What a PR Strategist Really Does: (+ Free Helpful Tips)

PR Strategist
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Have you ever scrolled through social media and seen a brand crushing it? Their witty tweets getting retweeted a million times, their latest product launch trending on every platform, and influencers raving about them left and right? Well, Digital PR Strategist is the mastermind behind that kind of success.

I’ve been on the other side of the screen for years now, crafting these winning PR narratives. Let me tell you, it’s an incredibly dynamic and ever-evolving field, and if you’re looking for a challenging and rewarding career, keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • A PR strategist’s role extends beyond traditional media relations to include digital storytelling, social media management, crisis communication, and event planning. They draft compelling narratives, build media relationships, and handle crises to maintain and enhance a brand’s reputation.
  • Digital PR strategists leverage online platforms for storytelling, collaborate with influencers, enhance SEO and online visibility, and engage audiences through social media. These strategies are vital for creating a robust online presence and driving brand engagement.
  • To become a PR strategist, one typically needs a bachelor’s degree in public relations, communications, journalism, or a related field, supplemented by internships and entry-level positions for hands-on experience. Building a strong portfolio and networking are crucial steps, along with staying updated on industry trends and technologies.
  • The future of PR is shaped by integrating AI and data analytics for targeted campaigns, using VR and AR for immersive experiences, prioritizing authenticity and transparency in communications, and enhancing social media strategies to build and engage online communities. These innovative approaches help PR strategists stay ahead in the evolving digital market.

What Does a PR Strategist Actually Do?

Gone are the days of press releases and fancy lunches with journalists (although those still play a role). Today’s PR landscape is a digital battlefield, and a PR strategist is the general leading the charge. We’re the masterminds who:

#1. Create Compelling Stories

We take a brand’s mission, values, and unique selling points and weave them into narratives that resonate with audiences. Think less dry press releases and more captivating content that sparks emotions and gets shared. Remember that time everyone went wild over a shoe company’s campaign featuring user-generated content about their grandmothers? A PR Strategist helped them craft that heartwarming narrative, and it went viral!)

#2. Become Media Matchmakers

Building relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers is key. We leverage our networks to secure valuable media coverage, propelling brands into the spotlight. Early on in my career, I landed a feature story for a local coffee shop in a major food magazine. They saw a 30% increase in foot traffic that month – talk about impact!

#3. Crisis Aversion Champions

When things go south (think product recall or bad PR), PR strategists are the first line of defense. We craft swift and strategic communication plans to mitigate damage and protect a brand’s reputation. We helped a travel agency navigate a customer service snafu on Twitter. By taking full transparency and offering genuine apologies, we turned a potential disaster into a showcase of excellent customer care.

#4. Digital Domination

Social media is no longer an afterthought – it’s a PR powerhouse. We develop winning social media strategies, create engaging content, and foster meaningful online communities for brands. I once helped a language learning app launch a hilarious TikTok campaign that went viral. Downloads skyrocketed, and they became the go-to app for people wanting to learn a new language the fun way!

#5. Metrics Maniacs

We’re data-driven storytellers. We track the performance of our campaigns, analyze audience engagement, and constantly refine our strategies based on insights. Results matter, and we use data to prove it.

#6. Event Planning and Management

PR strategists organize events that generate buzz and media coverage from press conferences to product launches. They handle everything from logistics to media invites, ensuring your event runs smoothly and gets the attention it deserves. When launching a new product line, our PR agency organized a spectacular launch event. The media coverage and social media buzz generated from this event boosted our sales and brand awareness significantly.

#7. Social Media Management

Managing your online presence is critical in this day digital age. PR strategists help you navigate social media platforms, creating content that engages and builds your online community. Our PR agency transformed our social media strategy, increasing our engagement rates by 50% in just six months. Their insights and content strategy were game-changers for our brand’s digital presence.

PR Strategist Salary

The salary of a PR strategist can vary based on experience, location, and the size of the company or agency.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for PR Strategist was $62,810 as of May 2024. However, salaries can vary widely depending on various factors. For instance, Glassdoor reports that PR strategists in Atlanta earn an average of $60,392 annually.

Factors Influencing Salary

  • Experience: More experienced PR strategists can command higher salaries.
  • Location: Salaries can vary significantly based on geographic location. PR strategists in major cities often earn more than those in smaller towns.
  • Industry: PR strategists in certain industries, such as tech or finance, may earn more due to the specialized knowledge required.
  • Company Size: Larger companies and agencies typically offer higher salaries compared to smaller firms.

When I started my career in PR, my salary was modest, but as I gained experience and took on more strategic roles, my compensation increased significantly. It’s a field where your skills and experience can lead to substantial financial rewards.

PR Strategist Job Description

A PR strategist wears many hats, but their primary role is to develop and implement communication strategies that promote a positive image of their clients or company.

Key Responsibilities

  • Developing Communication Strategies: Creating comprehensive PR plans that align with the company’s goals and objectives.
  • Media Relations: Building and maintaining relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers.
  • Crisis Management: Handling negative publicity and managing crises to protect the brand’s reputation.
  • Content Creation: Writing press releases, articles, speeches, and social media posts.
  • Event Planning: Organizing press conferences, product launches, and other events.
  • Monitoring Media Coverage: Tracking media coverage and measuring the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

Skills Required

  • Strong Writing and Communication Skills: Essential for crafting compelling stories and engaging with the media.
  • Strategic Thinking: Ability to see the big picture and develop long-term communication strategies.
  • Media Savvy: Understanding of how the media works and the ability to pitch stories effectively.
  • Crisis Management: Skill in handling crises and mitigating damage to the brand’s reputation.
  • Social Media Proficiency: Knowledge of social media platforms and strategies for engaging online audiences.

