Top Digital Skills Examples That Will Make Your Resume Standout in 2024

Top Digital Skill Examples That Will Make Your Resume Standout in 2024
Image Credit: Freepik

Digital skills are vital in today’s working environment and are necessary for almost any kind of profession, even if you are not directly in the tech sector. Examples of these industries include manufacturing, retail, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Organizations operating in the digital economy are beginning to recognize the need for employees to have digital skills in this day and age. Therefore, it’s crucial now more than ever to brush up on your digital literacy abilities, master the fundamentals, and present yourself professionally when you join the workforce.

In this post, I will show you examples of the top in-demand digital skills that will help you stand out in the competitive job market and improve your resume.

Key Points:

  • Digital skills are vital in today’s working environment, and obtaining a job nowadays requires at least a basic degree of these skills.
  • These skills are necessary for industries include manufacturing, retail, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.
  • Other essential digital skills include the capacity to establish an internet connection, use a web browser.
  • Make sure your resume has a clear, succinct section devoted to your digital skills.
  • Provide a link to your portfolio or highlight projects where you’ve used these skills, as this has a lot of persuasive power.
  • After doing your research, the next step is to compile a list of important digital skills that you feel are relevant to your line of work.

What Are Digital Skills? 

Digital skills refer to the skills and abilities needed to manage and distribute information, such as a spreadsheet, smartphone app, or computer program, via digital devices, communication applications, and networks.

Digital skills are vital in today’s working environment, and obtaining a job nowadays requires at least a basic degree of these abilities. These skills are necessary for almost any kind of profession, even if you are not directly in the tech sector. Examples of these industries include manufacturing, retail, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Why Digital Skills Are Important

Digital skills open the door for you to learn a plethora of new things. It improves your confidence in using technology for business, education, and daily living.

Today, a lot of professions require digital abilities. Even for positions that don’t require a lot of education or experience, you still need them. For instance, if you are a teacher, you need digital skills to operate some of the advanced teaching tools used in classrooms and schools these days.

Everyday computer skills are also necessary for banking, shopping, and staying in touch with loved ones.

What Are the Basic Digital Skills?

Employers will anticipate that, for you to do your work, you possess a baseline set of critical digital abilities. This might consist of:

#1. Making Use Of A Computer

The very minimum of digital literacy is knowing how to operate a computer. It should be easy for you to turn on and use a computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other digital device that your chosen line of work requires.

#2. Navigating The Internet

Other essential digital abilities include the capacity to establish an internet connection, use a web browser (such as Google Chrome or Opera Mini), and traverse the internet. In your work life, you may need to use the internet for a variety of purposes. These may include enhanced marketing strategies, conducting research, and communicating with both current and potential clients.

Note that if you have a problem gathering and processing information on the internet, a quick Google search or a thorough investigation will help.

#3. Online Safety

Maintaining your online safety and that of your company requires protecting your digital privacy, particularly while using social media and the internet. This entails being aware of what you read online, avoiding social harassment, and knowing what is appropriate to publish. In addition, adhering to company policies, ethics, and legal requirements is essential to digital safety. Illegal online activity should also be avoided, even inadvertently. For additional information, see our guide on protecting your brand online.

#4. Online Communication

In the modern workplace, you could be required to collaborate with coworkers and work in groups by using video conferencing and online messaging technologies regularly. For this reason, you must become familiar with some of the most widely used tools, including Slack, Google Meet, Teams, Zoom, and Skype.

#5. Creating And Editing Documents Online

You’ll likely work in a position where you generate and edit documents on a computer, perhaps with Google Docs. To accomplish this, you will need to be comfortable with a range of programs to input, modify, and organize text, numbers, and graphics in your computer files.

#6. Making Online Payments

Performing financial transactions via the Internet is yet another crucial digital competency. This will allow you to use online banking, shop online, and access other online services, including paying for apps, making returns, and making purchases. 

Top Digital Skills Examples for Your Resume

Here are examples of in-demand digital skills that will help you stand out in the competitive job market and improve your resume.

#1. Software Development and Programming

A software developer designs software or programs that let users utilize computers and mobile devices to carry out particular tasks, including creating a spreadsheet, viewing a movie, or playing a game. Some software developers concentrate on developing particular apps or software, while others work on building sizable networks or systems that oversee networks or manage devices.

It encompasses a variety of skills, including Web and Mobile Development, Version Control, Different Frameworks and Databases, Agile Methodologies, Software Testing, and more.

