Famous Press Releases: Strategies Inspired by Them

Famous Press Releases
Image by Freepik

Have you ever been fascinated by a story that seemed to transfer you to another world? Perhaps it was a childhood bedtime story that caught your interest, or a frozen novel that kept you awake past midnight. Now what if I told you that storytelling isn’t just for books and movies? It also is a powerful tool in business and marketing.

So, I ask you to join me on a journey through the magical realm of press release storytelling. Where I will be exploring the secrets behind those famous press releases that captivate viewers and leave them wanting more.

Key Points

  • Authenticity is the cornerstone of effective storytelling in press releases. Being genuine and transparent resonates with audiences and builds trust.
  • Grab your audience’s attention from the beginning with a compelling hook, and finish with a clear and compelling call to action that drives action.
  • Understanding your audience’s interests, preferences, and needs is essential for crafting stories that resonate with them on a personal level.
  • Infusing your press releases with personality, voice, and emotion makes them more engaging and memorable.
  • Instead of just listing facts, use vivid imagery, sensory details, and descriptive language to create an immersive experience for your audience.

Understanding the Power of Storytelling in Press Releases

I was given the duty of creating a press release for a charity event in my community a while ago. Before now, I could have used the standard approach, describing all of the event information and logistics in a dry, uninteresting fashion. But where is the fun in that?

Instead, I decided to incorporate some storytelling magic into the mix. I imagined the event as more than just a fundraiser—a journey of optimism, solidarity, and community joining together to make a difference. In addition, I offered personal tales from volunteers and beneficiaries to show how the event had a true impact beyond numbers and data. 

You know what? The response was amazing, people were more than just interested in attending; they were thrilled, inspired, and anxious to participate in something worthwhile. That is the power of narrative in press releases, my friends—it can go beyond information and develop true connections with your audience. So, why is storytelling so crucial in press releases? Now imagine this: when was the last time you were truly enthralled by a long list of facts and figures? Probably never, right?

That’s because narrative taps into something more profound—the human experience. It’s like turning on a light switch in your audience’s minds, lighting their emotions, memories, and aspirations. So, when you get down to composing a press release, keep the narrative in mind. Don’t simply regurgitate facts and data; instead, create a story that captivates, inspires, and makes an impression. Your viewers will appreciate it, trust me. 

Analyzing Famous Press Releases

Okay, let’s get ready to deconstruct some of the most famous press releases around. But first, let me tell you a small story.

I recently came upon a press release in a magazine. It was a modest, family-owned bakery advertising the introduction of a new range of gluten-free pastries. However, on the surface, this may not appear to be the most spectacular announcement, but the way they conveyed their story was truly magical.

They did not simply discuss the ingredients or the baking process.; they painted a clear picture of their journey—the late nights spent perfecting recipes, the joy on their customer’s faces when they took that first bite, the sense of pride and accomplishment in bringing their vision to life.

And you know what? It was more than simply a press release; it was a love letter to their work, customers, and community. It was storytelling at its best, with a great balance of sincerity, emotion, and purpose. Now, let’s look at some famous press releases,

#1. Apple’s iPhone Launch Press Release

Image by CNET

What made it so captivating? For starters, it was about the experience—the anticipation, excitement, and sense of possibility—rather than the phone itself. Apple did not simply launch a product; they created a story about innovation, aspiration, and transformation. This press release for the app Time to Walk is an excellent example of how to promote a new product. It gets right to the point, detailing what the product does and what need it satisfies, before jumping right into quotes showing why it’s beneficial. 

#2. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign

In early 2011, a storm was developing within Coca-Cola’s corporate offices in Sydney. A team of innovative marketers, led by Lucie Austin and Jeremy Rudge, had been tasked with revitalizing the iconic but fading brand.

Coca-Cola’s worldwide appeal appeared to fizzle out against a backdrop of evolving consumer sentiments, particularly among young people. Coca-Cola, with its global presence and iconic status, has long relied on consistent, monolithic marketing.

