An Expert’s Guide to Site Ranking Extensions: How They Work and Which Ones to Use

Site Ranking Extensions
Image by roserodionova on Freepik

Did you know that over 3.2 billion people use Google Chrome as their dedicated browser? From smooth browsing to high security and customizability, there are many reasons why Chrome is so popular. Most noticeable, though, is its versatile range of free extensions for site ranking.

Chrome extensions are an excellent way to increase the functionality of your browser and improve user experience. As an SEO person, no doubt you have a lot of metrics that you track, from keyword data to monthly search volume and website visits, among others. These extensions simplify your monitoring process, providing you with detailed and accurate results.

Key Takeaways

  • Site ranking extensions are tools that provide real-time insights into your website’s ranking on Google.
  • Site ranking extensions are part of extensions for SEO, integrated software programs users can install to improve their overall browsing experience.
  • Selecting the right site ranking extension for your business involves considering your specific needs, goals, and the features each tool offers.
  • These SEO extensions provide an overview of how well your site performs for specific keywords in a glance.
  • The best site ranking extensions to use include Ubersuggest, Mozbar, SEOquake, Surfer SEO, and SEO Minion, among others.
  • These extensions let you monitor the performance of targeted keywords and your page rank, and use the extension to get SEO insights and optimize your content and improve your search engine visibility.

What Are Site Ranking Extensions?

Site ranking extensions are tools that provide real-time insights into your website’s ranking on Google. After installing the extension, you add your favorite website to the list. Then, when you search for a keyword in Google, the extension displays the number of your websites that appear in the top 100 search results.

By opening the extension’s list, you can view the specific rank of each website.

Site ranking extensions are part of extensions for SEO, integrated software programs users can install to improve their overall browsing experience. These can be customized to create the best setup for each individual user and their needs. For reference, Chrome extensions appear in line with the address bar on the right-hand side of the Chrome interface.

Site ranking extensions and other SEO extensions provide an overview of how well your site performs for specific keywords in a glance. They let you monitor the performance of targeted keywords and your page rank, and use the extension to get SEO insights and optimize your content and improve your search engine visibility.

Why Use SEO Extensions?

SEO extensions are a great way to improve your site ranking and other optimization features. Using them can add additional features and functionality to your browser, making it easier and faster to find the information you need online.

Here’s a list of the benefits of using extensions for SEO:

#1. Increased visibility and engagement with your content 

SEO extensions can augment your content with additional features and information, increasing users’ likelihood of engaging with it. This can help you improve your website’s ranking in search engines and increase traffic.

They can help increase your visibility on Google Search by providing valuable content enhancements or adding new functionality to your website. This will make it easier for people to find what they are looking for and may lead to increased traffic and conversions.

#2. Enhanced user experience 

SEO extensions can make your website easier by adding features such as quick access buttons or bookmarklet functionality. This can improve the overall user experience and encourage users to return again and again.

#3. Improved clickthrough rates

Extensions can increase the rate at which users click on links in your content, resulting in higher conversions and increased revenue.

#4. Improved speed & responsiveness

SEO extensions can speed up your web browsing by adding additional features or functionality like bookmarks, RSS feeds, and search engines. They can also make your browser more responsive to interact with websites more quickly.

#5. Enhanced interactivity

Google extensions can make website interactions more efficient by adding features like quick access to frequently accessed pages or tools, streaming video content, or interactive maps. This can help you reduce time spent on tasks that could be better left to automated tools or platforms.

How To Select The Best Site Ranking SEO Extensions

Selecting the right site ranking extension for your business involves considering your specific needs, goals, and the features each tool offers.

Here are some steps and factors to help you make an informed decision:

Selecting The Best Site Ranking Extensions

10 Of The Best Site Ranking Extensions

#1. MozBar

MozBar enables users to gain immediate on-page SEO insights into competitor scores while browsing Google search or examining their websites. Unlike many other Chrome extensions on this list, MozBar implements a toolbar feature at the top of the browser, making it readily accessible to users.

The extension’s features include creating custom searches based on search engines and location while allowing users to cross-reference analytics between pages. As a technical SEO tool, MozBar is an excellent add-on for competitor analysis and identifying what you need to do to improve your SEO strategy.


  • Create custom searches by engine, country, region, or city
  • Page and Domain Authority assessments
  • Cross reference analytics from multiple websites
  • Identify on-site keywords
  • Examine page elements in HTTP
  • Export SERP analysis insights to a CSV file

#2. SEOquake

SEOquake is a versatile SEO toolbox that modifies the SERP to include an insight bar under results while browsing. It presents users with essential information such as search volume and keyword density. However, users can customize these insights to show the specific metrics they wish to examine.

The extension is an excellent way to gain an in-depth overview of competitor websites, helping you determine what keywords to use. Though it’s primarily used for Google search analysis, it also has features to examine other major search engines such as Bing.


