How to Write an Effective Event Press Release: (Practical Examples)

Event Press Release
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Do you want to find out how to write an effective Event Press Release? This guide will teach you how to write a good one. When I first started as a media writer and adviser, I faced a big challenge: I needed to organize a press event for a new tech product. My job was to write a press release to attract a large audience and media coverage. Initially, I struggled to write an effective press release for the event. However, over time, I improved my skills by writing many press releases for various events.

The last event I managed was a success because I included all the key details about the event, wrote a clear and engaging press release, and received support from influential people. The press release was very successful. It caught the attention of top tech blogs and local news outlets, and the event was well-attended. This experience taught me how a well-crafted press release can generate interest and attract media attention.

Now, I’ll share with you some effective ways to write a press release that achieves your event’s goals.

Key Points

1. An event press release is a public announcement about an upcoming event aimed at attracting media attention and generating interest.

2. A good press release should include a catchy headline, a detailed summary of the event, key details about the event (who, what, when, where, why), quotes from key participants, a boilerplate about the organization, contact information, and a call to action.

3. When writing a press release, be sure to define your main message, identify relevant media contacts, write an engaging headline, provide detailed information about the event, include quotes for authenticity, add a boilerplate about your organization, and ensure clear contact details for follow-up.

What is an Event Press Release?

Press releases are brief and clear messages sent to the media to tell them about an upcoming event, a new product, or important news. An event press release is a summary that provides key details about an upcoming event. 

It is simply a public announcement about an upcoming event you are organizing. You can write a press release for any event, big or small, as long as you think it’s interesting enough for the media and the public to notice.

But remember, a press release is not just another advertisement. It’s not like social media updates, flyers, or radio ads. Instead, it aims to get journalists excited about your event. If they find it newsworthy, they’ll share it with their audiences. And getting the media to broadcast your event is key to a successful event.

Read Also: Press Release Boilerplate: Writing An Effective Copy

Examples of Events You Can Announce Using Press Releases 

An event press release is like a special invitation to a party. The goal is to get people excited.  Here are some examples of events that might need a press release:

  • Opening a new branch
  • Art exhibitions
  • Movie screenings
  • Charity fundraising events
  • Concerts and theater performances
  • Video game launch parties

Whether it’s a party for a new album, a conference to showcase the latest industry innovations, or a play with a new cast, one thing is clear, the invitation to the event needs to be impressive to attract media attention.

Why It’s Important to Have a Press Release for Your Next Event.

You don’t necessarily need an event press release. You can simply host an event, use traditional ads, buy billboards, and send out paper and email invitations. Many companies and brands organize their events this way.

However, an event press release is useful because it helps get media coverage, spreading the word about your event to larger audiences. Press releases are a way to get free publicity, as the media does the advertising for you. While your email list might reach a few hundred people, a news outlet can reach many more.

Press releases are a great opportunity to showcase your brand, and a way to advertise. When created for an event, they help the organizer create excitement, get media coverage, and reach more people before the event starts. A well-written press release with the right details can not only attract media attention but also interest potential attendees.

Even though social media is a major source of news today, traditional media still has great importance for business events. Preparing a brief press release and sending it to a media outlet, can help raise awareness of your brand and share your message with people beyond just social media users.

In summary, it’s a smart and effective way to advertise. 

What Makes a Good Press Release?

Event press releases play a big role in deciding if the media will cover the event, so it’s important to include all key details about your event and not leave anything out. It is structured like any other press release. The important thing is what you put in each section.

Whether you’re using a ready-made template or making your own, be sure to add these key details to your press release.

  • Headline – Write a short, catchy summary of the event.
  • Lead – Provide a more detailed summary of your event.
  • Body – Go into further detail about the information mentioned in the lead.
  • Date of publishing – Make sure your press release is sent out at the right time.
  • Boilerplate – Include a brief introduction to you or your business.
  • Contact Information – List the contact details for the writer, company, or PR firm.

Let’s talk about why you’re here: to learn how to write an excellent event press release.


