ACQUISITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Detailed Guidelines & Things To Avoid

Acquisition announcements

Acquisition basically involves purchasing a company to gain control and potentially boost profits. It’s like expanding your portfolio to diversify and increase your overall wealth or buying a rental property for passive income, but with businesses. In business, making decisions can feel like walking a tightrope. When announcing an acquisition, you are walking a thin wire. Make one misstep, and it’s a serious fall. It is super important to be careful about sharing the news of an acquisition because it affects how people feel, sets the vibe, and determines if the acquisition works out well. Here, I’ll share with you guidelines to make an acquisition announcement.

How Do You Announce an Acquisition?

Company acquisitions and mergers are common occurrences that can bring about significant

changes and announcing it is a significant milestone for any business.

While these transitions can be exciting for growth and development, they also have implications

for staff morale and public perception of the brand. 

Effectively communicating these changes is essential to curtail panic and maintain trust

among stakeholders.

Internally, employees may feel uncertain about their roles and job security, while externally,

customers may question product/service quality and brand reputation.

When you prioritize transparency, clarity, and empathy in communication, organizations can reassure employees about their future within the company and remove customer worries about service standards and brand integrity.

Let’s look at the essential steps and best practices for effectively communicating acquisition news to stakeholders and customers.

Factors To Consider When Announcing An Acquisition

There are some important stuff to do (or not do) when announcing an acquisition. Choosing the right platform for your announcement, crafting a compelling headline and your announcement for maximum impact are all important.

#1. Choosing the right platform for your announcement

Deciding where to announce your acquisition is crucial to consider your target audience and the platform’s reach.

For example, If you’re announcing a new tech product, launching it on a popular tech blog or social media platform like Twitter may be more effective than announcing it in a local newspaper. Choosing the right platform ensures your announcement reaches the intended audience effectively.

In 2023, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, announced a company acquisition on Twitter, sparking industry excitement. The tweet, brief and cryptic, revealed little but stirred significant speculation.

This intensifies the influence of social media in shaping industry news and investor sentiment.

Some reputable sites to consider for your acquisition announcement are;

  1. Business wire
  2. PR Newswire
  3. Reuters
  4. Bloomberg
  5. Forbes
  6. TechCrunch
  7. LinkedIn

Here, you can utilize your company’s page for your acquisition announcement.

In addition to these platforms, you should consider leveraging your own website, social media channels, and email newsletters to ensure maximum visibility for your acquisition announcement. Whether you choose to make the announcement through a press release, social media, or a dedicated blog post, make sure the platform aligns with your communication goals.

#2. Crafting a compelling headline for the announcement

Your headline is the first thing that people will see when you announce an acquisition, so it’s important to make it attention-grabbing and informative.

A concise yet enthusiastic headline informs and generates anticipation among your audience. Add key details, leave room for curiosity, draw readers in and set the stage for the rest of the announcement.

#3. Timing your announcement for maximum impact

Why is it important to time your acquisition announcement?

Because everything comes down to timing when you are announcing an acquisition. Announcing an acquisition at the right moment can maximize its positive impact, such as during a period of market optimism or when the company’s stock price is favorable.

What happens when you announce an acquisition at the wrong time?

Announcing it at the wrong time, such as during a market downturn or amid negative public sentiment, could lead to backlash or decreased investor confidence.

You should also consider factors such as market trends, competitor activity, and the current news cycle that can determine the optimal time to make your announcement. By choosing the right moment, you can ensure that your news receives maximum attention and coverage.

These three steps all make for an optimum acquisition announcement. Follow them and you are sure of a successful announcement. 

Where can I find acquisition news?

In case you’ve been wondering how you can get acquisition news, Well, keeping up isn’t as hard as it sounds. Leverage online databases and industry-specific publications to set up tailored Google Alerts.

Online databases and news websites often break news about company takeovers faster than you can refresh your feed.

For those who like their news served niche, industry-specific publications and websites serve detailed and relevant information.

Here’s a pro-tip;

Set yourself up with Google Alerts. Just plug in some industry-relevant keywords and voila—you’ll get real-time updates straight to your inbox. Remember to verify the news from multiple sources to avoid spreading misinformation.

Read Also: Reliable News Sources You Can Actually Trust In Nigeria

How To Summarize an Acquisition?

The key to communicating this effectively in the announcement is to keep it concise, clear, and engaging.

Start with a straightforward overview of the acquisition: what was bought, who was involved, and when it happened. This sets the stage.