  • Instantly access insights into essential metrics
  • Thorough analysis of search results
  • View keyword difficulty estimates
  • Access reports to internal/external links
  • Audit websites for SEO and mobile compatibility
  • Check Facebook and Google+ analytics

#3. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free Chrome extension developed by renowned SEO expert Neil Patel and his team. It has all the vital features of the previous two extensions, plus the ability to analyze YouTube and Amazon metrics. The goliath combination of statistics from these three significant websites makes Ubersuggest a powerful tool for keyword research.

After installing the Ubersuggest add-on, users are presented with a toolbox that opens to the right of the screen. In this toolbox, you can set research parameters, such as region and specific keywords. The tool aims to help you better understand which keywords will help you rank above your competitors.


  • Detailed metrics reports that appear in search
  • Historical traffic analysis
  • Customizable keyword filter
  • Backlink profiles
  • Amazon & YouTube keyword research
  • Keyword trend charts

#4. SurferSEO

SurferSEO functions as both a standalone product and a Chrome extension that helps users increase keyword usage in articles and blog posts. It also has another SEO Chrome extension called Keyword Surfer that shows similar metrics to the above add-ons.

While working in a Google Doc, users can open the SurferSEO extension and have it suggest keywords to include in their writing. As you write, it estimates the content’s overall SEO score while suggesting ways to improve search engine rankings.


  • View real-time SEO insights as you create documents
  • Content structure and word count suggestions
  • Examine keyword search volume
  • Keyword difficulty analysis
  • Integrated Google Docs toolbox
  • In-search metric toolbar

#5. Open SEO Stats

At first glance, Open SEO Stats does not appear as complex as the other extensions on this list, but it provides key analytical insights within a tightly packaged, non-invasive UI. The extension offers users data on everything from website IPs to Alexa traffic rankings, making it a handy tool.

Users access Open SEO Stats by clicking the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar, where they are presented with a popup box containing necessary information. Though the add-on provides enough data to be used as a robust analytical tool, it’s installed chiefly for quick insights on competitor sites.


  • Shows Alexa traffic rankings
  • Reports website backlinks across several search engines
  • Shows metrics from archived web page versions
  • Analyzes website speed

#6. SEO Minion

SEO Minion is much the same as the previous free Chrome extensions for SEO on this list. However, what sets it apart is its ability to run robust checks for broken links.

This free Chrome extension works similarly to the Ubersuggest and SurferSEO tools in that it implements a toolbox to the right of the screen. The toolbox works as a free backlink checker, analyzing links, 404 errors, and activity. It also breaks your website down by structural information to see how you should organize your content.


  • On-page SEO and HTML analysis
  • Internal and external link identification
  • Broken backlink checker
  • Preview your website in SERPs
  • Google SERP data download
  • Keyword search by location

#7. META SEO Inspector

Whereas the other tools on this list allow users to examine elements of competitor websites, META SEO Inspector enables users to scrutinize their own site’s metadata closely. Once issues are identified, the extension helps users get advice on resolving the problems of their site.

This free Chrome extension is primarily aimed towards web developers, as it helps them follow the Google webmaster tools guidelines. However, anyone can benefit from this tool when attempting to optimize their website for SEO purposes.


  • Instantly access website metadata
  • Identify missing meta parameters
  • Identify errors in meta HTML
  • Explore competitor metadata
  • Access additional tools such as McAfee Site Advisor
  • Export metadata reports

#8. Mangools SEO Extension

Mangools SEO Extension is positioned as being best-suited to streamlining SEO practices. It has a versatile range of features that enable users to create robust SEO strategies.

Once installed, users can use the Mangools SEO Extension to analyze competitor domain authority and what makes their content rank highly on SERPs. This includes inspecting the social media side of websites. Users can use this tool to identify and exploit weaknesses in their competitor’s SEO campaigns.


  • Domain authority checker
  • Competitor keyword analysis
  • Backlink checker
  • On-page SEO analysis
  • Keyword density checker
  • Rank tracking tool

#9. Checkbot

The Checkbot SEO Chrome extension helps users determine how to improve their website’s speed and security, two significant factors in SEO ranking. Though it is initially free to users, there are also several paid features you can unlock for additional functionality. This includes PDF audit reports and advanced crawl settings.

Checkbot crawls hundreds of websites to identify their failings, which users can view to better their own practices. User view reports in an intuitive UI that makes SEO analysis smooth.


  • HTML validator
  • Backlink checker
  • Speed optimization test
  • HTTPS security checker
  • Mobile-friendliness checker
  • Meta tag analysis

#10. NinjaOutreach Lite

Unlike the other extensions on this list, NinjaOutreach Lite focuses on email marketing but allows users to access SEO data while sending messages. This makes for a powerful combination of organic and digital marketing.

Once the extension is installed, users must request an access key to grab relevant emails from the site they’re browsing while displaying metadata, traffic, and demographic information. This data can be used to better target individuals and tailor content to their interests.


