14 Link Building Strategies From Link Building Experts You Should Practice in 2024

Link Building Strategies
Photo Credit: Search Engine Journal

Staying ahead of your competitors in the SEO industry in 2024 means gaining a deep understanding of the latest trends and cutting-edge strategies for link building. So, in this article, I will introduce you to a group of highly regarded professionals in the field of link building. These experts have been a source of inspiration for me, and their strategies have significantly impacted my success. Let’s get started without further ado.

Key Points

  • Link building is the process of getting other websites to link to yours. It is an SEO tactic.
  • Search engines like Google may consider it more authoritative, resulting in a higher ranking in unpaid search results.
  • A bigger number of high-quality backlinks pointing to your site can give the impression that it is more trustworthy.
  • Top-notch backlinks are one of the main ingredients that search engines such as Google use to rank websites.
  • Being current with expert insights ensures that your link-building processes remain effective and aligned with SEO trends, making your website enjoy long-term success in the digital world. 

Download and take a look at this Checklist to guide you through effective link-building for your website.

So you have been hearing about link builders, and you’re wondering what they do. These individuals focus on acquiring top-notch backlinks to enhance a website’s search engine ranking, visibility as well and website authority. Some of their main responsibilities include: 

  • Reaching and Identifying Opportunities: Discovering prospective websites and platforms that are valuable and authoritative for backlink opportunities. 
  • Outreach and Relationship Building: Reach out to bloggers, influencers, and website owners to ask for backlinks or suggest contact collaborations. 
  • Monitoring your Competition: Analyzing competitors’ backlink accounts to discover potential link sources and tactics that can be identified or improved upon. 
  • Content Creation: Creating exceptional sharable content that easily draws backlinks. This can range from infographics to videos, or several engaging formats. 
  1. Utilizing SEO Tools: Making use of SEO tools such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz to discover link opportunities, analyze link profiles, and also monitor backlinks. 

Yes, of course, link building is a skill, and it requires a combination of several abilities, including: 

#1. Research Skills

The ability to conduct in-depth research and analysis is necessary to find connection possibilities of high quality and value.

#2. Communication Skills 

Adequate outreach and relationship development with website owners, influencers, and bloggers required solid and verbal communication. 

#3. SEO Knowledge 

Identifying the way search engines examine backlinks, as well as how they affect rankings, is very important for strategic link building. 

#4. Analytical Skills

Studying competitors’ backlinks, tracking the success of the link-building campaigns, and gauging the quality of link-building campaigns require a strong analytical mindset. 

#5. Adaptability 

Staying current with SEO trends as well as algorithm changes and adapting tactics accordingly is very important for ongoing success in link building. 

Yes, link building is a very important aspect of SEO, and I will show you why. 

#1. Search Engine Ranking

Top-notch backlinks are one of the main ingredients that search engines such as Google use to rank websites. Websites with solid backlink accounts are usually seen as more trustworthy and authoritative, leading to increased ranking in search results. 

#2. Referral Traffic 

Backlinks from respectable sites can drive a lot of referral traffic to your website. This can lead to improved visibility, potential conversions, and also brand recognition. 

#3. Brand Building 

Every time your brand is mentioned and also linked to by a respectable website can make your brand more trustworthy. 

#4. Domain Authority 

Acquiring backlinks from authoritative websites increases your own website domain authority, which can positively impact its general SEO performance. 

#6. Indexing 

Backlinks enable search engine bots to identify and index your web pages more efficiently. This makes sure that your content gets crawled and emerges in search engine results. 

#7. Competitive Edge

Strong link-building efforts can make your content stand out from your competitors when dealing with a competitive market, giving you an advantage in search engine performance. 

Here are 8 link building experts you can follow in 2024: 

#1. Brian Dean

This professional link builder is the founder of Backlinko, and he is very famous for being an expert in SEO and link building. Brian’s blog and resources offer actionable tactics and insights into link building. 

#2. Rand Fishkin

Rand is the co-founder of Moz and Spark Toro and is also a professional in SEO. His knowledge and experience make him a notable person in the link-building community. 

#3. Neil Patel

Neil provides detailed resources on SEO link building, and he is also the co-founder of Neil Patel Digital. He uses his blog, YouTube, and podcast to provide everything you need to know about link building. 

#4. Ann Smarty

This is another prominent individual in the SEO arena, and she’s well known for her professionalism in link building and content marketing. She always shares her knowledge on several platforms. 

#5. Aleyda Solis

She’s an international SEO expert who always speaks and writes about SEO topics. Aleyda is also very good at link-building. She provides valuable insights and information using her website and social media. 

#6. Eric Ward

This professional is known as the ‘link Moses’; Ward was a pioneer in the link-building industry. His legacy and Methodologies still play a vital role in modern link-building practices. 

#7. Jon Cooper

This is another individual who is well-respected and also popular for developing detailed link-building strategies. Cooper provides comprehensive guides and insights using his platform, known as point-blank SEO. 

