How ‘As Seen On’ Logos Can Enhance Your Brand Authority and 5 Ways You Can Get It

as seen on logos
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Are you looking to give your brand a credibility boost in the eyes of your customers? Have you ever come across those ‘As Seen On’ logos proudly displayed on websites and products? Well, let me tell you, those logos can work wonders for enhancing your brand authority!  Especially nowadays where trust is a rare commodity, these “As Seen on” logos can boost your business, website section, and others.

In this article, I’ll give you five practical ways to obtain these coveted logos and leverage them to establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry.

So, buckle up and get ready to take your brand to the next level!

Key Points

  • As Seen On logos enhance your brand authority by associating your brand with credibility and recognition from reputable sources.
  • Having these logos displayed on your website or marketing materials can help build trust with potential customers and differentiate your brand from competitors.
  • To get As Seen On logos, you can seek out media coverage by writing your story or expertise to journalists and bloggers in your industry.
  • Participating in industry events, conferences, or panels where your brand can be mentioned or featured can help you.
  • Even using social proof from customer testimonials, reviews, or endorsements can also lead to getting As Seen On logos from respected publications or platforms.

How ‘As Seen On’ Logos Can Enhance Your Brand Authority and 5 Ways You Can Get It

 “As Seen On” logos can definitely boost your brand authority in the eyes of potential customers. When people see recognizable logos of well-known media outlets or brands that have featured your product or service, it automatically adds credibility and trust to your brand. It’s like a stamp of approval that says, “Hey, we’ve been recognized by these reputable sources.”

How To Get As Seen On Logos

Now, let me show you five ways you can get “As Seen On” logos for your brand or website section.

Getting featured in media outlets is a great way to enhance your credibility and attract more attention to your brand. One effective strategy to earn “As Seen On” logos is by proactively reaching out to journalists and pitching your story or expertise.

I have personally found success in this approach by identifying relevant journalists who cover topics related to my industry or expertise. I make sure to write personalized pitches that highlight why my story would be of interest to their audience. Building relationships with media contacts over time has also been crucial in increasing our firm chances of getting featured.

By being proactive, persistent, and authentic in my outreach efforts, I have been able to secure coverage in newspapers, magazines, and online publications. This not only helps in getting the “As Seen On” logos but also in boosting brand visibility and credibility. Remember, building relationships with the media is a long-term investment that can greatly benefit your brand or business in the long run. So, don’t give up!

#2. Collaborate with Influencers

Collaborating with influencers is like hitting the jackpot in the world of marketing! These influencers are like the cool kids in high school that everyone wants to be friends with. When you partner with them, it’s like getting a VIP pass to their exclusive club of followers.

Imagine having your brand showing on their social media channels or websites, reaching hundreds or even thousands of potential customers in one go. These influencers have built a loyal fan base who trust their opinions and recommendations. So, when they endorse your product or service, it’s like a seal of approval that can really make your target audience give you a try.

In essence, it’s all about getting into the power of social proof and leveraging the influence these individuals have in your industry. When you collaborate with influencers, you not only gain visibility but also credibility. It’s a win-win situation that can take your brand to new heights. Hence, if you’re looking to make a name, teaming up with influencers is a smart move to consider.

#3. Win Industry Awards

Winning industry awards can be a fantastic way to showcase your expertise and boost your credibility in your field. Not only does it validate your hard work and achievements, but it also sets you apart from your competitors.

Let’s assume you are a small digital marketing agency that has been working tirelessly on a groundbreaking campaign for a well-known client. The results are outstanding, and you believe it deserves recognition. Then, you come across an industry award that celebrates innovative marketing strategies, and you decide to submit your campaign for consideration.

After months of anticipation, you receive the exciting news that your campaign is the winner in its category! The feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming, not only for you and your team but also for your client.

Now, displaying the “As Seen on” award logo on your website section and marketing materials sends a powerful message to potential clients and partners. It shows that you are dedicated to excellence and that industry experts recognize your work. This recognition can open up new opportunities for your business and help you stand out in the marketplace.

So, don’t be afraid to seek out relevant award opportunities and showcase your achievements. It can be the key to taking your business to the next level and gaining the recognition you deserve.

#4. Guest Blogging and Podcasting

As someone who has done guest blogging and podcasting, let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey! These platforms offer incredible opportunities to get your voice out there and connect with a broader audience.

