How to Be a Social Media Manager for a Small Business With No Experience in 2024

How to be a Social Media Manager
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If you’re looking to find “How to Be a Social Media Manager?” The answers you seek are in this article. Managing a personal social media account differs greatly from handling one for a business or client. A good social media manager keeps up with trends, platforms, and tools to schedule posts and check analytics. 

Working in social media means always learning and adapting to changes, which can open up more marketing opportunities. But, if you are good at creating fun and interesting content, you know how to take great selfies, you’re fun in the comments, and you always write funny captions that make your friends laugh. If you enjoy spending time online, then becoming a social media manager could be a great job for you!

Today, businesses need social media to connect with people and grow their brand. As a social media manager, you help businesses improve their online presence. Your job will be to use smart social media plans to help businesses grow. Keep reading to learn how to become a social media manager and what you’ll do in this role.

Key Points

  • Social media management involves creating, scheduling, analyzing, and engaging with posts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to connect with the target audience, increase brand awareness, and achieve marketing goals.
  • A Social Media Manager is a person who takes care of a company’s social media pages.
  • The basic skills required of a social media manager are communication, creativity, organization, tech savviness, analytical abilities, customer service, etc.
  • To be a social media manager, first start by practicing on your own social media accounts or volunteering for small businesses or nonprofits. 
  • One of the major challenges of a beginner is lack of experience, which can make them feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start.

What is Social Media Management?

Social Media Management means taking care of a company’s social media pages. This includes creating, scheduling, analyzing, and engaging with posts on social media platforms. The goal is to keep people engaged, build a good reputation, attract more followers, and keep an online presence for people, brands, businesses, or organizations. 

It includes handling social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to connect with the target audience, increase brand awareness, drive traffic to websites, and reach specific marketing goals. This role is being handled by a Social Media Manager.

This brings us to the question, Who is a Social Media Manager?

Who is a Social Media Manager?

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A Social Media Manager is a person who takes care of a company’s social media pages. He or She posts updates, replies to comments, and makes sure people know about the company. Their job is to help the company get noticed and liked online. Someone who speaks on social media, for a company, business, or brand is known as the company’s social media manager.

Before I started my first job as a social media manager, I used to spend a lot of my time on social media. I was always looking for cool things to read, reading other people’s posts, or posting about my own life. I liked talking to people online and seeing what they thought about my posts, my style, or the things I did.

At first, all this was just for fun. I never thought it could turn into a job. But then, in 2023, a friend who had just opened a bakery asked me to help with the bakery’s Instagram account. I didn’t have any real experience in managing social media, but I was excited to try and learn more. This small task turned out to be the start of a whole new career for me, where I learned a lot about learning new things and adjusting to changes.

As social media manager, I took care of all the tasks related to managing social media for the bakery. However, these duties can vary based on the size of the company and its social media goals. Let’s learn the roles of a Social Media Manager.

What Does a Social Media Manager Do?

Social media managers do much more than just look at Instagram all day. Getting a business noticed online takes a lot of effort. As a social media manager for a small business, your job is to handle the company’s online presence by creating content that grabs attention and boosts sales.

As a social media manager, it is your duty to research the audience, plan strategies, create content, and helping customers online. Since the competition for attention is tough, you will need to use trends and stand out with photos, graphics, videos, and live events.

A typical day for a social media manager might start with planning a campaign for a new product launch. Then, you’ll research your client’s audience and the latest trends to use in your campaigns. After lunch, you’ll plan a content calendar, deciding when and what to post for the best engagement. Next, you’ll take photos and videos, edit them, and post them online. 

Finally, you’ll spend time replying to comments and messages and engaging with other businesses, influencers, and customers online. Here are some major tasks:

#1. Content Creation 

A social media manager makes posts, pictures, and videos to share on social media. They design graphics using tools like Canva or Photoshop and write interesting captions that match the company’s style. They also plan a variety of content to keep followers engaged, such as informational posts, behind-the-scenes looks, and content from users.

#2. Community Management 

This involves taking care of a brand’s interactions on social media platforms. It’s about creating and nurturing relationships with people who follow or engage with the brand. Here’s what it typically includes:

  • Listening: Paying attention to what people are saying about the brand online and responding appropriately.
  • Engaging: Actively participating in conversations with followers, answering their questions, and joining discussions.
  • Supporting: Helping solve problems or address complaints that customers might post on social media.
  • Building Relationships: Encouraging connections and loyalty by regularly interacting and creating a friendly environment.
  • Gathering Feedback: Collecting and analyzing what the community feels about the products or services to improve them.

