How To Write a Press Release For an Event: The Ultimate Guide With Free Templates

How To Write a Press Release For an Event
Photo Credit: Medium

A press release is, amazingly, what most businesses and enterprises require to stand out, attract a large number of potential consumers, and become the topic of the day. If you’ve seen a business-related movie recently or in the past, you’ll understand the significance and core of a press release. If you want to raise awareness and interest in your event, you should compose a press release. I’ll walk you through some of the steps to writing a simple press release for your event. These formats, which we will cover in this article, are some of the approaches I have used in partnership with Folake, my partner, to create events that have always been successful.

These techniques are always successful when done right. Let’s get right into it. 

Key Points

  • When writing your press release, employ the reverse pyramid approach to build reader trust.
  • Create a captivating caption, jot it down, and share it with your community, business, and followers.
  • Provide your readers with a deeper understanding of the information you are putting out there.  
  • Use the reverse pyramid formula when crafting your press release. This includes providing the most important news down to the least important news. 
  • Bring your information to the limelight with a quote that reporters can use to provide more information based on your announcement.

How Do You Write a Simple Press Release for an Event?

Writing a press release to break important company news can help businesses grow better, but doing it right is just as important. I will now proceed to show the step-by-step guide on how to write a captivating event press release.

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#1. Create a captivating caption

You need to create a captivating caption. I am sure you already have your announcement, you must now proceed to jot it down as well as proceed to share it with your community, business, and followers.

Just like creating the ideal blog post topic, preparing a press release for success begins with your title. The title should not be more than a line and you must be creative in creating the headline so you can captivate your readers’ attention immediately.

Be mindful of the words you use, though, as this is very sensitive to the success of the program. I will suggest you follow these few tips, let it be short and straightforward, and always use action words. 

First and foremost, make your headline interesting. It must be fascinating and stand out from other magazine or newspaper headlines.

Furthermore, your readers consume several stories, so your headline needs to be captivating and interesting to make them want to read more. 

#2. Include more substance with a subheadline

After crafting a captivating title that will reel your reader in, your subheadline should provide your readers with a deeper understanding of the information you are putting out there.  

When preparing your subheadline, strive to sum up your press release in a sentence. Ensure it promotes the headline you wrote to attract readers to continue reading.

#3. Communicate the core information to the press

When writing your press release, employ the reverse pyramid approach to build reader trust. This includes providing the most important news down to the least important news. 

Normally, the first paragraph of your release should explain who, what, and where, while the second paragraph should talk about why.

Reporters don‘t have the luxury of time to check through several pieces of information; all they require is just the facts that’ll enable them to tell your story to another person from a position of authority.

#4. Provide an attractive quote

Now that you have put things in place, you should proceed to bring your information to the limelight with a quote that reporters can use to provide more information based on your announcement and help create an image of how your news affects the said industry, customer base, and lots more.

Basically, quotes will be from major stakeholders in your corporation, including your executive team, team leads, or those directly affected by your announcement.

Quoting major figures and authorities showcases the importance of your growth. The quote you decide to go with must center around your narrative and underline the essence of the press release.

#5. Provide useful background knowledge on the content

In this last paragraph, keep in mind that the reader must already have the major information they need regarding your press release. You must provide information that helps strengthen your narrative, such as creative or notable ways your company created the project or press release at hand.

Another good method to make your press release successful is by using newsjacking. This format is pretty interesting because you will be relating your press release to a current trend going on to make it stand out to the reporter and reader.

#6. Outline the “who” and the “what” in a boilerplate

One thing that you should know is that social media is full of several journalists bemoaning press releases that are not specific about what an organization does or what the purpose of the press release is actually about.

Take your time to explain what your business provides, you must do this plainly and concisely. Remember to add a link to your company’s website. 

#7. Put your contact information

You must include your contact information while drafting a press release because it will make it easier for your readers and reporters to get to you if need be. 

This can also help simplify the communication process and increase the possibility and chances of getting media coverage, as well as engaging in any additional conversation with reporters or relevant stakeholders.

Some of the things that must be included in your contact information include your email address, phone number, and company website.

#8. Cross-check before publishing

Just like with whatever you write, you must always go over it or cross-check your press release before you submit it to the reporters. Having exceptional content without typos makes your press release successful. 

You can hire a proofreader to cross-check the write-up for any typographical errors if you do not have the time to go through it yourself. This way, you can add or remove anything you deem fit, cross-check the formatting, and ensure that it’s easy to read and understand. 

I’m very sure you do not want to announce your press release with a typo that is guaranteed to capture the attention of your readers. This can even make your readers stray off the main topic and purpose of the press release.

Press Release for an Event Template

I will be showing a press release template you can use while crafting your event press release. You can use this for a press release template to announce either an industry conference or event. You can check it out.

Standard Press Release Template

The standard press release template contains spaces that can cover all aspects of a standard business press release template. Go ahead and include your company logo, along with your company contact details, release date/time details, a straightforward, interesting headline, boilerplate text, a call to action, and an end notation.

For this template, you can use it to announce any kind of event, it can be a film premiere or upcoming movie, fashion, restaurant, art, sports engagement, or a business launch. 

Aside from the required press release characteristics, this template offers a sample copy that you can work on to launch your event as concisely as possible. You can personalize the template by including your company or business logo. 

Launch Press Release Template

You can use this template to introduce a formal announcement for a product, a magazine book launch, or even a campaign takeoff. 

All you need to do is just provide the information needed for a standard press release, and utilize the sample copy to craft detailed, and direct information about the forthcoming launch. 

So because the aim of running a press release is to get new clients, you should take additional time to study and understand who and what your target audience needs when crafting it.

Social Media Press Release Template

If you wish to create a conventional announcement concerning a social media update, like a new feature or channel, I would suggest you use this template. 

The body paragraphs in this kind of press release usually contain background details on the social media channel and comprehensive information on the update. 

If you intend to share the press release online, put in links leading to your social media platforms or a new functionality roadmap. Amazingly, you can personalize this template however you deem it fit.

Is a Press Release Written Before or After an Event?

A press release needs to be planned correctly, because if you release a press announcement at the wrong time, it might not be successful for your event, and you won’t get your desired result. It needs to be strategically done to get the desired result. 

Furthermore, if you would love to have reporters, readers, and media coverage at your events, you need to give them ample time to see your release, publish it, and carry out the action.

Also, you should not submit your press release too much in advance of the event day to ensure that your audience does not miss it, most likely due to forgetfulness. You must not publish it too close to the event date, as this may conflict with their schedule.

So I’ll tell you how to deal with this based on what I know. First, you need to send out a news release 14 days before the event. Additionally, you can write a press release after your event. This will contain information about the success of the event, what happened at the event, and lots more. 

So you put it quite plainly, I would advise you to write a press release for your event before the event to create awareness for the event. Writing a press release before an event is more to your advantage as compared to writing one after the event has taken place. 

You announce your company’s launch or celebration. Waiting till after the event will turn off potential clients. Press releases before events show potential clients what you can provide and what your firm does. Write a press release before your event and another afterward, if you like.

To Wrap Up

Writing an attractive and tempting press release for your event is important for driving attention and engagement. I have provided you with some of the best steps and guides on how you can write a press release for your event. 

By following this guide, you can effectively communicate your event’s major information and attract media coverage, which ensures its overall success and impact. 


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