Every phrase and jingle was designed to resonate with millions of people, regardless of their nationality or cultural background. However, confronted with the problem of reaching the elusive younger market, the corporation risked entering into unknown territory. 

The marketing team envisioned a campaign that deviated from the norm. Instead of providing a uniform worldwide message, they presented a daring idea: a personalized approach, with the familiar red-and-white label serving as a canvas for individual names.

This simple yet revolutionary approach shocked the industry, ushering in a new era of marketing. Coca-Cola took a bold, unexpected, and profoundly powerful step by leveraging the potential of customization.

#3. MTN Nigeria’s “Everywhere You Go” Campaign

Image by Innovation village

The tagline is, “Everywhere You Go.” You click on it because you’re curious, and before you know it, you’re whisked away on a tour across Nigeria’s bustling metropolis, tranquil villages, and magnificent scenery. That’s the allure of MTN Nigeria’s “Everywhere You Go” Campaign, which is more than simply a marketing trick; it’s a celebration of connectivity, community, and culture.

So, what is the story behind this famous campaign? Well, let me explain.

MTN Nigeria’s top telecommunications company, MTN, has launched the “Everywhere You Go” Campaign with a simple yet powerful message: no matter where you are, MTN is with you. Whether you’re in the heart of Lagos, the plains of Kano, or the coasts of Port Harcourt, MTN’s network has you covered. It is a promise of borderless connectivity that will bring people together and bridge the divide between urban and rural communities.

But here’s the thing: this effort is more than just coverage maps and data plans. It is about capturing Nigeria’s spirit—its colorful culture, entrepreneurial spirit, and sense of community.

And, you know what? It had an impact. It spoke to Nigerians from all walks of life, who saw themselves mirrored in the stories being shared. This spoke to both metropolitan inhabitants navigating the hustle and bustle of city life and rural villagers hoping to stay connected to the world around them. It spoke to young individuals pursuing their aspirations, as well as elder generations passing along traditions to future generations.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the “Everywhere You Go” Campaign is its long-lasting legacy. Years after its inception, the campaign remains a symbol of MTN Nigeria’s dedication to its customers and the communities it supports. It serves as a reminder that, even in a world that is continuously changing and evolving, certain things, such as the power of connection, endure. 

#4. Dangote Group’s Expansion Announcement

Image by Energy Planets

Shockwaves went through the Nigerian economy as Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, revealed ambitions to grow his commercial empire. It was evident from the press release that Nigerian enterprise, ambition, and tenacity were celebrated as much as growth and expansion. Let’s take a step back and examine the history of this declaration now.

By then, the Dangote Group, headed by the richest man in Africa, Aliko Dangote, was well-known in Nigeria and abroad. An industry leader in innovation, quality, and expansion, the conglomerate was well-known for its wide range of businesses, which included flour, sugar, cement, and more. What’s interesting, though, is that Dangote Group didn’t stop there. No, they had their sights set on something bigger, something bolder. And that’s where the expansion announcement came in.

At a press conference that was attended by stakeholders, journalists, and industry insiders, Dangote Group revealed its ambitious goals for multisector expansion. The company devised a strategic growth strategy that would not only consolidate its position as the market leader but also propel socio-economic development on a national and continental scale, spanning from infrastructure and agriculture to energy and technology.

One thing was certain in an uncertain and disruptive world: Dangote Group was intensifying its dedication to promoting development, prosperity, and constructive change for Nigeria and beyond. 

#5. LEGO

Headline: The LEGO Group with Mark Ronson Inspire Kids to Rebuild the World. What it’s about: A social campaign by the LEGO Group and musician Mark Ronson called ‘Rebuild the World’ to help nurture the creative skills of the next generation.

