Best Strategies for Effective Customer Feedback Analysis in 2024

Table of Contents Hide
  1. Key Points:
  2. What Is Customer Feedback Analysis?
  3. Benefits of Customer Feedback Analysis
    1. #1. It Improves Customer Experience
    2. #2. It Enhances The Level Of Your Products And Services
    3. #3. It Boosts The Growth Of Your Business
    4. #4. Boost the Loyalty of Your Customers:
    5. #5. Acquire A Competitive Edge:
    6. #6. Boost the Reputation of Your Brand:
  4. Types of Customer Feedback
    1. #1. Direct feedback:
    2. #2. Indirect feedback:
    3. #3. Inferred feedback:
    4. #4. Solicited feedback:
  5. How to Collect Customer Feedback
    1. #1. Surveys:
    2. #2. Interviews or Focus Groups:
    3. #3. Social Media Monitoring:
  6. How To Effectively Analyze Customer Feedback? 
    1. #1. Choose the Right Feedback Channels
    2. #2. Gather All Of The Feedback In One Spot
    3. #3. Categorize Customer Feedback
    4. #4. Review Both the Negative and Positive Feedback.
    5. #5. Examine the Underlying Problems
    6. #6. Recognize the Value of the Customer
    7. #7. Examine the Trends of Your Consumer Feedback Analysis.
    8. #8. Notify the Appropriate Personnel Within Your Company.
    9. #9. Combine Findings And Come Up With A Strategy.
    10. #10. Make Use Of Customer Feedback Tools.
  7. What Is A Customer Feedback Tool?
  8. Top 12 Customer Feedback Analysis Tools 
    1. #1. Mopinion
    2. #2. Feedier
    3. #3. Feedbackify
    4. #3. Verint Experience Management
    5. #4. HubSpot Customer Feedback
    6. #5. SurveyMonkey
    7. #6. TrustPilot
    8. #7. KiyOh
    9. #8. Bazaarvoice
    10. #9. CrazyEgg
    11. #10. FullStory
    12. #11. Usersnap
    13. #12. Filestage
  9. Why Is Analyzing Customer Feedback Important?
  10. What Is Market Feedback Analysis?
  11. Can Customer Feedback Management Systems Be Integrated With Other Business Tools?
  12. How Does Customer Feedback Management Influence Product Development And Service Improvements?
  13. What Role Does Technology Play in Modern Customer Feedback Management?
  14. Related Articles: 
  15. References:

Big brands and businesses like Samsung have maintained a devoted following of customers by actively listening to their input to enhance their products and services.  This is because, now more than ever, customers are submitting reviews, and companies gather this information for a variety of uses. However, without utilizing customer feedback analysis to examine these data, all this information becomes meaningless. A new business adage in several industries is that companies risk becoming “data-rich but information-poor” if they do not analyze customer feedback.

In this post, I will take you through customer feedback analysis, the best customer feedback tool that will assist you in gathering, organizing, and analyzing client input. 

Key Points:

  • Customer feedback analysis is the process of gathering and evaluating customer input to gain insights and support business decisions.
  • Improving customer experience is a key benefit of feedback analysis, as it helps businesses identify areas needing improvement.
  • Effective feedback collection methods include surveys, interviews, and social media monitoring.
  • Choosing the Right Feedback Channels is critical to receiving relevant feedback from the right customer segments.
  • Recognizing trends in feedback helps businesses address recurring issues and capitalize on strengths.
  • Customer feedback tools such as Mopinion, Feedier, and SurveyMonkey streamline the collection and analysis process, making feedback actionable.

What Is Customer Feedback Analysis?

Customer feedback analysis refers to gathering useful insights and information from client comments on surveys or online reviews. Having a large amount of data to work with is a fantastic place to start, but to find the hidden information, you’ll need to categorize, tag, and modify the data. You can use that helpful knowledge to support data-driven, well-informed business decisions.