Note that, as a software programmer, you must be able to use tools like:

  • Python
  • Java and JavaScript
  • C++ and C#
  • Ruby
  • Swift
  • Go
  • PHP
  • HTML and CSS
  • Java or Kotlin for Android apps
  • React
  • Angular
  • Vue.js
  • Node.js

#2. Data Analysis and Statistics

A data analyst employs their understanding of business development tactics and data processing software to help stakeholders, clients, and company executives make wise business decisions. Their responsibilities include working with other data specialists to extract data figures, producing reports based on their research, and keeping an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge the effectiveness of corporate activities.

See a list of some of the popular data technologies:

  • Statistical Analysis
  • SQL
  • Python (with libraries like pandas)
  • R (with packages like dplyr)
  • Excel
  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • SAS
  • Database Management
  • SQL

#3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning engineers are computer specialists who create autonomous programs that automate specific predictions of items or models. These software systems learn from their operations over time and use that information to do tasks more accurately in the future.

These experts also carry out duties like filtering vast volumes of data, analyzing, and incorporating machine learning to complete development projects.

Additionally, both AI and ML will become increasingly in-demand skill sets and dominate a variety of industries.

Examples of digital skills under AI and ML are:

  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Deep Learning Architecture
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • OpenCV
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • OpenAI Gym
  • Stable Baselines
  • RLlib

#4. Cloud Computing

A cloud engineer is an IT specialist responsible for managing an organization’s IT infrastructure and moving particular operations and processes to a cloud-based platform. They facilitate the migration of critical business processes and apps to public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. Together with programmers, developers, project managers, and security specialists, cloud engineers design effective cloud computing solutions that satisfy organizational needs.

Your familiarity with cloud platforms may help you get the ideal position in a fast-paced setting.

Since this sector is always changing, make sure you keep up with the latest certifications to expand your skill set.

Examples of digital skills you must have as a cloud engineer are:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • IBM Cloud
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • Containerization
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Serverless Computing
  • AWS Lambda
  • Azure Functions

#5. Cybersecurity

A cybersecurity specialist protects digital data from loss, harm, or unapproved access. They guard against viruses and cyber attackers gaining access to or corrupting data, stop the loss of private, financial, or other sensitive information from a company, and guarantee that all of the systems within the firm are working properly.

Furthermore, their extensive expertise and understanding enable them to counsel and instruct others on cybersecurity best practices and pertinent technology developments.

A cybersecurity specialist must highlight on their resume not just their relevant certifications but also their ability to adapt to certain talents.

Popular cybersecurity hard skills for your resume are listed below:

  • Network Security
  • Network protocols
  • Firewalls
  • Intrusion detection systems (IDS) and Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
  • Virtual private networks (VPNs)
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • Incident Response
  • Digital Forensics

#6. Project Management

The project manager is in charge of overseeing the project daily and needs to be skilled in managing its six components, which are scope, schedule, finances, risk, quality, and resources. 

Furthermore, they work on certain projects with predetermined goals, deadlines, and financial constraints. A combination of hard and soft talents is required for project management, which you should be able to demonstrate on your CV.

While the final product is crucial, describe times you’ve had to apply any of these abilities to complete projects successfully:

  • Project Planning and Scheduling
  • Project Budgeting
  • Cost Management
  • Risk Management
  • Project Documentation
  • Project charters
  • Stakeholder communication plans
  • Change Management
  • Project Closure and Evaluation

#7. Digital Marketing

A digital marketer creates leads and raises brand recognition across all digital platforms. They organize and oversee advertising campaigns that advertise a business’s name, goods, and services across a range of online channels, including social media, email, websites, and search engines.

There are several distinct industries, tasks, and duties included in digital marketing and I recommend emphasizing the skill on your resume. Additionally, if you’re seeking a job in social media, for instance, mention on your CV how you’ve worked with various platforms and how your communication plan worked.

Among the talents needed for digital marketing are:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Google Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Blog writing
  • A/B Testing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • User Experience (UX) Optimization
  • Influencer Marketing

#8. Graphic Design

Graphic designers develop visual thoughts by hand or with computer tools to convey ideas to audiences that will inspire, educate, and enthrall them. Additionally, they create the overall production design and layout for things like reports, brochures, periodicals, and ads.

Note that most of them are working in marketing or advertising, however, some might work as freelancers.