What’s great:

  • The headline neatly sums up the gist of the press release while highlighting the celebrity factor in a heartwarming way by playing up the ‘kids’ element.
  • This media release example ticks all the boxes, starting with the first sentence that provides a clear overview and introduction of the campaign and collaboration with Mark Ronson.
  • The second paragraph elaborates a bit more about the campaign with interesting details about what the campaign entails and the kind of activities involved.
  • This is followed by a moving quote by Mark Ronson about the amazing possibilities of the Rebuild the World campaign.
  • Last but not least, the release ends with clear and concise boilerplate summaries about the campaign and the LEGO Group, as well as a biography of Mark Ronson.

#6. Twitter

Image by BBC

Headline: Elon Musk to Acquire Twitter

What it’s about: The self-explanatory headline says it all!

What’s great:

  • As one of the most-viewed press releases of 2022, this media statement contained all the relevant facts and figures of the acquisition, which was of major interest not just to the company’s shareholders, but also to its global user base with a vested interest in the social media platform’s future.
  • The quotes by the company’s senior management, as well as Musk himself, were critical to reassure the public that the acquisition would serve to further enhance the platform’s role in promoting free speech, despite the controversy surrounding the deal.
  • The comprehensive press release included details about the transaction terms and financing for the benefit of the company’s stakeholders.

#7. Divert

This news release is quite interesting and follows a story format. It makes use of a special occasion—Valentine’s Day—as well as a set of common experiences across a large number of prospective clients. 

Divert Press Release

They humorously discuss their service while showcasing what they can do and alleviating several common concerns. Laced with quotes from the company spokesman, this press release is already a classic.

#8. Tesla

Tesla is a contentious firm, with some supporters stating they are the industry’s future and detractors pointing out several ways in which they either fail to live up to their claims or regress. This press statement is a component of their damage control, reputation management, and catastrophe recovery plans. 

Tesla Press Release

In short, it presents the company’s take on events, and it’s up to journalists to interpret (and the legal system, eventually) to find the truth.  

#9. Sony

Headline: Sony Electronics Launches its First Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids in the US and Makes Hearing and Improved Accessibility Options for Consumers a Reality

What it’s about Innovative OTC (over-the-counter) hearing aids by Sony to deliver an unprecedented hearing experience for consumers.

What’s great:

  • Professional, high-quality product images that add context through engaging visual elements. Besides building excitement about the product, the photos also make it easy for journalists to feature in their coverage.
  • For a fairly lengthy and detailed press release, Sony did a good job formatting the press release to optimize the reader experience, specifically using bolded sub-headings, keeping each paragraph short, as well as footnotes at the end of the release for additional reference.
  • Quotes by the executive team for added insight and thought leadership on improving accessibility for the hearing-impaired.
  • The embedded hyperlinks in the text also allowed a seamless continuation of the “conversation” on other platforms.

#10. PitchPoint Public Relations

Headline: The Most Amazing Press Release Ever Written (I saved the best for last!) What it’s about: This is the definition of a must-read, clickbaity press release that proves its point from the start to the end.

What’s great:

  • Written as a parody, this hilarious press release doubles as a witty ad for PitchPoint’s PR services.
  • It keeps you hooked from the first word, where you eagerly read on to see how amazing the press release is, only to realize at the end that you’ve been reading it the whole time!
  • An ingenious demonstration of the company’s skill and expertise in crafting a memorable and highly engaging press release.
  • A smart call to action at the end prompts the reader to get in touch with the writer.

Key Insights and Strategies for Mastering the Art of Storytelling in Press Releases

We’re about to uncover some golden nuggets of wisdom when it comes to mastering the art of storytelling in press releases.

#1. Embrace Authenticity

Okay, let’s start with the major one: authenticity. Believe me when I say that sincerity is the key to effective storytelling. When creating a press release, don’t be afraid to show your true colors. Share your passion, personality, and quirks—whatever makes you uniquely you! People can detect a phony from a mile away, so make it authentic and watch as your audience engages with your tale on a deeper level.

#2. Personal Anecdote

I’ll never forget the time I worked on a press release for a client who was introducing a new range of environmentally friendly products. Instead of sticking to the standard corporate rhetoric, we opted to be genuine with our audience. We shared stories of our journey towards sustainability, the challenges we faced, and the lessons we learned along the way. And you know what? The response was overwhelming. People appreciated our honesty and authenticity, and it showed in the engagement and feedback we received.