Furthermore, it is a strategy method for gathering, evaluating, and acting upon customer feedback regarding their interactions with a product, service, or brand. Gaining important insights from customer experiences and applying them to improve the customer journey and gain the trust of customers is the goal.  

Benefits of Customer Feedback Analysis

Analyzing consumer feedback is essential to the expansion of your business. So what are the benefits?

#1. It Improves Customer Experience

When you make the appropriate adjustments in the correct places, you may progressively create a better customer experience by listening to your customers.

You’ll know where it hurts, where it needs work, and how to make changes. Note that you can quickly obtain these insights because you will properly examine your feedback.

#2. It Enhances The Level Of Your Products And Services

Gaining a deeper understanding of your consumers is necessary for accurate analysis of customer feedback data. This enables you to improve your offerings by taking into account the feedback from your customers. As a result, your loyal customers will value your efforts even more and stay with your business.

#3. It Boosts The Growth Of Your Business

You make sales of up to 15-20 percent by carefully considering and evaluating the feedback provided by your consumers.

#4. Boost the Loyalty of Your Customers:

When brands respond to the feedback of their consumers, it increases loyalty and lowers attrition. 

#5. Acquire A Competitive Edge:

By identifying industry trends and keeping ahead by responding to customer preferences. 

#6. Boost the Reputation of Your Brand:

By including improvements made in response to comments that improve the reputation and image of the brand. 

Types of Customer Feedback

Customer feedback generally falls into four categories:

#1. Direct feedback:

This is where clients express their opinions about your good or service in plain language. It typically takes the kind of emails, reviews, ratings, or direct conversations with your customer support staff. It can be either positive or negative.

#2. Indirect feedback:

Indirect feedback is not directly communicated to the company but is nonetheless publicly visible. It includes remarks made on blogs, forums, and social media.

#3. Inferred feedback:

This kind of feedback is obtained by examining consumer behavior, including past purchases, product usage, and brand engagement.

#4. Solicited feedback:

You proactively seek out customer feedback via surveys, feedback forms, or interviews.

How to Collect Customer Feedback

#1. Surveys:

One common way to get client feedback is through surveys. They can be conducted over the phone, sent out via email, or included on your website. They make it possible for you to collect quantitative data, which is very helpful when attempting to gauge consumer happiness or spot patterns.

#2. Interviews or Focus Groups:

This form of collecting feedback, although it takes longer, yields detailed qualitative data. They enable you to comprehend the motivations behind consumer behavior and their sentimental attachment to your offering.

#3. Social Media Monitoring:

Customer feedback can be found in abundance on social media channels. Keeping an eye on debates, reviews, and comments regarding your brand might yield insightful information.

Read Also: Best News Monitoring Tools You Should Use in 2024

How To Effectively Analyze Customer Feedback? 

#1. Choose the Right Feedback Channels

The channels that consumers and brands have set up to provide real-time customer feedback to brands are known as feedback channels. You must understand the purpose of this feedback analysis. Once you have, it should be simple to select a feedback channel for analysis.

Starting by considering your channels from the viewpoint of your clients rather than your own is a smart place to start. Understanding your clients and the kinds of interactions they like can put you in a better position to select channels that have an impact.
You can quickly arrange client feedback answers through these channels.

#2. Gather All Of The Feedback In One Spot

Export your comments so you may gather all the raw data in one location, such as an Excel document. Include any additional information with it that might be useful later on. Where, for instance, was the source of the feedback? Who is the client? How much do they spend with us each month?

#3. Categorize Customer Feedback

Feedback about your service staff, website pricing and selection of products, availability or location, and other factors will soon begin to fall into categories. Categorizing comments can instantly assist in providing a more comprehensive picture of the customer’s perception of your company and offerings. Naturally, some clients might leave comments on several categories, in which case you can file them appropriately.