How to Write an Effective Event Press Release

Writing a press release for an event is usually easy, but making it excellent requires some skill. As I said at the start of this article, I’m going to give you some useful tips on how to write a press release that will help you reach your event’s objectives. These tips are practical and have helped me in my work as a writer.

Here’s a quick guide on how to write a good press release for your upcoming event:

#1. Define Your Message:

Before you start writing, think about the main point you want to communicate with your press release. Consider the goal of your event, like launching a product or rebranding. Your press release should provide clear, factual information about something worth mentioning in the news. Be sure to explain why the event is important and what it offers.

#2. Identify Relevant Media Contacts:

With a clear goal in mind, search your media database for journalists and outlets that cover your industry. It’s better to identify these contacts before you start writing so that your press release aligns with their interests. Journalists are more likely to ignore press releases that don’t relate directly to their work. Select journalists based on their industry focus, audience, and recent activities.

#3. Write a Catchy Headline:

Make your headline short, engaging, and directly related to your event. It should quickly catch the eye because people will glance at it briefly. Make sure it appeals to your target audience and grabs their attention. If you’ve done your homework, you’ll know what title works best. Playing with different headlines or doing some keyword research might help.

#4. Detail your Event:

In the following paragraphs, describe what the event is about, its purpose, and any key attractions or speakers. Make sure to include essential information like who is involved, what the event is about, where and when it’s happening, and why it’s important. Write this information in a clear, flowing sequence. Start with ‘who,’ then ‘when,’ followed by ‘where,’ and so on. Towards the end, add any extra details about what attendees can expect at the event.

Please note: this is a press release, not an advertisement. Use clear language that engages readers and sparks their interest in the story, without sounding like you’re trying to sell something.

#5. Include Quotes:

People react well to real emotions, so make the most of that when you use quotes in your press release. Quotes work great for this because they add a personal touch to your story. Using emotional words or talking about a personal experience can make your readers feel more connected.

 Incorporate statements from key participants or notable attendees to add a personal touch and authenticity to your press release. You might also want to mention your sponsors here.

#6. The Boilerplate:

End with a brief paragraph about your organization called a “boilerplate,” which gives the reader context about who you are. Also, briefly talk about the organization hosting the event or the main sponsors. Include your company’s mission, goals, and contact details.

#7. Include a call to action: 

In a press release, a call to action is a clear instruction that tells the reader what to do next, such as visit a website, sign up for a service, or contact the company for more details. It helps guide people on what action to take after reading.

Also, encourage people to visit a website for more information or to register for the event.

#8. Contact Information:

Lastly, be sure to include how people can confirm their attendance or any other necessary instructions. Make sure to provide contact information for a media representative, including a name, phone number, and email. This person should be available to respond promptly to any media questions.

Note: End the press release by putting three hash symbols (###) at the bottom center of the page to show it has ended.

Please don’t forget: the tone should be informative rather than persuasive. You want to spark interest in your event, not sell something.

To spark excitement, it’s better to use images and infographics instead of just words. Visuals grab attention and make people look forward to the event. Adding a digital press kit with high-quality visuals can attract more media interest.

How to Share Your Event Press Release

After you’ve written your event press release, it’s time to send it to the right people. Here’s what you should do:

1. Use Your Media Contact List:

Begin with the list of media contacts you already have. If you’ve been preparing, you should have contacts in your field who might be interested in your event. Email them your press release. It’s good to keep in touch with journalists regularly. If you’re giving them an exclusive first look, make sure it’s true.

2. Use Press Release Distribution Services:

Press release distribution services can help spread the word about your event quickly. This means you don’t have to spend time making a contact list yourself. These websites send your press release to different places, including well-known ones like Yahoo News or Bing, and keep track of where it goes.

3. Reach Out to New Journalists:

Find new journalists and media outlets that might be interested in your event. Send them your press release, pointing out any special aspects of the event, who will be attending, and any important speakers. This might get their attention and coverage.

You can use one, or a mix of these methods. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get a journalist’s interest or to be noticed, so if you don’t get a response right away, keep trying and stay focused on your goal.


