15 Marketing Video Examples to Inspire Your Next Campaign

marketing videos examples 
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Do you want to take your marketing campaigns to the next level? Well, look no further because I’ve got some exciting blog ideas for you! Nowadays, video content is king, and incorporating it into your marketing strategy can truly make your brand unique. If you need some inspiration, I’ve rounded up 15 content marketing videos examples that will draw more customers to your business.

So, are you ready to get the power of video marketing? Come on, let me show you some content videos examples that will take your next marketing campaign to new heights!

Key Points

  • Marketing videos examples highlight the importance of focusing your content to suit your audience’s preferences and needs.
  • Reviewing content marketing videos examples can help you refine your approach to video production and improve overall effectiveness.
  • Successful marketing videos examples often incorporate a strong visual appeal to enhance viewer engagement and retention.
  • Consistency in branding throughout your videos strengthens brand recognition and loyalty.
  • Even video campaigns that show current social issues or cultural trends can generate significant buzz and audience engagement.

15 Content Marketing Videos Examples to Inspire Your Next Campaign

Content marketing videos isn’t an easy job, but with focus, determination, and following some examples, I am sure you will achieve your goals. Yeah! Some campaigns can help you direct your marketing strategy and here I have 15 content marketing videos examples to inspire your campaign.

Educational Content:

#1. HubSpot Academy

HubSpot Academy is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to level up their knowledge in marketing, sales, and customer service. Their educational videos are not only informative but also super engaging and easy to follow.

When you go to HubSpot’s video content, you can get valuable insights on the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in the industry. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, there’s something for everyone.

What I love most about HubSpot Academy is that they break down complex topics for better understanding, making it easier for viewers to understand the concepts. Plus, the presenters are experts in their field, so you know you’re getting top-notch information.

So, if you want to upskill yourself, I highly recommend checking out HubSpot Academy’s videos. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

#2. Neil Patel’s YouTube Channel

If you’re looking to up your digital marketing, you’ve got to check out Neil Patel’s YouTube channel. Let me tell you, this guy knows his stuff. His videos are like having a personal tutor right at your fingertips, guiding you through all the ins and outs of digital marketing strategies.

Whether you’re a newbie in online marketing or a pro, Neil’s tutorials have everything you need. From SEO tips to content marketing strategies, he breaks it all down in a way that’s easy to understand and implement.

I have subscribed to his YouTube channel and I urge you to do the same. You know learning content marketing from professionals like Neil Patel can help you improve your ways of creating videos.

#3. Moz

Imagine you want to start SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It can get pretty overwhelming with all the technical jargon and ever-changing algorithms. That’s where Moz’s Whiteboard Friday series swoops in like a superhero to save the day!

Let’s say every Friday, you grab your favorite snack, cozy up with your laptop, and tune in to Moz breaking down those mind-boggling SEO concepts into bite-sized, easy-to-digest pieces. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend explain everything to you. Amazing, isn’t it?

From deciphering the mysteries of backlinking to unraveling the secrets of keyword research, Moz’s Whiteboard Friday is your go-to guide in the SEO jungle. With their engaging visuals and straightforward explanations, you’ll soon find yourself nodding along, feeling like an SEO pro in no time. Honestly, it’s what it is, huh?

So, if you’re ready to demystify the world of SEO and boost your digital marketing, Moz’s Whiteboard Friday is your ultimate ally. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to SEO enlightenment – one whiteboard session at a time.

#4. Google Webmasters

Google Webmasters is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their website’s visibility on search engines. The videos cover valuable guidelines and tips on how to make sure users find your site when searching on Google.

Just see Google Webmasters as your coach for optimizing your website’s performance in search results. By following their advice and implementing their recommendations, you can increase your chances of ranking higher and attracting more organic traffic to your site.

So, whether you’re an expert or a beginner, taking advantage of the insights shared in Google Webmasters videos can help you boost your search engine visibility and ultimately grow your online presence.

Creative Campaigns:

#5. Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club’s viral video hit the mark when it came to showcasing its unique selling proposition. Instead of going for a traditional, boring ad, they inject humor and creativity into it. The video featured the company’s founder, Michael Dubin, confidently talking about the high cost of razor blades in stores and how Dollar Shave Club offers a more affordable and convenient solution.

By using humor and a touch of irreverence, the video stood out from the usual grooming product commercials. It made the brand memorable and relatable to consumers who were tired of overpaying for razors. The straightforward and no-nonsense approach in the video communicated the brand message effectively. In essence, Dollar Shave Club offers quality razors at a fraction of the cost, delivered right to your door. 

