How to Get More YouTube Subscribers Free: No Ads, No Spending a Dime

How to Get More YouTube Subscribers

Since I uploaded my first YouTube video in 2015—an awkward, shaky introduction shot in the dark bedroom—I’ve been trying to figure out how to get more YouTube subscribers nonstop. What began as a hobby quickly turned into a strong desire to connect with people all over the world. As a creator who has seen content go viral and content that didn’t even get a mention, I know that getting more subscribers isn’t just a matter of luck. It takes planning, determination, and some insider knowledge. I’m going to talk about some less well-known ways to get a lot more YouTube subscribers today. This is advice that can help anyone, from people who want to start vlogging to people who are already doing it for a living.

Key Takeaways

  1. Improving your channel’s branding with consistent colors, fonts, and images helps increase recognition and attract more subscribers.
  2. Investing in high-quality equipment and effective editing ensures engaging and professional-looking content that keeps viewers interested.
  3. Optimizing video titles and descriptions with relevant keywords and compelling language helps increase visibility in search results and attracts more viewers.
  4. Engaging with viewers by responding to comments, creating interactive content, and holding live events fosters a sense of community and encourages more subscriptions.
  5. Promoting your channel across various platforms, collaborating with other YouTubers, and utilizing data from YouTube Analytics can significantly boost your subscriber count.

How to Get More YouTube Subscribers For Free

#1. Make your channel’s logo look better

Branding on YouTube includes your personal picture, thumbnails, channel art, and even the intro and outro of your videos. Using the same colors, fonts, and images over and over again helps people remember your brand. Think about what you want your brand to say and make sure it fits with what you’re writing. For instance, if your channel is about health, people may respond well to pictures and colors that are soft and soothing.

#2. Make content that is interesting and of high-quality

What you make is what your channel is all about. To make sure quality,

  • Spend money on good tools: Get a good camera and microphone to begin with. Visuals and sound that are clear can make the viewing experience much better.
  • How to edit your movies well: Editing software can help you get rid of parts that aren’t needed, add music, and make sure the flow keeps people interested.
  • Offer value: Make sure that every video does something useful or fun for the watcher, like teaching a skill, being entertaining, or sharing unique insights.

#3. Make the titles and descriptions of your videos better

The names and descriptions of your videos help people find them in search results and decide if they want to watch them:

  • Smartly use keywords: In the first 60 characters of the title, use natural keywords that are related to the topic. Add them to the tags and description.
  • Be specific and interesting: Your title and description should make people want to click on the video, not just use keywords.
  • Use tools to find keywords: You can find out what words people are looking for in your niche with tools like TubeBuddy and vidIQ.

#4. Make use of calls to action

You can use creativity in your movies to get people to subscribe:

  • Request in writing: Just tell people who liked the video to subscribe.
  • Offer something of value to viewers, like special content, benefits for the group, regular updates, and so on.
  • Use pictures to remind your viewers: Using pop-ups or icons during the movie to remind people to subscribe can work well without getting in the way.

#5. Talk to your viewers

Creating a group requires talking to each other:

  • Answer the comments: Make it a habit to answer comments from users. This makes viewers feel important, which makes them more likely to join.
  • Make interactive material: In your videos, you can make polls, ask questions, or get comments. People who watch your show will feel like they are a part of its journey.
  • Hold live events: It’s possible to talk to your viewers in real time when you live stream.

#6. Stay Consistent

Regular uploading keeps your channel alive and your viewers interested:

  • Plan your day: Make a plan for how often you can post new information and stick to it.
  • Make plans: Make a list of ideas for your videos ahead of time on a content calendar. This keeps quality high and stops people from rushing at the last minute.
  • Tell people about your schedule: Tell people when new material will be coming out.

#7. Advertise on different platforms

To get people to visit your YouTube channel, use other sites:

  • Post this on social media: Tell people you know about your videos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any other sites you use. Make your message fit each medium.
  • Add movies to your blog: If you have a website, adding your videos can help people stay on it longer and show them your YouTube videos.
  • Send out email newsletters: If you have an email list, send your movies to those people.

#8. Work together with other YouTubers

Collaborations can help you reach new people:

  • Find content creators who can work together: Come up with ways to work together with YouTubers who are in the same or a similar area. You can work together on easy things like guest appearances or on more complicated things like making content for both channels together.

#9. Evaluate Your Results

It’s important to know what works and what doesn’t:

  • Keep an eye on key metrics: What material does the best can be learned from watch time, engagement rates, and subscriber growth.
  • Change based on analytics: Make changes to your content strategy based on the facts. If some types of videos get more subscribers, you might want to make more of those types of videos or videos about those topics.

To use these strategies, you need to be creative, consistent, and interested in your community.

Other Ways To Get More Subscribers To Your YouTube channel

Optimizing for SEO and making pictures that stand out are important, but if you want to get a lot of subscribers, you need to do more than one thing. Here are some sneaky strategies to think about:

#1. Use social media to get the word out about your YouTube channel

Let’s say you know how to do everything you need to know to start using YouTube, like picking a theme for your channel, making thumbnails that stand out, and using searchable names. It’s now time to start getting people to watch your videos.
Why wait for people to find your YouTube videos? Instead, why not send the content straight to your followers?
If you want to get more YouTube subscribers, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook are some of the best places to do it.
Besides that, they’re free.