The Dos when writing an Event Press Release:

Keep your press release short, ideally no longer than one and a half pages, and use a standard format. Since journalists and media outlets receive many press releases every day, yours needs to stand out. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Include Relevant Facts and Figures: 

Don’t overload your press release with too many statistics, as this can overwhelm the reader. Instead, include a few important ones that highlight your event’s significance. For instance, if it’s an annual event, mention last year’s attendance numbers or where attendees are coming from. If it’s a charity event, state the fundraising goal.

2. Add Visuals:

Photos and visuals between paragraphs can make your press release more colorful. You can include pictures or infographics that might be a fun addition. You can also include a link to additional information or details about the author underneath the image.

To draw more attention, include high-quality infographics or photos that are related to your event. Make sure these visuals are engaging and relevant.

3. Follow-up Properly: 

After sending your press release, don’t be too eager to follow up. Wait a couple of days before sending a polite follow-up email to see if the recipient received your press release, needs any further information, or is interested in covering your event.

4. Avoid Using All Caps:

Never send a press release entirely in capital letters. It’s hard to read and makes you look unprofessional. Also, follow all grammar and style rules. Mistakes in grammar and messy writing can damage your credibility.

5. Proofread: 

Before sending out your press release, read it carefully to fix any spelling or grammar mistakes. Even small errors can undermine your credibility. Also, confirm all dates, times, and locations to prevent confusion.

6. Get Feedback:

Have someone who doesn’t know about your event read your press release to ensure it’s easy to understand.

Following these guidelines will help you present your event professionally and clearly.

The Don’ts when writing an Event Press Release:

Here’s what NOT to do when writing a press release for an event:

1. Avoid Over-Praising:

Journalists like facts and direct quotes, not excessive compliments about your event. Avoid calling your event “the best” or using too many adjectives, as it can seem like you’re selling rather than informing.

Only send your press release to journalists or media outlets that cover topics related to your event. For example, don’t send information about a real estate event to someone who focuses on health and beauty. Make sure to use your media contact list correctly.

3. Don’t ignore SEO, Use Keywords Wisely:

Find and use keywords that your target audience might search for online. Include these words in your title and throughout the press release to make it easier to find. Still, ensure the text reads well and isn’t just a list of keywords. Also, add useful links and share your press release on social media.

4. Keep It Focused:

When you write your press release, keep it short and simple. Only include the most important information and avoid adding extra details that aren’t needed. Make sure your main message is clear and straightforward.

Stick to the topic of your event. You have limited space, so every sentence should be about the event. Avoid going off-topic with details about your company that don’t relate to the event.

5. Be sure to Include Your Contact Details:

Be sure to include your contact information in the press release. You’ve worked hard to create it because you want to attract media attention. Make it simple for them to reach out to you.

Include contact information for the event, like a contact name, phone number, and email. This is crucial for the press release to be useful.

Examples of Event Press Releases.

Below are templates for an Event Press Release:

#1. Corporate Event Press Release:


[Your Company Name] Unveils Plans for Premier Event  

Date of Issue: [Release Date]

Headline: (Highlighting the Unique Aspects of the Corporate Event and Its Central Theme)

(City, State, Date of Release) – Join us at [Your Company Name] as we get ready for the highly anticipated (name of the corporate event), scheduled for April 2024 at (time). The event will take place at the prestigious (venue/location), embracing the theme “(theme of the event).” promises an engaging experience aimed at (state the objective of the event, such as “bringing industry leaders together” or “showcasing new technologies”).

Event Details:

  • Activities include (list major activities like talks, workshops, and networking sessions).
  • Attendees will gain (mention the key benefits or goals, such as new skills, valuable contacts, etc.).

(Give more information on what attendees will enjoy, like special guests or special sessions.)

“(Quote from someone important in the company talking about why the event is important),” noted (Name, Position).

More About Us:
Discover more about (Your Company Name), our role in the industry, and why this event is key to our plans for the year.

To Register or Learn More:
Contact (Media Contact Name) for details or questions.

About (Your Company Name):
(A brief outline of your company, focusing on its role and influence in the industry.)

