Creating Buzz for Your Restaurant: How to Write an Impactful Press Release in 2024

Restaurant Press release
Image by Pexels

With the rise of social media and online reviews, it’s easier than ever for customers to discover and share their experiences. Have you ever wondered how some restaurants seem to effortlessly draw media attention and create an attraction around their brand? The secret ingredient lies in the power of a well-written press release. Previously, a press release was simply a dry, factual announcement pushed out to the masses, but today, the most impactful press releases are infused with personality, emotion, and a unique perspective that resonates with your target audience.

As a professional who has encountered different kinds of personnel in various fields, I’ve experienced how a skillfully written press release can ignite excitement, build brand recognition, and ultimately, draw serious clients through your doors. Let me share my top strategies and insider insights on how to craft a press release that comes with excitement and leaves a lasting impression in 2024. 

Key Takeaways

  • A well-written press release can generate buzz and increase visibility for your restaurant, attracting the attention of potential customers and influencers.
  • Measuring the impact of your press release and adjusting your strategy can help you refine your approach and improve brand visibility and reputation.
  • Crafting a compelling press release can help you stand out from the crowd, differentiating your restaurant from others and highlighting your unique selling points.
  • By following a proven template and structure, you can effectively communicate the value your restaurant brings to the table and maximize your return on investment.

Restaurant Press Release

Restaurant Press Releases are more than just a way to share news about your restaurant. They are a strategic marketing tool designed to capture the attention of your target audience, build brand awareness, and drive business. A well-written press release can generate buzz, increase visibility, and even influence customer decisions. It serves as a bridge between your restaurant and the media, allowing you to showcase your culinary creations, ambiance, and the passion behind your brand. But, how do you create a press release that stands out from the crowd? 

This is a step-by-step guide sharing insights from research and experiences with clients in the field.

How to Write a Compelling Press Release for Your Restaurant

Crafting a compelling press release for a restaurant is an important step in promoting your establishment and attracting attention from the media. A well-crafted press release can help generate buzz, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more customers to your restaurant. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing a press release for your restaurant:

#1. Write a Captivating Headline

Source: Pexels

The headline is the first thing that grabs the reader’s attention. It’s what draws them in and makes them want to read more. A compelling headline should be concise, informative, and attention-grabbing.  To create a compelling headline, aim for a 6-8 word length, using action verbs like “Introducing,” “Announcing,” or “Celebrating,” to create excitement and anticipation. I remember when a friend who works with a local restaurant contacted me to help promote their grand opening. We brainstormed various headline ideas, but none of them seemed to capture the essence of their unique concept. After some thought, I came up with the headline, “Savor the Flavors of Our Culinary Adventure!” It perfectly conveyed the restaurant’s focus on innovative dishes from around the world. The headline caught the attention of the media and generated buzz among potential customers, leading to a successful opening night.

#2. Craft a Compelling Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph of your press release should contain the key information about your restaurant. It should answer the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” questions and provide a concise summary of your announcement. This paragraph is crucial because busy news editors may only have time to read this part of your press release.

#3. Write a Unique Body

The body of your release is where you paint a picture. Don’t just list the what, when, and where. Tell your restaurant’s story! What makes you unique? Is it the farm-to-table approach using locally sourced ingredients? Perhaps it’s the homage to your family’s heritage cuisine? The body of the press release should expand on the headline, providing more details and context. It should be well-structured, easy to read, and engaging. People connect with stories. 

#4. Highlight your Attractive Sales Points

Showcase the specific needs your restaurant addresses or the unique experiences it offers to guests. Emphasize what sets your restaurant apart from others, such as the location, the chef’s expertise, the variety of meal courses, or special events. For example, when working with a seafood restaurant, you can emphasize the restaurant’s stunning waterfront location, the chef’s expertise in creating delectable seafood dishes, and their commitment to sustainable fishing practices. By showcasing these distinctive features, the press release not only captures the interest of food enthusiasts but also catches the attention of environmental reporters, resulting in extensive media coverage.

#5. Add Visuals and Multimedia

Presntly, we live in a visually-driven world, where captivating images can speak volumes. Enhance the impact of your press release by including high-quality visuals that showcase your restaurant’s unique ambiance, mouth-watering dishes, and talented culinary team. This can include images, videos, infographics, or even social media posts. Don’t forget to optimize your visuals for digital platforms. Ensure that your images are properly sized, have descriptive alt text, and are easily shareable across various social media channels.

#6. Incorporate Quotes

Including a quote from your CEO or another relevant spokesperson can add a personal touch to your press release and clarify your intentions through a personal voice. Make sure to verify the accuracy of any quotes with the person quoted. When collaborating with a renowned chef for a press release, I included a quote from him that highlighted his passion for creating culinary masterpieces. By incorporating his voice and expertise, the press release became more engaging and relatable to readers. 

