How To Check A Company’s Reputation in 2024 (Simplified)

How To Check a Company's Reputation
Image by pch.vector on Freepik

As an entrepreneur, you may be wondering why it is important to check your company’s reputation. Maybe you feel your business isn’t big enough to warrant such concerns, or you feel it will sort itself out as long as you stick to what you do.

I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong.

Think of your company’s reputation as a shadow. Can you hold it? No, and neither can you touch it. But that does not mean it isn’t there. So, even if you can’t tie it down, you can still identify it, understand it, and shape it to your liking.

Hence, the question is, how can you ensure that your reputation is strong, positive, and compelling?

Key Points

  • To gain a strong reputation for your company, you have to first understand the importance of reputation management.
  • Reputation management is how the public views your company, and what your company does to maintain or improve that opinion.
  • There are many kinds of “reputations” or public opinions that businesses have to manage.
  • One way to check a company’s reputation is to simply ask customers what they think of the company. Another way is to look at online reviews and ratings.
  • Your company’s reputation defines the trust, dependability, and confidence of customers in your brand and creates loyalty around the business.
  • A strong reputation can help you attract and retain customers, attract top talent, and earn the trust of investors.
  • A weak reputation can make it harder to find customers and partners and can lead to higher employee turnover.

What Is Reputation Management?

Reputation management is a simple concept: it is how you manage what people think of your company. It is how the public views your company, and what your company does to maintain or improve that opinion.

A business’s reputation can be improved (by winning customer service awards or garnering marketing successes) or it can be damaged by bad news (such as lawsuits or customer complaints). This fine line is where reputation management often lives, and it’s especially important for small and local businesses, whose success often depends on positive word-of-mouth and referrals.

A company that fails to manage its reputation risks losing customers, reducing future sales, and damaging its bottom line. If a company’s reputation is damaged enough, it can even go out of business.

That might sound dramatic, but consider this: 94% of consumers avoid businesses with a bad or negative reputation.

There are many kinds of “reputations” or public opinions that businesses have to manage. Your customers, both old and new, are looking at the following in your business:

  • Consumer trust and confidence in your services through reviews
  • Employee trust and confidence in the leaders
  • Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty 
  • Product and service quality 
  • Overall public image (influenced by all the above plus any actions/statements the business takes)

What Factors That Determine a Company’s Reputation?

Your company’s reputation arms you and your brand with a competitive advantage. It defines trust, dependability, and confidence of customers in your brand and creates loyalty around the business.

A Reputation Score helps a company to understand the perception of the public. The evaluation of the reputation score for a company is derived based on seven critical factors that measure the ability of a company to deliver the expectations of its stakeholders. These factors, which are evaluated along with various stakeholders to realize the reputation score, include:

#1. Products or Services

It defines if the company offers products of high quality or reliable services. For a company to be reputed, their products and services should be of high quality and very well acclaimed.

#2. Innovation

A reputed company becomes very innovative in the products they produce. They also become innovative in the way they do business.

#3. Workplace

A company’s reputation is more defined by its workforce. Reputed companies offer a great place to work. It evaluates the freedom at work and listens to the problems and issues of the employees. Reputed companies offer good benefits to the employees and make it a great place to work.

#4. Governance

The governance of a company is to run it responsibly. Reputed companies are ethical, open, and transparent in the way they execute their business. The company’s processes and procedures are always well-managed and open.

#5. Citizenship

One of the most critical factors of a reputed company is its belonging as a good corporate citizen. They invest in corporate social responsibility and work towards the benefit and protection of surrounding people and the environment.


Reputed companies have strong leadership. The leaders have a great vision and are always in line with the company’s vision and mission. The leaders are always visible, available, and accessible.

#7. Financial Performance

Reputed companies are always profitable and deliver good results. The company has good standing in the stock exchange (if listed) and shareholders are happy about the company.

How Can You Check A Company’s Reputation?