Media Contact:
(Media Contact Name)
(Phone Number)
(Email Address)
(Website URL)

END (###)

This template aims to engage the reader with a vibrant format and clear, compelling details about the event and your company.

#2. Charity Event Press Release:

For Immediate Release

[Your Charity’s Name]  

Release Date: Immediate

Headline: Join Us for [Event Name] to Support [Cause] [City, State, Today’s Date] – [Your Charity’s Name], known for its commitment to [briefly describe your charity’s focus], is excited to host the [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Location]. Our goal is to [purpose of the event, e.g., gather community support, raise funds] for [specific cause or charity].

This special event will include [highlight key activities such as auctions, guest speakers, and musical performances], with all proceeds directly benefiting [specific goal or cause]. Expect an engaging schedule, the presence of notable figures, and a chance to make a real difference.

“[Quote about the importance and impact of the event],” stated [Name, Title of the spokesperson].

Learn more about our work and achievements at [Your Charity’s Name], where we strive to [mention your mission and past successes briefly].

We warmly invite everyone to support this significant cause. For tickets and details, reach out to [Media Contact Name] at [Phone Number] or [Email].

About [Your Charity’s Name]  

Learn about our dedication to [briefly reiterate your organization’s goals and community contributions].

Media Contact:  

[Media Contact Name]  


[Phone Number]  

[Email Address]  


End: ###

This template is designed to be straightforward and accessible, making it easier for people of all backgrounds to understand and engage with your event.

Below is an example of how to write an Event Press Release for a cultural or arts event easily and straightforwardly.

#3. Cultural or Arts Event Press Release:


Harmony Arts Collective  

May 13, 2024

Headline: Come Enjoy the Annual Harmony Arts and Traditions Festival

New York, NY, May 13, 2024 – Harmony Arts Collective, known for celebrating diverse cultures, is excited to host the Harmony Festival of Arts and Traditions in April 2024 at Central Park, New York. This exciting event highlights the rich cultural and artistic traditions from around the world.

Visitors will enjoy a wide range of performances, including traditional dances, live music, and art exhibits. The festival also offers interactive art workshops and activities led by famous artists from various countries, allowing everyone to learn about and enjoy different cultural heritages.

Art connects people from different backgrounds. Our festival celebrates this connection and helps people understand and appreciate various cultures,” said Alex Chen, Director of Harmony Arts Collective.

Harmony Arts Collective has been organizing cultural events in New York for years, promoting art and culture accessibility. We invite everyone to join us for a day of cultural discovery and fun.

About Harmony Arts Collective:  

Founded in 2010, Harmony Arts Collective focuses on promoting arts and preserving cultural heritage. We organize events like the Harmony Festival to educate and entertain the public.

Media Contact:  

Jenna Miles  

Media Coordinator  




In conclusion, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed by all this information, but if you practice and pay attention to these practical tips I shared, making a great event press release will get easier.

By following these steps, you can get more people interested in your event and make your brand more visible. Keep it short but informative, and don’t sound like you’re trying to sell something. Don’t forget to include quotes from important people to make your press release stand out. 

While a good press release covers all the essential information, a great one also sparks enthusiasm and energy. Remember, you only have one chance to impress a new reader, so make it good.

Bonus Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you write a press release for any event?

Yes. A press release can help any significant or unique event get noticed.

How long should a press release be?

A good press release should be up to 500 words long, but shorter is better, usually around 300 to 400 words. Try to keep it to one page.

When is the best time to send out a press release?

If your event needs people to buy tickets or register ahead of time, it’s best to give them plenty of notice. For big corporate events, starting 8 to 10 months early is ideal, with more updates as the event gets closer. The best days to send a press release to the media are Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday in the morning or early afternoon local time.

Should you write a press release after the event?

While it’s not as crucial as the one before the event, sending a press release after the event is a good idea. It can share the event’s highlights, main messages, and next steps, and it can even help promote your next event.

How to write an excellent event press release?

Event planners should clearly and engagingly share the essential details with their audience to create an effective event press release.

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