Referring Domains vs. Backlinks: The Differences You Should Know For Your SEO Strategy

Referring Domains vs Backlinks
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Table of Contents Hide
  1. Key Takeaways
  2. What is a Backlink?
    1. How are Backlinks Checked?
  3. Why Are Backlinks Important?
  4. Types of Backlinks
    1. #1. Natural Backlink
    2. #2. Editorial Backlink
    3. #3. Manual Backlinks
    4. #4. Mutual Backlinks
  5. Checklist on Best Way of Applying Referring Domains vs Backlinks.pdf
  6. How Do You Obtain Free Backlinks to Your Website?
    1. #1. Make Producing Pertinent Material a Top Priority
    2. #2. Posts by Guests on Reputable Websites
    3. #3. Adapt Your Material
  7. How to Increase the Number of Domains That Point to Your Website
    1. #1. High-Quality Material
    2. #2. Examine Any Broken or Suspicious Links
    3. #3. Contributions From Guests
    4. #4. Include Media and Pictures
    5. #5. Recognize the Winning Material
  8. What is a Referring Domain?
  9. Ways to Get More Referring Domains vs Backlinks
    1. #1. Create Good Content
    2. #2. Analyze Your Referring Domain Report
    3. #3. Enhance Your Link-Building Approaches
    4. #4. Recognize Your Rivals
    5. #5. Identify the Best-Performing Pages
    6. #6. Share Your Content
    7. #7. Determine the Popular and Relevant Referring Domains
  10. How to Get More Referring Domains Vs. Backlinks Pointing to Your Website
    1. #1. Make Material that Can be Linked to
    2. #2. Faulty Connection Construction
    3. #3. Rival Focusing 
  11. How Do Referring Domains Vs. Backlinks Affect the Visibility of Your Website?
    1. #1. Generation of Referral Traffic
    2. #2. Optimization for Search Engines
  12. What is a referring domain?
  13. Is referral traffic from backlinks?
  14.  How many referring domains are good for SEO?
  15.  Do backlinks increase domain authority?
  16.  Are linking domains and referring domains the same?
  17. Conclusion
  18. Related Articles
  19. References

As a PR professional, when it comes to your referring domains vs. backlinks, you ought to be as knowledgeable. Increasing website traffic, user interaction, and brand awareness are essential tasks for any organization with an online presence.

To a large extent, success depends on getting your website to rank well in search results, but like many important things, this can be difficult. However, there are tools available to simplify these processes. This article will explore the importance of referring domains vs. backlinks for search engine optimization and their role in backlink building. I’ll explain each term and provide helpful advice on how to use it to improve your website and business.

Key Takeaways

  • Assessing the depth and breadth of your link profile requires understanding this distinction. For a well-rounded and all-encompassing SEO strategy, give equal weight to growing the overall number of backlinks and referring websites.
  • Concentrate on obtaining connections from various high-quality referring domains to increase your site’s authority and trustworthiness in search engines.
  • Give more weight to backlinks from reputable, authoritative, and relevant websites than building up many links. Better backlinks from other domains are more significant in raising search engine rankings.
  • Ensure the hyperlinks pointing to your website are contextually related to your content and originate from various domains. Thanks to this diversity and relevancy, your site’s SEO performance will increase, and its authority will be established.
  • Using SEO tools, monitor the quantity and caliber of your backlinks and referring domains. Create clever link-building methods, including guest posting and teaming up, to guarantee long-term SEO success and continuously draw fresh, high-quality links.

A backlink is a link from another website to yours. The other website (the referring domain) may contain links to your services, blog articles, social media posts, and other content. Backlinks are typically embedded in text by writers as hyperlinks, but they can also be found in photos, videos, buttons, and other formats.

Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and Majestic are crucial tools for managing backlinks and referring domains. Let’s examine each in more detail. 

#1. Google Catalog

With the help of Google Search Console (GSC), a free tool, you can view the performance and volume of your website’s searches. You can discover your website’s average position, impressions, clicks, and search engine exposure within GSC. Additionally, you may view information about the backlinks and referring sites pointing to your websites, such as the number of links and referring domains, anchor text, and destination pages.

#2. Majestic 

Majestic is a premium subscription service that analyzes websites’ backlinks and referring domains. It provides data on various links and referring domains and the trust and authority of these links and domains.

GSC, Ahrefs, and Majestic are all must-have tools for any marketer wanting to improve their results. 

#3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs has the second most active web crawler after Google, resulting in the best backlink database. And it’s completely free!

Ahrefs Checker provides practical and relevant SEO analytics for any website, URL, or subcategory. You may also view the number of referring domains and backlinks, as well as the Domain Rating (DR), URL Rating (UR), and Ahrefs Rank (AR). 

Backlinks represent a vote of confidence or support from one website to another. When you link to someone else’s website, you notify search engines and readers that you believe their content is high-quality and valid.