Digital PR Strategist 

The role of a PR strategist has evolved in this day digital market. A Digital PR Strategist focuses on leveraging online platforms to build and maintain a positive image for their clients or company. Let’s take a look at the role of a digital PR Strategist:

#1. Digital Storytelling

Digital PR strategists use blogs, social media, and other online platforms to tell compelling stories. They understand the nuances of different platforms and tailor their messages accordingly. When we launched a new product, our digital PR strategist created engaging blog posts and social media updates highlighting the product’s unique features. This digital storytelling generated significant online buzz and drove traffic to our website.

#2. Influencer Collaborations

Collaborating with influencers is a key strategy in digital PR. These collaborations can amplify your message and reach a wider audience. Our digital PR strategist partnered with influencers in our niche to promote a new campaign. The result was a significant increase in brand awareness and engagement.

#3. SEO and Online Visibility

A crucial aspect of digital PR is enhancing online visibility through search engine optimization (SEO). This involves creating content that ranks well on search engines, driving organic traffic to your site. Our digital PR strategist implemented an SEO strategy that improved our search rankings and increased our website traffic by 30%.

#4. Social Media Engagement

Managing a brand’s social media presence is a vital part of digital PR. This involves creating engaging content, responding to comments, and building an online community. Our digital PR strategist transformed our social media strategy, increasing our engagement rates by 50% in just six months. Their insights and content strategy were game-changers for our brand’s digital presence.

How Do You Become a PR Strategist?

Becoming a PR strategist requires a mix of education, experience, and a thorough awareness of both the traditional and digital media landscapes.

#1. Educational Background

Most PR strategists hold a bachelor’s degree in public relations, communications, journalism, or a similar field. Courses in marketing, business, and digital media are also beneficial. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, PR specialists normally require a bachelor’s degree, while some businesses prefer candidates with a master’s degree in a related field.

2. Gaining Experience

Internships and entry-level roles in PR firms or corporate communication departments provide practical experience. This is where you’ll learn the basics, from writing press releases to pitching stories to the media. During my early career, an internship at a busy PR business taught me the need to build media relationships and craft compelling narratives. These foundational skills were crucial as I moved into more strategic roles.

#3. Building a Portfolio

A great portfolio of your best work might help you stand out from other contenders. Provide examples of successful marketing, media placements, and crisis management scenarios. I recall building my portfolio in diverse examples ranging from landing a feature in a national magazine to managing a viral social media campaign. This displayed not only my skills but also my adaptability to many situations.

#4. Networking

Building a network of contacts in the sector can lead to job opportunities and collaboration. Attend industry events, join professional organizations such as the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and network with other professionals on LinkedIn. Networking has been really beneficial to my professional development. Through industry events and online forums, I’ve met mentors, found career prospects, and collaborated on exciting projects.

The PR industry is constantly evolving, especially with the rise of digital media. Stay updated with industry trends, new tools, and best practices through continuous learning. Our team regularly attends workshops and webinars to stay ahead of the curve and implement the latest PR strategies.

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The Future of PR

As the PR landscape continues to evolve, here are some groundbreaking ideas that PR strategists are adopting to stay ahead.

#1. Integrating AI and Data Analytics

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics are transforming PR strategies. By analyzing data, PR strategists can gain insights into audience behavior, predict trends, and measure the effectiveness of campaigns. Our team recently integrated AI tools to analyze social media sentiment and optimize our content strategy. This resulted in more targeted campaigns and better engagement rates.

#2. Embracing Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are becoming popular in PR for creating immersive experiences. These technologies can be used for virtual events, product launches, and interactive storytelling. When we launched a new product line, we used AR to create an interactive experience for our audience. This innovative approach generated significant media coverage and social media buzz.

#3. Leveraging Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for reaching niche audiences and building brand trust. Collaborating with influencers can amplify your message and increase your reach. Our digital PR strategist partnered with influencers in our niche to promote a new campaign. The result was a significant increase in brand awareness and engagement.

#4. Prioritizing Authenticity and Transparency

In an age of information overload, authenticity and transparency are more important than ever. Brands that are honest and transparent in their communications build trust and loyalty with their audience. 

#5. Enhancing Social Media Strategies

With the rise of social media, PR strategists are focusing on creating engaging content and building online communities. This involves understanding the nuances of different platforms and tailoring messages accordingly. 

What is the strategic role of PR?

The strategic role of PR goes beyond just press releases and media coverage. It’s about building and maintaining a positive brand reputation, achieving communication goals, and supporting the overall business strategy. Here’s a breakdown of its key functions:

  • Communication planning and management
  • Building relationships
  • Reputation management
  • Crisis communication
  • Content marketing and social media management
  • Measurement and evaluation

The strategic role of PR is to use communication as a tool to achieve the organization’s objectives. This can involve anything from increasing sales and brand awareness to building trust and managing reputation.


Being a Digital PR Strategist is more than just a job; it’s a chance to be a storyteller, a crisis counselor, and a digital marketing mastermind – all rolled into one. It’s a career that allows you to be at the forefront of innovation, working with cutting-edge technologies and shaping the way brands connect with audiences.

But here’s the truth: it’s incredibly rewarding. Seeing a campaign you meticulously crafted go viral or helping a brand navigate a difficult situation and emerge stronger – those are the moments that make all the late nights and strategic brainstorming worth it.

So, if you’re passionate about communication, have a thing for storytelling, and crave a dynamic career path, then becoming a Digital PR Strategist might be your perfect fit. It’s a challenging but incredibly rewarding field, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the mastermind behind the next viral campaign taking the internet by storm!

Now, it’s your turn! What questions do you have about a career in Digital PR? What are your biggest concerns or areas of curiosity? Share them in the comments below, and let’s get a conversation started!


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