Is Buying Backlinks Worth It? Here’s What You Need to Know!

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Many of us already know what backlinks are and their advantages, but do you know the best place to buy backlinks? The best place to buy backlinks depends on your competing niche, as some can rank highly in Google search engines with topical authority alone. If you know what you are doing when buying backlinks, you will reap the organic traffic that comes with it, but when done wrong, it can lead to Google sanctions. Doing it wrong means buying low-quality backlinks from questionable websites. That is why in this article, I will list the 7 best places to buy backlinks, factors to consider when buying backlinks, methods of buying backlinks, as well as the risks associated with buying backlinks.

Link buying is nothing more than paying for backlinks. It is the process of paying site owners to include your links on their sites. This backlink increases your SEO and drives organic traffic to your sites. As a content creator, sometimes you need site owners to add your links to their site because it will help you achieve better search rankings in Google search results. 

But this is not always achievable for people, especially those using black-hat SEO tactics. If you are using white-hat SEO tactics, you have a greater chance of link buying working for you. 

Key Points

  • Link buying involves paying for backlinks to improve SEO and drive organic traffic. It can be more effective if done using white-hat SEO tactics. Careful consideration is required due to potential risks, such as Google penalties for using low-quality backlinks.
  • Recommended platforms for buying backlinks include Collaborator, Icopify, Links Management, Authority Builders, Backlink Boss, Adsy, and Fiverr. Each platform offers various features, such as user-friendly interfaces, high-quality backlinks, and money-back guarantees.
  • Backlinks can significantly enhance a website’s domain authority, improve search engine rankings, and increase website traffic. They help build trust and credibility with both Google and potential customers.
  • Buying low-quality or irrelevant backlinks can lead to wasted money and Google penalties, such as manual actions, that can severely impact website traffic and rankings. It’s crucial to evaluate backlink providers based on quality, credibility, and compliance with Google’s guidelines.

This is a question only you can answer. You know what backlinks do for a business brand. Do you want to miss that? I don’t believe anyone would want to miss out on external links from many high-quality and relevant websites. As much as buying backlinks can be very beneficial for your brand, it is something that requires careful consideration. You should note that there are certain things to consider when buying backlinks from a backlink provider. So you need to, first of all, think hard and understand the benefits of backlinks to your brand, and then decide if you want to buy a backlink or not. Then you should also consider the best place to buy backlinks for your business.

This is where most of the brands encounter fraud. If you are not careful, you will end up buying from fraudsters or sites that will add no value to your brand. The following are the 7 best places to buy backlinks:

#1. Collaborator

I like this one in particular because it suits any size of business. Whether you run a small or large business, Collaborate serves as a great digital PR marketplace to easily target your audience. It is easier to find websites for guest posting and press release distribution. Their websites can be quite confusing because they have over 30,000 catalogues, but they made sure they had a user-friendly filter with over 40 parameters. With a collaborator, you are sure to get backlinks from high-quality third-party online resources. This can generate more leads and enrich your backlink profile to rank higher in search results. 

#2. Icopify

Even if you are not an SEO expert, you will be able to use icopify because of its user-friendly interface. Targeted backlinks, contextual backlinks, and high-DA backlinks are the backlink packages offered by icopify. It has over 27000 registered websites, has completed more than 40000 tasks, and has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world. If you think your brand needs to improve its SEO, Icopify provides features such as organic backlink building and backlink analysis tools. It is also very affordable for all business sizes. The most interesting part of Icopify is that it offers a money-back guarantee, so you can try the platform risk-free. 

Do you need high-quality backlinks from relevant, authoritative websites? Consider using link management. They are professional in offering that kind of service. Another thing about them is that you can purchase backlink purchases in a package, which will make it easier to budget for your link-building campaign. Links management doesn’t just provide high-quality links; they are also very reliable. Link management uses effective backlink strategies to help you achieve your SEO goals. You can also easily find the right backlinks for your website and track the progress of your link-building campaign.

They have a large inventory of backlinks, including DA40-DA80 backlinks, unique content, and automatic tools to ease your link-building campaign. Links management allows you to quickly, easily and accurately evaluate your website, competitor’s website and keywords. Links management will give you an analysis of how many links there are, the time needed to outrank your competitors, and the approximate amount of money it will take. All you need to do is enter your site’s URL and promoted keyword below to view the results. 

