also plays a significant role. Higher DA sites can rank well with fewer backlinks compared to lower DA sites. Tools like Moz’s Domain Authority or Ahrefs’ Domain Rating can help you assess your site’s strength relative to competitors.

An often overlooked aspect is the quality of your content. Even with fewer backlinks, exceptionally high-quality content can outrank competitors. This is because high-quality content naturally attracts backlinks over time. For example, creating comprehensive, well-researched guides or innovative content that offers unique insights can significantly boost your backlink profile organically.

Google encourages organic backlinks, but they might be difficult to get. A high-quality, white-hat linking strategy is ideal, but to get the most out of each link, consider how it fits into your entire SEO strategy. Fortunately, you don’t need many backlinks to rank in the top 10 on Google. If you want to rank higher with fewer links, optimize three to five keywords on each page, focusing on those with low keyword difficulty ratings. Use these keywords in the appropriate HTML positions for Google bots to crawl.

Your content should also be relevant to the user’s search goal. Search your desired keywords and browse the first few results to get an idea of the type of content Google is looking for. After you’ve published each page, include a few internal links related to your content. If possible, link to your page from your homepage, as it is more likely to pass the internal PageRank score. Finally, gradually add more high-quality internal links that fit the context. 

Now that I’ve dealt with the “how many backlinks do I need” question, let’s get down to business! Here are some tried-and-tested strategies to build a backlink:

#1. Create High-Quality Content

This isn’t just a cliche; it’s the foundation of successful link-building. Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that people naturally want to link to. When I wrote an insightful guide on “The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO for Small Businesses,” packed with actionable insights and data, it became a magnet for relevant backlinks from other marketing blogs and even some local news websites. This high-quality content established me as an authority in the niche and continues to generate valuable backlinks.

#2. Guest Blogging

This is a fantastic way to build backlinks and reach a new audience. Identify high-authority websites in your niche and pitch them guest post ideas that align with their content strategy.

Let me share my little experience. I spent weeks writing a guest post on “Data-Driven Content Marketing Strategies” for a well-respected marketing blog. The editor loved it, and the post went live with a prominent backlink to my website. Not only did it drive targeted traffic, but it also opened doors to potential collaborations with other industry influencers.

Here’s a clever strategy. Find broken links on relevant websites using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush. Reach out to the website owner and offer your content as a replacement for the broken link. It’s a win-win – you get a valuable backlink, and they fix a broken page on their website.

Create comprehensive resources or guides in your niche and reach out to websites that compile useful links for their readers. For example, I developed a “Content Marketing Tools and Resources” page with a curated list of valuable tools. I then contacted marketing blogs and educational websites, and several included my resources in their link sections, generating relevant backlinks.

#5. Infographics

Eye-catching infographics can be shared far and wide, attracting backlinks from other websites. Create infographics related to your niche that are visually appealing, informative, and easy to understand.

#6. Networking and Building Relationships

Don’t underestimate the power of building genuine relationships with other bloggers and industry influencers. Attend industry conferences, participate in online forums, and engage with others on social media. These relationships can lead to guest posting opportunities, collaborations, and valuable backlinks down the line.

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Here are some black-hat tactics to avoid:

  • Buying Backlinks: This is a big no-no! Purchasing backlinks from low-quality websites can get you penalized by search engines. Focus on earning backlinks through organic strategies.
  • Over-Optimized Anchor Text: The text you click on to follow a link is called anchor text. While relevant anchor text is important, stuffing your backlinks with exact-match keywords can raise red flags for Google. Use a mix of natural phrases, branding terms, and naked URLs.
  • Ignoring Link Quality: Not all backlinks are created equal. Focus on acquiring backlinks from reputable websites with high domain authority in your niche.

The number 100 can be a good starting point for the number of backlinks to your homepage, but it really depends on several factors. Here’s a breakdown to consider:

  • Competition: In a highly competitive niche, 100 backlinks might not be enough to compete with established websites that have thousands of backlinks.
  • Website Age: Newer websites generally need fewer backlinks to gain traction compared to well-established websites.
  • Backlink Quality: 100 high-quality backlinks from relevant websites are far more valuable than 100 spammy backlinks from unrelated sites.

