The Best Day to Send a Press Release in 2024 (Updated)

Best Day to Send a Press Release
Image by Pexels

Timing is essential in our fast-paced digital environment where you want your press release to reach the correct audience and attract media attention. Determining the ideal day and time to send a press release is crucial for optimizing the results of your PR efforts.

In this article, I will discuss tried-and-true methods and professional advice to help you maximize the timeliness of your press release and increase the likelihood that the media will cover it.

Key Points

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are usually the best days to send out press releases. These midweek days offer the greatest chance of media attention and audience participation.
  • Send out your press release ideally between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. This timing increases the chance that it will be recognized because it reaches media professionals and journalists early in the morning.
  • Avoid sending press releases on holidays, weekends, or at the height of significant news stories. There is typically less media coverage and audience interaction during these periods. 
  • Consider the distinct news cycles and event schedules in your sector. Your press release’s effect and relevancy can be increased by scheduling it for days that work best for your industry or with pertinent industry events.
  • Run A/B tests to find the best days and hours to reach your target audience. Examine performance indicators like engagement, media pick-ups, and open rates to improve the timing of your upcoming releases. 

What is a press release?

A press release is sent out to different media outlets for consideration when it is distributed, either directly to journalists or through the assistance of a press release distribution agency. Whatever the approach, getting the announcement in front of the media requires distribution.

We frequently overlook the submission date itself, as there are so many variables involved in a press release’s success. Time is of the essence. All of your hard work could be in vain if you wrote the ideal pitch and press release but delivered them at the incorrect moment. 

When Is The Best Time To Send Out A Press Release?

Journalists schedule their workdays around the fact that the majority of press releases are sent out in the morning. For example, journalists might sip their coffee in the morning and scan the press releases of the day to see what piques their curiosity. According to 72% of journalists, mornings are the greatest time to get pitches, followed by afternoons (22%) and evenings (6%).

According to my research, the optimal time to send a press release is in the morning, specifically between 7:00 and 9:00. Consider the time zones of receivers when planning when to send press release emails. Your press release timetable needs to be adjusted to align with if you are emailing foreign media.

Press releases on the hour or even half-hour are not something you should send out if you want to differentiate yourself from the competitors in your inbox. Sending these emails, for example, is best avoided between 7:00 and 8:30 in the morning. It’s important to plan your emails at a time like 8:23 am to prevent them from being forgotten because many PR agencies prefer to send out emails on the hour. The majority of journalists will likely be more immersed in their jobs at this point and less responsive to emails. You should send the release between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. if it needs to be sent in the afternoon.

Press releases should ultimately be sent at a time that is convenient for the journalist, not for you. If you are not receiving the desired open and reply rates, try split-testing your press release distribution plan by trying alternative times. By testing, you can determine the best time to get the highest open and reply rates.

The Best Day To Send A Press Release

After researching this topic, it was certain that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were the ideal days to issue a press release after looking over a wide range of data from research studies on the subject. Data on the press release and outreach email open and reply rates took me some time to examine. Let us examine a few of the studies for your benefit:

Not surprisingly, a study conducted by my team on “warm” emails discovered that Monday was the ideal day to distribute press releases. Over 20% of the Monday emails were opened, 4.3% were clicked, and 2.8% were replied to. Wednesday’s email open rate was somewhat lower.

When Not To Send Press Releases for Businesses

If your press release can wait until the morning, don’t send it after business hours. It is not advisable to send out releases in the afternoon.

Emails on Wednesday had an open rate of 17.2% and a reply rate of 2.6%, which was just 0.2% lower than on Monday. Since reply rates are the most crucial advertising metrics, Monday and Wednesday reply rates have to be comparable.

Days To Avoid Sending Press Releases for Businesses

The worst day of the week to issue press releases is probably Friday. According to PR experts, press releases should only be sent on Fridays if absolutely necessary. Because reporters don’t want to try to cover a topic at the end of the week, Friday is infamously a lousy day to send press releases. On a Friday, they already have a mountain of work from earlier in the week to finish.

Choosing the Best Day to Send a Press Release

Selecting the best day to distribute your press release can have a big impact on how many journalists and media outlets are likely to cover your story. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the best days to distribute press releases, with Thursdays having the highest open rates.

The following sections will explain this in greater detail and explain why avoiding Mondays, Fridays, and weekends frequently produces better outcomes. 

#1. Mondays Aren’t the Best Day

The work week starts on Mondays, thus it can be difficult for your press release to stand out on this day. On Mondays, journalists usually receive 300 emails, so it could be challenging for your press release to be seen. When compared to other days, Mondays are actually preferred by 57% of journalists for receiving pitches—but only if the subject lines are intriguing enough to catch their attention.

Mondays have a high amount of email traffic, which might negatively impact your press release’s visibility because there is more competition for journalists’ attention in their inboxes. Therefore, in order to maximize visibility and pay attention to the timing of your press releases, you are advised to abstain from sending them on Mondays.

#2. Mid-Week Distribution’s Benefits

Sending a press release during the middle of the week is the best option because it has higher open rates and more opportunities for media attention, especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. As a matter of fact, midweek media coverage is known to be different from other days of the week, with Friday and Saturday being the least advantageous days for media consumption.

The best time to send press release alerts, according to research from a PR agency, is midweek between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Since mid-week distribution is a widely recognized strategy among PR experts, it plays a crucial role in the success of your press release. 

Checklist on the Best Day to Send a Press Release.pdf

#3. Steer Clear of Fridays and Weekends

Because open rates are lower on Fridays and weekends, it is not advisable to send press releases on such days. According to research, news releases sent out on Thursdays had the highest open rates, averaging between 22% and 25%. On the other hand, press releases sent on Fridays and weekends often have lower open rates—roughly 2%.

According to statistical research, press release open rates are lower on Fridays and weekends. Therefore, to increase the likelihood that your press release will be opened and read, it is advised to send it on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday rather than on Fridays or the weekends.

When should a press release be published?

As soon as news breaks, a press release ought to be released. Send out press releases for events as long in advance as you can. For instance, you want to send out press releases at least three weeks beforehand for events like industry trade shows, conference spotlights, and grand openings. Sending out a press release at least one to two weeks ahead of time is recommended for product launches. Send your release two to three weeks ahead of time if you’re hoping to receive coverage in the local newspaper about a new store or café opening. 

How long before an event should you send out a press release?

You should send out a press release about an event a few days to a week before it occurs. This allows journalists to examine the data and incorporate it into their reporting. You can also send out the press release the day before the event if the news requires immediate attention.

When not to write a press release?

Something that excites you on the inside might not excite you on the outside. Generally speaking, nobody likes to hear about new junior hires, refreshed products or services, or updated websites unless your company is extremely well-known.

How should press releases be sent?

The following advice can help you send press releases:

  • Determine the appropriate contacts
  • Locate reporters, editors, and journalists who could be interested in your article.
  • Compose a proposal.
  • Describe yourself, the company you work for, and why you think the journalist should write a piece about it. 


For your press releases to be successful, timing is essential. The ideal time to send a press release will vary depending on your industry, target market, and news of the day. You may significantly increase the likelihood that your press release will have a major impact by being aware of these aspects and putting the advice offered to use. When it comes to gaining attention and spreading your message, timing is everything.


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