Brand Value: What It Is, Why It’s Important, and How to Measure It.

Brand Value
Image by FavourEmeli

Many people think brand value is just about the logo or colors, but they actually go deeper than this. They are the core beliefs that shape a company’s culture and identity. When a business sets clear values, it creates a unique personality that makes it stand out from competitors.

Today, it’s hard to think about buying something without considering the brand. Most of the time, we rely on a brand name to judge the value of a product. Imagine walking into a supermarket and seeing two similar products on the shelf, one from a well-known brand and the other from a brand you’ve never heard of. 

Despite the higher price, many people would reach for the well-known brand without a second thought. Why? That’s the power of brand value.

In this article, we’ll explain what brand value means, why it matters to a business, and how you can measure it. Understanding brand value can help a company grow and build stronger customer relationships. Let’s get started.

Key Points

  • People choose well-known brands, like Apple, not just for products but for the trust and emotional connection they feel.
  • Brands with clear values create loyal customers who keep coming back, even when cheaper options are available.
  • Customers are willing to pay more for brands they trust, leading to more sales and long-term success.
  • A brand with strong value makes it easier to launch new products, attract investors, and grow faster.
  • You can track your brand’s value through customer feedback, surveys, and sales data to see how your brand is performing.

What is Brand Value?

In simple terms, brand value is a brand’s worth in the eyes of its customers and the market. It’s not just about the revenue a brand generates but also the emotional connection it builds with its audience. For instance, think about how people feel when they see the Apple logo. There’s an immediate association with innovation, quality, and a certain lifestyle. That emotional connection is brand value in action.

Brand value goes beyond just the quality of the product. It’s about the trust, reputation, and emotional connection a brand builds with its customers. Over time, brands that invest in their value gain loyal customers willing to pay more and stick around, even when alternatives are available. 

For example, brands like Nike, Apple, and Coca-Cola don’t just sell products; they sell experiences and emotions. Customers associate it with qualities like trust, quality, or innovation. When a brand has strong value, It creates a lasting impression that can make all the difference in a competitive market.

Brand value isn’t just a trendy term; it can either help your business succeed or cause it to fail. Here’s why.

Why Brand Value is Important

From my experience, I’ve learned that a brand’s value is more than just numbers. One company I worked with had high customer satisfaction, but their market share wasn’t growing. We discovered that the brand didn’t stand out enough. 

Once we focused on making the brand more valuable in customers’ eyes, loyalty increased, and profits started to grow.

Value is very important, and we can’t emphasize that enough. When customers see value in a brand, they become loyal to it. Brand value makes a big difference whether you want to sell more products at higher prices, reach more customers, or attract investors. 

When customers feel your brand matches their values, it gives you a strong edge over others. Here are a few reasons why:

#1. Increased Sales  

Building a strong brand is key to standing out and securing customers, growing your business, and staying ahead of new competition.

Well-known brands have an advantage when launching new products because loyal customers make it less risky to introduce new items. If your brand is popular, stores are more likely to keep restocking your products.

Customers are naturally drawn to products with a good reputation. Take Apple, for example. As one of the top brands globally, Apple has built a strong reputation for being innovative and offering high-quality products. Whenever Apple launches something new, people even line up overnight to buy it despite the higher price.

#2. More Influence  

When forming business partnerships, companies choose established brands with influence, a well-known name, and a positive reputation.

For instance, Coca-Cola is worth about $78 billion. Partnering with such a giant offers more than just a product. It comes with a name, logo, and other brand elements that customers recognize and trust. These partnerships benefit both sides by adding value and increasing brand strength.

Brand value affects how customers see your business, as well as how other companies and employees view it. Strong brands find hiring and retaining talent easier because people take pride in working for a company with a good reputation.

#3. Higher Profits  

The truth is that customers are willing to pay more for brands they trust. Whether it’s candles or food, there’s a clear difference in price between generic and premium products. Companies that associate themselves with positive traits like trust, innovation, and quality earn customers’ trust, which leads to more sales and brand loyalty.