#7. Tailor to Marketing

Every press release should have a clear marketing objective. Identify your target audience and tailor your press release to speak directly to them. Are you targeting food bloggers, local influencers, or potential investors? Craft your press release to address their specific interests and needs. By doing so, you’ll enhance the effectiveness of your message and increase the chances of generating buzz and interest in your restaurant.

#8. Distribute and Promote your Press Release

Once you’ve crafted your press release, it’s time to distribute and promote it. After releasing a press release, measure its impact and adjust your strategy. Track media coverage, mentions, reservation bookings, website traffic, and social media engagement to understand brand visibility and reputation. Analyze reach, engagement, and sentiment to identify areas for improvement and refine your approach.

Restaurant Press Release Example

Restaurant Press Release Template

In my years of experience, I can boldly say that one template that can assist you in organizing your press release is the “New Product/Service Press Release Template. This template is used to announce the launch of a new product or service, including details about the product or service, its features, and its benefits. By following this structure, you can effectively communicate the value your restaurant brings to the table.

Access and Download Lamphill Template  for Restaurant Press Release

What are the 7 Parts of a Press Release?

A press release consists of seven parts: headline, introduction, body, quotes, boilerplate, press kit, and contact information. The headline should be concise, engaging, and accurately represent the news or development. The introduction should answer questions about the news or event, while the body should provide additional details and be well-written. Quotes should be specific and not generic. The boilerplate provides independent information about the company or organization, while the press kit includes additional materials like company background, executive bios, product images, and media coverage. Accessible contact information is also essential for media inquiries.

How Much Should a Press Release Cost?

The cost of a press release can vary depending on several factors, they include

  • Writing the Release: This can range from  $150 to $1,000 depending on the writer’s experience, the complexity of your story, and any additional services included (like interviews or quotes).  
  • Distribution:  Free distribution services exist, but they often have limited reach.  Paid distribution services can range from  $350 to $8,700 depending on the platform you choose and how targeted you want your distribution to be.
  • Nevertheless, the cost of your press release is an investment. By crafting a compelling story and strategically targeting your message, you can maximize your return and generate excitement for your business.

Do Companies still use Press Releases?

Yes, companies still use press releases in 2024. While the digital landscape has evolved, press releases remain a valuable tool for businesses to share news, attract media attention, and shape their brand narrative. Press Releases are beneficial to companies because they generate buzz, attract investors, drive the narrative, and are preferred by journalists. Press releases provide professionalism and credibility, and when done correctly, can influence search rankings and improve a company’s online visibility.

Is Press Release Part of Marketing?

Yes, press releases are part of marketing strategies. It falls under the umbrella of Public Relations (PR), which is a key component of an overall marketing strategy and is used to share newsworthy information about a company or organization. They contribute to brand awareness, engage with the media, offer cost-effective promotion, enhance credibility, and drive traffic and SEO. Press releases remain a valuable tool for companies to communicate news, engage with the media, and strengthen their brand presence.

When Not to Use a Press Release?

There are several situations where it may not be appropriate or effective to use a press release:

  • Internal Company News: Press releases are typically used for external communication, so internal company news such as employee promotions, new policies, or internal restructuring should be communicated through other channels like company-wide emails or intranet updates.
  • Non-Newsworthy Information: Press releases are meant to share significant, newsworthy information. If the information is not newsworthy or does not have a broad impact, it may not be worth issuing a press release.
  • Negative or Controversial Information: Press releases should not be used to share negative or controversial information. Instead, it is better to address such issues through direct communication with stakeholders or a crisis management strategy.
  • Unverified Information: Press releases should only contain verified and accurate information. If the information is unverified or inaccurate, it can damage the credibility of the company and the press release.
  • No Clear Call to Action: Press releases should have a clear call to action, such as encouraging readers to visit a website or attend an event. If the press release lacks a clear call to action, it may not be effective in driving engagement.
Download Lamphill Template  for Restaurant Press Release


Writing an impactful press release is an art form that requires equal parts creativity, strategy, and expertise. By writing an impactful press release, you can captivate your audience, lure them with your unique story, and entice them with the flavors and experiences your restaurant offers. So, sharpen your writing skills, ignite your imagination, and let your press release be the secret ingredient that takes your restaurant to new heights. So, are you ready to unleash the full potential of your restaurant and take it to new heights? Start writing your press release today and watch as the world falls in love with your culinary masterpiece. What unique story will you share in your press release to captivate your audience and leave them craving for more?

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