How to Find Company Email Addresses: 4 Methods That Work

How to Find Company Email Addresses
Photo Credit: @freepik

It’s very useful for people who work in marketing, networking, sales, and hiring to know how to find company email addresses. Want to get in touch with potential customers, find business partners, or hire the best people? Then, you need to have the right knowledge to do it. In this guide, we’ll talk about 4 good ways to find company email addresses, which will help you reach your business goals and make your outreach more efficient.

Key Points

  • A company email address is an official business or organization email address. All formal communications always utilize the domain name of the company.
  • To communicate with a corporation, it is crucial to find their email address.
  • One method to finding a company email address is by utilizing LinkedIn’s messaging feature to ask for email addresses directly from connections. 
  • You can also do a Google search using the company’s name and ask for an email address.
  • A list of email addresses can be acquired using various free and paid methods.

What is a company email address? 

This is a professional email address connected to a business or organization. It usually uses the company’s domain name and is always used for official communication. 

These addresses make your company look trustworthy and contain specific features that help identify the receiver’s role or department within a company. 

How to find company email addresses

Finding a company’s email address is very important for business communication. Outlined below are some of the 4 effective methods you can utilize to locate; these methods have worked for me, and I still use them to date. 

#1. Company Website and Contact Pages

It’s very common to see companies including their contact information on their website, and they always add their email address. You can also check the ‘Contact Us’ and ‘About Us’ pages to find what you seek. 

You can also check press releases, news releases, or even blogs where email addresses might have been added for media inquiries and lots more. 

#3. Professional Networking Apps

This is another method to find company emails. LinkedIn is one of such apps and it is an indispensable tool for finding company addresses.  Reach out to staff and go through their accounts for contact information. 

Utilize LinkedIn’s messaging feature to ask for email addresses directly from connections. 

#3. Email Lookup Tools

There are a lot of email lookup tools that you can use to find company emails, and some of them include, Find That Email, and Viola. All you need to do here is enter the person’s name and company domain. 

These tools usually provide free trials or limited free searches. 

#4. Google Search and Advanced Search Techniques 

You can carry out a Google Search using the company’s name and asking for an email address, eg (company) Email, or you can try entering the name and adding (contact information). 

Additionally, you can use advanced search engines like ‘’ along with the person’s job title to find vital information about a specific domain. This will make your search faster. 

How to find company email addresses for free

There are several ways and methods you can use to find email addresses for free and I will be showing you some of these methods include. 

#1. Company Website

Go through the website and browse the site to find the contact page, there, you’ll find their email and even customer care line. You should check the Contact Us section or About Us page. 

Search for specific departments such as sales, support, and media inquiries. You can also check for press releases and blogs because businesses usually add their contact information in press releases, blog posts, and news publications. 

These are very vital, especially for communications and public relations contacts. 

#2. Professional Networking Sites

Networking platforms such as LinkedIn are very strong tools that you can use. By connecting with a company’s staff, you can easily access their contact details, such as their email addresses. 

Send a connection message and get connected today. Browse through their profiles or send a don to ask for their email addresses. 

You can also use Xing or Viadeo to connect and access any company’s email address, which might be provided on their profiles. 

#3. Email Lookup Tools (Free Version) 

We have some email lookup tools you can use to find a company’s email address, some of which include, Voila Norbert, and Find Thst Email. With, you have access to free searches each month. 

Enter the sector of the company and the name of the individual they are attempting to find. Hunter will bring potential email addresses. 

Voila Norbert is another free email lookup app that you can use simply by entering the person’s name and company name to find their email addresses. 

We also have Find That Email, which is also just like Hunter and Voila Norbert because it has a free search feature. This tool helps you find local email addresses by inputting the person’s name and company name. 

#4. Google Search and Advanced Search Techniques

Use Google Search to conduct basic searches like Name] [Company] email” or “[Name] contact at [Company]. Usually, you can find email addresses on personal websites, news articles, or blogs. You can also use advanced search engines to optimize your search with a specific department. 

For instance, use the “site:” operator to search within a specific domain (e.g., “ [Name] email”). This can assist you in locating email addresses that are mentioned on the company’s website. 

You can also use Google to carry out an X-ray search” on LinkedIn. Type “ [Name] [Company]” to find LinkedIn profiles. Although the email addresses might not be provided directly, you can utilize this information to send a message request directly using LinkedIn. 

#5. Email Patterns and Guessing

Many businesses use a common email format, e.g.,,, etc.). 