#4. Authority Builders

They also offer high-quality backlinks, like link management, but they have other services different from link management. Their backlink packages include guest posts, link insertions, and HARO citations. They are very affordable and have been in business for over five years with a proven record of success. They have a user-friendly interface, in the sense that when you want to buy from them, you just need to log in to their websites, and the platform will show you the list of relevant backlink packages. Just like icopify, they offer a refund if you are not satisfied with their services.

With authority builders, you are sure of backlinks from high-quality websites with natural organic traffic. Signing up for authority builders allows you to select your niche(s), followed by a list of suggested domains that include their details, such as domain authority, trust factor, link popularity, and estimated monthly traffic. 

With their name alone, you should know what they are capable of. Are you looking for affordability? High-quality backlinks? Reliability? Money-bank guarantee? White-label reporting? Just name them. Anything you need to increase your website’s SEO and traffic with their effective backlink strategies. They have a standby team of experienced SEO experts and professionals who are ready to render this service. Their white-label reporting can be used to track the progress of your backlink campaign.

#6. Adsy

I don’t think I have used any site that connects sellers and buyers the way Adsy does. It’s more like a platform where sellers come to sell and buyers come to buy. Sellers can earn money by placing high-quality backlinks on their websites for buyers. as much as they don’t sell the backlinks themselves. They ensure that the ones sold on the platform are of high quality and can help improve the SEO of the buyer’s brand. It is also very affordable, making it available for businesses of all sizes. With Adsy, you can be confident that your backlinks can be effective and improve your SEO rankings.

#7. Fiverr

Fiverr is one of the best places to buy backlinks but you have to trade carefully. The first experience I had with Fiverr wasn’t even about backlink buying but because of how good they were, I had to look for other services That was when I realised that Fiverr has a wide range of marketing services, including backlinks. Fiverr is that one site where you will find a pool of talented freelancers who will help with everything from simple design to. Omplex programming. On Fiverr, you can find a backlink as low as 7,400 naira ($5). All your transactions are protected by the Fiverrs Buyer Protection Policy to ensure you get the quality you paid for.

Another thing about Fiverr is that you should make sure you research before buying to avoid buying from scammers. As much as Fiverr tries to protect you, remember that it is a freelance platform, and things can go wrong there. Most sellers here use automatic backlink generation tools; therefore, you need to learn about this platform before choosing the right person to handle your gig. Reviewing and rating the gig will help you buy the right quality gig. 

One thing with backlinks is that getting the manual one takes time, which is why a lot of people decide to buy it instead. Buying backlinks can immediately grow your site’s domain authority. I’m not saying you can’t improve your SEO ranking without backlinks, but with backlinks, there are significant improvements. Backlinks also help Google bots view your brand as a trustworthy, popular, and authoritative figure. Not just for Google bots but for audiences as well, backlinks make your website more trustworthy and credible to potential customers. 

When it comes to target keywords, sites with more referring domains and quality backlinks tend to outperform their competitors. Backlinks don’t just give you increased website traffic; they give you original traffic as well. When people continuously see your website linked to other high-quality websites, they are more likely to visit your website themselves.

If you can’t afford to buy a high-quality backlink, then don’t consider buying backlinks at all because a low-quality backlink can trigger a Google penalty and demolish your ranking.

When you want to buy a backlink, there are three things you should consider. They include backlink quality, vendor credibility and experience, and safety and compliance. Evaluating your providers with these three factors makes it easier to identify reputable services and vendors. Whether you are buying affordable backlink services or premium backlink packages, you need to keep the following in mind to avoid sanction from Google:

  • Avoid buying a lot of backlinks at the same time, as this can be considered spam
  • Don’t just buy any backlinks because not all of them are relevant to your industry. Target only backlinks relevant to your industry.
  • Avoid low-quality backlinks because it can lead to Google sanctions.
  • Always buy backlinks from websites with high domain authority and domain ratings. This will give you a better ranking in search.
  • Avoid backlinks from websites with high spam scores.
  • Avoid backlinks from link farms because they can easily be spotted by Google.

This FREE checklist of mine can keep you in check:

We have been talking about only the advantages, but is there any risk to this? Well, yes, there are risks to buying backlinks, and I will explain the two most common risks below:

#1. Waste of Money

This happens when you add links that are not relevant to your site. One thing you should know is that when Google is ranking, they ignore sites with links not relevant to their industry. Buying irrelevant backlinks from forums and directories won’t affect your sites, but it will have little or no impact on Google’s SEO ranking.