  • Grab webpage emails
  • Analyze demographic information
  • Send emails
  • View page meta descriptions
  • Inspect domain authority
  • Set up blog RSS feeds

Tips To Improve Your Website’s Ranking

There’s so much you can do to increase your website ranking on Google or any other search engine. If you’re on the path to becoming an SEO expert or a business owner looking to improve online visibility, these 20 tips can be your guide to increasing website rankings:

#1. Website Audit

The first secret to success is assessing your website. An SEO website audit is a full analysis of your website’s health. It shows your site’s strengths and weaknesses, what you’re doing right,  and what things you need to improve on.  

To understand the full benefit of a web audit, you have to get an idea of how search engines work. Everything starts with a crawler or a Google bot which crawls every page of every website. Next, content and everything in your website are indexed based on the algorithm created by the search engine.

The audit process will check for issues that don’t adhere to search engine guidelines (those that may be stopping your website from ranking). It will then generate the report and data you need in order to create an effective strategy. 

#2. HTTPS  ⁠— Google Likes It A Lot

Google has announced HTTPS as one of its best practices.

Before, websites were using Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP. As more and more websites flocked the web, Google decided to tighten the security to protect users from malicious attacks. This resulted in the addition of ‘S’, which stands for ‘Secure’. 

HTTPS now provides these 3 main protections:


This ensures there’s no unauthorized access by converting your website data into code.

Data Integrity

This ensures that any data you provided cannot be changed during transfer.


This ensures that the user is connected to the intended website, securing user trust and increases website authority.

#3. Updated User Interface

Your website is the face of your business online. It should be backed by an efficient UI or user interface. This involves a user-friendly, responsive, and visually-pleasing design.

If first impressions last, then you want your website to impress your visitors off the bat. Whether it’s a website for physicians, lawyers or a SAAS company, have it aligned with the color schemes, images, icons and buttons used. 

Pro Tip: Do your own research. Visit your favorite websites and observe what you like about them. Ask yourself if you can replicate the same UI for your business.

#4. Optimized Website UX

UX or the user experience defines the effectiveness of your website. If UI is about how attractive and user-friendly your pages are, UX is all about how to use the website. Can users navigate the website and find the pages they’re looking for? Did they get the information they need from the site?

All these questions fall under UX. But, how does it connect with Google Rankings?   

Google updates its algorithm to accurately index content and provide a more precise answer to a query. This means that strategically designing for enhanced user experience will result in users not only finding your pages attractive but engaging as well. 

The longer they stay on the site, the more Google will see your website’s relevance and reward it with higher search rankings. 

#5. SEO is a Must

Ranking high in the results pages isn’t luck nor is it by chance. You’ll need skill, preparation, and timing to achieve the top spot. 

Search engine optimization is a must if you want your website to be visible, searchable, and available to any potential lead.

You don’t want the resources you’ve spent on developing your UX and UI to got to waste because people can’t find your site. There are four categories you need to optimize for when it comes to SEO:

Content SEO

This means optimizing content so that it’s more valuable to users and Google, to the point where it drives the user to take action.

Local SEO

Local SEO is optimizing your online visibility in your area. This is a powerful way to let people around you and even those who are planning to visit your area know that you are near. More importantly, a local SEO strategy helps a business rank on the Google Snack Pack – the top three boxed results appearing on local searches.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO covers everything – from finding duplicate content to optimizing XML sitemap. This allows Google bots to crawl and index your pages more effectively.

Voice Search SEO

Voice Search is one of the main trends in 2020, and it’s here to stick. A study showed that there will be an estimated 21.4 million smart speakers in the US by 2020.

#6. Optimize Your Landing Pages

Landing pages are your ‘conversation’ pages. These need to be one of the most visible pages when someone Googles a keyword related to your business.

The key here is to optimize each aspect of your landing page so that  Google can see them as relevant to your audience. Here are the list of elements you should optimize:

  • Keyword
  • Main Title
  • Supporting Headline or H2
  • Value Proposition
  • Unique Value Proposition
  • Multimedia Content
  • CTA

#7. Optimize Off-Page SEO

While On-page SEO is the more prioritized of the two, Off-page SEO is a method that most people neglect. Aside from increasing your website’s online branding, off-page SEO increases Domain Authority.

Domain Authority is a metric used to rate a website from 1-100. This is another huge ranking factor that you have to keep tabs on because higher DA means the higher you will rank on search engine results.

If you’re running your own SEO Agency or planning to start your own SEO business, optimizing off-page SEO is an approach you don’t want to overlook.

Why Are Chrome Extensions Great for SEO?

SEO projects involve lots of data points. You can pull numerous levers when trying to improve your site’s visibility in the search results. Chrome extensions bridge that gap. By amalgamating these diverse data points into one convenient interface across a site’s many pages, you can go faster. 

The best SEO extensions for Chrome help SEOs or site owners build efficiency and clarity in their day-to-day workflows. For example, some of the common SEO tasks that Chrome extensions can improve include:

  • Keyword research 
  • On-page optimizations
  • Link analysis
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