When you contribute as a guest blogger or speaker on well-known blogs or podcasts, you’re sharing your insights and expertise. Also, you’re gaining exposure in front of a whole new set of eyes and ears. In other words, it’s like stepping onto a bigger stage where you have the chance to make an impact and showcase your knowledge.

One of the coolest perks of guest blogging and podcasting is seeing your name or brand with those prestigious “As Seen On” logos. It’s like a badge of honor that not only boosts your credibility but also attracts more attention to what you have to say.

I remember the first time I saw my name featured on a popular blog as a guest contributor. I must say it was such a proud moment. And appearing on podcasts allowed me to share my story and insights in a more personal and engaging way.

Therefore, if you want to expand your reach and make a lasting impression, consider using guest blogging and podcasting. It’s a fantastic way to be popular, build your brand, and connect with a wider audience in a meaningful and impactful manner. Trust me, the experience is truly rewarding. You can read this also 30+ Best Guest Blogging Sites to Submit Your Content in 2024

#5. Participate in Trade Shows and Events

Participating in trade shows and events can boost your business. I have attended several industry events in the past, and I must say, it was a game-changer for networking and getting our brand out there.

At these trade shows, you get to meet a diverse range of people. It can be from media representatives to potential business partners and even influencers in your industry. The networking opportunities are endless. I found that engaging with different individuals helped in gain insights into various aspects of the industry and understand the current trends.

Moreover, having a notable presence at these events can attract the attention of media outlets. They are always on the lookout for unique and interesting stories to cover, and being at a trade show provides a platform to showcase your brand and what makes it stand out.

Frankly, if you have the chance to participate in trade shows and events, don’t miss out! It’s a valuable opportunity to expand your network, gain exposure for your business, and potentially catch the eye of media outlets looking for fresh content. Trust me, it’s worth the investment!

Can I Put As Seen On My Website? 

Yes, you can put “As Seen On” on your website section to showcase any media outlets, publications, or websites where your business or products have been featured or mentioned. It helps to build credibility and trust with your website visitors by showing that your brand has been recognized by reputable sources.

When you include logos or links to where your business has been mentioned or featured, it can help reinforce your expertise and legitimacy in the eyes of potential customers. Plus, it can serve as a form of social proof. That’s showing visitors that others have taken notice of your products or services.

Just make sure you are accurately representing where your brand has been featured and that you have permission to use any logos or trademarks on your website. If you’re transparent and honest about your press mentions, it will go a long way in establishing trust with your audience.

So, go ahead and proudly display your “As Seen On” section on your website to highlight all the great places that have recognized your business. Below is what the “As Soon On” logos look like on a website section and the checklist below will guide you further. 

Three Key Considerations Before Using “As Seen On” Logos

What Is An Example Of As Seen In?

An example of “as seen in” could be when a company boasts in a popular magazine or website. It’s like when you see a product advertisement that proudly displays logos of reputable publications. This marketing technique is used to build credibility and trust with consumers.

For instance, imagine scrolling through your favorite website and coming across an article about the latest skincare products. You see a brand that claims, “As seen in Vogue.” This phrase is to catch your eye and make you think, “If Vogue thinks this product is worth featuring, it must be good!” It’s a way for the company to leverage the authority of well-known media outlets to validate their product.

So, the next time you see a product or service with an “as seen in” reference, remember that it’s all about establishing legitimacy and persuading you to make a purchase depending on the endorsement of trusted sources. Marketing can be pretty clever, right? 

Why Are Logos Important In Branding?

Logos are super important when it comes to branding. They are like the face of a company or a product—it’s the first thing people see and remember. Think about big brands like Nike or Apple, their logos are so recognizable that you can spot them from a mile away.

Having a strong logo helps a company stand out from the competition. It’s like a visual representation of what the brand is all about. For example, if you see a green mermaid with a crown, you know right away that it’s Starbucks. That’s the power of a good logo—it creates instant recognition and connects customers to the brand.

Another reason logos are crucial in branding is that they help build trust and credibility. A professional and well-designed logo gives the impression mi that the company is reliable and established. It shows that the brand cares about its image and is serious about what it does.

Plus, logos help to create a cohesive brand identity. They can be on everything from business cards to websites to packaging, tying all the different aspects of the brand together. Consistency is key in branding, and a logo is a vital piece of that puzzle.

So, next time you see a logo, remember that it’s not just a pretty design. Yeah, you heard me right! It’s a powerful tool that plays a huge role in how we perceive and interact with brands.

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