Next, consider – the “why” of the merger. Take note of the key benefits like expanded service offerings, access to new markets, enhanced technological capabilities, or even just a stronger financial foundation.

These points clarify the reasoning behind the decision but also help stakeholders and employees feel secure and optimistic about the change.

As tempting as it might be to flex your industry-specific vocabulary, steer clear of complex jargon that might confuse anyone not familiar with the vocabulary of business law or financial intricacies.

Remember, your announcement should be accessible to a diverse audience, from the stakeholders to the casual reader.

How to write an acquisition letter?

When a company acquires another, the uncertainty can unsettle the most stoic of stakeholders.

A neatly written acquisition announcement can smooth those ruffled feathers by ensuring everyone, from employees to customers to investors, understands not just the ‘what’, but the

‘why’ and ‘how’ of the transition.

Here’s how you can craft a letter that not only informs but reassures and engages as well.

#1. Personalization is key

Employees fret about job security and changes in company culture, whereas customers might be concerned about how the service or product might change.

Investors look at the strategic benefits and how it affects their shares. Your letter should speak directly to these different groups with tailored messages that address their specific concerns and interests.  A one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it here.

#2. Be transparent about the reasons behind the acquisition

This isn’t the time for buzzwords or corporate speak that dances around the details. Stakeholders appreciate honesty, and being upfront about the motivations for the acquisition can prevent misinformation and distrust.

Whether it’s about achieving economies of scale, entering new markets, or acquiring new technologies, clearly explain why this decision was the right one for the company’s future.

#3. Don’t leave your readers hanging

Encourage dialogue through a specific call to action. Perhaps suggest setting up a Q&A session, offer direct contact info for further inquiries, or invite stakeholders to a town hall meeting.

Making yourself accessible not only helps in alleviating concerns but also shows that you value their input and engagement during this transition phase.

Examples of Acquisition Announcement

#1. Clover has joined Figma

#2. Adobe acquires Figma

#3. Cron joins Notion

How To Post an Acquisition Announcement

Here’s your game plan for making some noise that would produce results.

#1. Harness the power of social media. 

Different platforms serve different audiences. LinkedIn is your go-to for reaching business professionals who might be directly interested in your company’s moves. 

It’s prime real estate for sharing long-form posts detailing the strategic benefits and future prospects of the acquisition.

Twitter, on the other hand, is perfect for quick announcements that encourage shares and conversations. Don’t forget Instagram and Facebook, where you can add a more human touch with visuals or even live videos discussing the acquisition’s impacts and opportunities.

However, don’t just stop at social media. 

#2. A dedicated press release on your company website

This is like your official statement. It gives you complete control over how the acquisition story is told. Ensure it’s concise, jargon-free, and packs all the vital stats and figures that depict why this acquisition is a win-win situation.

This press release can be the go-to link you share across all online platforms for comprehensive coverage of your announcement.

Read Also: How to Send a Press Release to Local Media (+ Expert Tips)

#3. Make friends with the media

Engaging with journalists and media outlets can amplify your reach far beyond your own network.

Contact industry bloggers, news outlets, and even local news channels that might find your acquisition story relevant.

Provide them with all the information they might need to weave a story that’s not only informative but also engaging.

What are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Acquisition Announcements?

    Some common mistakes to avoid include using overly complex language, overlooking the concerns of different stakeholder groups, and not providing enough context for the acquisition.

    How Can I Measure the Success of My Acquisition Announcement?

      You can measure the success of your announcement through metrics such as media coverage, social media engagement, website traffic, and stakeholder feedback. Keep track of these metrics to gauge the impact of your announcement.

      What is the Difference Between a Merger and an Acquisition?

        In a merger, two companies combine to form a new entity, while in an acquisition, one company purchases another.

        How Long Do Acquisitions Take After Announcements?

          Market estimates place a merger’s timeframe for completion between six months to several years. Sometimes, finalizing the entire merger process may take only a few months. However, if a broad range of variables and approval hurdles exist, the merger process can be elongated to a much longer period.


          Writing an acquisition announcement requires a delicate balance of tact, directness, and empathy. When done right, it can turn uncertainty into excitement and pave the way for the next big thing.

          When you emphasize the positive synergies and present the information in an approachable manner, your acquisition announcement can transform from a simple statement of fact into a powerful tool of assurance and persuasion.

          Follow these guidelines and avoid common pitfalls to ensure that your acquisition announcement is met with enthusiasm and engagement.

          Remember, the way you announce an acquisition can have a lasting impact on how it is perceived by your stakeholders and the public. And it’s not just about announcing a change—it’s about leading people through it.


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