In simple terms, it’s like being the friendly face of the company on social media, making sure people feel heard and valued, and keeping the online community happy and engaged.

#3. Planning 

This role involves scheduling posts in advance using tools like Hootsuite or Buffer and creating a content calendar that aligns with the company’s goals and important dates. The social media manager determines the best times to post based on audience activity and coordinates with the marketing team to align social media posts with larger campaigns for maximum reach and engagement.

#4. Analyzing and Reporting

A social media manager tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) such as likes, shares, comments, and follower growth. They use analytics tools to understand how posts are performing and create regular reports to show what’s working and what isn’t. Based on this data, they adjust content strategies to maximize engagement and reach. This helps them make better posts in the future.

#5. Advertising on Social Media 

An important job of a social media manager is to handle advertising on social media. This means they create ads and decide where and when these ads should show up on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Their goal is to make sure the right people see these ads, which helps the business get more customers and become more popular. The social media manager works to make sure these ads look good, say the right things, and fit within the budget they have for advertising.

A social media manager stays updated by researching the latest trends and changes in social media. They follow influencers for new content ideas and quickly adapt content to take advantage of trending topics and popular hashtags. They also experiment with new features on social media platforms to see how they can benefit the company.

#7. Solving Problems and Adapting Fast

This means being good at finding quick solutions when challenges pop up, and changing strategies or plans easily when needed. For example, if a social media post isn’t doing well, the manager might quickly decide to change the content or try a different way to engage people. They need to be flexible and ready to handle new trends or unexpected situations effectively. This helps keep the social media efforts successful even when things don’t go as planned.

#8. Collaboration with Other Teams

As a social media manager, one of your jobs is to “Collaborate with Other Teams.” This means you work together with different groups of people in your company to make your social media better. For example, you might talk to the sales team to understand what customers like or to the product team to get details about new things the company is making. By working with these teams, you can share accurate and exciting information on your social media pages, which helps attract and engage more people.

In summary, the goal is to make the brand more visible, improve relationships with customers, and achieve the company’s goals by using different social media platforms wisely.

To succeed as a Social Media Manager, you need some important skills. You can learn these skills before you start the job or while you’re working on the job. Let’s look at the main ones.

Basic Skills of a Social Media Manager

A social media manager plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing a company’s online presence. To be successful in this role, several key skills are essential.:

#1. Communication 

A social media manager must be skilled in both written and verbal communication. This is because they create engaging posts and interact with followers. Clear and effective communication helps in conveying the brand’s message accurately and positively influencing the audience’s perception.

#2. Creativity

Creativity is essential for coming up with fresh and interesting content that captures the audience’s attention. Social media is highly visual and dynamic, so a social media manager needs to constantly brainstorm and implement innovative ideas that make the brand stand out.

#3. Organization

Managing multiple social media accounts and ensuring consistent and timely posts requires excellent organizational skills. A social media manager must plan and schedule content effectively, keeping track of various campaigns and engagements across different platforms.

#4. Tech Savvy

Being comfortable with various social media platforms and tools is a must. A social media manager needs to stay updated on the latest features and trends to leverage them effectively for the brand’s benefit. Understanding the technical aspects of these platforms helps in optimizing content and strategy.

#5. Analytical Skills

Analyzing data and metrics to measure the success of social media efforts is crucial. A social media manager must interpret data to understand what content works best, identify trends, and make informed decisions to improve strategies. This skill helps in fine-tuning approaches to achieve better engagement and reach.

#6. Customer Service

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Handling direct interactions with the audience, such as addressing questions, comments, and complaints, requires good customer service skills. Being courteous, responsive, and helpful in these interactions can enhance the brand’s reputation and build stronger relationships with customers.

#7. Adaptability

The social media landscape is constantly developing, with new trends and changes happening frequently. A successful social media manager must be flexible and quick to adapt their strategies to stay relevant and effective in this fast-paced environment. This skill ensures that the brand remains current and can respond promptly to unexpected changes.

These skills help social media manager do their job well and keep people interested in what they post.

How to Be a Social Media Manager?

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Just like I said at the beginning of this article, managing a personal social media account is very different from managing one for a job or client. Working in social media requires continuous learning and adapting to changes, which can also open doors to other opportunities.

I have always loved social media and everything about it. This passion helped me become a better social media manager. When the chance came, I was excited to learn more and build on what I already knew from managing my personal social media page. 

Ready to begin? Here are five easy steps to help you start your journey to becoming a social media manager.

#1. Be Willing to Learn New Skills

To be a social media manager, you need skills like project management, organization, good communication, copywriting, adaptability, and the ability to work both alone and in a team.