For example, Nike is a brand with strong values and positive associations. Nike’s customers trust the brand’s quality and feel confident in its products. This trust forms the foundation for loyalty, allowing Nike to consistently achieve high profits.

#4. Attract new customers  

According to B2B, customers usually interact with a brand about seven times before deciding to buy something. They’re more likely to choose a brand that shares their values.

Clear brand values help send the same message across all channels, strengthening the brand. Strong values make a company stand out and give customers reasons to choose it beyond price, quality, or service.

Finally, understanding how people see your brand is important for making a profit because more customers mean more income.

#5. Customer Loyalty

Brands with strong value build loyal customers who keep coming back. When people see value in a brand, they choose it over competitors. Even if a cheaper option is available, customers who trust and believe in a brand will likely remain loyal.

I’ve experienced this directly while working with well-known and new brands. The ones with a strong, clear brand identity usually handle changes in the market much better than those that don’t.

#6. Business Growth

A high-value brand can grow faster, attract more investors, and expand into new markets. Introducing new products under a well-established brand becomes easier because trust has already been built.

In summary, brand value is important because it shows how much people trust and are willing to pay for your brand. A strong brand makes customers choose you over competitors, stay loyal, and recommend you to others. This helps your business grow and become more profitable in the long run.

How to Measure Brand Value

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Understanding the importance of brands today means that there are many ideas about what makes a brand successful. Measuring a company’s value can be tricky and confusing without a clear plan. There are different ways to measure brand value, and you should choose the one that best fits the size, mission, and values of your business.

Also, some important things to consider when measuring brand value include recognition, usage, and loyalty. Your brand’s success depends on setting goals and tracking progress. The only way to know if your brand efforts are working is by measuring your brand value and keeping track of your audience’s views. This will help you make better choices in the future.

Here are six basic ways to measure brand value:

#1. Customer-based valuation

One of the most direct ways to measure brand value is to ask customers for their opinions. Surveys about brand trust, loyalty, and satisfaction can give you valuable insights into how customers view your brand. 

I’ve used surveys to ask questions like, “How likely are you to recommend this brand to a friend?” to help assess customer loyalty and overall perception.

This approach focuses on your current customers and estimates how many new customers you might gain. Loyal customers are valuable because they stay with brands they feel connected to

#2. Net promoter score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score is a widely used metric for measuring customer loyalty. It asks customers how likely they are to recommend your brand to others on a scale of 0 to 10. The higher the score, the stronger the brand’s value in the eyes of your customers.

#3. Market-based valuation

Of course, a rise in sales and market share can indicate that your brand value is increasing. However, I caution against relying solely on sales metrics. In one of my projects, we saw a temporary spike in sales due to heavy discounting, but this didn’t mean the brand’s value had increased. 

In fact, we had to pull back on the discounts and focus more on building long-term brand value.

This method estimates your brand’s value based on the current market situation. It involves comparing your brand with similar brands, checking stock performance, or asking other company leaders how much they would pay for your brand. Surveys can help gather opinions about your brand’s position in the market.

#4. Cost-based valuation

This method examines how much money has been spent to build the brand. It includes all the expenses, such as licensing, registration, trademarking, promotions, and advertising, that went into creating the brand.

#5. Income-based valuation

This method focuses on the income your brand generates. It looks at all the financial streams of your business and identifies how much of that income is due to your brand’s reputation.

#6. Revenue premium valuation

This method looks at how much more people are willing to pay for your brand than unbranded or generic alternatives. It helps you understand how many customers choose your brand because of its identity and values.

To truly understand how much your brand is worth, it’s important to measure its value. But where do you start? I’ve put together a Brand Value Measurement Checklist that will guide you through simple steps to evaluate how your brand is doing. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to improve, this checklist will help you track your brand’s growth and customer loyalty. Scroll down to get started!

What makes a brand valuable to customers?

