How to Get Free PR Packages in 2024 (See Top 8 Strategies)

How to Get Free PR Packages

If you have been looking for ways to get free PR packages in 2024, you are on the right page. Let’s get into the five sure ways to get PR packages from brands this year and more to come.

Fewer words excite everyone like “Free”. Your eyes light up, your heart races in enjoyment, and… You just can’t wait to get what you didn’t pay for.

It doesn’t matter though, not every good thing in life must come paid for. In light of this, you can get PR packages from brands for free. Free in terms of spending money, you’ll spend energy though(don’t be greedy with that).

What are PR Packages?

Public Relations (PR) packages are well-chosen collections of products sent by brands to influencers, bloggers, and media personalities for the sole purpose of marketing and increasing their visibility.

These packages often include a selection of the brand’s latest or most popular items, along with promotional materials, in the hope that you will share your experience with your audience. As a relatively influential figure that you are or hope to be, brands would give you these PR packages to boost their credibility and visibility through your endorsement.

I’ve gone on rambling about how and why brands need you to use their products. What about you? Why do you need free PR packages? Does the benefit all go to the brand?

Let’s look into that.

Why Do You Need Free PR Packages?

In the world we are today, there is a need to stay “needed” online. You might start your influencer journey early but to stay needed, you must always have “content”.

Yes, content is important in any form to keep people and followers interested in you.

Free PR packages can help you achieve this cause. If brands feel you are in the best place to promote their business either because you resonate with their philosophy or because you have the platform to boost visibility, they’ll seek you.

When you are found, you won’t just be helping their cause, your intention to stay relevant will be assisted. In that case, it would obviously be financially helpful and you also get “free” stuff. Receiving free PR packages allows you to showcase new products, create engaging content, and build relationships with brands. These are all important for growing your following and influence.

Now, let’s talk about what you are here for.

How To Get Free PR Packages?

Getting free PR packages is not as easy as it sounds. It might be free but it won’t come easily to you. To get free PR, you must prepare what is called….A STRATEGY.

Here are some sure strategies that would help you to get free PR packages in 2024.

#1. Building a Strong Online Presence

Before you start getting free PR packages, it’s important to have a robust online presence. This means you have to be active on various social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and many more. Building a strong online presence can also entail maintaining a blog.

Focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing content that engages your audience. Brands want to partner with influencers who can promote their products effectively, so having a loyal and engaged following is key.

Social Media is the recent Goldmine in our generation that you might be overlooking. To leverage the opportunity social media presents as an influencer, start by creating a content calendar to ensure you post regularly and keep your audience engaged.

Relevant hashtags also help to increase your visibility and reach a broader audience. This is step one. Immediately after this step is aptly taken, you will pop up on the minds of brands to give free products for review. They would also want to leverage your following for their cause.

#2. Creating a Media Kit

A media kit is like your resume for brands. It should include an introduction about yourself, your content, and why you love what you do. Add statistics about your online presence, such as your follower count, engagement rates, and audience demographics.

If you’ve collaborated with brands before, highlight these partnerships and any testimonials. Don’t forget to include your contact information so brands can easily reach out to you.

#3. Identifying Potential Brands

“He who fails to plan plans to fail. Part of the planning involves identifying the types of brands you would like to promote. If you are the Jack of all Trade of influencers, you would end up attracting every Dick and Harry brand which can result in an unstable following. Nobody would follow who doesn’t have direction.

Start by researching brands that align with your niche and your audience’s interests. Follow these brands on social media and engage with their content. This not only gets you on their radar but also shows that you genuinely like and use their products.

#4. Crafting a Professional Pitch

When you’re ready to reach out to a brand, send them a personalized pitch. Address them by name and mention why you love their products. Explain how you can provide value to them, like through product reviews, social media posts, or unboxing videos. Include your contact details and link to your media kit.

Being genuine and showing that you’ve done your homework about the brand will make your pitch stand out. A professional pitch immediately puts you at the top of the list of influencers to consider.

#5. Utilizing Influencer Platforms

There are platforms specifically designed to connect influencers with brands. Sign up on sites like Influencity, AspireIO, or Tribe. Fill out your profile thoroughly and apply for campaigns that match your niche.

These platforms streamline the process and increase your chances of getting noticed by brands looking for influencers.

#6. Networking

Networking is the next step you must follow. If you want to get free PR from brands, you must be able to sell yourself, meet people in the same niche you want to explore, and also present them with the advantages you bear as a person and an influencer altogether.

To network well, you should attend industry events, webinars, and online communities to build relationships with journalists and influencers.