Social media managers make sure their content helps achieve the company’s goals. They create and review social media calendars, check how well previous posts did, make engaging content, prepare reports, and work with influencers.

Think about your skills and experience. Are there areas you can improve to better fit the role of a social media manager? Even if you have no experience, there are many ways to learn these skills. You can join digital marketing boot camps for quick learning or go for a bachelor’s degree program. Platforms like edX also offer courses that fit into busy schedules. Choose a path that suits your experience and goals.

#2: Understand Social Media Platforms and Marketing Analytics

I had no training in social media, so I began by learning everything I could. Most times, I stayed up late, taking free online courses from places like Google Digital Garage and HubSpot Academy. I learned the basics of planning social media activities and understanding marketing numbers.

After learning general marketing skills, learn about social media platforms. To go from a regular user to a social media manager, you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Learn how to schedule and publish content, listen to social media trends, and analyze data on these platforms.

Study how other businesses use social media. If you want to learn graphic design and SEO for social media, online courses can help. Tools like Google AdWords, WordPress, and Facebook Ads are useful for anyone looking to learn social media marketing.

#3. Get Basic Work Experience

After learning the basics, I started practicing on my social media. I tried different types of posts, different ways to engage people, and various posting times to see what got the best response.

One of the best ways to improve your social media management skills is by using them in real-world situations. Look for internship opportunities or connect with small businesses or nonprofits that need someone to manage their social media. You might start by working for free or as a freelancer.

This helped me a lot. Before taking the job, I was already familiar with the social media environment, and how it works using my social media page. You can enhance your social media channels to showcase your skills. Turn your pages into your brand, be strategic, and post consistently to grow your following. This work can be added to your professional portfolio when you apply for jobs.

#4. Develop a Portfolio

Your portfolio is crucial in showing that you can be a good social media manager. You need to show potential employers that you can think strategically about your content, analyze important metrics, and make informed decisions based on that analysis. Include projects that show your ability to use different platforms.

Here’s how to structure your portfolio:

  • Introduce Yourself: Briefly describe your experience, include a photo, and share relevant information about yourself.
  • Showcase Your Best Content: Highlight the work you’re most proud of and provide a short explanation of a few key projects. Include engaging visuals.
  • Include Analytics: Show how your social media projects performed. Even if the results weren’t great, explain what you learned.
  • Outline Your Strategy: Describe how you came up with project ideas, the steps you took, and how you measured success. Include examples of teamwork.
  • Add Client Testimonials: Collect feedback from clients to show your ability to meet their needs.
  • List Your Strengths and Services: Highlight your key skills and how your portfolio supports them.
  • Close with Contact Information: Make it easy for potential employers and clients to reach you. Include a thank you note.

Your portfolio can include passion projects and side jobs as well. Make sure to know how to write a CV that highlights your new skills.

#5. Market Yourself to Potential Clients

As I got better and started seeing results, I went to local business gatherings and digital marketing events. Meeting other professionals helped me find freelance jobs. I also shared my successes on LinkedIn, which helped build my reputation.

When you’re ready to work as a social media manager, market yourself as a personal brand. Tailor your portfolio to different jobs, showcasing projects that align with the roles you’re applying for. Write your CV to highlight your most relevant skills.

Landing a job doesn’t always mean applying online. Attend conferences and small business events to meet industry professionals and find opportunities. Introduce yourself in person, give out your card, and let people get to know your brand face-to-face.

At a seminar, I met a startup owner who needed a social media manager. I showed him my work, and he was impressed, leading to a job offer that turned into a full-time role.

By following these steps, you can begin your journey into your chosen career path, improving and gaining more experience along the way.

Becoming a successful social media manager requires more than just posting content. Experienced social media managers use advanced tips and strategies to make their posts stand out and engage their audience effectively. I have taken time to research these tips, keep reading to learn more.

Advanced Tips and Strategies Used by Experienced Social Media Managers 

Here are some simple yet powerful techniques that can help you manage social media like a pro.

#1. Use Analytics Tools 

Analytics tools help you see how well your posts are doing. They show which posts get the most likes, shares, and comments. This helps you understand what your audience likes and improves future posts.

#2. A/B Testing

This means trying two different versions of a post to see which one performs better. For example, you can post two different pictures with the same caption and see which one gets more likes.

#3. Content Calendar 

This is a schedule for your posts. It helps you plan what to post and when to post it. This keeps your social media organized and ensures you don’t miss important dates.

#4. Engage with Your Audience

Reply to their comments, like their posts, and ask them questions. This makes them feel valued and builds a stronger connection with your brand.