The more links pointing to your website, the more credible you appear. That is why backlinks are such a crucial aspect of SEO.

These votes of confidence increase your authority and relevance, boosting keyword rankings and organic search traffic. 

You’ll want a diverse set of referring websites and backlinks leading to your website.

Backlinks can occur spontaneously. Search engines anticipate that all backlinks will be created this way. That seems optimistic, given that 91% of online pages have no backlinks. As a result, they are unlikely to receive any organic traffic.

However, it sometimes makes sense to link to another website, so you do. Publishing a study or data is an excellent approach to increase the number of natural linkages. This type of information is among the most frequently linked.

These are PR backlinks. When new SEO experts start learning about link building, they usually think about them first. These links are normally placed on high-DR websites but are also no-follow. This implies they do not count as a vote of confidence.

Editorial backlinks are primarily intended to increase referral traffic rather than organic traffic. As a result, these inbound links provide a short-term rather than a long-term benefit.

These are the links that you are actively constructing using outreach, guest blogging, and other techniques. An agency that provides link-building services will acquire manual backlinks on your behalf. Since related domains are more likely to affect SEO than backlinks, a reputable service will add them instead.

These are links that, in essence, exchange links between two or more websites. There are two types of reciprocal links: natural and manual.

Since obtaining additional referring domains involves many considerations, I have created a comprehensive tutorial on link exchanges. 

A backlink occurs when a user clicks on the link from one of your blog posts to your website. The number of backlinks your website has from reputable websites will increase its position in search engine results pages (SERPs).

You can gain more backlinks by contacting related websites and asking them to put a link to your website in one of their articles or blog posts. Alternatively, you might make infographics, write a guest blog post, or advertise your content on social media. 

So let’s look at this:

#1. Make Producing Pertinent Material a Top Priority

Making relevant content a top priority is one of the finest strategies for obtaining free, high-quality backlinks. When you post material that appeals to your intended audience, other websites will likely link to it.

Additionally, you can request a backlink from websites you believe would be interested in referring to your material. Most website owners will gladly exchange links if the information is worthwhile and pertinent.

Lastly, remember to promote your material on social media. Posting links on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter can expand your audience and generate high-quality backlinks. 

#2. Posts by Guests on Reputable Websites

Guest posting on reputable websites is a fantastic approach to obtaining high-quality backlinks at no cost. You can improve your SEO and increase traffic by including a link to your website in your author bio when you guest post.

Locating reputable websites in your area is crucial to maximizing your guest posting endeavors. These websites may likely post your article and provide a backlink to you.

So, how do you discover these excellent websites? Finding websites with a high Domain Authority (DA) may be done quite effectively using a tool like Ahrefs or Google Sheets. A metric called domain authority (DA) gauges a website’s capacity to rank in search engines and

#3. Adapt Your Material

Repurposing your content is one of the best techniques to obtain free backlinks to your website. This essentially entails repurposing previously produced content. For instance, a blog post could be converted into a podcast, infographic, or video.

This is not only a fantastic approach to increasing the visibility of your material, but it also improves the SEO of your website. The more links your website has pointing back to it, the higher it will rank in search engine results. Why not attempt it, then?

How to Increase the Number of Domains That Point to Your Website

Now, let us delve deeper into the several methods available to obtain additional referring domains for your website.

#1. High-Quality Material

Provide fantastic material for your website in various formats, such as client guides, business news, autobiographical pieces, or stories about your cat falling off the windowsill. Make it easy to read and engaging for your readers while still being well-written and knowledgeable.

Update your material frequently because referring sites like to link to newer information. Remember to discuss fresh ideas and trends with your target audience and stay current.

If a link is broken or spammy, it is worthless and could potentially impede your progress. Thus, monitor your backlink profile to ensure it is up to date. Contact the referring domains to request that they replace broken links on your website with links to other material.

#3. Contributions From Guests

Take the time to create excellent material for the websites important to you because guest posts can benefit both parties. Getting additional referring domains is an excellent approach to performing guest articles and receiving backlinks in return. 

#4. Include Media and Pictures

Recall that content isn’t limited to text. Engaging content such as podcasts, movies, photos, and infographics can draw people to your website. Referring domains tend to share interesting, engaging information rather than a drywall of text.

#5. Recognize the Winning Material

Examine the content on your website that is receiving the most attention and shares. Produce additional content on themes that people like and link to. Look for comments and suggestions, and collaborate with your team to develop fresh ideas for content that will wow your audience. 

What is a Referring Domain?

In terms of websites and SEO, a referring domain is a unique website from which a backlink originates. It denotes a website that contains a backlink to another website.

There will always be fewer referring domains than backlinks. Unlike backlinks, linking to the same website often counts as one referring domain. 

