Brand Ambassadors: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why They Matter to Your Brand

What is a Brand Ambassador 
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Brand ambassadors can assist businesses in developing a successful brand identity and communicating with customers constantly. Organizations may collaborate with them to humanize their branding and build more personal contact with customers than conventional techniques like slogans or product placement. Understanding what these people do and what makes them effective can help firms identify the ideal brand ambassadors to match their tone and advertising strategy. In this post, I’ll define a brand ambassador, discuss what they do, and go over the attributes they normally have to carry out their work successfully.

Key Takeaways 

  • Brand ambassadors are human faces for brands. They connect with customers on a personal level, building trust and positive brand perception.
  • Effective brand ambassadors are passionate about the brand. They genuinely believe in the product or service and can communicate that enthusiasm to others.
  • Social media savvy is crucial. Brand ambassadors need a strong online presence to reach a target audience and create brand awareness.
  • Brand ambassadors come in all shapes and sizes. Companies can find them among employees, loyal customers, or established online influencers.
  • The benefits of brand ambassadors are multi-fold. They increase brand awareness, boost sales, and act as customer advocates.

What Is a Brand Ambassador?

A brand ambassador is someone who represents and advertises for a company, promotes its products, and serves as the embodiment of the firm’s corporate identity through their words and deeds. Brand ambassadors are professionals at communicating about the brand both online and offline. However, it might even be your own staff within the organization. Brand ambassadors do not require specific qualifications. 

What do Brand Ambassadors Do?

Brand ambassadors generate social media postings and marketing materials for the firms they represent to help them promote their products and services. Companies often expect them to maintain a constant presence on many social media platforms, write or blog about the brand or product, and attend product launches or other events on behalf of the brand.

Brand ambassadors must be skilled communicators who can network professionally. Brand ambassadors can build and sustain favorable relationships between the brand and its customers. Their primary purpose is to improve brand exposure and sales by taking on initiatives like:

  • Positively promoting the brand in a variety of situations through actions and demeanor
  • Participating and assisting in content creation such as blogs, postings, reviews, and product marketing.
  • Using word-of-mouth marketing to naturally increase brand awareness.
  • Promoting the brand using social media channels
  • Participating in product and event marketing, including launches and demos.
  • Communicating with consumers about product feedback and listening to ideas
  • Being an opinion leader and specialist in a product.

What Can Brand Ambassadors Do for the Company?

Brand ambassadors provide several advantages. See infographics below:

What is a Brand Ambassador 

#1. They give a human element to the brand.

Customers and prospective employees are more inclined to identify with brands and businesses if they have a face. Using professional models to promote a brand does not necessarily make them more appealing to potential buyers. Ambassadors, on the other hand, can make brands human and tangible.

#2. They strengthen the marketing and recruitment teams.

A brand ambassador serves as both a sales representative and an additional member of the marketing and/or recruiting team. Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful types of advertising. This is where the majority of the corporate influencer’s power is concentrated. They can affect the public’s impression of the company by leaving good reviews. 

#3. They are excellent helpers for the company’s social presence. 

Most ambassadors have already established themselves as public figures and have strong web reputations. This suggests that they already have a following and a large social network. As a result, they are frequently referred to as influencers, because they may reach a big number of people with a single blog post, status update, or tweet.

Corporate websites can also profit. Because of their strong online reputation, brand ambassadors can easily attract traffic to the company’s website. This also applies to the use of the employer brand. Recruiters use their employee network to authentically reach the passive job market. 

#4. They are practical problem-solvers.

Every company deals with negative feedback. Extinguishing fires is considerably easier with the assistance of a brand ambassador. They can counteract negative reviews.

#5. They can grow the market.

Brand ambassadors can help open up new markets. For example, if a Brazilian clothing firm wishes to recruit clients in India, it can do so through an Indian blogger.

#6. They provide what people are looking for 

Brand ambassadors support a firm because they genuinely like it. They believe in a brand because they respect it. Companies often profit from honest advertising.

#7. They are a form of customer support. 

Many clients are hesitant to test a new brand that they are unfamiliar with. Customers typically ask a lot of questions before deciding to check it out. Because of this, many people are turning to bloggers and other influencers. The ambassador contributes to the resolution of pressing issues. Employees who work as brand ambassadors for a firm are more likely to stay with the company for a longer period since they have true insights into the company beforehand. 

How Do Brand Ambassadors Earn Money?

A brand ambassador’s hours and commitment can vary based on how many firms they work with and what type of content they provide. They may have odd schedules because they can post social media on vacations, attend weekend promotional events, and upload updates or blogs on their own time. These variations account for the various ways in which a brand ambassador can earn a salary. They can earn money in the following ways:

Hourly: When attending product launches or promotions, brand ambassadors are typically paid based on their time commitment. As a result, they earn an average of $17.16 per hour.

Commission: Companies may pay a commission to brand ambassadors in order to encourage the dissemination of promotional materials and information. They may earn a commission based on the number of leads and new customers they bring to the company, or based on website traffic, and they often earn a share of sales made through their online platforms.

Salary: Depending on job responsibilities, qualifications, time commitment, and contract conditions, brand ambassadors may be paid by the firms with which they partner and must sign contracts outlining the terms of their employment.

Brand Ambassador Education Level, Skills, and Experience

A high school diploma is often necessary for a brand ambassador position, but many job postings say that individuals with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree are preferred as well. Brands often recruit ambassadors who are currently gaining a degree. College students are an excellent choice for many brand ambassador programs since they are often young and energetic individuals who can engage with their campus community on behalf of the firm.

The applicant’s level of experience might be more important than their educational requirements. Numerous job postings need candidates to have prior experience as brand ambassadors or to be at least familiar with the marketing field.