#3. Appeal to Emotions

Emotions, whether you love them or detest them, are the foundation of storytelling. They are what define us as humans and bring us together on a deeper level. So, when drafting your press release, don’t be afraid to pull on those heartstrings a little. Tap into your audience’s emotions, whether they are joy, sadness, enthusiasm, or nostalgia, and watch as they become completely immersed in your story.

Take Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign as an example. Dove addressed a profound emotional desire for acceptance and affirmation by recognizing women of various shapes, sizes, and colors. It wasn’t just about selling soap; it was also about encouraging self-love and empowerment—a message that connected with millions of people around the world. 

#4. Keep it Concise

Last but not least, let us discuss brevity, guys. There is no time for lengthy press releases in today’s fast-paced environment. So, keep it brief, sweet, and to the point. Eliminate the fluff, filler, and superfluous jargon, and get to the substance of your story. Trust me, your audience will appreciate it.

Personal Tip: When writing a press release, I prefer to visualize myself writing a tweet—short, sharp, and to the point. It allows me to cut through the clutter and get to the heart of my story without becoming bogged down in irrelevant details. 

Case Studies: Real-Life Examples

Now, it’s time to dive into some real-life examples of how storytelling in press releases can make all the difference. let’s take a closer look at some other real-life examples of storytelling in press releases:

#1. Airbnb’s “Belong Anywhere” Campaign

Airbnb did not simply debut its “Belong Anywhere” marketing with a news release; instead, it presented a story. They demonstrated the transforming effect of travel and connection via a series of passionate testimonials and immersive narratives. From quaint cabins in the woods to lively city flats, each listing became a chapter in a greater story about exploration, discovery, and belonging.

#2. The Pepsi “Live For Now” Campaign

Pepsi’s “Live For Now” campaign was yet another example of superb storytelling. Instead of simply promoting their products, they capitalized on the zeitgeist of teenage culture, praising spontaneity, adventure, and self-expression. Through a series of high-energy ads and social media promotions, they pushed customers to enjoy the moment and live life to its fullest—a message that resonated with millennials and Gen Z alike.

#3. Guinness’ “Made of More” Campaign

Guinness’ “Made of More” campaign demonstrated the ability of storytelling to provoke emotions and challenge perceptions. They honored individuals who defied expectations and carved their way in life with a series of moving commercials and print advertisements. Each story, from sportsmen overcoming adversity to everyday individuals making a difference in their communities, served as a reminder that greatness can take many forms—and that we are all more than meets the eye.

#4. Google’s “Year in Search” Campaign

Google’s “Year in Search” campaign is an annual tradition that highlights the most searched-for topics and events from the previous year. By combining data visualization and storytelling, Google takes viewers on an emotional trip through the year’s highs and lows, from touching moments of unity to terrible catastrophes. Google builds a narrative by combining genuine search queries with dramatic images and music, reflecting the collective experiences and aspirations of millions of people around the world. 

#5. Nike’s “Dream Crazy” Campaign

When Nike’s “Dream Crazy” campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick debuted, it caused quite a commotion. Rather than avoid controversy, Nike embraced it, delivering a strong message of courage, commitment, and social justice. Nike honored athletes who dared to dream big and disrupt the established quo with a series of compelling commercials and print advertisements. Kaepernick’s narrative, in particular, sparked global conversations about race, activism, and sports’ ability to push societal change.

So, the next time you write a press release, aim to inspire rather than simply inform. Tell a tale that speaks to your audience, reaches their hearts, and leaves a lasting impression. Trust me; the results will speak for themselves. 