Make a social media post every time you post a new video to get more YouTube views and subscribers. The following is an example of a Facebook post we made to get people to visit a YouTube video:

Facebook ad for YouTube channel

Include an interesting picture that goes with the video, a short summary of what it’s about (make it interesting), and a call to action (CTA) with a link to the video.
Also, use hashtags to get more people to see your post. View the Instagram posts of other YouTubers to learn which hashtags work well.

#2. Join Online Communities

You can get more YouTube subscribers by becoming a part of online clubs and groups. You can build your online profile as a YouTube content creator and make friends with other users by regularly participating in these communities.
There are a lot of online groups where YouTubers can talk to each other and cheer each other on.
As an example, Reddit has a subreddit just for YouTube that has more than one million users.

You can also look for discussions about the subject of your YouTube videos on Reddit, Quora, and other websites.
People in online groups will be able to get to know you if you post there often. They’ll stick with your YouTube channel if they want to see more of what you have to give.

Before you start promoting your videos, read through the rules for posting in these groups. A lot of internet communities don’t let people promote themselves very much.
People who are active in the community, on the other hand, often get more time off. Plus, make sure you mix up your posts with other useful content that isn’t related to your YouTube account.
Then, once in a while, you can add a post about yourself to get more subscribers.

#3. Write something about other YouTube videos

Your YouTube channel will get more subscribers if you comment on other videos.
But let’s be honest. This doesn’t mean you should leave comments on a lot of YouTube videos saying “Watch my video!” or “Subscribe to my channel!”
That will only make people not want to read your comment.
Say something funny or interesting about the video you just watched to start a chat instead. People who are interested in what you have to say will often click on your page. After that, they’ll see that your channel is also great.

#4. Do giveaway

Giving something away is a great way to get a lot of people to watch your YouTube channel.
Some people think that you need to have a big channel to have a fun giveaway with a great prize.
Some channels, even small ones, can quickly get more subscribers by giving away something easy. You could give away a $50 gift card and get a lot of people to send in their comments.
Make sure you set rules for the giveaway that will help you get more YouTube subscribers.
For example, tell people who want to join the contest that they need to be subscribed to your channel. You can even get people more involved by making them leave a comment to join the giveaway.
Use a giveaway tool like RafflePress to make it easy to set up, promote, and run a giveaway.

RafflePress homepage

The drag-and-drop giveaway builder in RafflePress makes it easy to make a home page for a giveaway quickly.
RafflePress also lets you do confirmed bonus actions that can help you reach your giveaway goals. Bonus acts, like subscribing to your email list, following you on Pinterest, and yes, subscribing to your YouTube channel, give users extra chances to win contests.
A great way to get a lot of attention for your YouTube page is to hold an online contest.

#5. Keep track of your YouTube analytics

Use the useful information that your YouTube Analytics gives you to help your channel grow.
YouTube Analytics can help you figure out how you got your first subscribers. You can see where people joined your channel in the Audience report. Possible sources are:

  • Your video on YouTube: Subscriptions from the button on your channel that says “Subscribe”
  • Interactive parts: Subscriptions from end screens or join watermarks in interactive videos
  • YouTube search: Subscriptions from people who found your movie in a search query
  • Different YouTube channels: Subscribers from other YouTube channels that show your channel
  • Outside of YouTube: Subscriptions from movies or buttons on websites other than YouTube

If you find that a lot of people find your channel through YouTube searches, keep making titles for your videos that people can search for to get more of those subscribers.

You can get more details about your click-through rate, video retention, the most popular material with viewers, and more with YouTube Analytics.
You can tell what’s working and what’s not on your channel by keeping an eye on your YouTube Analytics. After that, you can make changes that will help you get more views and subscribers on YouTube.

Using Templates To Plan Strategically

Using a well-organized template like the Content Planning Template or the SEO Optimization Template can help you create and improve content in a planned way. These templates help you plan when and what to post, as well as how to describe and tag your videos in a way that is good for SEO. This way, you can make sure that every post gets the most attention and gets you more subscribers.

Lamphills Media: Your Partner for Internet Fame on YouTube

We at Lamphills Media know the unique problems and chances that YouTubers face right now. We can help you grow your channel in several ways, such as:
Develop your content plan by figuring out who your target audience is and then writing content that speaks to them.

  • Video production and editing: Professional motion graphics and editing will make your video look better.
  • Enhance your YouTube channel: Make your channel search engine friendly to make it easier for people to find.
  • Taking care of communities: Strategic involvement can help you make your community thrive.


To get more YouTube subscribers, you need to be persistent, but you also need to know a lot about digital marketing and have a plan for how to make content and interact with your audience. All of these tips, along with the right help from professionals like Lamphills, can help any YouTube account reach and affect many more people.

You can make your YouTube page a powerful way to share your voice and build a loyal audience if you follow the right steps and focus on quality. Are you ready to move on to the next level with your YouTube channel? Some of the hardest things you’re having to deal with when it comes to getting more subscribers. Leave your ideas in the box below!


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