How Long Can Reels Be on Instagram? Practical Tips for Getting High Engagements

How long can Reels be
Image by Tonodiaz on Freepik

There are currently more than 1 billion users of the Instagram app, and that figure is rising. As the user base grows, additional features are necessary to compete with other platforms. Instagram reels are one of these more recent features.

With Instagram reels, you can create content that, unlike stories, don’t expire after a day. This indicates that a reel video serves a different purpose than a story, yet learning is still very important.

You must make the most of your reel time because reels are brief and have a time limit. Keep reading to learn how to make reels that will perform well. Use your reel time wisely with these seven strategies. 

If you’re not a seasoned content developer, figuring out the ideal duration for Instagram Reels could be challenging. Furthermore, understanding the perfect number isn’t everything; your analytics may indicate otherwise.

I will go over everything you need to know about the perfect duration for Instagram Reels and other material in this article.

Key Points

  • Instagram Reels are short-form, full-screen videos similar to TikTok, designed to increase engagement and brand awareness. They can be 15 seconds to 15 minutes long, but 90 seconds is the optimal length for in-app recording.
  • Reels make up 30% of users’ time on Instagram, offering significant potential for visibility and audience growth.
  • Creating high-quality content is crucial for success, with emphasis on grabbing audience attention quickly, using creativity, and understanding your community’s preferences.
  • When determining Reel length, consider factors such as production elements, Instagram specifications, audience preferences, video intent, and how it fits with your other Reels content.
  • Effective Reels strategies include using creative effects and text animations, following (but not copying) trends, choosing appropriate audio, and including clear calls-to-action (CTAs).
  • Content ideas for Reels include product reveals, tutorials, announcements, Q&As, promotions, and collaborations with influencers or brands.
  • While Reels can be up to 15 minutes, shorter videos (15-90 seconds) are generally more effective for engagement and adhering to Instagram’s recommended specifications.

What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels are an effective tool for online interaction and communication. Reels are full-screen, short-form videos similar to TikTok videos that are meant to draw in viewers and increase brand recognition.

Instagram Reels provide many advantages! Due to their diversity, reel content may be applied broadly in a variety of businesses and niches. They may also increase your discoverability! Reels, which have a scrolling app tab, make it simple to connect with accounts that aren’t following you by offering content that entices users to become part of your community.

Studies show that reels account for 30% of the time users spend on the Instagram app, so there is a lot of potential to increase visibility and connect with new audiences. 

How long can Reels be?

Instagram, like TikTok, supports uploads of longer reels ranging from 15 seconds to 15 minutes in duration. However, unlike TikTok, Instagram has very specific guidelines about how lengthy a reel should be to do effectively.

When filming a video in the Instagram app, users can select from four different durations: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 90 seconds. Everything, from the reel templates to the ideas you are offered, ends at 90 seconds, and you will not be able to capture any more clips.  

The Best Ways to Make Quick But Impactful Instagram Reels

Are you prepared to begin producing concise yet impactful Instagram Reels that support account growth and brand building? Remember these basic best practices.

#1. Give Content Quality Priority

According to the most recent study, customers are starting to place a higher value on content quality—28% of respondents said high production value is necessary. Spend some time making your video stand out since high-quality content may make a difference in your content! Aim for crisp, high-resolution audio that demonstrates your skill and expertise. 

Reel Content Quality Checklist.pdf

#2. Grab the Attention of the Audience

With 2.35 billion monthly active users, Instagram Reels offers a plethora of opportunities and fierce competition. Starting your reel with a hook is the greatest way to ensure its success! Grab viewers’ interest immediately and provide them with a compelling cause to continue viewing your material or even visit your account page.

#3. Use Your Imagination

The market for video marketing is crowded. You may make an immediate impression and stand out from the crowd by using a creative approach. What distinguishes your brand from the competitors that you can provide? How can you present your thoughts in a novel and creative way? These abilities will enable you to emphasize your worth and increase recognition.

#4. Pay Attention to Your Community

Listen to your community, last but not least. To gain a better understanding of what your followers are genuinely interested in seeing from your material, consult Instagram polls and audience demographics. This can assist you in discovering what is and may not be functioning properly. With this knowledge, you may produce more engaging videos that successfully convey value.

Five things to think about while choosing the length of your Instagram Reel

Consider the following factors while determining the length of your Instagram Reel. Making the appropriate choice will enable you to produce videos that engage your audience and improve content results.

#1. Production Components

It’s a good idea to think about how your Instagram Reels’ production components will affect them. This involves considering how particular editing tools and integrations support the telling of your tale.

Take another look at your Instagram Reel and take note of how visually appealing your film is. Is it easy for the audience to stay interested in your reel? If so, you’re able to create a longer video! If not, content may need to be trimmed to accommodate lower attention spans. 

#2. Instagram Specifications

It’s crucial to first confirm that your material complies precisely with the guidelines established by the Instagram program. Make sure your video is no longer than 90 seconds before attempting to share it on Instagram Reel. If so, you’ll have to figure out how to condense the content before sharing. 

#3. Considering the Audience

In a similar vein, you should always be acutely aware of who your audience is and how they are most likely to use your content. You may use this knowledge to directly benefit your Instagram community by customizing your approach.

Who is the intended audience for you? What is their Instagram usage strategy? Videos should be kept brief and pleasant if you’re aiming to reach busy professionals! Longer clips can be used to take advantage of the increasing popularity of Reels as a viewing format among Gen Z users.