#8. Julie Joyce

This link-building expert focuses on creating high-quality links and frequently shares her insight on SEO and link-building using articles, webinars, and speaking engagements. 

The following infographic portrays more on Link Building Best Practices

These SEO link-building experts are very famous for their innovative and effective link-building strategies. Following their work can give you the information and techniques you need to enhance your SEO performance in 2024. 

#1. Garret French

Garret is the founder of Citation Labs, and he is a very respected individual in the industry. He is known for creating innovative tops and strategies that make the link-building process easy, as well as finding link-building opportunities easy. 

Garrett also makes it easy to implement effective outreach campaigns. His platform provides various resources designed to aid SEO experts and marketers identify high-quality link prospects. 

This professional’s understanding of link building and his practical strategy has made him a go-to source in the SEO field. 

#2. Eric Enge

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), particularly complex link-building tactics, Eric, general manager of Perficient Digital, is an invaluable resource.

Eric Enge has written several articles and books on SEO, and he’s always speaking at SEO and link-building conferences. His techniques emphasize the importance of developing high-quality content as well as using data-driven knowledge to create strong links. 

His detailed approach to SEO and link building enables businesses to boost their online visibility and search engine rankings. 

#3. Matthew Woodward

This is another notable SEO expert who is known for sharing comprehensive tutorials and case studies on effective link-building techniques through his famous blog as well as via online courses. 

Matthew’s content is created to be actionable and simple to follow, offering SEO experts and marketers the resources they require to execute successful link-building campaigns. 

He concentrates on being transparent, and his real-world results have earned him loyal followers in the SEO field. 

#4. Cyrus Shepard

Cyrus is the founder of Zyppy and a previous Moz partner. He is very well known for his deep understanding of link-building and SEO strategies. 

His knowledge of the inner workings of link building is highly commended, and he usually shares his knowledge via blogs, industry conferences, and webinars. 

He concentrates on the importance of quality over quantity in link-building, advocating for ethical tactics that produce long-term results. 

#5. Lisa Myers

Lisa Myers is the CEO of Verve Search, and she is known for her creative link-building campaigns and valuable contributions to the SEO community. 

Under her leadership, this platform has developed innovative and effective link-building techniques that have attracted and snatched attention and received accolades. Her expertise in combining content marketing with link building aids businesses in gaining higher online visibility and engagement. 

#6. Barry Schwartz

Barry is the CEO of RustyBrick and also the founder of Search Engine Roundtable. He is a respectable individual in the SEO field, and he provides industry knowledge frequently. He also offers news on link building as well SEO trends via his widely read articles. 

His ability to turn difficult SEO topics into understandable and actionable details makes him a valuable tool for SEO experts looking to stay current on the latest developments in link building. 

Practicing link building has to do with different strategic steps geared at getting high-quality backlinks to enhance your website’s authority and I will be sharing with you some of the steps that I have used that worked for me. 

Image Credit: vaniato @freepik

  • Identify your Goal: Be very clear about what you wish to achieve with link building, such as improved search engine rankings, higher referral traffic, or enhanced domain authority. 
  • Conduct a Backlink Audit: Utilize tools such as Ahrefs, Moz, and SEMrush to check on your current backlinks profile. Pinpoint valuable backlinks and disavow toxic ones. 
  • Create High-Quality Content: Make shareable movies, pictures, blog entries, and infographics. Create interesting, entertaining content to get backlinks.
  • Guest Blogging: Create guest posts for authoritative blogs within your niche. Make sure that your content is of high quality and contains a link back to your website. 
  • Outreach and Relationship Building: Contact the website owners, influencers, and bloggers. Customize your outreach emails, emphasizing the mutual advantages of linking to your content. 
  • Broken Link Building: Use Check My Links or Screaming Frog to find broken links on other sites. Ask the website owner to replace it with your material.
  • Competitor Analysis: Use SEMrush or Ahrefs to analyze your competitors’ backlinks. Identify where their backlinks come from and secure similar links.
  • Use Social Media Platforms: Share your content on social media channels and also take part in relevant forums and communities. This can create traffic and also attract backlinks. 
  • Develop Linkable Assets: Create detailed guides, techniques, ebooks, or tools that provide relevant value and encourage other sites to link to them. 
  • Use PR and Newsjacking: Utilize public relations techniques to get featured in news publications. Newjacking has to do with creating content related to the current news, thereby increasing the chances of earning backlinks. 
  • Engage in Influencer Collaborations: Work with industry influencers to create and market content. Influencers can increase your reach and backlinks.
  • Monitor your Backlinks: Always monitor your backlink account to ensure you maintain a healthy link account. Use materials to monitor new and lost backlinks. 


Executing effective link-building strategies is important for improving your website’s SEO ranking and gaining sustainable online growth. 

By concentrating on high-quality, valuable backlinks and employing different strategies, you can boost your website’s visibility, traffic, and authority. 

Being current with these expert insights ensures that your link-building processes remain effective and aligned with SEO trends, making your website enjoy long-term success in the digital world. 


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