#6. Old Spice

Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign was a total game-changer in the world of advertisement. The first time I saw the ads, I was glued to it. A handsome man, standing in a shower, going on about how he could smell like anything, even diamonds! It was quirky, engaging, and just downright hilarious.

The strategy behind this campaign was brilliant. Instead of just focusing on selling a product, Old Spice decided to create an entire persona. I mean this over-the-top, confident, and charming guy who supposedly smells amazing all the time. It was so out-of-the-box that people couldn’t help but talk about it.

And the best part? It wasn’t just a TV commercial. Old Spice took it a step further by incorporating social media, responding to fans in real-time with personalized videos. Thus, this level of interaction was unheard of at the time and added a whole new dimension to the campaign.

#7. Airbnb

Airbnb’s “Live There” campaign is another perfect content for travel marketing. Instead of the usual glossy, picture-perfect ads, they shake things up by featuring real travel experiences from actual users. It was like flipping through a friend’s travel diary and getting inspired to explore new places.

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and stumbling upon breathtaking photos and heartwarming stories of people immersing themselves in different cultures, trying new foods, and making unforgettable memories. That’s what Airbnb did – they brought authenticity and relatability to their marketing strategy.

By using user-generated content, Airbnb explored the power of storytelling. It wasn’t just about selling accommodations; it was about selling experiences and emotions. I must confess it made me feel like being part of those adventures too, living like a local and creating my unique travel story.

So, the next time you plan a trip, remember Airbnb’s “Live There” campaign. You know sometimes, it’s not just about where you stay, but how you live there.

#8. Blendtec

Blendtec’s “Will It Blend?” series is probably one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns out there. They took the mundane task of blending things and turned it into a fun and entertaining show. I mean, who would have thought that watching a blender pulverize an iPhone or a bag of marbles could be so captivating, right?

By showcasing their product’s functionality in such a unique and engaging way, Blendtec did a marvelous job. Yeah! They demonstrated the power and durability of their blenders and created a buzz around their brand. For this reason, it was a genius move to connect with their audience on a more personal level and make them see their product in a whole new light. Now, tell me why customers won’t be triggered to patronage Blendtec’s products

Emotional Storytelling:

#9. Always

Always’ “Like a Girl” campaign was a lot when it comes to challenging stereotypes and empowering girls and women. I mean, seriously, who would have thought a simple phrase like “like a girl” could have such a huge impact? The campaign shed light on how this phrase was often used negatively to demean someone’s abilities or skills. But Always turned that negativity upside down and redefined what it means to do things “like a girl.”

They showed that doing something “like a girl” isn’t a bad thing at all – in fact, it’s pretty awesome! The campaign encouraged girls and women to embrace their strengths and capabilities, regardless of what society may say. It was all about boosting confidence and showing the world that being a girl is something to be proud of.

And you know what the best part was? It wasn’t just a flashy ad campaign – Always backed it up with initiatives to support girls’ self-esteem and empowerment. They put their money where their mouth is and made a real difference in the lives of girls and women everywhere.

So, kudos to Always for taking on such an important issue and making a positive impact. It’s campaigns like these that remind us all of the power of breaking stereotypes and lifting each other. You too can also copy their content marketing videos examples.

#10. Nike

Nike’s “Dream Crazy” campaign, starring Colin Kaepernick, really caused quite a stir, didn’t it? I mean, when you think about it, it’s not every day that a big brand like Nike decides to take a bold stance on a controversial social issue.

By featuring Kaepernick, a former NFL player known for his silent protest against racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem, Nike made a strong statement about standing up for what you believe in, even if it means facing backlash. The campaign encouraged people to dream big and pursue their passions, despite any obstacles they may face.

The ad touched on many important conversations about race, activism, and the role of athletes in social movements. Some applauded Nike for aligning itself with a cause, while others criticized the brand for being too political. But one thing is for sure, the “Dream Crazy” campaign got people talking and thinking about the power of using a platform for social change. And that, my friend, is what makes it so impactful.


Have you heard about UNICEF’s “Unfairy Tales” series? It’s pretty cool how UNICEF used this series to share real stories of refugee children. Instead of just statistics and facts, they create these powerful stories that hit home for a lot of people.

The idea behind it was to create empathy and awareness about the challenges that refugee children face. By putting a human face to these stories, UNICEF was able to connect with audiences on a more emotional level. It’s one thing to hear about the struggles of refugees in the news, but it’s another thing altogether to see and feel their experiences through these stories.

I think it was a creative and effective way for UNICEF to bring attention to such an important issue. It drives home the point that these children are just like any other kids, with hopes and dreams, but they’re also facing incredibly tough situations. Therefore, it’s a reminder that we should all do our part to help those in need.

