The 3 E’s of Content Marketing: How to Engage, Educate, And Entertain Your Audience

Today, content is everywhere—on our phones, laptops, and even the screens we see in public. With so much content available, how can you make yours stand out? This is where understanding the 3 E’s of content marketing comes into play: engage, educate, and entertain. If you can master these three pillars, you’ll be well on your way to creating a content strategy that engages your audience and keeps them returning for more. As a result, I’m here to help you learn how to master and use it. Let’s dive in and explore how you can start mastering these E’s and transform your content marketing game.

Key Takeaways

  • Mastering the “3”E’s”—engage, Educate, and Entertain — is crucial for creating content that stands out and resonates with your audience. These pillars help ensure your content
  • Engaging content goes beyond just posting—it requires storytelling, asking questions, and using call-to-actions (CTAs) to foster a connection with your audience. Active participation through questions or CTAs encourages engagement and conversation.
  • Educating your audience with clear, actionable insights not only provides value but also establishes you as an expert in your field. Answering common problems and simplifying complex topics are effective ways to educate.
  • Incorporating humor or light-hearted elements, like memes or interactive content, helps humanize your brand and keeps the audience engaged. Even professional settings benefit from a mix of entertainment that aligns with the audience’s sense of humor.
  • Implementing the Three E’s can result in wider brand recognition, higher customer loyalty, increased conversions, stronger SEO, and more inbound traffic, all of which are critical for long-term success in content marketing.

The 3 E’s Of Content Marketing

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could sit down, compose some content, send it out to your followers, and simply trust that it will become viral? While this may be the stuff of fantasies for all content marketers, it is an unrealistic goal.

This is because today, the content industry has been saturated by the proliferation of digital platforms such as websites, blogs, social media sites, and forums, which are used by businesses of all kinds and industries to reach their readers. As of present, 94% of small businesses and 93% of B2B enterprises use content marketing as a major component of their marketing efforts. Unfortunately, this explosion in the popularity of content hasn’t coincided with an increased human attention span or ability to digest content.


According to recent research, most modern humans have attention spans  (8 seconds) that are shorter than that of a goldfish (9 seconds on average). Because of this, content marketers must learn to craft content that goes to the heart of readers and produces quick, effective engagement.

The 3 E’s Of Content Marketing: Secret Formula for Success

How, you might wonder, do I develop original, compelling content for those who pay less attention than a shimmering yellow fish?

A great question.

The answer is found in the three E’s. When it comes to posting content on social media, I’d rather start with a combination of valuable content that educates, entertains, or enlightens people. It’s what I refer to as the 3 E’s of Content Marketing. (It’s not hard to do, but it’s astonishing how few people do.) You may be able to combine all three into a single message, but you usually just have to choose one. Let us look at Engage, which is my favorite. 

#1. Engage

When I first began working with clients on their content strategy, one of the most difficult challenges was determining how to properly engage their target audience. They had a blog, social media accounts, and even an email newsletter, but none of it appeared to work.

I quickly discovered that content was not communicating directly to their target audience; it was dull, included generic sentiments, and lacked individuality. What they needed was a change towards engagement. Simply because engagement is all about establishing a connection and a discourse. It’s about making your audience feel heard and appreciated.

How to Create Engaging Content

Here’s how I helped that small business (and how you can too):

  • Use Storytelling: Everyone loves a good story. Whether you’re telling a personal anecdote or sharing customer success stories, storytelling is a powerful way to engage people. Think about the brands that stand out to you—chances are, they’ve told a story that resonated with you on some level.
  • Ask Questions: I started incorporating questions into the business’s social media posts. Simple questions like, “What’s the biggest challenge you face with [problem]?” opened the door for conversation. Suddenly, people started responding, and the engagement rate soared. Asking questions invites participation and makes your audience feel like their opinions matter.
  • Call-to-Actions (CTAs): It’s one thing to create good content, but if you don’t give your audience a clear next step, you’re leaving money on the table. Always include a call-to-action, whether it’s encouraging them to leave a comment, share your post, or click through to learn more.

If you’re not engaging your audience from the get-go, they’ll move on quickly. Engagement sets the stage for deeper connections down the line.

#2. Educational Content

When people go online to seek information, they are looking for information. Because of this, the second crucial “E” you must consider during the content marketing process is how to educate your customers. Once they’ve become involved with your material, you should reward them by providing instructional, engaging information with which they can relate. While there are several methods for educating your clients, one of the simplest and most dependable is to answer questions and solve issues.

While it is evident that creating educational, industry-specific blog content is one way to educate your followers, you can also educate them by making your brand more approachable and personable. This involves providing exceptional customer service. granting coupons or discounts, and taking every available opportunity to educate your consumers about your company, mission, and products. In addition to providing value to your customers, this step also helps deepen the relationship with your brand and solidify your presence in your clients’ minds.