When trying to assess a company’s reputation, it is important to consider what the company’s goals and objectives are. A company’s reputation is based on its ability to meet or exceed customer expectations. Hence, a company that consistently meets or exceeds customer expectations will have a good reputation. Conversely, consistently falling short of customer expectations will lead to a bad reputation.

There are several ways to assess a company’s reputation. One way is to simply ask customers what they think of the company. Another way is to look at online reviews and ratings. Finally, you can look at the company’s own marketing materials to see how they present themselves.

If you are looking for a more objective way to assess a company’s reputation, you can look at independent third-party rating systems. These systems use a variety of factors to rate companies, including customer satisfaction surveys, financial stability, and public opinion.

When assessing a company’s reputation, it is important to keep in mind that no company is perfect. Even the best companies will occasionally make mistakes. The key is to look at the overall trend. If a company has a generally good reputation, it is likely doing something right.

Here’s your guide on how to check out a company’s reputation:

How To Check A Company’s Reputation

How To Measure A Company’s Reputation

If you’re running an online business, you must keep track of your brand’s reputation. After all, your reputation is the key to earning customers’ trust and keeping them loyal. Here, we’ll outline five ways to measure your company’s reputation.

#1. Social media sentiment analysis

One way to measure brand reputation is through social media sentiment analysis. That can give you an idea of how consumers feel about your brand and what kind of things they are saying.

To do sentiment analysis, you can look at the overall sentiment of posts, comment threads, and reviews. You can also track specific keywords to see how you use them for your brand.

This information can be very crucial in understanding how your brand is perceived and what you can do to improve your reputation.

#2. Brand tracking studies

Brand tracking studies are surveys that can be done regularly to track how people feel about a brand over time. These studies typically ask questions about awareness, favorability, and purchase intent.

If you need to measure brand reputation, you can use brand tracking studies. This type of study tracks how consumers view a brand over time. It can be helpful to see how consumers feel about the brand and what is going well for the brand. That can help businesses make changes to improve.

#3. Consumer reviews

Consumer reviews are a vital source of information for measuring brand reputation. When you read reviews, you can understand how good a company is at customer service, making products, and making people happy.

This feedback can help make decisions about which brands to support. Customers can review businesses on sites like Yelp and Amazon, which can help figure out how happy customers are.

#4. Media coverage

Media coverage is one way to measure brand reputation. To calculate media coverage, divide the no. of placements by the total population. That will give you media coverage. For example, if there are 100,000 people in your target market and you receive 10000 engagements, your media coverage would be 10%.

That can include both traditional news sources and online news or social media. By analyzing the tone and frequency of media coverage, it is possible to get an idea of how the public perceives a brand.

#5. Employee engagement

Are you looking to measure your brand’s reputation? Employee engagement is a great way to do that. Here are some tips on how to go about it:

  • Surveying employees,
  • Monitoring social media,
  • Conducting customer surveys, and
  • Analyzing data

Employee engagement is one of the essential metrics for measuring brand reputation. You can measure it through surveys or other methods. It reflects how satisfied and loyal employees are to a company. High employee engagement means that the people who work for a brand think highly of it.

Sites To Check A Company’s Reputation

#1. Glassdoor

Primary Use: Understanding employee satisfaction and internal company dynamics.

As a leading platform for employee reviews, Glassdoor goes beyond its primary function to provide valuable insights into various aspects of a company. It covers crucial components that contribute to a company’s reputation and overall employee experience, from the general company culture to the effectiveness of management practices and even internal issues. 

With this comprehensive perspective, Glassdoor empowers job seekers and helps companies build transparency and trust with potential employees.

#2. Google Business Profile

Primary Use: Reading reviews and assessing overall business ratings.

Google Business Profiles (formerly Google My Business) are often the first touchpoint for customers searching for a business online. They offer a snapshot of positive and negative customer feedback, providing insights into a business owner’s response to criticism and the overall customer experience.

#3. Yelp

Primary Use: Evaluating customer experiences with local businesses.