Networking opens doors to media coverage and influencer collaborations. Be proactive in introducing yourself, sharing your business story, and following up with meaningful conversations.

This networking act is a personal help for you to meet brands more engagingly and energetically. While social media would make you pop up here and there on the minds of brands, networking is a more consistent effort to chart out opportunities for yourself.

#7. Consistent Content Creation

Regularly posting high-quality content keeps your audience engaged and helps grow your follower base. Brands are more likely to send PR packages to influencers who consistently produce engaging content and have a dedicated following.

The quantity of subpar content online these days is alarming. It is more reason why influencers keep getting overlooked by brands.

If you want to stay afloat in this demanding space of good influencers, you must consistently produce valuable content such as blog posts, videos, and infographics that can attract organic attention.

Share your expertise, provide insights, and offer solutions to your audience’s problems. These High-quality contents would position you as an industry thought leader and attract media attention.

#8. Following Up

If you don’t hear back from a brand after your initial pitch, don’t be discouraged. Follow up politely after a week or two. Persistence shows that you’re genuinely interested.

Whenever you receive a PR package, make sure to send a thank-you note and share the content you created with the brand. This not only shows your appreciation but also keeps the door open for future collaborations.

That is the 8 Solid ways you can PR Packages for free. won’t leave you high and dry though here’s a sample email pitch to help you get started:

Sample Email Pitch

Subject: Collaboration Opportunity with [Your Name]

Hi [Brand’s Name/Brand Manager],

My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Niche] content creator with [Your Follower Count] followers on [Platform]. I am a big fan of [Brand’s Name] and particularly love [mention specific products].

I believe my audience would greatly benefit from learning more about your amazing products, and I would love to collaborate with you to create engaging and authentic content. So, I have previously worked with brands such as [mention any brands if applicable], which resulted in [briefly mention positive outcomes].

You can find more about me and my work in my attached media kit. I am excited about the possibility of working together and am open to discussing how we can best collaborate.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of partnering with [Brand’s Name]!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Contact Information]
[Your Social Media Links]

When you follow these steps and stay professional and persistent in your approach, you can effectively increase your chances of receiving free PR packages from brands. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?

You might be confused about what business to target when you need free PR packages. Big businesses? Small ones?

The actual answer is all businesses.

Do Small Businesses Need PR?

Small businesses need PR to build brand awareness, attract customers, and compete with larger companies.

Effective PR can help small businesses establish their brand story, gain media coverage, and build a loyal customer base. It’s a cost-effective way to gain visibility without the need for expensive advertising campaigns.

Hence, you are needed by all businesses. The niches of small businesses need you more. If the big businesses are already saturated, small businesses also need you.

Here are some reasons why small businesses need influencers like you and would be open to giving you free PR Packages.

#1. Building Brand Awareness

PR helps small businesses tell their story and share their unique value proposition with the world.

Through media coverage and strategic messaging, you can help small businesses reach a wider audience and make a memorable impression.

#2. Attracting Customers

When potential customers see positive news stories or social media mentions about small businesses through you, they’re more likely to trust and engage with them.

PR can create a sense of credibility and reliability, which is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

#3. Competing with Larger Companies

PR levels the playing field for small businesses by providing a platform to compete with larger companies.

With the right PR strategy, even a small business can gain significant media coverage and consumer attention, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Can PR Be Free?

Yes, PR can be free, especially for startups and small businesses.

Free PR involves leveraging media coverage, social media, and influencer partnerships without paying for traditional advertising.

This can be achieved by:

#1. Creating Newsworthy Stories

Share your unique story, achievements, or community involvement to attract media attention. Journalists are always looking for interesting and relevant stories, so think about what makes your business special and newsworthy.

#2. Engaging with Influencers

Build genuine relationships with influencers who might feature your product out of interest. Start by engaging with their content, sharing their posts, and leaving thoughtful comments. Once you’ve established a rapport, reach out with a personalized pitch explaining why your product would be a great fit for their audience.

#3. Utilizing Social Media

Share engaging content and interact with your audience to build a strong online presence. Use social media platforms to share your story, showcase your products, and connect with your followers. Consistent and authentic engagement can help you attract organic attention and build a loyal community.

That is all I’ve got for you today. Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope you’ve gotten the answer you wanted today. Now, you can go on bagging all the free PR packages you want.


Understanding how to get free PR packages in 2024 can significantly benefit both influencers and brands. By building genuine relationships, creating engaging content, and leveraging social media, you can attract free PR packages and grow your influence.

Remember, small businesses and startups can also harness the power of free PR to build brand awareness and compete in the market. Start implementing these strategies today to take advantage of free PR opportunities.


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