How to Create Educational Content

This step-by-step guide below is designed to help you streamline your content creation process, ensuring that your educational content truly resonates and drives conversions. Keep it handy for your next project!

You can educate yourself on a variety of topics in the mortgage sector.  Pick one.  Keep it simple and consistent.  If you don’t have time to create your material or video, share an article or a guideline update.  Stop posting about how you just closed another loan or how cheap the rates are.  It matters nothing to anyone but you.  For example, you may make a video about down payment alternatives or what MI is MI.  You can create a video about the top three things you need to do before you buy your first home.  The topics are endless.  

#3. Entertaining Content

People don’t just come to your content to learn—they also come to be entertained. When I first started experimenting with entertainment in content, I was a little skeptical. I thought, “Do business readers want humor or lighthearted content?” But after incorporating memes and playful content into a client’s social media strategy, their engagement skyrocketed. The truth is, even in professional settings, people appreciate a bit of entertainment.

How to Create Entertaining Content

  • Know Your Audience’s Sense of Humor: Not all humor will work for every audience. This is because it humanized the brand and helped them connect with their audience in a new way.
  • Use Visual Content: Videos, GIFs, and infographics can entertain just as much as they educate. it not only engaged viewers but was also widely shared across platforms.
  • Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, and contests are great ways to entertain your audience. I remember running a “Which [Product] is Best for You?” quiz for a brand. The engagement and shares were far higher than a standard blog post, showing that people love content they can actively participate in.

Entertainment isn’t about distracting your audience; it’s about connecting with them in a way that’s unique, enjoyable, and engaging. After you’ve engaged and informed your reader, it’s time to seal the deal by getting them excited about your material or issue.

As it stands right now, a full 64% of millennials want to be able to share their opinions with brands. For great examples of areas where user-generated content has worked well, think about a few brands:

  • Starbucks, which virtually broke the internet with its 2014 White Cup Contest (and followed up throughout the years with other “hot” cup styles)
Starbucks White Cup Contest Screenshot
  • Or ModCloth, which features the submitted photos of its customers in the “Real Weddings” portion of the site (just another reason I LOVE this cool brand):
Modcloth Screenshot

By encouraging the submission of user-generated content, your brand can succeed in encouraging customer conversations about your products, goods, and services.

The 3 E’s Of Content Marketing: What’s in it for You? Key Benefits

If you’re wondering what using the three E’s will do for your brand and content marketing, here are some of the most obvious benefits:

#1. Increased Brand Recognition

By including the three E’s in your content marketing plan, you can create unique content that your consumers will like, resulting in improved brand recognition and visibility throughout your social networks.

#2. Increase Consumer Loyalty

According to Convince & Convert, 53% of customers who use social media to follow brands stay loyal to them. Using the three E’s on your social networks encourages brand loyalty and creates a solid base of returning customers.

#3. High Conversion Rates

Whenever you post something on your social media sites, you provide clients the opportunity to convert. Furthermore, if you upload something that utilizes the abilities of the three E’s, you increase your conversion rates and provide your consumers with valuable, exciting content they’ll want to share.

#4. Enhanced Expertise

Establishing yourself as an authority in your industry is difficult, but the three E’s can assist. When you use the three E’s in your content marketing, you position yourself as a trustworthy, respected expert that people believe they can trust.

#5. Improved SEO

Improve your SEO and gain higher Google ranks by providing more content for the search engine to index and increasing your visibility to users.

#6. Higher Inbound Traffic

As you post material on social media, your readers will share it again for you, resulting in a chain reaction of great content that spreads around the web, increasing your reach and incoming traffic.

What is the 3e strategy for organic content?

Entertaining, Emotional, and Educational. The thesis is that a piece of content must embody one or more of these traits in order for someone to consider sharing it.

What are the three pillars of content strategy?

valuable, relevant, and consistent.” These are the three keys to a content strategy designed to attract and retain your ideal customer.

What are the 4 pillars of content marketing?

  • Defining your goals and objectives. …
  • Establishing a content creation process. …
  • Creating an engagement strategy. …
  • Measuring your content’s performance using analytics tools.


One of the most important truths I’ve learned over the years is that the three E’s perform best when together. When you engage, educate, and entertain your audience in equal parts, you develop a well-rounded content strategy that caters to a variety of emotions and requirements.

Mastering the 3 E’s of content marketing—engage, educate, and entertain—can help you take your content strategy to new heights. By emphasizing involvement, you create deep connections; by teaching, you establish yourself as a credible authority; and by entertaining, you keep your audience coming back for more.

If there is one lesson I’ve learned, it’s that balance is essential. Take a look at your present content: are you engaging, educating, and entertaining your audience? If not, start making small tweaks, and watch as your audience grows and your content resonates on a deeper level.

The journey to mastering the 3 E’s is ongoing, but once you get it right, your content will not only stand out—it will thrive.


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