Practical Tips for Implementation

I will never forget when I worked on a press release for a tourism business marketing a premium resort. Rather than simply describing the amenities and advantages, we chose to transport our readers to paradise. We detailed the sun-kissed beaches, crystal-clear oceans, and lush tropical gardens—all of which make you want to drop everything and book a trip right away. And, you know what? It worked perfectly. People were more than just curious; they were virtually packing their bags before they had finished reading! And today, I’m happy to share those insights with you. So, without further ado, here are some practical suggestions for using storytelling in your press releases: 

#1. Know Your Audience Like the Back of Your Hand

Okay, let’s start with the basics—knowing your audience. Before you start writing your press release, spend some time getting to know your target audience—who they are, what they care about, and what drives them. Are they hip and trendy? What about old-school and traditional? Are you technologically competent or not? The more you understand your audience, the more prepared you will be to tell a tale that connects with them on a deep and personal level.

Personal Tip: When I’m preparing a press release, I assume I’m discussing it with a friend. How would I respond to them? How can I capture their attention and keep them engaged? By putting yourself in your audience’s shoes, you’ll be able to tailor your story to their interests and preferences.

#2. Start Strong and Hook Them from the Get-Go

Let’s talk hooks—the secret sauce of storytelling. You see, the initial few seconds of a press release are critical. It’s like trying to capture a fish: you have to hook it before it swims away. So, start strong—whether with an engaging headline, a challenging inquiry, or a startling statistic. Grab your audience’s interest right away and keep them engaged till the conclusion.

Consider this news release headline, for example: “New Study Reveals Shocking Truth About Sleep Deprivation.” Now tell me you don’t want to click it! Starting with a strong statement or an intriguing question piques your audience’s interest and draws them into your story from the beginning.

#3. Show, Don’t Tell

Okay, folks, let me let you in on a little secret—show don’t tell. It’s the golden rule of narrative. Instead of bombarding your audience with statistics and data, use your words to construct a picture. Use rich images, sensory details, and detailed language to transport your viewers to a new world. Allow people to experience what you’re describing through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. That’s the beauty of storytelling: it’s about generating an experience rather than just transmitting information. 

#4. Inject Personality and Voice

Okay, folks, let’s speak about adding personality and voice to your press releases. Consider this: would you rather read a press release that sounds like it was produced by a robot or one that appears to have been written by a real, live human being? I am guessing the latter, correct? So, don’t be frightened to show your personality through your work. Infusing your press release with personality and voice, whether through comedy, wit, or weirdness, can help you stand out from the crowd and connect with your audience on a personal level. 

Take Innocent Drinks as an example. Their press releases are a breath of fresh air in a sea of corporate jargon. With their fun tone, smart puns, and unusual artwork, they’ve carved out a distinct voice that distinguishes them from the competition. And you know what? People adore it. They value authenticity and relatability, which is shown in their involvement and devotion to the brand. 

#5. Craft a Compelling Call to Action

Okay, let’s talk about what comes on top of your press release: the call to action. After all, what’s the sense of delivering a fantastic narrative if you don’t provide your audience an opportunity to act? So, make sure to create a captivating call to action that clearly states what you want your audience to do next. Make your message clear, simple, and appealing, whether it’s about visiting your website, signing up for a subscription, or buying something. Give them a reason to act, and then watch as they follow through.

What is a successful press release?

An effective press release has a compelling headline, a lead body or opening paragraph, and a compelling boilerplate, among other essential components. It is equally important to comprehend the various forms of press releases and to know when to use them. 

What was the first-ever press release?

The very first press release was issued following a train crash on October 28th, 1906 in Atlantic City in the USA.

How much does a press release cost?

PR Newswire provides many bundle choices. PR Newswire charges $350 to $8,700, depending on the extent of the dissemination. The typical 400-word press release is priced at these amounts. The cost of each additional 100 words will increase, with prices ranging from $140 to $2,200 ($22 per word!). 


Storytelling is more than simply a technique; it is the foundation of good communication. However, by embracing authenticity, generating fascinating storytelling, and connecting with your audience on a personal level, we can elevate ordinary press releases to remarkable experiences. So, the next time you sit down to write, remember to use the power of story, trust me your audience will thank you for it. 


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