Top 10 Easy PR Lists To Get On

PR Lists

The PR world is just like a tightly secured server. Only those who know the back door can penetrate. We would be looking at some easy backdoors to aid your penetration into the PR world. The hard truth is, it’s not as complicated as you think. Today, I’m going to unfold the secrets of getting on those coveted PR lists, snagging book PR packages, reaching out to brands for PR, and ultimately, getting brands to sponsor you. Buckle up; it’s less about needing a lucky charm and more about strategy!

What are PR Lists and How To Get On PR Lists?

PR is just short for public relations. It’s all about managing how people see a brand or person and making sure the right info gets out there.

It involves creating and keeping up a great image for the public. Think about it, Why did Coca-Cola lose so much after Cristiano Ronaldo removed their drink from the table and said the famous “drink water”.

It’s because that is not the kind of PR Coca-Cola wants. Call it Bad PR if you want.

Now let’s talk about a PR list.

What is a PR List?

PR lists a list companies use to distribute promotional items, from beauty products to gadgets, aiming to generate buzz.

You’re probably here to find out what a PR list can do for you and how to get on it.

I want to you imagine boosting your brand’s visibility without the strenuous efforts usually associated with PR campaigns. Sounds good, right. That’s exactly what getting on specific PR lists can do for you. Getting on these lists can be straightforward if you play your cards right.

Now, how do you get on a PR list?

3 Powerful Tips on How to Get on PR Lists

Getting onto PR lists and catching the eye of sponsors is all about showing your value and aligning with what the brand wants.

It’s like finding the perfect match!

Here are some tips that you can use to get on a PR list:

#1. Craft a compelling pitch

When aiming for spots on coveted PR lists, your pitch can make or break the deal.

Start with a strong, clear headline that grabs attention. Follow this with a concise introduction about who you are and why your story matters.

Ensure every word adds value and speaks directly to the outlet’s audience. Keep your language simple yet powerful, and always tailor your pitch to reflect the style and interests of the media outlet you’re targeting.

Bullet points can be useful to break down key facts and make your pitch easy to scan and hard to ignore.

A tip top off: end with a clear call-to-action, inviting the journalist or editor to connect with you for more details.

#2. Build relationships with journalists and editors

Securing a spot on a PR list isn’t just about sending out email pitches. It’s about building genuine, long-term relationships with journalists and editors.

Engage with them on social media or at industry events. Comment on their articles, share their work, and subtly introduce yourself without asking for immediate favors.

Once a relationship is warmed up, your pitches are more likely to be received positively.

Remember, the media world thrives on mutual benefit. Be ready to offer them unique insights and stories that their readers would find engaging.

Read Also: Building A Strong Relationship with Journalists: Mastering Media Relations

#3. Leverage your unique story or angle

What sets you apart from the crowd is Identifying and leveraging your unique angle is crucial in catching the eye of PR curators.

This could be an innovative product, a revolutionary business model, or an inspiring personal journey that resonates with a wider audience.

Consider what’s trending in news cycles and find a way to relevantly connect your story.

This approach not only increases your appeal to PR lists but also boosts your chances of gaining broader media attention.

How To Maximize PR List Exposure

Getting on a PR list is just the beginning. Maximizing the exposure you gain from these lists can further elevate your reputation and expand your reach.

Here are 4 tips to make the most of your PR list features.

#1. Build Your Presence

Once you’ve landed a spot on a PR list, one of the quickest ways to amplify this accomplishment is by sharing it on your social media platforms

Whether you’re a blogger, YouTuber, Instagram influencer, or any kind of content creator, your platform is your stage.

Grow your followers and engage genuinely. Brands love numbers, but they adore engagement even more.

Create engaging posts like using eye-catching images or creating short videos explaining your inclusion in the list and what it means for you and your audience.

You should also ask your followers to comment on or share the post. This interaction can help your post reach a broader audience.

#2. Tag Brands in Genuine Posts

Use products you genuinely love and tag the brands in your posts. It shows authenticity, and you’re more likely to get noticed.

You can use popular hashtags related to the PR list, your industry, and topics like #MediaExposure or #PublicRelations.