Furthermore, you’ll likely discover that subcategories are also really helpful. This will assist in drawing attention to the less obvious aspects of your company’s activities, which may turn out to be highly important to your entire proposal.

#4. Review Both the Negative and Positive Feedback.

Note that positive remarks are just as valuable as negative ones because they show you what pleases and excites your repeat clients. A team that receives compliments will be more motivated, and expressing gratitude to clients for favorable reviews fosters client loyalty.

Similar to this, unfavorable remarks will draw attention to the reasons why clients depart and choose your rivals. When you respond positively to criticism, your business will grow and prosper in both situations.

#5. Examine the Underlying Problems

If you want to increase client loyalty, you need to know what makes them loyal, and getting feedback from them will help you achieve this. Consequently, it is important to understand the root cause of the issues that your clients may bring to your attention.

Therefore, before moving on to more sophisticated problems that may arise from these, you also need to be able to discover the data that will help uncover fundamental causes of troubles.

#6. Recognize the Value of the Customer

While every consumer is important to your company, some are more so than others! For instance, some clients might only purchase from you during a sale or promo season, but more devoted clients might do so consistently. It makes sense to give recurring customers’ “voices” more weight than those of customers who “cherry-pick” particular deals, as they are more vital to your business.

Finding trends and patterns in client feedback is one of the most crucial criteria you’ll use to analyze it. As you receive more input, certain trends will become even more crucial as they will highlight your areas of success and failure.

When examining individual comments, you may come across complaints or strong opinions. For instance, even though the majority of your customers may leave positive reviews, one consumer may have a bad experience with a product you have sold them.

To determine if you have a real trend that has to be handled or just a minor glitch, it might also be helpful to look at longer-term trends.

#8. Notify the Appropriate Personnel Within Your Company.

After you have gathered all the information from the feedback, it is important to make sure that the right people are aware of the results of your feedback plan.

The proper managers must be informed of any concerns regarding pricing, product quality, logistics, or website maintenance for them to take the appropriate action. Additionally, your customer service team will also be knowledgeable enough to assist possibly irate clients with common questions.

#9. Combine Findings And Come Up With A Strategy.

After going over and comprehending the feedback results, it’s time to create a workable and efficient action plan to deal with any problems.

Additionally, you must make sure that the components of your service that are effective and have received good feedback keep operating in this manner.

#10. Make Use Of Customer Feedback Tools.

This automated tool can assist you in identifying which terms are used most and in which combinations, along with whether feedback is good, neutral, or negative.

Additionally, they automatically classify feedback into the appropriate category and determine whether the feedback is useful based on your selected criteria, all thanks to machine learning. This saves your team hours while providing a very effective and precise method of evaluating input.

What Is A Customer Feedback Tool?

A customer feedback tool is a program or service that aids in gathering client insights. This is usually completed online via a survey. There are many different types of tools available. It is up to you to decide which one best fits your business objectives.

Top 12 Customer Feedback Analysis Tools 

Presenting our ranking of the top 29 feedback tools available in 2024, without further ado.

#1. Mopinion

Mopinion is a single platform for user feedback across all of your digital platforms. This real-time consumer feedback solution gathers and evaluates comments from email campaigns, mobile apps, and websites. Users may construct, customize, and configure feedback forms in any way they choose thanks to its user-friendly interface.

Additionally, users can use these feedback forms to target particular web visitor groups and learn why they aren’t converting. To go one step further, smart notifications enable digital teams to exchange and respond to these feedback items promptly.

Outstanding features

  • user-friendly interface
  • Create reusable forms with drag-and-drop capabilities.
  • Chat-style, conversational feedback forms
  • Charts are automatically created as soon as you construct your feedback form.
  • Data dashboards that can be customized
  • You can share forms and feedback data with your team.
  • Manage who can view and update your feedback reports, as well as who else can access them.
  • AI-driven, automatically classified open-ended questions to assist you in interpreting your qualitative data.
  • easily interfaces with programs like Salesforce, Jira, Google Analytics, Slack, Hubspot, etc.

