PERSONAL BRAND ATTRIBUTES: What They Are, How to Define Yours and Enhance Them

What Are Personal Brand Attributes
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Success is not a straight road, and those who have achieved it have taken many paths to get there. Have you ever wondered what makes certain people stand out in a crowd or why some individuals leave a lasting impression while others fade into the background? The secret often lies in their brand attributes and values. These unique qualities and principles define who they are and how others perceive them. But what exactly are personal brand attributes and values, and how can we identify and cultivate them? Let’s dive into this intriguing topic, “Personal Brand Attributes and Values,” and see how you can define yours and enhance them with a few examples. 

Key Points

  • Personal brand attributes are unique characteristics that make an individual stand out. They include communication style, content appearance, values, mission, and goals.
  • Key attributes of successful personal brands include confidence, generosity, purpose, creativity and resourcefulness, persistent learning, ambition, and curiosity.
  • Personal brand values reflect the core principles that guide an individual’s actions and decisions. Examples like Tori Dunlap and William Arruda highlight how clearly defined values and attributes can help build a strong and influential personal brand.

What Are Personal Brand Attributes

Credit: Freepik

Personal brand attributes are the characteristics that make you unique and help you stand out from others. They include your communication style, the look of the content you create, the values you believe in, and the mission and goals that drive you. It is your special qualities and unique traits that define who you are.

In a book I read about personal brands, there is this networking event surrounded by professionals from various fields. Among them is Sarah, a marketing consultant. Within minutes of introducing herself, she captivates the room with confidence, authenticity, and a clear sense of purpose. What makes Sarah so memorable? It’s her well-defined personal brand attributes and values at work.

Sarah’s story got me thinking: what attributes and values shape our brands? How do they influence our interactions, career paths, and personal growth? More importantly, how can we harness these elements to enhance our brand? Through this exploration, I’ll share some real-life examples and experiences to help us uncover the essence of personal branding.

I remember a time when I struggled with defining my brand. I had skills and experiences, but something was missing. It wasn’t until I took a step back and reflected on my core values and unique attributes that things began to fall into place. This journey of self-discovery transformed how others saw me and how I saw myself.

So, what about you? What are your brand attributes and values? How can you leverage them to create a powerful and authentic personal brand? Join me as we uncover the key elements that make us uniquely remarkable. Trust me, by the end of this article, you’ll be eager to define and embrace your brand with newfound clarity and confidence.

Personal Brand Values Examples

A personal brand is your story and how you present yourself to the world. It highlights your unique qualities and skills. By developing a personal brand identity, you can connect with your target audience to help you differentiate yourself from the competition.

For example, Tori Dunlap, a teachable creator and money expert, has built a solid personal brand. This demonstrates her value in helping millennials, especially women, with financial planning and career transitions.

William Arruda is a dynamic motivational speaker and the world’s leading authority on personal branding. His live and virtual keynotes, learning experiences, and innovative programs have inspired millions of professionals to nix conformity and uncover their unique personal brand to deliver excellent company value and have infinitely more fun at work.


What Is Brand Attributes With Example?

Have you ever wondered what makes certain personal brands so compelling and successful? From my research, I’ve noticed that the most impactful personal brands share these key attributes. Let’s dive into these attributes together and see how they might apply to us.

#1. Confidence

Isn’t it captivating when someone exudes confidence? It’s often the most appealing aspect of a brand. We feel inspired by people who carry themselves confidently and are comfortable in their skin. This confidence comes from living their authentic brand and being unapologetically themselves. And here’s the thing: confidence is contagious. When people with strong personal brands show up, they inspire confidence in everyone around them. Have you experienced this effect in your own life or workplace?

#2. Generosity

Does “personal branding” make you think it’s all about the individual? Effective personal branding is about being visible, available, and valuable to others. Those with strong personal brands generously share praise and make their team members feel valued. They’re always ready to offer advice and support. Have you seen how generosity can enhance a personal brand?


Have you ever noticed that authentic leaders have a strong sense of purpose driving their actions? People with strong personal brands know why they do what they do, and this purpose guides them. As Simon Sinek famously says, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Do you feel a clear purpose guides your actions?

Read: Brand Authority: How to Elevate Your Reputation and Stand Out

#4. Creativity and Resourcefulness

Do you think beyond your current role? Those with strong personal brands do. They’re committed to excelling in their positions while being involved in various projects and connecting with people at all levels. They use tools like LinkedIn and other innovative methods to make themselves visible and respected. Are you leveraging creativity and resourcefulness to build your brand?

#5. Persistent Learner

Are you always learning? Personal solid brands know that continuous learning is essential to stay ahead. They seize every opportunity to learn through daily activities and formal programs. Their curiosity spans all facets of their organization. How do you keep learning and growing in your role?

#6. Ambition

Do you balance delivering today’s tasks with planning for the future? People with strong personal brands are always thinking ahead, considering their next career move while contributing to their organization’s growth. They’re competent and eager for their next challenge. What ambitions drive your brand?

#7. Curiosity

Isn’t a curious mind fascinating? People with strong personal brands ask many questions and engage deeply with those they meet. This curiosity helps them build genuine relationships and fuels their desire to learn and tackle new challenges. Have you noticed how curiosity can strengthen your connections and personal growth?

Confidence, generosity, purpose, creativity, resourcefulness, persistent learning, ambition, and curiosity make personal brands shine. Which attributes resonate most with you, and how can you cultivate them in your brand? Let’s discuss and explore together!

What Are the 5 PS of Personal Branding?

Let’s break down the five Ps Personal, Pointed, Purposeful, Prioritized, and Profitable—to understand how they contribute to building a strong personal brand.