One of your primary goals should always be to gain high-quality links from authoritative websites. Adding high-quality referring domains to your site’s backlink profile should be the foundation of any link-building strategy. You risk losing potential traffic, purchases, and engagement without high-quality referring domains. I’ve mentioned several strategies to help you gain more referring domains linked to your target web pages.

#1. Create Good Content

Creating good content is one of the simplest ways to increase the number of domains referred to your website. Earning the trust of your audience and other website owners is essential.

More case studies, long-form articles, and other content that go above and beyond to address your target audience’s concerns should be released. 

#2. Analyze Your Referring Domain Report

You can use SEO tools such as Ahrefs to view the report, which shows all the referring domains that link to your website. Properly examining the report helps identify more prospects for link-building.

Perform research to produce data-driven, modern link-building strategies that will surely support the expansion of your brand. To increase the number of optimal and best-referring domains for your website, adhere to search engine guidelines and best practices.

#4. Recognize Your Rivals

By identifying partners with whom they collaborate, analyzing the competition’s link profile and list of referring domains will offer advice on improving your condition and expanding your network of referring domains. You’ll receive suggestions on how to raise your search engine ranking and acquire additional links.

#5. Identify the Best-Performing Pages

When optimizing your marketing strategy, you should identify the pages with the best-performing content (those with the most backlinks and referring domains). Because you already know how popular and reliable certain pages are, you can build on their success by focusing your SEO strategy on improving them.

#6. Share Your Content

Share your post to reach a larger audience. Aim for various referring domains to add variety to your link profile. Distribute articles and infographics to website owners. Guest posting is another strategy to help spread your material.

This involves searching for partners with whom you can work to obtain additional links from their referring pages by scanning through your current backlink sources for the most authoritative domains. Finding reputable, well-known websites in your field or business that aren’t currently linking to you is essential for gaining fresh backlinks and must be a part of your link-building strategy.

Let’s take a look at how to get more referring domains vs. backlinks here:

#1. Make Material that Can be Linked to

You can ensure your company produces material that links back to your website. After creating this page, you can link to domains from which your rivals have obtained backlinks and referrals.

The foundation of any link-building campaign is high-quality content, including thought-leadership articles, data stories, and infographics. One of the best ways to increase your link profile is to share this information with the media from which you hope to receive links.  

#2. Faulty Connection Construction

Broken link-building is another approach you may use in your link-building strategy to boost the number of referring domains linking to your website. This strategy includes finding broken links on rival websites and providing your pertinent content to referring domains to replace deleted or moved information. 

#3. Rival Focusing 

Suppose you want to increase the number of referring domains to your website while ensuring you receive links from relevant publications and domains. In that case, I advise you to focus on websites with links to your competitors. 

Check to see if you can add anything to your competitors’ material or if you have any content that could replace theirs. If this isn’t the case, it’s worthwhile to contact the domain on your own and find out what kind of material your brand is willing to accept. 

As previously said, obtaining more distinct websites (referring domains) to link to you provides the greatest SEO value. Having multiple backlinks from the same domain is not a waste of time.

#1. Generation of Referral Traffic

Assume you provide a weekly piece to a well-known publication in your speciality. Even though the extra backlinks and articles aren’t generating much “link juice,” they are nonetheless assisting you in increasing readership and brand awareness.

This strategy could obtain referral visits, but it requires more work because you must continuously create new material. Examples of comparable content marketing strategies on various platforms, including social media posts and YouTube videos.

#2. Optimization for Search Engines

However, an organic traffic creation approach is when you build an owned item and try to rank it on Google such that it generates traffic, leads, and sales even when you don’t update it frequently.

Obtaining links of a good caliber is one of the most crucial ranking elements in search engine optimization. 

What is a referring domain?

Referring domains are those from which one or more backlinks point to the target website or page. For instance, a website has one referring domain if it has a backlink from the New York Times.

The source of referral traffic is backlinks. Acquiring the proper backlinks helps organizations increase website traffic from reliable sources. Social groups commonly exchange links with one another.

 How many referring domains are good for SEO?

Generally speaking, if you have about 40 referring domains, you may convert about 5000 monthly visitors into leads for your organization. Having many referring domains from reliable sources can be crucial if your main objective is to raise brand awareness.

Building backlinks is essential to raising domain authority. To build a powerful backlink profile, you can do the following: Look for backlinks from reputable, authoritative websites rather than a vast array of low-quality connections.

 Are linking domains and referring domains the same?

Referring domains vs. backlinks are backlinks to your website coming from other websites. Simply put, referring domains are the websites that create backlinks, merely hyperlinks. Referring domains, or “linking domains,” are external websites that point viewers to your website.


A good SEO strategy requires knowing the difference between backlinks and referring domains. Building a network of high-quality backlinks and referring domains requires patience and time, as quality always wins over quantity. To improve your SEO and rankings, obtain high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

Thus, remember that getting high-quality backlinks from reputable websites is essential to raising your search engine ranks. Referring to domains, SEO, backlinks, and digital marketing


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