Today, a brand is like a promise that stays in customers’ minds about a product, service, or business. Valuable brands become leaders by making a positive difference in their customers’ lives. These brands help connect and improve customers’ experiences, making them feel empowered, safe, excited, and understood.

Marketers can build value by focusing on things that customers find important, such as:

#1. Brand recognition and awareness

Your brand should be easy to recognize. The most valuable brands have a clear purpose and communicate it through digital marketing, ads, and other ways. Create strong, positive, and unique qualities that customers will remember.

#2. Brand loyalty

This shows the strength of the connection between your brand and your customers. How likely are they to choose your brand over others, and what can you do to make sure they keep coming back?

#3. Clear communication

Customers today expect brands to communicate well and engage in interesting online and offline conversations. Social media is a great way for brands to connect directly with their customers and build strong relationships. Ensure you stay in touch with your customers, show your communication skills, and respond to any feedback you receive.

#4. Brand identity

Your brand should stand out and have a clear identity that reflects your beliefs, values, and what makes you unique. The best brands create experiences that set them apart from the competition with unique, positive, and memorable connections. These connections with people, places, and things are what customers relate to and buy into.

#5. Authenticity

Strong brands earn trust by being honest and sharing messages that match their customers’ voices, values, mission, and goals. Social media is the perfect platform to show your authenticity, demonstrate how you live by your values, and make a real impact.

How do you build brand value?

There are many steps to increase the value of your brand. Here are some simple steps to help you get there:

#1. Market Research  

Understanding your customers is key to success. No brand can do well without knowing what its customers need, want, and struggle with. Start by researching where your customers shop, what they buy, and what they aspire to. Think about how your product or service fits into their lives and what problems it solves. Who is most likely to need it? Once you understand your customers and what they like and dislike, you can create messages that speak directly to their needs.

Remember, brands are built on reputation, but reputations can change as the market shifts. Keep researching your market even after launching your product so your brand can adjust to any changes.

#2. High-Quality Design  

Good design is essential for shaping how people see your brand and for building its value. Your logo, website, and other visual elements should grab attention, clearly communicate your message, stand out from competitors, and emotionally connect with your target audience.

How you use shapes, colors, fonts, and layouts on your website, packaging, or emails can determine whether people see your brand as valuable. Be consistent with your design to keep your brand engaging and inviting. Use high-quality designs that show off your brand’s personality and help build strong connections with customers.

Good design really makes a difference, so you might want to consider hiring a design agency to create unique designs that capture the true spirit of your brand.

#3. Advertising and Marketing  

Advertising is a great way for your brand to stand out. It allows you to show what your brand represents, share your values, and connect with customers. Don’t hesitate to use all available platforms to spread the word about your business. Make sure people know what you offer and how to reach you. 

Through advertising and marketing, you can constantly remind people what your brand stands for, build a strong reputation, and make your brand easily recognizable. If people see your brand as trustworthy, they are more likely to recommend it to others. Word-of-mouth marketing is a natural way to build trust and reach new customers without spending extra on sales.

#4. Sponsorship  

Sponsorships are a great way to increase brand awareness and gain credibility. By sponsoring causes or events your audience cares about, your brand can create positive associations and improve how customers see you.

Sponsorships also offer a chance to show your company’s values. Choose events or causes that align with your business’s beliefs and that matter to your customers. This helps boost brand awareness and highlights your company’s ethical and social values.

#5. Customer Experience  

Today, brands face the challenge of keeping their customers loyal, standing out in the market, and attracting new people. Offering a great customer experience is key to increasing your brand’s value. While good products and services are important, customers now expect more, like round-the-clock communication and a positive brand experience. People are willing to pay extra for brands that offer great customer service, smooth interactions, and easy ways to engage. These things create a positive experience that keeps customers coming back.

Customers are always looking to connect with brands that they relate to. It’s important to offer more than just a nice logo or website. While these things can help build awareness, your brand’s actual value will keep people engaged and help build strong relationships with your audience.