Yelp is primarily known for its detailed reviews on local businesses, from restaurants to service providers. Approach businesses with multiple negative reviews or patterns of negative reputation with caution.

#4. Trustpilot

Primary Use: Broadly assessing online reviews across industries.

Trustpilot aggregates reviews from various industries, offering a balanced look at both small business and large corporation reputations. Companies with transparent, responsive interactions have a good reputation here. It also serves as a platform for companies to further engage with their customers and create an overall positive customer experience. 

Moreover, Trustpilot can be used by business owners to gain insights into their reputation online.

This helps them understand how they are perceived by different audiences and adjust accordingly. It’s also an opportunity to build trust through actively engaging with customers and responding to feedback.

#5. Better Business Bureau (BBB)

Primary Use: Checking customer complaints and business accreditation.

For many years, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has served as a reliable and trusted resource for consumers seeking to validate the reputation of local businesses. Their comprehensive platform offers valuable insights such as ratings, customer complaints, and accreditation status. 

Businesses with a lower BBB rating or a track record of unresolved complaints should be approached cautiously, as this could indicate a cause for concern. By leveraging the information provided by the BBB, consumers can make informed decisions and ensure a positive experience when engaging with local businesses.

#6. Social Media Platforms (Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram)

Primary Use: Gauging customer interaction, feedback, and company updates.

In the age of digital marketing, a company’s online reputation can often be gauged by its social media presence. Look for patterns in customer interactions, feedback, and how the business responds to both positive and negative comments.

#7. The Company’s Own Website

Primary Use: Understanding brand image, mission, and values.

Though it might seem obvious, a company website can reveal a lot. Some of the things to look for include: 

  • Mission statement
  • Core values
  • Customer service information
  • Customer reviews and testimonials
  • Other key details

All these items offer a snapshot of the company’s brand image. However, note that any absence of these might be a red flag.

Why Is It Important To Check A Company’s Reputation?

When it comes to your business, what others say about you matters a lot. In fact, your company’s reputation can make or break your business. That’s why it is so important to assess your company’s reputation regularly.

Your reputation is the way the public and your customers perceive you. It’s what they think and feel about your company, based on their interactions with you, what they see and hear in the media, and what they read online. A strong reputation can help you attract and retain customers, attract top talent, and earn the trust of investors. It can also help you weather tough times, such as a product recall or a data breach.

On the other hand, a weak reputation can make it harder to find customers and partners, and can lead to higher employee turnover. In extreme cases, it can even put your company out of business. That’s why it is so important to proactively manage your company’s reputation.

Here are four key ways to do that:

#1. Monitor what’s being said about your company online

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever for people to share their opinions about your company good or bad. That’s why it’s so important to stay on top of what’s being said about you online.

There are several tools you can use to do this, such as Google Alerts and Mention. These tools will send you an email notification any time your company is mentioned online. This way, you can quickly address any negative reviews or comments.

#2. Be responsive to customer feedback

When it comes to managing your reputation, customers are your best asset or your worst enemy. That’s why it is so important to be responsive to customer feedback, both good and bad.

If you receive a positive review, take the time to thank the customer for their feedback. If you receive a negative review, take the time to address the issue and apologize for any inconvenience. Either way, showing that you care about your customers’ experience will go a long way in managing your reputation.

#3. Address negative press quickly and directly

No matter how well you manage your reputation, there will always be times when you receive negative press. It is important to address the issue quickly and directly when that happens.

The last thing you want to do is ignore the problem or try to sweep it under the rug. That will only make things worse. Instead, take responsibility for the issue and let people know what you’re doing to fix it. Then, follow up to ensure the problem has been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.

#4. Proactively promote your positive reputation

In addition to managing your reputation when things go wrong, it is also important to proactively promote your positive reputation. This can be done through social media, PR campaigns, customer testimonials, and more.

The bottom line is that your company’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets. That’s why it is so important to assess it regularly and take steps to proactively manage it.


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