Incorporate your PR list feature into your professional materials can enhance your credibility

#3. Network at Events

Whether online or in person, events are golden opportunities to connect with brand reps. Make your presence felt, ask insightful questions, and exchange contact information.

Being included in a PR list places you alongside other notable figures or companies in your industry. Leverage this as a networking opportunity:

Reach out to fellow honorees, and send a congratulatory note to others on the list, expressing your pleasure at being listed alongside them. This can be a great conversation starter.

Follow them on their social media accounts, share their posts about the PR list, or comment congratulating them. It’s a polite way to get on their radar and start building a relationship.

If there are synergies, suggest ways you could work together, whether on a project, a webinar, or a joint press release, to further leverage your mutual PR success.

By actively engaging with your inclusion on a PR list and developing relationships with fellow honorees, you can significantly enhance your network and reputation in the industry.

#4. Direct Outreach

Sometimes, the direct route works best. A well-crafted email expressing your enthusiasm for the brand and how you can add value can work wonders.

Just drop them an email! Tell them why you love their stuff and how you could team up to make magic happen.

It’s like making a new friend – sometimes you’ve just got to reach out and say hello

How to get a Book PR Package

For all the bookworms and reviewers aspiring to get their hands on the latest reads, getting a book PR package might sound like a dream. Here’s how you can turn that into a reality:

  • Establish a Niche Review Blog or Channel: Specialize in a genre and start reviewing books. Over time, your niche authority will attract publishers.
  • Engage with Publishers on Social Media: Follow and interact with publishers. Share your reviews of their books, and tag them. Visibility is key.
  • Directly Contact Publishers: Once you’ve established your blog or channel, reach out to publishers with your stats and samples of your reviews. Being upfront can get you directly onto their PR lists for upcoming releases.

How to Reach Out to Brands for PR

Dropping a “Hey, can I get free stuff?” obviously isn’t the way.

Your approach needs to be more polished and professional if you want brands to notice and consider you.

1. Create a Killer Media Kit: This should highlight who you are, what you do, your audience demographics, and previous collaborations if any. This media kit acts like your resume.

2. Research the Brand’s PR Campaigns: Understanding the brand’s previous campaigns gives you insights into what they value in a collaboration. Tailor your pitch with these insights in mind.

3. Email Over DM: Always opt for email over direct messages on social platforms. It’s professional and shows seriousness. Plus, emails are less likely to get lost in the shuffle.

How Do You Get Brands to Sponsor You?

Now, moving on to the biggie—landing sponsorships!

This is where you leverage your influence to create mutually beneficial partnerships.

#1. Show Quantifiable Impact from Past Collaborations

Use data and analytics to show how previous partnerships benefited the brand. This case proves your worth.

One can easily predict future outcomes from past outcomes. Brands that want to sponsor you or you hope would sponsor you hope that can get a “symbiotic” relationship from the deal.

If you have no prior past collaborations, then you probably don’t deserve a sponsorship(#hardtruth). For a business, you collaborate every day. Share your experience.

#2. Align with the Brand’s Mission

Brands are more inclined to sponsor you if your brand ethos aligns with theirs. Show that your audience and content match their mission.

#3. Offer Creative Ideas

When reaching out to sponsors, bring something to the table. Suggest unique ways you could integrate their products or messages into your content.

Let’s dive into the top 10 PR lists that are approachable, effective, and worth your time.

Top 10 Easy PR Lists To Get On

Making it onto a PR list doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you know where to look. Here are ten PR lists that are recognized for being accessible to new entrants.

#1. HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO connects journalists and bloggers with sources for upcoming stories and provides you with multiple opportunities daily to put your brand in front of influential media figures.

Responding to queries can get you included in articles on high-profile sites.

#2. SourceBottle

Similar to HARO, SourceBottle is primarily focused on the Australian and North American markets.

It’s a free service where you can offer your expertise in response to media requests, which can result in valuable media mentions.

#3. JournoRequests

JournoRequests is perfect for those based in the UK and Europe, offering a similar setup to HARO, where journalists post their media needs. It provides a platform to establish direct contact with reporters.