Building backlinks is a crucial SEO strategy, but it gets considerably tougher in competitive niches. Here’s a breakdown of the main challenges you might face:

  • Standing Out From the Crowd: Established websites in competitive niches likely have a wealth of informative and well-optimized content. It can be difficult to convince other websites to link to your content if it doesn’t offer a unique perspective, deeper insights, or fresh data. Websites with high domain authority (DA) are like gold in the backlink world. But in competitive niches, these websites often get bombarded with guest post pitches and outreach requests. It can be tough to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by these high-authority sites.
  • Cutting Through the Noise: Popular niches might have a lot of content covering the same ground. It can be challenging to create content that feels fresh and breaks new ground, which is essential for attracting backlinks. Finding relevant websites with engaged audiences in a competitive niche can be difficult. You might need to get more creative with your outreach strategies to target the right websites that will value your content.
  • Competition for Links: High-quality backlinks from relevant websites are like gold. In a competitive niche, you’ll likely be facing fierce competition from other websites vying for links from the same sources. Guest blogging is a popular backlink-building strategy for everyone’s doing it. Getting your guest post accepted on a high-authority website might require a more targeted approach and a higher-quality pitch.
  • Go for Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating truly exceptional content that offers unique value, in-depth insights, or fresh data. This will naturally attract backlinks over time.
  • Become a Niche Authority: Establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche by actively participating in online communities, forums, and social media discussions.
  • Target the Right Websites: Don’t waste time with generic outreach emails. Research and identify highly relevant websites with engaged audiences in your niche.
  • Think Outside the Box: Explore alternative backlink-building strategies like broken link building, creating infographics, or collaborating with influencers in your niche.
  • Relationships Matter: Build genuine relationships with other website owners and bloggers in your niche. Networking and offering value can lead to natural link-building opportunities over time.

Backlinks themselves don’t directly make money, but they can be a powerful tool for attracting more visitors and customers to your website, which can indirectly lead to increased revenue. Backlink is an investment in your website’s future. 

While there are some methods to get a backlink quickly, it’s important to prioritize quality over speed. Here’s a breakdown of some options, keeping in mind the potential downsides:

Fastest Methods (Use with Caution):

  • Guest Posting Services: These services connect you with websites that offer guest posting opportunities. However, the quality of these links can be unreliable, and Google might penalize you for unnatural link profiles.
  • Directory Submissions: Submitting your website to online directories can generate some backlinks, but many directories have low domain authority and might not be very valuable.

Faster Methods with More Work (But Better Results):

  • Broken Link Building: This involves finding broken links on relevant websites and reaching out to the website owner with your content as a replacement. It’s a good strategy, but it takes time and effort to find relevant broken links.
  • Social Media Promotion: Sharing your content on social media can help it get noticed and potentially earn backlinks from others who find it valuable. However, social media promotion alone might not be enough to generate a significant number of backlinks.

Here are some effective strategies to build a backlink without spending a dime:

Create Quality Content:

  • Craft Link-Worthy Content
  • Optimize for Discoverability

Become a Source of Expertise:

  • Guest Blogging
  • HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

Build Relationships and Collaborate:

  • Engage on Social Media
  • Network with Influencers

Resource Link Building:

  • Identify Linkable Assets
  • Reach Out Strategically

Building abacklinks as a beginner can feel daunting, but it’s definitely achievable! Here are some beginner-friendly strategies to get you started:

Content is Your Superpower:

  • Focus on Value
  • Optimize for Search Engines.
  • Target Local Backlinks (if applicable)

Leverage Broken Links:

  • Find Broken Links
  • Reach Out with a Solution

Social Media Can Help:

  • Promote Your Content
  • Engage in Online Communities

Guest Blogging on a Budget:

  • Start Small
  • Offer High-Quality Guest Posts
  • Repurpose Existing Content


So, how many backlinks do you need for your website? The answer isn’t a fixed number but a combination of quality, relevance, and competition within your industry. Building a huge backlink profile is an ongoing process that requires strategic planning, high-quality content, and genuine relationships.

Remember, it’s not just about the number of backlinks, but the value they bring to your SEO efforts. By focusing on acquiring relevant, high-quality backlinks, you can boost your site’s visibility and authority in search engines.

Are you ready to start building your backlink strategy? What challenges have you faced in acquiring backlinks, and how did you overcome them? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments section!


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