#2. You Might Receive a Manual Action From Google

This is when a human reviewer decides that your site or pages on your site are not compliant with Google guidelines. This can result in your website’s traffic plummeting, which can be very hard to bounce back from. It may even lead to your site being completely removed from Google. For people who don’t understand what I mean by manual action from Google, let me explain.

Imagine you own an online store, and to boost your site’s ranking, you decide to buy low-quality backlinks from questionable websites. Then one day, you noticed that there was a sudden drop in traffic. You decided to check the Google search console, and you found out you have received a manual action for “unnatural links to your site.”. It means Google has penalised you for violating theory guidelines with manual action.

There are different methods of buying backlinks and these methods are not equal. There are:

#1. Spammy Services on Freelance Marketplace

If you are new to buying backlinks, the first service you will come across is one on the freelance marketplace. New site owners often find link-building services on freelance websites like Fiverr, Upwork or PeoplePerHour. However, there are also bad link-building services that offer a large number of backlinks at a low price, often claiming to create white-hat links or increase ranking. Proper backlink building takes time, can be expensive, and has no guarantees. These services often use private blog networks (PBNs), which can destroy rankings. Additionally, they may generate low-quality links through automatically generated content or directory sites. It’s crucial to avoid these link-buying strategies. As much as they can offer high-quality links, it is better to avoid them as a newbie because you might not be able to recognise the low-quality links.

#2. Niche Edit

Niche edits are a strategy for buying quality backlinks by reaching out to website owners who sell links and asking them to link to a relevant page on your website. This is a good strategy as it allows you to choose the websites you reach out to, generate backlinks to pages not typically attracting links, generate backlinks quickly, and choose your anchor text. However, it’s hard for Google’s algorithm to spot this type of backlink. It’s important to be vigilant about the types of sites you pay for links to to and to differentiate between high-quality and low-quality sites. Ensure that the website has a good design, original articles, clear topics, and guest author posts.

#3. Paid Guest Posts

Paid guest posts involve placing an article on a website and offering high-quality backlinks. They allow you to choose the website, content, and anchor text. However, they can be costly or time-consuming to create. Outsourcing may increase costs or time. Despite this, paid guest posts can be found on sites with a history of high-quality content.

#4. Paying an Agency

Paying an agency to build backlinks is similar to hiring content writers, website designers, or SEO strategists. However, the agency’s approach to link-building can make a difference. If the agency spends on PBN links, it risks a Google penalty. On the other hand, if the agency generates quality links through organic means like outreach or PR, you don’t need to worry. To find the right agency, discuss their strategies, look at their link-building case studies, check their website, read their testimonials, and check if they use paid links. Avoid link-building services with low prices, guaranteed results, or fast links.

#5. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is a safe way to buy links by placing a sponsored blog post on a website. The owner clearly indicates sponsorship and gives the link a rel=“sponsored” or rel=“nofollow” tag, indicating that the post is paid for and preventing it from passing on PageRank. However, sponsored posts can generate traffic, increase brand exposure, and feature in large publications that don’t typically offer guest posts, potentially resulting in other websites sending follow-links to the website.

We recommend strategizing 25–50 newly placed links monthly in the beginning. Assess rankings in your niche before scaling further. Agencies advise against exceeding 100 new links monthly to avoid algorithm flags for unnatural growth.

How Long Does It Take to See Ranking Improvement?

Quality links affect search rankings immediately (via crawl and indexation) and gradually over 3-6 months as metrics like domain authority and trust flow update. On average, clients see tangible keyword improvement between 3–5 months, but the strength continues to compound for 9–12 months.

Attempting link building as a non-expert often takes months before seeing results. Quality agencies dedicate entire teams to meticulous outreach across authoritative platforms every day. Their established relationships and pitching expertise greatly accelerate link replacement.


 In conclusion, remember to avoid low-quality links like those from spammy private blog networks or cheap backlinks, which can actually have a negative effect on your SEO strategy, impact your site’s ranking, and many end up leading to Google’s penalty and sanction. It’s not a must to buy backlinks, but if you do, use only the most reputable service for your campaign when buying backlinks.


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