#4. PR Newswire’s ProfNet

While there is a cost associated with PR Newswire’s ProfNet, it offers a direct link between sources and journalists.

If you’re looking to make it into high-caliber articles, the investment might be worth it.


Podcasting is booming, and being a guest on a podcast can significantly boost your profile. connects podcast hosts with potential guests, expanding both your audience and network.

#6. Indie Hackers

For tech enthusiasts, startup owners, or entrepreneurs, Indie Hackers is a platform where you can share your story, showcase your product, or contribute to discussions, which can attract attention from various media outlets.

#7. Pitchrate

Pitch Rate is a free tool that provides a simple way for experts to connect with journalists looking for sources in specific industries.

It’s especially good for gaining exposure in specialized markets.

#8. Qwoted

Qwoted brings together sources and reporters for potential story ideas and interviews.

It’s an excellent platform for those looking to get started in media engagement.

#9. Two Way Street

Designed to help build relationships between sources and journalists, Two Way Street is all about creating a mutual benefit for both parties, simplifying the media outreach process.

#10. My Blog U

Ideal for those who run blogs and are looking to get more visibility through collaborative projects, interviews, and more in the blogging community.

My Blog U helps increase your digital footprint effectively.

Benefits of Being on PR Lists

PR lists can significantly amplify your business or personal brand presence in the media. Let’s delve into some compelling benefits of making it onto these prized lists.

#1. Reaching a wider audience

Being featured on PR lists gives you access to a broader network, extending far beyond your current reach.

Suddenly, you’re not just speaking to your established audience; you’re grabbing the microphone in a room filled with potential new followers, customers, and fans.

This exposure is invaluable as it can lead to increased website traffic, higher engagement rates, and potentially, a more substantial customer base.

#2. Increased visibility

Visibility is the bread and butter of marketing success.

When you’re mentioned on a PR list, your name gets flashed across various platforms, be it digital, print, or broadcast. Each mention elevates your visibility, planting your brand firmly in the marketplace.

The more people see your name, the more familiar they become with your brand, opening the door to new business opportunities.

#3. Building Credibility

An appearance on respected PR lists can lend a badge of credibility to your brand. It signals to your audience—and to the broader market—that you are a noteworthy player in your field.

This recognition can be particularly beneficial for startups or newer companies looking to establish trust and a solid reputation.

That’s all I’ve got for you today. I hope you’ve gained something valuable today.

Landing on any of these PR lists can be your ticket to achieving greater visibility, wider reach, and enhanced credibility.

Choose the right platform, pitch your story, and provide value to the media contacts you connect with.

Start small, focus on building genuine relationships with media contacts, and consistently provide value in your interactions.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your industry presence or spotlight a new product, getting on these lists can open up a world of opportunities. Set your sights on realistic PR goals and watch as your efforts gradually build to yield substantial results.

What to say to get on a PR list?

You should start by introducing yourself to the brand and explaining why you are reaching out. You should also state how being on their PR list could be beneficial for not only yourself but the brand as well.

They will want to know how you can help them. Make sure that you make this clear!

How do PR packages work?

The “PR” in a PR package stands for public relations. A PR package is a curated and personalized collection of your brand’s products that you send to social media influencers.

You send PR packages to influencers packages to encourage the sharing of your products to a wider audience

What does a PR package stand for?

PR packages, also known as press or media kits, are promotional packages sent by companies or brands to members of the press or influencers. These packages typically include product samples, a company’s press release, and other marketing materials to introduce a new product or campaign

Final Thoughts

In today’s business world, it’s not just about getting visibility, are you getting the right visibility? Is the PR the right one to set your business on the right trajectory?

Achieving visibility(the right one) in today’s media landscape feels daunting but jumping onto the right PR lists can significantly ease the process.

These top 10 easy PR lists provide a fantastic starting point for boosting your media exposure with minimal fuss.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance your industry presence or spotlight a new product, getting on these lists can open up a world of opportunities. Set your sights on realistic PR goals and watch as your efforts gradually build to yield substantial results.


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