By knowing the pattern used by an organization, you can make a smart guess about an employee’s email address. 

Furthermore, you can use tools like MailTester or Email Checker to verify if your guessed email address is correct or valid. These tools search the mail server to know whether the email address is valid without sending an email. 

#6. Networking Events and Webinars

Go to webinars, networking events, and webinars because participants usually share their contact details, including their email addresses. 

Event websites are also another way to get email addresses. Check the websites of this event participants lists which may contain the contact information. 

Where can I get a list of email addresses? 

Acquiring a list of email addresses can be achieved using various methods, both free and paid. Outlined below are some of the places I have gotten email addresses that you can try today. 

Free Methods

  • Company websites and Punkic Documents: Browse through the official websites and check the section that says Contact Us, or About Us. It could even be Team Pages on the company site. Furthermore, press releases and news sections usually include email addresses for media inquiries. 
  • Professional Networking Sites: Ise LinkedIn’s search feature to connect with professionals and check their profiles for their email addresses. You can also take part in or browse through forums that concern your niche because participants might provide their contact information. 
  • Social Media Platform: Check bios and tweets on Twitter because some professionals might include their email addresses here. Also, you can check on Facebook and Instagram Business pages to get their email address. 
  • Public Database and Government Websites: Certain public documents and government websites might include contact details for business entities and professionals. Additionally, industry-specific documents are freely accessible online. 
  • Email Marketing Services: You can use tools like MailChimp and Constant Contact to collect and manage email lists. They may also offer access to records for specific email campaigns. 
  • Professional Email List Providers: platforms like ZoomInfo provide a detailed database with contact information for professionals across several sectors or fields. Lusha also does the same thing for business contacts in various industries. You can also use Clearbit to access several data services, including acquiring email addresses. 
  • Indu-Specific Records: Several industries have specialized records and databases that can be bought or subscribed to, providing comprehensive contact details. 
  • Lead Generation Services: UpLead and AeroLeads provide targeted email lists and contact information based on your specific needs. 
  • Subscription-Based Email Lookup Tools: You can use RocketReach and AnyMailFinder for tools like this. These tools provide premium subscriptions for extensive searches as well as access to large records of email addresses. 
  • CRM Systems: Platforms like SalesForce and Hubspot usually include tools for acquiring and managing contact details, including email addresses. 

When you use these tactics, you can build a detailed list of email addresses tailored to your requirements, ensuring that your outreach efforts don’t waste and that they yield fruits. 

What does a business email look like?

A business email usually follows a professional and structured style, which includes specific features that differentiate it from personal emails. Here’s what a business email usually looks like. 

#1. Email Address Format

The domain name for business email uses the company’s domain  (e.g., They usually follow a standardized style like,, or

#2. Subject Line

The subject line must be clear and direct to show the purpose of the email (e.g., “Meeting Request: Q2 Sales Strategy” or “Follow-Up: Marketing Proposal”).

#3. Salutation

Use a formal greeting such as Dear [Recipient’s Name],” or “Hello [Recipient’s Name],”.

  – Example: “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Hello Jane,

#4. Opening Line

The introduction should start with you introducing yourself. If you haven’t spoken to them before, also state the purpose of the email, and everything should be brief. 

 – Example: “I hope this message finds you well. My name is John Doe, and I am the Marketing Manager at XYZ Company.”

#5. Body of the Email

The body of the email should be clear and organized. It should be shared into paragraphs, with the first paragraph explaining the main aim of the email. Example: “I am writing to discuss a potential partnership opportunity between our companies.”

The middle paragraphs should provide additional information or any specific requests you might have. 

Example: “We believe that our new marketing strategy aligns with your recent product launch, and we see great potential for a collaborative campaign.”

The last paragraph should summarize the main points of your email and talk about the next step. 

  –     – Example: “I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this in more detail. Are you available for a meeting next week?”

#6. Closing Line

Let your closing line be polite, thank the recipient, and express your anticipation for their feedback. 

  – Example: “Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.”

#7. Signature 

Include your professional signature, your full name, Job title, company name as well as contact information. 

You can find a list of email addresses in the info graphs below:

In Essence,

Company email addresses can be easily obtained using some of the methods we discussed above. By browsing company websites and contact pages using professional networking sites such as LinkedIn, free email lookup tools, and advanced Google Search engines. 

Doing so lets you gather the necessary contact details for your business needs. These techniques save time and increase your chances of connecting with the right professionals, guaranteeing effective and productive communication. 


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