#1. Personal 

How does your brand reflect who you truly are? A personal brand should be authentic and unique to you. It’s about showcasing your individual qualities, values, and personality. When your brand is personal, it resonates more deeply with your audience because it reflects the real you. Can you think of ways to make your brand more personal and authentic?

#2. PointedIs 

Is your brand message clear and specific? A pointed brand focuses on delivering a concise and clear message. It means knowing exactly what you want to communicate and doing so effectively. This clarity helps your audience understand who you are and what you stand for without confusion. What specific message do you want your brand to convey?

#3. Purposeful

Does your brand have a clear purpose? A purposeful brand is driven by a strong sense of mission and vision. It’s about knowing why you do what you do and ensuring that all your actions align with this purpose. This sense of purpose guides your decisions and attracts people who share your values and beliefs. What’s the core purpose behind your personal brand?

#4. Prioritized

Are you focusing on the most important aspects of your brand? Prioritizing means understanding what aspects of your brand are most important and focusing your efforts there. It’s about setting priorities and ensuring you invest your time and energy in areas with the greatest impact. What are the top priorities for your personal brand?

#5. Profitable

How does your brand bring value, broadly defined? A profitable brand doesn’t just mean financial gain. It’s about bringing value in various forms, such as career advancement, personal satisfaction, networking opportunities, or influence. Ultimately, a profitable brand enriches your life and the lives of those you interact with. How does your brand bring value to you and others?

These five Ps can help you build a personal brand that is authentic, clear, driven by purpose, well-prioritized, and valuable in multiple ways. Which areas do you need to focus on to strengthen your personal brand? 

What Are the 5 CS of Personal Branding?

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Building a personal brand that stands out amidst the online noise can be challenging. The 5 C’s Clarity, Consistency, Content, Connection, and Confidence—provide a framework to help you create a strong and memorable personal brand. Let’s explore each one:

#1. Clarity 

Is your brand message clear and easy to understand? Clarity means having a well-defined brand that communicates who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. It’s about being specific about your strengths, values, and the value you offer. When your brand is clear, it’s easier for your audience to understand and remember you. What can you do to make your brand message more straightforward?

#2. Consistency

Are you consistently presenting your brand across all platforms and interactions? Consistency involves maintaining the same tone, style, and message in everything you do. Your social media profiles, website, communications, and personal interactions should all align with your brand identity. Consistency helps build trust and recognition over time. How can you ensure your brand is consistent across all touchpoints?

To be successful at anything, you don’t have to be different. You simply have to be what people aren’t: Consistent.

#3. Contents

Is the content you share valuable and aligned with your brand? Content is the material you create and share with your audience, such as blog posts, social media updates, videos, and more. High-quality, relevant content that reflects your brand’s values and expertise helps you establish authority and engage your audience. What type of content can you create to reinforce your brand?

#4. Connection

Are you building meaningful relationships with your audience? Connection is about engaging with your audience and building relationships. It means interacting with your followers, responding to comments, and showing genuine interest in others. Strong connections foster loyalty and can turn your audience into advocates for your brand. How can you strengthen your connections with your audience?

#5. Confidence

Do you project confidence in your brand? Confidence is essential for making a strong impression. It involves believing in yourself and your brand and conveying that belief through your actions and communications. Confident individuals are seen as more trustworthy and capable, making attracting and retaining an audience easier. How can you project more confidence in your brand?

These 5 C’s can help you enhance and strengthen your brand.

Types of Personal Brand Attributes

Personal brand attributes can be divided into several categories, such as business brand attributes. These include goals, personality traits, communication styles, and visual styles.

#1. Goal-Oriented Attributes 

Goal-oriented attributes focus on your mission and vision, what you aim to achieve, and the drive behind your actions. For example, Microsoft’s mission to enhance global productivity reflects its goal-oriented attributes. Personal brands can also embody these attributes through a strong work ethic, a “no excuses” mentality, and a pioneering attitude. Demonstrating expertise in your field and consistently working towards your goals shows others you are reliable and committed to your mission.

#2. Personality Traits 

Personality traits in personal branding make your brand relatable and human. These traits shape how people perceive and connect with you. For instance, being supportive and service-oriented can make your audience feel valued and helped. Inspiring traits encourage others to take action while being approachable, which makes you easy to engage with. Openness and transparency build trust, and resilience shows your determination to overcome challenges. Balancing self-promotion with modesty can also make your brand more likable and respectable.

#3. Communication Style 

Communication style attributes define how you express yourself and engage with your audience. The tone you use, your choice of words, and the topics you discuss all contribute to your brand’s identity. For example, a formal communication style with proper grammar and a serious tone suits professional platforms like LinkedIn, while a more informal and humorous style might be effective on social media like Twitter. Your communication style should align with your personality and goals, and experimenting with different approaches can help you find what resonates best with your audience.

Read: Unlocking Effective Communication By Mastering Different Listening Styles

#4. Visual Attributes 

Visual attributes are the visual elements of your brand, such as logos, color schemes, and overall design aesthetics. These attributes should match your communication style and reinforce your brand’s identity. A minimalist design with clean lines and simple colors might suit a brand that values clarity and simplicity, while a loud and colorful design can reflect a fun and energetic personality. Consistency in visual branding across different platforms helps create a cohesive and recognizable image. As your brand evolves, your visual style can also develop to reflect your attributes better.


Personal brand attributes can be grouped into goal-oriented traits, personality traits, communication styles, and visual attributes. Each category helps shape how you are perceived and distinguish your brand. Goal-oriented attributes focus on mission and consistency; personality traits make your brand relatable; communication style defines how you engage with your audience; and visual attributes ensure your brand looks cohesive and appealing. Understanding and developing these attributes is essential for creating a strong personal brand.

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