Innovative Technology:

#12. Apple

Apple is renowned for its mind-blowing product launch events that never fail to captivate audiences worldwide. When Apple unveils its latest technology, it’s like watching a magician reveal a new trick. I know you’re left in awe and wonder at what they have managed to come up with this time.

One of the best things about Apple’s product launch events is how they expertly display the features and benefits of their new products. They don’t just present a list of specs and details; instead, they tell a story. It’s like they are inviting you to be a part of the journey, showing you how their newest creation can seamlessly fit into your life and make it better in so many ways.

From the designs, Apple knows how to highlight what makes their products unique from others. They make you not only want their latest gadget but also believe that you need it. It’s a blend of innovation, style, and functionality that Apple has mastered over the years.

So, when you watch an Apple product launch event, you’re not just being sold a device – you’re being taken on a journey of possibilities. And that’s what makes Apple’s events a masterclass in showcasing the best of their technology. I urge you to copy this creativity to your brand and watch out for positive results.

#13. GoPro

User-generated content is like a secret weapon in GoPro’s marketing strategy. They rely on regular people, just like you and me, to show off what their cameras can do. It’s all about real-life moments captured by real users, not some fancy commercial with actors pretending to be extreme athletes.

For instance, when you see someone using a GoPro to film themselves surfing a massive wave or jumping out of a plane, it feels authentic, right? It’s like you can almost put yourself in their shoes and experience the thrill along with them. That’s the power of user-generated content.

By letting their customers take the spotlight, GoPro can showcase the true capabilities of their products in a way that resonates with people. It’s not just about selling a camera; it’s about selling a lifestyle, a sense of adventure, and the idea that anyone can be a hero in their own story with a little help from a tiny camera.

So, the next time you see a GoPro video on social media, remember that it’s not just a cool clip – it’s a smart move in GoPro’s marketing playbook. That’s letting their users do the talking and showing the world what these cameras are capable of. 

Lifestyle and Fashion:

#14. Sephora

Sephora nails it with their makeup tutorials and beauty hacks, don’t they? Have you seen those videos? They’re so engaging and shareable, especially for us beauty enthusiasts. It’s like they always know exactly what we want to learn and see when it comes to makeup and beauty tricks. 

And the best part is, they make it all look so easy and fun to try ourselves. That’s why Sephora’s videos are just on another level when it comes to keeping us hooked and coming back for more. 

If you ask me, I love how Sephora makes everything look so easy and fun. They break down complex makeup looks into simple steps that anyone can follow. That’s not all!  Their beauty hacks are just genius. Truly, I always end up learning something new whenever I watch their videos, whether it’s a new eyeshadow technique or a skincare tip.

#15. IKEA

IKEA is one of those companies that knows how to grab your attention with their content marketing. Have you ever stumbled upon their “furniture hack” videos or room makeovers? They’re pretty cool, right? 

I love how IKEA shows their products in real-life settings, making it super relatable for their audience. When I come across their ads, I feel like they’re saying, “Hey, look at how our furniture can transform your space!”  Lovely, isn’t it?

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good before-and-after room makeover? Of course, we love good things and I must say that IKEA nails it when it comes to connecting with their customers through engaging and creative content.

Now that you’re inspired by these brilliant marketing videos, let me break down the essential steps to create your own impactful video campaign. Download the following checklist to ensure your next video hits all the right notes.

Essential Steps for Creating a Successful Marketing Video

How Do You Write A Marketing Video? 

To write a marketing video, first, grab your viewers’ attention right from the start. Then, know your audience and what they care about. Keep it short and sweet, nobody wants to watch a long boring video, right? 

Make sure to highlight the benefits of your product or service early on. Remember, visuals are key, so use eye-catching graphics or animations to keep viewers interested. 

And don’t forget a strong call to action at the end to prompt viewers to take the next step. Just be yourself, be creative, and have fun with it.

How Do You Structure A Marketing Video? 

Some people are getting it wrong when creating a marketing video. That’s very bad! All you need is to get your viewer’s attention. You must do this in the first few seconds with a compelling hook or a problem that your product/service can solve. 

Then, communicate your message and benefits, keeping it concise and engaging. Include a strong call to action (CTA) at the end to prompt viewers to take the next step. You might feel your communication is enough but I advise you to always leave a CTA to trigger your audience to do what you want.

Remember to keep it visually appealing. I mean use high-quality graphics and images, and ensure that your branding is consistent throughout the video. And when you do all this, I am sure it’ll boost your sales.

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