Other typical requirements for these professions include a friendly, charismatic attitude, an aptitude for social media, and a flexible schedule. Brand ambassadors are also occasionally asked to provide content for the brand, mainly through online platforms to either evaluate a product/service or write a testimonial for the firm to be published on a blog, newsletter and so on.

Important Characteristics of a Brand Ambassador

Here are some crucial attributes that brand ambassadors must have to be successful in their business.

#1. Knowledge and appreciation of marketing

Brand ambassadors normally have a high school diploma or equivalent, for entry-level positions, but some organizations may require additional education. Most firms want brand ambassadors to have a strong understanding of various marketing methods and basic values. Successful brand ambassadors take a real approach to their clients and use their expertise to engage and reach the majority of consumers through online and social media platforms. This may require formal training in marketing,  advertising, or communications.

#2. Online Presence

For many, online platforms are crucial for promoting and sustaining product awareness. When using word-of-mouth marketing, brand ambassadors must be continually available to consumers and their followers. Their online presence can help them attract new customers and make consumers feel more connected to a company because they can communicate directly with a brand ambassador.

#3. Passion.

A brand ambassador must demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for a brand and its products. Branding is dependent on successful communication of enthusiasm, which might impact the purchase habits of their followers. After establishing expertise in the product, users may seek guidance from a brand ambassador.

#4. Professionalism.

As a brand ambassador, you represent a company’s principles. In your contact with persons, behavior, and attitude, you should always show genuine concern for the other person’s thoughts and feelings. This enhances the company’s image and ensures a favorable customer experience. Maintaining professionalism through successful networking and asking engaging questions can demonstrate real purpose and earn followers’ trust.

#5. Trustworthiness

Brand ambassadors help a company build strong, long-term ties with its customers. Customer loyalty accounts for a considerable proportion of sales. They must be passionate about the product and company, as well as cultivate significant professional relationships with followers and gain their trust. Maintaining strong ties with individuals keeps a broad client base, creates a lasting brand identity, and promotes sales. Ultimately, consumers and brands seek lasting relationships built on trust and consistency.

#6. Ability to receive feedback

Brand ambassadors require input from their followers as well as the brands with which they collaborate to develop more meaningful and successful marketing content. This skill can help them connect with their followers and comprehend what a brand intends to achieve from their partnership. Brand ambassadors who interact with their online community may receive negative feedback on some of their content. They must use these reactions to create posts that are relevant to their target audience without taking the criticism personally.

How Do Companies Find Brand Ambassadors?

The ideal brand ambassadors are already involved in the company’s activities. An effective brand ambassador strategy can be implemented in only a few steps:

Step 1: Define the brand ambassador

Who is the ideal influencer for a certain area or niche? Which attributes or features make them suitable to represent the brand? A good brand ambassador is relevant and has a significant reach among the target audience. A good brand ambassador is credible and, as an influencer, should have already left a positive impression. The ideal brand ambassador has useful connections and many loyal followers. 

Step 2: Look in the right places.

Almost anyone can become an influencer. Companies can find the appropriate ambassadors here:

Within your own firm: Who better understands the brand than your employees? This is how employees may become effective brand ambassadors. They are in an excellent position to represent the company. Their loyalty as employees serves as another motivation to encourage them to promote the brand to customers. When comparing executives to average employees, the latter group has been demonstrated to be more believable.

Customers: Loyal customers from the customer base are ideal candidates. The brand’s end users are the appropriate ones to discuss it. Regular customers are more likely to discuss the brand on platforms and become perfect ambassadors.

Most brand ambassadors can now be located online, which is typically where they already spend their free time. This is where they have made a presence. Bloggers have considerable power on the internet. With a single blog post, the most influential bloggers can reach a large number of people and shift perceptions. This makes them excellent corporate influencers. Social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn are all effective spaces to find brand ambassadors. 

Step 3: Offer a small taste of your own products. 

After identifying and locating a prospective influencer, businesses should deliver samples to the targeted ambassador or evaluate their principal service. This holds true whether they are already committed customers or the brand is absolutely new. Loyal customers will appreciate the “freebies” and will join the team with a clear conscience.

Step 4: Maintain a positive relationship with the brand ambassador.

A brand’s relationship with its ambassador is synergistic. You are doing something for the firm; thus, the business should reciprocate. While it is not precisely a salary, brand ambassadors can get monetary incentives. Taking care of brand ambassadors ensures their loyalty to the brand for a long time.

Our Brand Ambassador Self-Assessment Checklist will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you can tailor your approach and land your dream ambassadorship.

What is the role of a brand ambassador? 

A brand ambassador promotes a company’s brand in a positive light, increasing brand recognition and sales. Their primary purpose is to promote and raise a brand’s visibility among a certain audience.

Do you get paid to be a brand ambassador?

The quick answer is that brand ambassadors are compensated in various ways. Some ambassadors are only compensated with complimentary products, whilst others might earn hundreds of thousands of dollars each month.

What qualifies a brand ambassador?

A candidate for a position of brand ambassador should be energetic and extroverted, with a strong social media presence and a medium to big network. He or she is probably already familiar with and supports the brand being represented.

What is a brand ambassador vs influencer?

A brand ambassador is someone who has a long-standing relationship with the brand and uses the products it promotes. An influencer is someone who works with a brand for a short period and may not have used their products before collaborating with them on a post.


Brand ambassadors are valuable for companies looking to connect with customers and build a strong brand identity. By partnering with the right people, companies can leverage the power of social media and word-of-mouth marketing to achieve their marketing goals. So, what is your take on brand ambassador? I would love to hear from you in the comment section.


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