#6. Tone of Voice  

Your tone of voice is how your brand talks to customers, and it affects how your message is understood. It should reflect your brand’s personality, goals, and values in a way that is clear and easy to recognize.

Having a distinct tone of voice helps your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression on potential customers. You can’t create a unique brand identity without a clear, consistent voice that connects with your audience. This is how you start conversations and build relationships with your customers.

How you communicate is crucial for building brand value. Consistency in tone makes your brand feel relatable and helps customers easily recognize your communication. Using a set tone of voice will help your audience get to know and understand your brand better.

Examples of brand values in action

Let’s look at some real-life examples to understand brand values and how they fit into a brand’s overall image.

#1. Burger King

Burger King is a popular fast-food chain known for its flame-grilled burgers. It operates in many countries around the world and serves a variety of burgers, fries, and other meals. 

What makes Burger King stand out is not just its food but also the values it follows as a company. These values include:

  • Teamwork and family: They believe in working together like a family, where everyone helps each other to get the job done.
  • Excellence: They strive to do their best in everything, from making food to providing good customer service.
  • Respect: They treat their employees, customers, and communities with respect.

By following these values, Burger King aims to create a positive environment for both its workers and customers. Its goal is to become “the world’s favorite, innovative burger restaurant.” This means they want to be known not just for their food but also for their creativity and commitment to quality.

#2. Tesla

Tesla makes electric cars, solar energy products, and other high-tech innovations. It’s led by Elon Musk, who always pushes for new ideas and big changes.

Tesla’s main goal is to create things that help the world without hurting the environment. They focus on being the best at their work, taking smart risks, showing respect, and constantly learning to improve. Their electric cars and energy solutions are examples of this commitment to making the world greener.

The company is also known for trying new things, even when they seem risky. Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder, is known for being bold and sometimes causing controversy, especially on social media. 

However, Tesla is bigger than just Musk. While his personality is a big part of the brand, Tesla’s values and mission are creating a better future for everyone through clean energy and smart technology.

Final Thoughts

A company’s brand is more than just its products or services, it’s what it stands for. A strong brand can help a company build strong connections with its customers. This is why someone might choose Coca-Cola over Pepsi or Mercedes-Benz over Nissan.

To build brand value, a company needs to improve the experience customers have with it. This means making it easy and enjoyable for customers to interact with the brand. Big companies like Amazon have succeeded by making it simple for people to shop on their websites, helping them grow.

A company also needs to stay unique to stand out from its competitors. This could mean doing things differently or offering something others don’t. Brand loyalty is key for keeping customers and growing the business.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Are brand value and brand equity the same?

No, they are different. Brand value is about how much your brand is worth in money. Brand equity is how customers feel about your brand and how much they like it. When customers choose your brand over others and stay loyal to it, they add to your brand equity.

How to determine brand value?

Brand value is often measured in different ways. Companies may use online surveys, focus groups, or track social media performance to understand brand equity. On the other hand, brand value is measured by looking at things like the company’s revenue, sales profits, and the brand’s worth based on its stock value (whether it’s a public or private company).

What is brand value and goodwill?

Brand value and goodwill are two different ideas about valuing a brand. Brand value (or brand equity) is the worth a brand gets from how customers view its qualities. Goodwill, on the other hand, includes things like customer loyalty and a good reputation, which are not physical but still add value to the company.

What are the three main brand values?

The basic idea is that people choose products and services to meet three main needs: 

1. Functional value (it helps you do something, like saving time),

2. Social value (it makes you look good to others), and 

3. Emotional value (it makes you feel happy).

What is a brand value statement?

A value proposition is a short, clear statement that explains why a customer should pick your product or service. It highlights customers’ main benefits when they choose to do business with you.

What are the 3 C’s of a brand?

The three C’s stand for clarity, consistency, and constancy. Does your brand follow these three rules? Strong brands are clear about what they stand for and what they don’t. They know what makes them special and valuable to their customers.

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