Examples of digital skills under graphic design are:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)
  • Typography
  • Layout Design
  • Color Theory
  • Visual brand identities
  • Illustration
  • Custom graphics
  • Image Editing and Retouching
  • Print Design
  • User Interface (UI) Design
  • Web Design

#9. UX/ UI Design

UI designers are graphic designers with a focus on creating user interfaces. They make well-informed choices about the general aesthetics, feel, and appearance of an interface. They choose some details on how a design looks, like:

  • Color schemes
  • Button shapes
  • Fonts used for text
  • Line width

UX/UI design requires a variety of abilities, including wireframing, architecture, research, design, and analysis.

Examples of digital skills under UX/UI design are:

  • User Interviews
  • Surveys and Questionnaires
  • Usability Testing
  • Information Design
  • Wireframing
  • Interaction Design
  • Prototyping
  • Adobe XD
  • Sketch
  • Figma
  • InVision
  • Typography and Layout
  • Heatmaps: Microsoft Clarity, Hotjar, Crazy Egg
  • Data Analysis
  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel
  • Responsive Design
  • Accessibility Design

#10. Financial Analysis

A Financial Analyst evaluates businesses and projects to determine whether they are worth investing in. Their main responsibilities include gathering data on a company’s viability and presenting it to banks or possible investors, analyzing turnover and profit trends, and giving clients or bosses recommendations on the company’s financial performance.

To put it simply, the goal of financial analysis abilities is to comprehend facts to make wise decisions.

Examples of digital skills under financial analysis are:

  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Ratio Analysis
  • Financial Modeling
  • Valuation Techniques
  • Risk Analysis
  • Capital Budgeting
  • Cost Analysis
  • Financial Forecasting
  • Investment Analysis
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial modeling software
  • Statistical analysis software
  • Data visualization tools

How Do You List Digital Skills On A Resume? 

#1. Customized Executive Summary.

Provide a strong summary at the top of your resume that highlights your expertise in the major IT skills necessary for the position you’re seeking.

#2. Dedicated Skills Section.

Make sure your resume has a clear, succinct section devoted to your technical skills. Sort the talents according to how applicable they are to the job description.

#3. Knowledge and Experience Section.

Make use of the work experience section to demonstrate how you’ve used these abilities in practical situations. When feasible, quantify your accomplishments using facts and statistics.

#4. Courses and Certifications.

Add any certificates you recently earned or courses you took that have to do with these abilities. This validates your knowledge and demonstrates your dedication to remaining current.

#5. Portfolios and Projects.

Provide a link to your portfolio if appropriate, or highlight particular projects where you’ve used these skills. This practical evidence has a lot of persuasive power.

Check out our best resume templates to guide you while building your resume:

What Is The Best Digital Skill To Learn? 

The best digital skills to learn are:

Which Digital Skill Pays The Most?

Data analytics is one of the highest-paid digital marketing skills among these top talents. Employers value and highly reward the ability to analyze data and use insights to optimize marketing.

How Do I Choose A Digital Skill? 

Here, I will offer guidance about selecting the best digital skill for you to get a job.

How Do I Choose A Digital Skill? 
How Do I Choose A Digital Skill? 

#1. Carry Out Research:

There are many different digital skills available, and because they are constantly changing, it is important to do your research to determine which digital skill(s) you will need to advance in your line of work, lead the comfortable life you desire, and which digital skill is still current and relevant. This way, you can avoid wasting money and time learning a useless skill.

Note that you can make use of the internet to its fullest potential, as it is your greatest research ally.

#2. Compile A List of Digital Skills:

After doing your research, the next step is to compile a list of important digital skills that you feel are relevant to your line of work or that excite you. This list should be arranged in a hierarchy of significance so that you can start with the digital talent at the top of your list.

#3. Evaluate the Listed Skills’ Significance to Your Line of Work:

Every profession needs some level of digital proficiency to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. Therefore, do your homework on the necessary software and tools, compile a list of the most important ones, and develop your understanding of how to use them.

#4. Find A Mentor:

After you’ve determined which skills are most important to learn, you need a mentor to help you through the learning process. A mentor doesn’t have to be older than you; they simply need to be experts in the skill(s) you wish to learn. Learning new digital skills typically requires professional assistance, so having someone to guide you along this new path is crucial.

#5. Show Commitment and Consistency:

Remember that to study and acquire a digital talent, consistency and commitment are essential and that to succeed in your endeavor, these two qualities must be engaged.

Now that you are aware of the procedures to follow before selecting a skill, it is time to begin learning and acquiring new digital abilities. I can assure you that acquiring a digital ability will be among the greatest presents you will give yourself in the future.

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