#2. Feedier

Source: Feedier

Feedier (IXM) is an experience management tool that enables you to pay close attention to customer feedback. Utilize gamified forms to gather direct and indirect feedback in real time. Analyze your data using an easy-to-use dashboard that includes features like a correlation matrix, user stories, NPS, and a study of the keywords you used most frequently in your comments.

Outstanding features

  • It offers a straightforward and simple-to-use dashboard.
  • It gathers company data and comments on a single platform.
  • Feedier provides useful information based on comments and business data.
  • Graphic analytics that are simple to comprehend

#3. Feedbackify

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Feedbackify
Source: Feedbackify

Feedbackify’s drag-and-drop editor makes it simple for users to construct their website feedback forms. It’s also quite simple to install. All you have to do is copy and paste the code they provide you with into your website’s HTML and it’s ready to go. Not only may your visitors leave comments—compliments and recommendations included—but they can also rate you. With this customer feedback tool, you may filter by category and subcategory and view all of the comments you’ve received in real-time on a dashboard.

Outstanding features

  • Designs that can be dropped
  • It opens feedback forms with a straightforward URL.
  • It specializes in providing feedback for websites
  • For individuals who have few options but want something quick and simple to implement

#3. Verint Experience Management

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Verint Experience Management softwareSource: Verint ForeSee

With the help of CX Management software like Verint Experience Management, you can automatically track customer experience statistics over time. Verint Experience Cloud provides a range of Voice of the Consumer (VoC) services, such as heat maps, text analytics, alarms, and product evaluations, all triggered by the reviews of products and alerts, which are two other excellent uses for this product.

Outstanding features

  • It offers integrated, customer-initiated surveys
  • Heat map representation of customer experience
  • Alerts and product reviews

#4. HubSpot Customer Feedback

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Hubspot feedback
Source: HubSpot

You can easily gather both qualitative and quantitative feedback to improve your understanding of your consumers with HubSpot’s out-of-the-box feedback solutions. You can use HubSpot to develop and distribute surveys by email and on your website, as well as to track all of your customer feedback on a single dashboard that the entire team can view.

Outstanding features

  • Processes for automated follow-up
  • Clear user interface and feedback analytics
  • Analytics for both quantitative and qualitative data are accessible.

#5. SurveyMonkey

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - SurveyMonkeySource: SurveyMonkey

With millions of organizations using it worldwide, SurveyMonkey is arguably one of the most well-known survey tools. It is a flexible survey software with 15 various question formats (including multiple choice, Likert scales, and open comments). This customer feedback tool is ideal for one-time surveys, but due to its narrow focus, it is not appropriate for measuring general satisfaction or doing follow-up surveys with customers after a certain amount of time.

Outstanding features

  • It features a “freemium” edition, although more sophisticated tools are charged for.
  • Survey templates that enable rapid survey creation

#6. TrustPilot

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Trustpilot customer feedback tool
Source: TrustPilot

As a popular online review platform, TrustPilot is used by numerous companies to increase client trust. Using this customer feedback service, users can upload their mailing lists into the tool and send out an email inviting customers to review them. It is also possible to configure this to be sent out immediately following a customer’s purchase. Reviews are fed to search engines like Google, which improves your Google Seller Rating – hence enhancing visibility in both search engines and online ads.

Outstanding features

  • Permitting you to post your website’s TrustPilot rating
  • Sophisticated review evaluation
  • Personalized invitations and a profile.

#7. KiyOh

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Kiyoh customer feedback
Source: KiyOh

KiyOh is a good tool for customer reviews because it provides capabilities and cheap pricing. KiyOh focuses on ratings and reviews and features a Review Alarm that warns you of any new, incoming reviews – both good and terrible. With this KiyOh, you may reply to consumer reviews as well.

Outstanding features

  • Review Alert: Get notified when new reviews are posted.
  • Invitations to a personalized review
  • Showcase your rating with a widget.