#4. Video Message or Intent

Next, it could be beneficial to consider the main point or objective of your video material. What message are you attempting to convey with your most recent Instagram Reel? With this information in mind, you can choose your duration. Content intended to grow your current audience, for instance, can be longer than content meant to attract new followers who aren’t familiar with your work.

Consider carefully what you want to convey to your audience and the most effective way to do so. A more sophisticated talk might take up the entire 90-second restriction, but a simple fact or anecdote might only need a quick Reel to communicate.

#5. Additional Instagram Reels

Lastly, it’s critical to keep in mind that every Instagram Reel is unique. Since your Reels are a component of your larger account and online presence, the content of previous Reels has an impact on each video.

It could be beneficial to use more of your time allotted to cover specifics if you’re making a one-off film without any more background. Shorter clips are frequently the ideal choice if your video is part of a Reels series on your account. 

Tips For Making The Most Of Your Instagram Reel Time

#1. Use Creativity When Applying Effects

Eighty-five percent of Facebook videos are seen silently, and the same is true for Instagram and TikTok, among other social media sites. So, using creativity in your reels is also crucial. Use attention-grabbing text animations to get viewers to stop scrolling past your video.

Labels, closed captions, and other text can be used to draw people in. With your introductory text, entice them to continue watching. To ensure that viewers have a seamless experience and that the text is not clipped, pay attention to where you place the text.

Additionally, you can express your creativity in various ways by utilizing premium animations and designs. With the Mojo software, you can make collages and access all the various unique effects you require.  

If you’re not sure where to begin when creating Instagram reels, look at popular themes like dances. They are a terrific way to expand your audience and increase awareness, but they come and go rapidly.

You must move quickly, so be ready to produce stuff!

This is a smart use of your valuable time to reap the rewards fast; however, if you want to reap the benefits over the long haul, figure out how to dominate the trend. While trends between TikTok and Instagram reels can differ, dances are still a common choice.  

#3. Select the Reel Time

You’re set to go once you understand how to create an Instagram reel. Before you start adding content, you have to complete a step.

You must first choose how long your time will be. How long are Instagram reels allowed to be?

Reels have a 60-second time limit, but you can also create 15- or 30-second films. Your choice of length will rely on the goal of your reel as well as the content you intend to share.

If you want to convey a specific piece of information, a 15 or 30-second Instagram reel is preferable to a minute-long reel, which offers many options for presenting content.

#4. Select the Appropriate Audio

Even if a lot of people watch videos silently, it’s crucial to choose the appropriate soundtrack. Users can further engage with a reel by tapping for sound when they like it. Decide on your sound carefully.

Instagram’s library offers a vast selection of audio choices, and you can use tools to locate the ideal songs or noises for your reel. For inspiration, look up popular songs on Instagram reels for 2021 and 2022. Even better, you may sync the video with the music to draw viewers in.

Sync your pictures or videos with the music. Alternatively, you might use audio with lyrics related to the theme of your reel. 

#5. Put a Call to Action (CTA) in There

Reels are a terrific way to amuse viewers, but you may also motivate them to act thereafter. For instance, you would like them to follow you, leave a comment on the post, or look at your website and merchandise. There are various ways to include call-to-actions (CTAs), including text, animation, or speaking directly to the camera.

Don’t forget to think about the ideal time to share clips on Instagram to encourage users to interact with the call to action.

#6. Make Use of Great Videos

Reels must be used to immediately capture users’ attention because the typical human attention span is about eight seconds. Videos of excellent quality are one of the finest ways to accomplish this. If you employ low-quality videos, neither Instagram nor your users will favour you, thus it makes no difference how long your reel is.

You have the option to record videos straight to Instagram or upload ones from your camera roll. On Instagram, you may activate the high-quality uploads feature by going to settings > account > data consumption. Make sure the video fits the screen with the appropriate Instagram reel dimensions. 

#7. Produce Outstanding Content

Make sure your material is well-planned to captivate readers. Think about your Instagram page’s objective and how you may connect reel content. Here are a few clever content concepts for Instagram reels:

  • Unveiling of a new product
  • Instructional materials
  • Quickfire responds to inquiries from followers
  • Distribute offers and incentives.
  • Work together with influencers and other brands.

Short reels have the ideal opportunity to provide viewers with succinct, instructive, and enjoyable content. Your reels should inspire viewers to take a specific action, like following your page or enrolling in a course, feeling a certain emotion, or learning something new. Collaborating with others is an excellent approach to reaching a larger audience, establishing a reputation, and obtaining visibility.  

Can I post a 2-minute video on Instagram?

Instagram’s in-feed video lengths range from three seconds to sixty minutes. Instagram will preview video posts that are longer than 60 seconds in the feed. Instagram video size is 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels.

How do I post a 3-minute video on my Instagram story?

  • Open Instagram on your smartphone.
  • Tap the plus icon at the top of the screen or slide left.
  • Select Story from the menu.
  • Tap the gallery icon at the lower left corner.
  • Find the video you want to upload and tap once.
  • Edit the video if you like.
  • Tap the arrow in the bottom right corner to post the video. 


There are numerous ideas to help you get started with Instagram reels, but one of the most effective methods to learn how to use reel time is practice. If Instagram reels do not work for you right away, be patient with yourself and avoid comparing yourself to others. Because reels might take time to gain popularity, you can also post the reel on your Instagram page and let people see your hard work.

To generate high-quality reels, you must have the necessary technologies. With the Mojo app, you can turn your reel and story ideas into spectacular visuals, as it includes all of the necessary editing capabilities. Try it for free today and get started.


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