#5. Use Hashtags Wisely

Hashtags help people find your posts. Use popular and relevant hashtags to reach a bigger audience. But don’t overdo it, too many hashtags can look spammy.

#6. Create Shareable Content

Shareable content is something people want to share with their friends. This can be funny videos, interesting facts, or beautiful photos. The more people share your content, the more people will see it.

#7. Run Social Media Ads

Social media ads are paid promotions. They help you reach more people than just your followers. You can target these ads to specific groups, like people who live in your city or are interested in your products.

#8. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencers are people with many followers who trust their opinions. Work with influencers to promote your brand. This can help you reach a large audience and gain more followers.

Social media is always changing. Stay updated on the latest trends and features on different platforms. Use these trends to keep your content fresh and interesting.

#10. Measure and Adjust

Regularly check how your posts are performing. If something isn’t working, change it. Keep experimenting until you find what works best for your audience.

Here’s a Social Media Strategy Template to help.

By using these advanced tips and strategies, you can elevate your social media management skills and create more effective and engaging content. Keep experimenting, stay updated with trends, and continuously refine your approach to become a top-notch social media manager.

Major Challenges for Beginners in Becoming a Social Media Manager

Starting a career as a social media manager can be fun but also hard, especially for beginners. The job allows you to be creative and talk to people, but there are some difficulties that new social media managers often face. Knowing these challenges can help you get ready and make your journey easier.

#1. Lack of Experience

Beginners often don’t have experience in creating social media content, using tools or understanding analytics. This can make them feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. For me, I started with no experience. I didn’t know how to create engaging posts, use social media tools, or understand analytics. This made me feel overwhelmed and unsure if I could succeed.

#2. Learning New Tools

Social media managers need to use various tools for graphic design, scheduling posts, and analyzing data. Learning how to use these tools can be difficult at first. To overcome this, I decided to learn as much as I could. I took free online courses on social media marketing. These courses taught me the basics, like how to create content and understand social media algorithms.

#3. Handling Negative Feedback

Social media posts can receive negative comments or criticism. Beginners might find it hard to deal with this feedback without feeling discouraged.

Receiving negative feedback was tough. Sometimes, people didn’t like my posts or commented harshly. Instead of getting discouraged, I used this feedback to improve my content. I learned to create posts that resonated more with the audience.

#4. Time Management

Managing multiple social media accounts and creating engaging content can be time-consuming. Beginners may struggle to balance their time effectively and stay organized.

Balancing my time was another challenge. Managing multiple social media accounts and creating content took a lot of time. I started using content calendars and scheduling tools to plan my posts ahead of time. This helped me stay organized and efficient.

Other challenges I faced as a beginner are:

#5. Building Confidence

At first, I was afraid of making mistakes. I worried that my posts wouldn’t get any likes or shares. To build my confidence, I started managing the social media accounts of a friend’s small business. This was a safe space to practice and learn from my mistakes.

#6. Technology

Another challenge was learning to use new tools and software. I struggled with graphic design tools and social media scheduling apps. Watching tutorial videos and practicing regularly helped me become comfortable with these tools.

Through persistence and continuous learning, I overcame these challenges. I started seeing positive results, like increased engagement and followers. This journey taught me that with determination and the right resources, anyone can become a successful social media manager.

This was my path, full of ups and downs, but ultimately rewarding. If you’re starting with no experience, remember that every challenge is a step towards success.


In conclusion, becoming a social media manager in 2024 with no experience is possible with hard work and planning. You can learn through online resources, get practical experience by working on your projects or volunteering, create a strong personal brand, and use networking to find opportunities. Keep learning and stay updated with new trends to grow and succeed in this role.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do I need to be a social media manager?

A bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, journalism, or a related field is often preferred. However, candidates with relevant experience can make up for the lack of formal education. Proven experience in managing social media, creating content, and digital marketing is essential.

What skills do you need to be a social media manager?

Your social media manager represents your company on social media. They need good communication skills and empathy because they will likely talk to your customers online. Studies show that social media is becoming a popular way for customer service.

Can anyone be a social media manager?

Some employers might want you to have a degree in a related field, such as advertising, marketing, public relations, or digital and social media marketing.

Is social media management a hard job?

Being a social media manager can be tough. You need to create interesting content, keep up with trends, handle different platforms, look at data, and talk to followers. The job needs creativity, organization, and good communication. But with passion and hard work, it can also be very rewarding and fun.

What does a social media manager do in a day?

On any given day, a social media manager might set the plan for a new product launch, make a video, look at data from different platforms, design popular GIFs, create graphics, coordinate messages with PR and Communications, run paid ads, and do many other tasks.

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