#8. Bazaarvoice

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Bazaarvoice
Source: Bazaarvoice

One of the tools in the Bazaarvoice Suite that helps companies gather user-generated content (UGC) from their clients is Bazaarvoice Ratings & Reviews. Customers can ask questions and share their experiences with products through images, videos, and ratings that are collected and published using this customer feedback service.

Outstanding features

  • Forms for submitting multiple products
  • Word cloud analytics can provide you with immediate feedback and messaging insights.

#9. CrazyEgg

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - Crazy Egg
Source: CrazyEgg

Another method for gathering user input is CrazyEgg, which analyzes visitor behavior on websites using heatmaps. When a visitor scrolls to the bottom of a webpage, it detects where they are clicking and notifies you of what they are viewing. With this tool, implementation is quite straightforward. It also provides a range of options for A/B experimentation.

Outstanding features

  • A/B testing
  • Recordings of sessions to identify user friction
  • Analytics on traffic to landing pages and campaigns

#10. FullStory

FullStory customer feedbackSource: FullStory

In addition to providing a wide range of services, FullStory also has an intriguing feature called “Omnisearch” and funnel analytics. This enables you to look for any element on your website and see the kind of interactions that have happened with it. ‘Rage clicks,’ another feature of this customer feedback tool, lets users see which elements visitors are clicking on repeatedly.

Outstanding features

  • Alerts for user annoyances such as thrashed cursors, mistake clicks, and furious clicks
  • Use session replay to verify problems in real-time.
  • The Omnisearch feature lets you look for items on websites and observe how users interact with them.

#11. Usersnap

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - usersnap customer feedbackSource: Usersnap

Usersnap is a tool for gathering visual feedback from customers. It is executed by a JavaScript tag on your page. Users can take notes or add comments and highlight key parts with a circle. It is compatible with several tools.

Outstanding features

  • In your product, users can send screenshots or screen captures.
  • A visual report using a bug tracking widget
  • multilingual custom translation

#12. Filestage

Mopinion: 29 Best Customer Feedback Tools: an overview - FilestageSource: Filestage

Filestage is a visual feedback tool that expedites the evaluation and approval process for teams’ work. It lets colleagues and clients offer comments and visual feedback on text, images, design, and video assets in real-time. Filestage reduces errors and makes sure compliance guidelines are followed while streamlining, organizing, and automating the file proofreading process. The tool provides a free trial and allows for free testing.

Outstanding features

  • Limit the people who can access and use your files.
  • automates laborious manual operations like shifting files and altering review statuses

Why Is Analyzing Customer Feedback Important?

Businesses can better cater their products and services to the needs of various client groups by examining feedback from particular customer segments. In the end, this can spur corporate growth and success by increasing client loyalty and retention rates.

You can use our customer feedback analysis template to carry out your analysis:

What Is Market Feedback Analysis?

Market feedback analysis helps businesses learn what consumers like and dislike about their goods and services by examining the emotional tone of customer feedback. Then, they can adjust their offerings accordingly.

Can Customer Feedback Management Systems Be Integrated With Other Business Tools?

Yes, it is possible to link customer feedback management systems with other company tools including analytics platforms, help desk software, and CRM systems. A more thorough understanding of client interactions is made possible by this integration, which also facilitates better decision-making. 

How Does Customer Feedback Management Influence Product Development And Service Improvements?

Client feedback management fosters product development and service improvements by offering insights into client demands and preferences. To create more customer-centric goods and services that foster loyalty and happiness, it assists in identifying trends, prioritizing features, and making data-driven decisions. 

What Role Does Technology Play in Modern Customer Feedback Management?

Modern customer feedback management relies heavily on technology since it makes real-time feedback collection, analysis, and response possible. To improve consumer satisfaction and spur company expansion, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are used to automate procedures, spot trends, and personalize interactions. 

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